#mao isara imagines
nazukisser · 1 year
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REQUEST | taking care of an s/o who has a fever
CHARACTER(S) | isara mao
TAGS | fluff, established relationship, hcs
READER | gender neutral
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Despite how busy Mao is, he always takes the day off when you’re sick. You’re his first priority, always, even if some joke that he’s “married to his work”. The Earth doesn’t ever stop, but Mao’s world stops when he needs to take care of you. He knows, and he’s more than willing to stop with it to take care of you. 
Mao doesn’t really know how to cook- or so he claims, but he does quite well whipping up comfort foods. It’s satisfying, if you peek into the kitchen to see him following the recipe carefully. As with anything, but especially things regarding you, the effort he puts into it is clearly visible. He has his distinct “focus” expression, and perhaps he might be a little too immersed to not hear you if you call out his name the first time, but after he’s finished with his mission, he comes back, full focus on you.
Even if it seemed that Mao never took a break from work, that it was a constant in his mind, Mao didn’t speak a word about work on those days. In the times that he usually muttered complaints, and detailed plans, he was either quiet, or he talked nothing of it. It was as if work disappeared for that day- every day, he had a mission, and today, the mission would be to help you get better.
You can always contact Mao. He lets you know where he is, so that if you need anything, he can hear you. He’s always listening to what you have to say, no matter what it is. He’s especially attentive when you’re sick, and you’re never bothering him when he needs to do something for you. After all, taking care of you is the reason why he took a day off (and that’s not a bad thing at all for him)
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WORD COUNT | 313 words
NOTES | If you enjoy my works and would like to be tagged for future works I release, please send me an ask! Additionally, it would help content get around on this site as there’s basically no algorithm if you reblog works you like. This means a lot to many creators, including me. Thank you to all who reblog!
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kazemiya · 2 years
hello hello!^^ may i request your last leo/hiiro work wirh izumi and mao? thank you have a lovely day!<3
★彡Summary: Izumi and Mao being jealous at a s/o concert
a/n: apologies for the last answer to this request i've been busy plus motivation wasn't quite there. i hope they aren't ooc tho, nonetheless, pls enjoy and thanks for requesting!
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♡ Izumi
Izumi put aside time from idol activities to come and even if he sounds reluctant, trust me he's probably marking the days off his calendar
"I guess since I have a bit of time, I can go-" "oh oh it's fineee if your too busy I'll just give this ticket to Aira, I'm pretty sure he'll love to take it" before you can finish speaking the ticket is already snatched out of your hand
When the performance finally started, did you always shine so bright? He could almost feel himself falling for you all over again. Just harder this time, crashing on him like a wave.
Unfortunately for him, that night, he wasn't the only one who was falling for you... Your thousands, possibly millions of fans squealing your name over and over again.
Under such circumstances, how could Izumi not get slightly jealous. Just slightly or so he says.
"Heyyy Senaa, how did ya enjoy the concert?" you questioned, grinning.
"You were... fine, could hardly hear you from the crowd yelling your name so loudly" purposefully adverting his gaze away from you, mumbling that last part.
"But it's a concert, of course they'll be yelling- ohhhh" then realisation hit you, he was jealous. "Oh my didn't peg you as the jealous type"
His head whipped up to face you so quickly at your words, "wha- who said anything about jealousy?? The crowd was just too loud"
"Sure sure~ Your so sweet, coming to support me. I love you Sena" you giggled thinking back to the pouting Izumi you saw in the audience.
Izumi reached out to clasp you hand in his, rubbing his thumb over your hands, squeezing them a little. Bringing it up to his lips to press a kiss on your palm. This was his way of saying “I love you” back.
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♡ Mao
Mao is honoured to be invited to your concert! It isn't everyday that he is given a break from his role as President in the Student Council.
It's even rarer to be able to attend your concert as the tickets usually sell out in seconds.
When watching your performance, the only thing he could think of in that moment is the infinite amount of praises he was going to proclaim to you when he finally meets you.
However, amidst those praises, there's definitely an unnerving weighing him down a little.
He immediately tries to shrug off the feeling, especially since he should be happy for you!
"Hey hey Mao!" you greeted him with a little wave which he immediately waved back to. Pulling you in by your waist, he enveloped you a tight hug. A little too tight.
Patting his back lightly to ease the tight hug, you asked "can't- breath-, why the tight hug today?"
"Just missed you, you did amazing as usual. Can we go home now? I have a movie night planned" mumbling into your neck. You cocked an eyebrow at his slightly clingy behavior. It wasn't unwelcome behaviour but it definitely wasn't familiar.
Pressing a kiss on his jaw, you felt his cheeks warm up a little. "Of course, of course you have my attention for the rest of the night!"
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daily-mao-isara · 2 months
Day 502 : Bkubstars !
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autisticmao · 15 days
Imagine sitting at the park with Mao... ♡
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trickstar-imagines · 16 days
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☆ ... having a fun day out on the beach with all four guys!
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nanamisflowerpetals · 2 years
I saw that requests are open. So may I request headcanons of Mayoi Ayase and Mao Isara from Enstars (I like them 👀) with a gn!S/O who loves playing with their hair?
Thank you! I love your writing. Hope you take care, Nana ❤️
Ahhhh thank you so much for requesting (both of my faves), my dear besto friendooo!😭💕💕💕💕 They surely have fluffy hair and I wanna touch them so much😭
Hope you like it and have a great day, sweety😭💕💕
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❀ Mayoi will love it a lot. Just getting affection from his dear beloved s/o, always makes him happy and a bit flustered.
✿ His cheeks are bright red, while you will play with his hair. He just loves it, if you are near him and giving him some attention. (If it would be somebody else, Mayoi would hide somewhere and won’t let them touch his hair, but you are his beloved s/o, so he doesn’t mind it at all!)
❀ He will ask you shyly if he should do the same for you!
✿ It will always calm Mayoi down! So if he would be angry, panicked or feel anything else, you touching his head and playing a little bit with his hair, while he maybe even puts his head on your lap and rests there, will calm him down!
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❀ He loves it a lot! But never wonder, when Mao plays with your hair too!
✿ Mao won’t care if you are even messing up his hair, because it makes you happy. As long as you are happy, it makes him happy!
❀ “Maomao, your hair is so fluffy.~” You smile at your boyfriend, touching it and having the urge to start braiding it for a little bit, only to hear him chuckle. “Thanks, love.”
✿ He loves to lay his head on your chest or lap, dozing off, while you either read a book or watch a movie and play a bit with his hair.
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🔖 Taglist: @solemn-soliloquy
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dangooo17 · 1 year
Playing video games with Hokuto
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It was a Sunday.
You took out your Nintendo switch as you were about to play Fall Guys as you were really bored and did not know what to do to spend the afternoon
Suddenly, your phone rang
It was Hokuto, calling you. You then picked up his call
"Hello y/n. I...I was wondering what are you doing now...?"
You replied," I am going to play some games, why?"
He then said, " I was going to meet Subaru this afternoon at a cafe near your place, but he had other plans, and im free now. Do you mind me going over to your house?"
"Sure, why not?" you said
[ A few minutes later]
As you invited Hokuto into your room, he gasped in awe of the amount of Hatsune Miku, games and anime merchandise pasted all over your room
He then sat down on the fluffy blue sofa you owned and then sat there akwardly
You then suggested playing some games with him, and surprisingly, he agreed to it
The afternoon went by as you played Fall guys together
Hokuto had quite some trouble controlling the console, and you had to teach him
"Hey y/n, how do you press exit?" he turned and asked you
"Just press x"
"Where is it...?"
You then pointed to him the button.
However, Hokuto then took this opportunity and pulled you near him
"Of course I know where the x button is" He said with a smirk and you blushed very hard
He then proceeded to hug you as he whispered "Thanks for letting me hang out at your place today. I love you."
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oh-ranpo · 2 years
nap with me
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☾ - pairing: isara mao x reader ☾ - word count: 1k+ ☾ - summary: while isara has long since graduated and is no longer responsible for the student council, his inability to lower his work load results in a desperate need for a break.
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Fuchsia-colored strands filled your vision, accompanied by the scent of a familiar shampoo. The weight on your chest was a welcome one, and you couldn’t help but smile as a nose nuzzled against your neck, a light hum filling your ear in contentment. 
“Welcome back,” you smiled, your lips brushing against your boyfriend’s temple as his arm moved to rest against your side. As soon as you heard the front door open, you knew that he had finally made it back from his busy day at the office. And while you had been lounging on the couch, casually reading a book until he returned, the book had now fallen away and you couldn’t quite move your arms in the way that they needed to so that you could pick it up again.
Though, you had to admit, the book was now the last thing on your mind. 
Isara didn’t respond, and instead, he hummed softly again as he snuggled closer, his hair tickling your cheek and the side of your nose. It was later in the afternoon, and this was the first time you had really seen him all day. While the tireless days of running the student council were long behind him, he managed to fill his time with other Idol-related activities that kept him just as busy. It seemed all of that activity was finally catching up with him.
“Did you want me to make you something to eat?” You asked, knowing full well that he probably hadn’t taken the time out of his day to eat a proper meal. He was good at honoring his commitments to others, but he was terrible at making sure that he was properly fed. 
A small shake of his head and the tightening of his hold on you gave you all the answer you needed. Now that he was down, he didn’t want to get back up. It was also evident that he didn’t want you going anywhere either, which caused your heart to flutter in your chest.
Because Isara was often busy with Trickstar and other agency activities, you did your best to soak up the time that you did get together. You hated that there were some days where you didn’t see him at all, but you knew the hazards of this kind of relationship when the two of you got together. Dating an idol could be hard, but Isara always made it worth it. Even if, during that quality time together, all he could physically manage to do was cuddle with you on the living room couch.
You managed to free one of your hands so that you could lift it to pull the small yellow clip from his hair before brushing his bangs to the side. His face was still mostly buried in your neck, but he leaned back just enough to tiredly meet your gaze as you set the clip on the end table behind your head.
The emerald irises of the boy that you had come to adore greeted you, and the corners of his lips turned up into a soft, tired smile. You could see the dark rings starting to form under his eyes, and you couldn’t stop the frown that formed on your lips. He worked too hard. He took on too much. And yet, he would never turn anyone or anything down in fear of disappointing them.
“What’s that look for?” He asked softly, though you both knew that he already had the answer. He hated talking about his own struggles and as your hand pushed through his hair again, his eyes fluttered shut briefly as he continued to melt into your touch.
“You deserve a day off,” you murmured, your fingertips tracing along the top of his forehead before allowing the fuchsia fringe to slowly fall back down to frame his face. Slowly, Isara’s eyes opened again, the smile on his lips never wavering.
“I’m fine right here, right now. This is just as good and restful as a day off.”
You scoffed, but knew that there wasn’t any point in arguing with him right now. It was evident that he was fighting off sleep with every syllable that fell from his lips, and more than anything, you just wanted him to rest. If you had to save your self-care lecture for later, then so be it.
“Close your eyes and get some sleep then,” you sighed, a loving smile turning up the corner of your lips as you pressed your palm against his cheek. “I’ll make dinner in a couple of hours, but for now, we can stay like this.”
Isara leaned into your touch before pressing forward just enough to capture your lips with his in a slow, soft kiss. You sighed into it as you turned your body so that you were now laying side by side and your hand moved back to tangle into the longer strands of his hair at the nape of his neck. One of his legs lifted to hook behind your knee, and he didn’t pull away as he continued to kiss you. The feeling of warmth in your chest was reminiscent to a sunny summer’s day, and it was a common feeling to experience when lounging in the hold of your favorite boy. As your head tilted just so to deepen the kiss, Isara’s hips rolled up against yours, not in an ‘I need you now’ kind of way, but in more of an ‘I missed being this close to you’ one. 
Finally, after several minutes of soft, languid kisses, you pulled back and guided Isara’s head back to rest on your shoulder. You could feel him smile against the skin of your collarbone as your hand continued to brush through his hair.
“Rest, now, darling,” you whispered as you pressed one last kiss to his temple. “You deserve it.”
Before you had even finished speaking, you could hear the soft snores slipping past Isara’s lips, signaling that he had already done as you requested. You smiled to yourself before settling into his embrace, your own eyelids starting to grow heavy as his body heat wrapped around you, enticing you into taking a nap with him.
While time together was limited, it was the little moments like this that made your relationship work. You wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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clockworkspider · 2 years
M. Subaru!
A note that I have no idea if there's anything in canon that indicates Subaru's preferences on weather phenomenons. But I think he'd like rainstorms. I think he's the kind of kids that gets excited for rain storms.
When it rains & storms
It rained on the day of his father's funeral, a heavy downpour.
Perhaps a sunny day would have been more suitable for a bright and shining person like his father, but Subaru liked to think that the sky was grieving too, and took comfort in that.
Subaru liked rain storms. He liked them more than the frequent light rain of the summer seasons. He liked catching the moment the clouds cleared, and the world brightened, and you could see the first rays of lights reflecting upon the puddles on the ground, the wet tiles of the roof.
When he was small, he'd run out to find the rainbow, and point it out to his parents. And his father would take him in his arms as they danced and sung, splashing around in the puddles in their rain boots, and the water droplets would sparkle as if they were in a fairytale.
"It sounds like you're actually a fan of the sun, tho?" Mao pointed out, wiping his hair with a towel. They've managed to duck inside just as it had started to pour, so it wasn't too bad.
"But light is never as bright on sunny days tho? And the sun doesn't sparkle, but water puddles do!" Subaru said, shaking the water droplets off his body and hair as Mao wisely took a step back without complaint. (He'd made sure nothing but air and floor was within his splashing zone. Subaru knew how to be at least a little bit considerate.)
"I suppose you're right, I've just never thought of it that way. It always just seemed troublesome. Ritsu catches a cold easily when he was younger, so he'd use it as an opportunity to get me to fuss over him, and if I also have to pick up my sister that day he'd get sulky. And now that we're idols, any damage to our throat would be seriously dangerous."
"Sari is so popular, I'm jealous too~"
"Please don't start too. I'm just trying to be useful." He took a fresh towel and used it to roughly dry Subaru's hair. The motion was fast enough to make Subaru giggle, but not so rough as to actually hurt. "In any case, they're both old enough to take care of themselves now."
"If Sari doesn't have to worry about all the things that makes his brows furrow, would he like the rain?"
Mao shrugged. "Dunno," he said, before pondering for a moment, "But the rain as you described sounds beautiful. Maybe we could incorporate that into our next live, I'll talk to Anzu."
He turned to glance out the window.
The rain appeared to have let up as quickly as it came. The pattering begun to fade away.
Before him, Sari's eyes widened ever so slightly, and shone the way he did on stage, the way sunlight reflected upon the water droplets. "Subaru, look," he said, with wonder as if he was seeing the sight for the first time, "it's the sun."
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dddomenstarstwst1 · 2 years
TRICKSTAR Masterlist
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✓ HokUtO HidAka
√ nothing yet
✓ SubAru AkEhosHi
√ Clingy, are you? (ft.yuzuru, subaru, nagisa, adonis and rinne)
✓ MaKoTo YuUKi
√ K, M and Y (ft.ritsu and makoto)
✓ MaO IsaRa
√ nothing yet
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makur0 · 1 year
No Nut November?
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synopsis — they’re drawn into this daring challenge, all hoping to win. but who really has the guts to do so? [various enstars! x gn! reader]
featured characters — kuro kiryu, hiyori tomoe, shu itsuki, mika kagehira, mao isara, izumi sena, niki shiina, madara mikejima, adonis otogari, jun sazanami, tsumugi aoba, rinne amagi (phew a mouthful haha)
content warnings — nsfw, mdni. rough sex, jealous sex, cunnilingus, use of toys, penetration (both reader and character recieving), some hard dom! chara some reader, reversed role, sexual frusturation, teasing, degradation, face sitting, crack in some, fluffy sex in some, all of them being absolute whores (including me lets not lie)
author’s note — CROWD CHEERING IM BACK TO SMUT Y’ALL (tbh i failed the challenge like a week in but never actually opened that up bc... yeah.) and special thanks to all my mutuals for the characters, lol (these skanky-ass whores are kinda... mmm)
word count — 3559
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Give it up for Rinne Amagi y’all, for he isn’t trying to win. I swear this man has no intention of going clean for even twenty-four hours, what makes you think he’ll do it for a whole month? In fact, just to piss off all of the contestants he’ll drag you into his room and go feral on you. Good thing Hiyori and Kanata had decided to bunk at a different dorm (they probably saw this coming) or else they would see Rinne fucking you into his mattress, your tear-stained face shoved into the pillows as you moan shamelessly every time he slaps his pelvis against your ass. Calling you dirty names, leaving handprints on your ass, hickies, bruises and even broken skin littering your chest and shoulders. He literally turns you into a dumb stuttering doll as he pulls countless orgasms out of you, soaking his bedsheets underneath you and generally creating a mess. Which he’s honestly aiming for. Riling up all those so-called ‘clean’ people and making them regret their choice for accepting the challenge. It’s in his nature, after all, to stir up chaos.
Oh? You were planning to participate in the challenge too? Well that has him even more hyped up. He’s gonna scramble your mind (and insides) so much that you’ll be so fucking glad that you didn’t take up the offer and instead stayed with him. If he can make you feel this good, why throw it away for such a shitty gamble that you wouldn’t even gain anything from it?
I don’t think it’s quite obvious, but Jun Sazanami would have lost within the first day. He may have a bit more dignity than our favorite redhead, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a horny teenager at heart. Dragged into this mess by Ohii-san and taunted by him, he was really set on winning it, poor man. He only realized his fault as soon as the first day, when he went out with you. Jun really couldn’t help himself as he would constantly steal looks to your body, feeling himself heating up even more than usual due to the challenge itself. (Literally why are you the most horny when you want to become clean?) I feel like he won’t just fold you and start rutting into you like a bitch in heat— well to be honest i want him to do that— but he’ll secretly jerk off away from the prying eyes of his friends, in hope that people wouldn’t notice. Frantically fisting his hard-on, his other hand desperately muffling his moans, as he comes for what seems like the third time that night. Imagining that it was your hand around his cock, pumping his seed out, and your tongue licking up all of his cum. Goddamn- he can’t escape from your hold.
Of course Hiyori finds this out, but Jun isn’t really all that pissed about it... at least he can fuck you now without worrying about this stupid challenge anyways. 
Talking about him, Hiyori Tomoe wouldn’t last either! Definitely hypes himself too much, proclaiming that he will win this challenge easy-peasy. But that’s him talking when he gets pussy/dick almost every night. Even going as far as teasing his friends about it, catcalling them, but soon enough he’ll be eating those words when it hits him that he can’t call you. At least, to call you to meet him at his room again to do their almost-daily quickie. And what?! He can’t even masturbate too??
Somehow he gets through the first week (with him grinding against his sheets softly I may add- which unfortunately made the man even more needy) but it soon turns to be futile as every time he lays eyes on you, dirty fantasies fill his mind. Damn the challenge; why can’t he just have you sit on his cock in public, your nice little hole drooling over his length as you grind impatiently against him? You look so cute in those clothes anyway... 
And when you get irritated? By god he’s spiraling. He wants- no, needs you to peg or ride him until he’s seeing stars. Losing his sanity by the second, he’s shoving you into the nearest bathroom stall, impatient to finally get off after so long. And please do help him... he’s been good for a week, right? A whole seven days! He surely deserves a treat, no?
As a joke, Madara Mikejima would take on the challenge fully knowing that he’ll loose... so why? Just to see your face when he announces it? He’s fully aware that you can’t handle the sexual deprivation (even more so than he), so you’re devastated when he tells you his plan. Of course this is all just to see you break and whine to him just so he can tease you about it, but not just yet...
You couldn’t keep your composure for even a week, so soon enough Madara finds you getting off to your toys, trying to keep your loud moans at bay. He doesn’t bite for a minute or so, but once he sees your blissful face once you come undone on some fucking silicone something eats at him. Within a second he’s towering over you, throwing that slicked-over toy and biting at you with a tight smile that clearly tells you that you’re in for it. He’s being extremely petty over getting jealous by a toy, but he’s set on making sure that nobody, not even nothing can make you feel as good as he is right now. Surely, with the way you’re screaming his name for all the neighbors to unfortunately hear, right? And the way you’re convulsing on his cock, pushing him to fuck you even harsher and deeper, yeah? In the end Mama set you up for a trap but he fell in it instead... but really, what does it matter when in the end he has you fold for him?
Poor Tsumugi Aoba, trying so hard for the sake of... what was it exactly? Did he hopefully write it down? Anyways, there’s no shot that this baby wins with all the work stress he’s under. How can he lose you, his main source of relief, for an entire month? He’s likely one of the few people who took the challenge but realized the struggle, so as soon as he’s starts he starts drowning himself in even more work, as ironic as it sounds. It’s successful... for what, the first week and a half or so? But there’s only so much work to be done. He somehow burns through a whole month’s work in a span of a week, and comes up with nothing after that. That’s when the real struggle happens.
It’s almost like he’s death-staring you as he sits with you at the dinner table, but in reality he’s having a mental conniption. All of his walls melted like ice thanks to the lack of distraction, and he’s trying to stop the flow of dirty, dirty thoughts about you. His dick getting hard within a snap of your finger, his face getting flushed and hot, it doesn’t take long for you to connect the dots and mentally sigh. Usually Tsumugi would listen to you thoroughly, but as soon as the words he wanted to hear slipped out of your lips he’s pressing against you like a dog in heat, apologizing profusely as he fucks you right over the table. And he’s likely going to keep you there for a good hour- this man has stamina. Prove me wrong >:(
Kuro Kiryu is struggling because you are. See, if he didn’t catch you biting your lip in frustration, rubbing your thighs together subtly, even ghosting your hand over your sex, he himself wouldn’t feel himself getting hot and hard. What’s turning him on is your sexual frustration... which later on would definitely put it to good use. Unfortunately for him though, he’s still tied into the challenge so he has to at least try. It’s probably the worst two weeks of his life as he tries not to fold your sleeping figure next to him in bed, instead going as far as staying up through the night and taking out all his frustrations on a poor sandbag (I’m telling you, by the end of it his dick his harder than that lmfao). Yes, he loses. Halfway through November, itching for some intimate touch, he nearly praises the lord above when he catches you playing with your sex like a bitch in heat, hurriedly trying to get off. 
He’s your man, so of course he has to help you! Just thank him by spilling your loud whorish moans into his ear as he fucks you on the cold bathroom floor, the heat radiating from both of your sweating bodies competing with the hot shower steam. His pent-up energy is either a blessing or a curse to your poor body, because he’s not letting go of you until he’s come at least... be real. Five or six times. And plus I’m normal about breeding so of course he’s watching his thick cum seep out of your hole, decorating the already-white marble tiles. He can’t help but take a picture for masturbation food, seeing your slicked-over hole and ass pairing with the purple, red, and pink marks he proudly left behind. Is he ashamed of losing the challenge? Honestly a bit during post-sex and when he finally has reason... but he’s learned so much that he wouldn’t know before. So it’s a 50/50 for him.
Shu Itsuki struggles because you aren’t. The Shu Itsuki, the self-proclaimed best artist, a man of culture, is frantically trying to calm down his raging hard-on as you waltz away from him, perfectly fine and calm?? No no, it should be the tables turned! You should be the one begging him to please you, and he should be scoffing at your brazen behavior! But no matter how much he wishes it to be this way, your lack of attention, sexually, has him bucking into his expensive sheets, whining into his already-soaked pillow as he tries to get himself off. I feel like Shu is the type of person to train himself to control his sexual desires when you’re not around, taking extreme caution to not to try to come over anything but you. Oh how it bites him in the back now, frustrated tears falling from his lilac eyes as he can’t bring himself to reach an orgasm even once. And he’s not the type to use toys, as the traditional man he is, so there’s nothing in his house that could accommodate to his needs. So he’s, in the worst time possible, stuck.
Finally dropping his pretentious ego, he comes to you as a whiny, horny flustered mess as his obvious hard-on pokes through his pants. You can’t help but coo at his helplessness, teasing him bit to further rile him up. But you can’t have your pretty princess wait for too long, or he’ll actually lose it. So give him a good hard fuck, riding him or pegging him it doesn’t matter, and break him over your lap until he’s a babbling flushed mess. Because of how sensitive he is you have his watery cum staining your slacks, feeling the cool liquid touch your hot skin, but you could care less as you please your baby <3.
Mika Kagehira is adamant on making sure nobody finds out he’s cheating. Who is he kidding- a person who basically lives on your quickies almost every day wouldn’t survive this challenge. But you just look so hopeful as you turned to him to win, genuinely thinking that he’ll succeed. So for your sake he’ll stay quiet, although it’ll probably kill him that he won’t be able to feel you for a while. All he has to survive off of are shitty sex toys and every once in a while plushies that permanently smell like you, so it’s definitely not the best but it could be worse.
But out of all people (although looking back he was relieved) you were the first one to find out that he was cheating all along. Walking into him whining against his pillows, grinding his dick into the cum-soaked sheets as a vibrator was shoved into his ass at the highest speed. You’re frozen in your spot for a good minute, trying to process the scene in front of you, before your wrenched out of your thoughts as the male moans out your name quite shamelessly, gripping onto the ropes he wrapped around his wrists for the thrill of the burn. He was so far gone that he couldn’t even care who walked in on him, which, good for you, could enjoy the show a little bit more before you intrude on his session. So there you are, sitting at his desk, staring at the writhing boy pleasing himself at your name. Around ten minutes pass by, and Mika’s looking pretty worn out so he reaches for the remote. But before he could shut it off you suddenly appear on him, resting your hand over his. The poor boy is flabbergasted, trying to come up with some silly excuse before your other hand is rubbing dangerously close to his dick. Even after all the orgasms he’s had he feels himself getting hard again at your touch, and soon enough wanting more like the spoiled whore he his. But dear me, he’s expecting you to be nice to him especially since he hasn’t had you for so long. He broke his promise after all, didn’t he? Hope he doesn’t mind a bit of pain...
To be fucking funny, Niki Shiina would have won. So hard. Just the way his mind works has him thinking about food all the time, and of course your one of his favorite snacks but somehow it hasn’t brutally affected his sexual deprivation. Somehow. Butttt of course you go and screw everything up. Just like Rinne you fucked the whole challenge... but why is Niki doing it??? Who the hell convinced him to do so? And just ditch you? Nope, not on your watch. You’re gonna make sure he looses, and hard.
He only realizes your intention halfway through, but it’s too late. Because of your influence his dirty mind is turning everything sexual, and it’s pushing him over the edge. He’s pretty much had enough. So, completely disregarding the challenge, he manages to corner you and outwardly express his aggravation, throwing a tantrum like the little kid he is. You simply laugh at his antics, dragging a finger across his collarbone and... wow, you can’t remember what happened after that. All you could focus on was how harsh he was shoving his face into the sheets. The high-pitched whines and moans did not match at all with the brutal pace he set on you, destroying your insides. All you could do was grip on the sheets for dear life, your pupils blown wide and face extremely flushed as Niki fucked into you like a dog in heat. If you didn’t have the pillows masking your sight, you would’ve seen the man have tears streaming down his face in pleasure, his lips stuck in a pout as he watched your hips bruise under the iron grip he had you in. For such a soft guy, he sure is rough... tenfold if he was pent up. 
Izumi Sena would be close, but not enough to win. Without you he definitely has the mindset for it. You would think he would get so frustrated by his model workload but ironically it’s what keeps him sane. Give him more than a few days off and his mind will be in the gutters in no time, no matter how much he tries to resist. But the gods seem to be on his side for the entire challenge (how he learned of it, who knows. why, confidential i guess) because the more work he got the less he talked to you. Of course you two contact on a regular basis but nothing more than a short, sweet call or texting each other for minutes at a time. It seems to be enough for him, at least. Whereas you, with a much much higher sex drive, is crying in your sheets. You just want to get off so badly and that’ll just be the end of it, but with the cocky idols teasing you and the haunting nightmares of Izumi being extremely disappointed in you helps you hold off... at least for now. You’re not sure if you can hold it out for any longer.
Fortunately for you, unfortunately for him, the Knights had an ‘emergency’ and he was called back to Japan a week before he was scheduled to leave. The emergency in question was just a lost Leo Tsukinaga, which was solved in no time, but that left Izumi back with you in person while there was just one week left in the challenge. And oh boy did you use that to your advantage. You couldn’t wait when the two of you were alone after the whole fiasco- in fact within the next day the man woke up to your naked figure sitting on his chest, tracing your fingers along his collar. With that and his usual morning wood, Izumi’s sanity and patience snapped like a twig. Flipping you over and immediately pushing inside of you, he’s plowing into you like a starved man, which he is. All of his manner, ego, and common sense is thrown out the window as he moans and curses into your chest, trying to go faster than the pistioning pace he’s already setting on. He’s reduced to a horny teenager, saying how much he missed you and your hold, even coming within the first minute of fucking you. But as soon as he has that post-orgasm mindset, and realizes what you’ve done to him with a flushed angry face, he’s not letting you go for the rest of the day. Be prepared to call out from work tomorrow, because he’s gonna make sure that you get more than what you bargained for.
Mao Isara perseverance is so godly I’m jealous of this man. ...Ok, maybe he acts like a teenager with a middle school crush around you during this challenge, but that doesn’t mean that his common sense and rationality is leading him the right way. But major kudos to the President himself because he’s balancing the stress of work and deprivation for an entire four weeks.
Like all he gets itchy when his time is almost up, and almost loses when he has a sleepover with you, seeing your slumbering body so flush and close to him he’s immediately getting hard. But no, for the sake of his reputation he has to continue, just for a little while. Then he’ll get the prize he’s drooling for. He’s jumping on you, asleep or not, and shoving his face into your sex as soon as his phone says December 1st (which he has been checking several times). He missed your taste and smell so much, he literally comes into his pants as your scent hits him like a brick wall. You’d be waking up to him devouring you from in between your legs, already waking up disoriented and, frankly, now needy. But don’t worry- he’s not letting you go anytime soon until he quenches his thirst and has you come several times for his pleasure. Even after that he’d be fucking you into the mattress, babbling about how much he missed your tight hole and thanking you so much for being patient with him, wrenching out an almost high-pitched moan every time he empties his overloaded balls into you.
Adonis Otogari has the most control over himself so of course he’s one of the very few winners among these horndogs of idols. By no means does he win for boasting rights or to tease the others, but he genuinely believes that it’ll impress you- I swear this boy will jump on any opportunity to see your face light up in excitement; he lives for it. So if this challenge will have you jumping up and down in joy, he’s down.
Minimal struggle. Of course he wakes up with the occasional morning wood, but calms himself down within an hour or so before Koga points it out and shit crashes and burns. Further into the month he has to use more... creative ways (I swear this man is willing to bathe in ice cold water to get his dong to freeze up and feel nothing) but somehow he perseveres as everybody around him starts dropping like flies. And when that clock strikes twelve on the last day of November he’s on cloud nine. Fortunately you’re with him at this time, so he doesn’t waste a single minute to drag you into bed and indulge in you for the remaining nightly hours. Instead of being rushed, harsh, and overall needy (although he is don’t lie), he’s going to take his sweet time and remind himself the pleasure he gets from either fucking you nice and slowly or eating you out so that both of your minds are reeling. He survives, but don’t expect him to do this again anytime soon.
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Taglist: @mishkakagehishka @yandere-daze @ciderwebs @sakumasmut @mumuugi @procrastination-is-my-profession @ibaraluvr
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nazukisser · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS | an accidental kiss that confuses you both, but only a moment passes before you crash your lips back against each other's
PAIRING | isara mao x gn!reader
TAGS | fluff, drabble, request
REQUEST STATUS | regular reqs & matchups closed. event reqs open if there are slots left.
NOTES | from the kissing prompts list. {status :: all slots filled}
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Frankly speaking, you weren't paying attention to what Mao was saying. He looked too stunning in his stage outfit; it was just so him. You and Mao were talking before the live started, and along the way, you'd gotten lost in your thoughts. It took a moment to register when Mao got up from his chair and went over to yours, leaning down. You'd thought that perhaps he was going to give you a kiss goodbye as he left for the stage, so you put your arm around him, and before long, your lips touched his, but he didn't kiss you back. You pulled away to look at him. He blinked at you, you blinked at him. He brought his hands down to your lips to wipe away what you soon realized were crumbs, and you understood why he had gotten up. But before long, he pressed his lips onto yours, as you'd done just moments, ago, finally returning your kiss.
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WORD COUNT | 161 words
NOTES FROM QIAN | aurghhh mao <33 he gets to be posted on my birthday. first love, and this post is coming out on my bday
TAGLIST | @yumetokashite @engurishu @yuezhong @rosuuu @knights-escort @narushhii @narushhii
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kazemiya · 2 years
Hellooooo! I saw that your req status are open :D Can i request 2wink + mao x gn!reader (separate if you would!) where the reader is their make up artist in a photoshoot and the boys thought that they were cute and got all awkward and such when they get closer to do their make up? Thank you! <3
★彡2wink + Mao x gn reader who is a make up artist in a photo shoot
a/n: THIS REQUEST IS ADORABLE, ANON! However, I do feel like it did get a bit repetitive, but this is not for me to decide of course. Also, I did not know if u wanted if in scenario or headcanon format but I just did what I deemed fit! Thank you for requesting!
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♡ Mao Isara
“Mao! Tomorrow before your photoshoot! Please meet up with Y/n!” Anzu yelled before she ran off for her next meeting. Mao nodded towards Anzu wondering Y/n? The really popular make-up artist? I’m really excited to see what she has in store for me!
Before Mao slept, he searched up your name on his phone out of curiosity, to say his jaw drop was an understatement. He knew you were pretty from what his friends said but he never expected this… Mao sat at the edge of his bed, a light blush on his face. What am I going to do? If I even look at her tomorrow I’m bound to be in a much worse state than i am now..
On the day of the photoshoot, Mao decided he was going to close his eyes and that should solve his problems. As long as he didn’t see your face, he should be alright. At least, that’s what he thought
“Hi Mao! My name is Y/n! Let’s begin your makeup, alright?” You greeted him cheerfully.
“Hi Y/n, its nice to meet you!” He greeted back as he closed his eyes like he planned. You then started putting on his makeup. Mao’s tense shoulders began to relax and all he could focus on was your soft hand caressing his cheek while you applied the different make up supplies on him. It was so relaxing, he could feel himself drift…
“Mao, im done! Open your eyes now!” Your voice jolted him awake from his thoughts. Mao, completely forgetting his promise to himself, opened his eyes without a second thought.
His eyes came face to face with yours and gosh you were so pretty.
Mao’s pupils dilated slightly as he remembered why he told himself to close his eyes in the first place! It really did not help the fact that your face was inching closer every second, your face laced with concentration and hands adding tiny touches around his face.
“Mao, your face looks really red.. Did I overdo it with the blush?” You jutted your lip out, pouting slightly at the thought.
Mao quickly got up from the seat, looking away from you. “Uh it's alright y/n! It looks really professional and i like it a lot” And with that, he dashed off, but Mao kept in mind to see you later about a puppy crush he had on a certain make-up artist.
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♡ Yuta Aoi
Yuta has heard a lot about this make-up artist. They were a genius, able to complete a whole make-up look flawlessly, quickly and gently. They also described her as beautiful and pretty, though Yuta completely underestimated the truth of those words.
So here he was, you putting make-up meticulously on his face as he tried his very best to divert his eyes from the bright ones shining with confidence.
Yuta was beginning to shift his whole face sideways to avoid staring straight at you, you were just so pretty! He could not take it anymore! “Yuta, please stay still would you? I really don’t want to make a mistake on your face..” your voice trailed off.
Yuta slightly nodded as he heard his own heart proud in his chest, getting louder and beating faster every minute. However, what happened next was something he really did not expect.
You rested the back of his neck on your palm as you concentrated on putting the eyeliner on his eyelids, determined to get it right. Yuta thought “this is bad! This is bad! Our noses are almost touching! If this continues any longer, im bound to say or do something I’ll regret later..” And that he did.
“You’re really pretty.” Yuta blurted out unthinkingly. He clasped his hand over his mouth in disbelief at his own words.
“Would you mind repeating that again?” You smiled.
“… you’re really pretty…” Yuta hesitantly repeated himself, lip slightly quivering.
You took a piece of paper from a nearby table and scribbled some numbers on it. Shoving the piece of paper in his hand lightly, you said softly, “I’m glad we think alike!”. This surely wasn’t the last time Yuta was going to see you.
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♡ Hinata Aoi
“And did i tell you about Yuta…” as Hinata droned on and on enthusiastically about his brother, 2wink and many other miscellaneous topics. His enthusiasm was contagious, and you really loved to have small talk with him, but the photo shoot was in 15 minutes time! You weren’t even half down with his make up and he was unintentionally slowing down the process.
You grabbed his face firmly in your hand as you instructed “don’t move.” His face seems to heat up in your hand, soon a blush was spreading fiercely across his face.
The worst part? You didn't even seem to notice what an impact you had on him, just concentrating on applying the make-up. You pulled slightly on his lip to apply the lip balm on his lips, and wiped the corner of his lips with your thumb to remove the access. He could feel your breath on his face because of how close you were!
Once you were done with finishing touches, you removed your hand from his face and retreated. Taking a mirror and handing it to him “What do you think?”
He looked at himself in awe, the striking eyeliner and complimenting eye shadow was really amazing! Upon looking at his amazed expression, you chuckled softly in pride.
Little did you know, Hinata had a really important question for Anzu “Producer! Who is that make-up artist? They’re so pretty and amazing! Please let me know they’re number… if u don”t mind!”
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daily-mao-isara · 17 days
Day 531 : Audition VS PRINCESS Tour mini talk !
Sharing in the morning (2/3)
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The reason why I came to Cinnamon this early ?
That's....because I had a dream I was late for school and I jumped from bed.
Today's my day off so I though I could go back to sleep but once I woke up it was hard fall asleep again~
-> The dream woke you up ?
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I'm not a student anymore but in my dream I was still the student council president . The president can't be late , can he ?
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On top of that, while I was running to school Hasumi-senpai was lecturing me on the phone for some reason.....
When I finally arrived to school , even Sengoku was looking at me coldly .....I was really relieved it was a dream.
-> Not so long ago....
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That's true, I was still a student , I still have dreams about school.
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But I'd rather have a fun dream , like, talking to my classmates in the classroom or something like that~
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That would make me miss my school days though♪
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verdantcrimson · 8 months
Preparations for the Future - 1
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Writer: Suika
Season: Autumn
TL: verdantcrimson
Proofread: Saki
1 | 2
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Kuro: Isara, Ritsu. Sorry to trouble you guys.
Mao: It’s cool. I had a day off today anyways.
Mao: Besides, It’s not everyday I get to eat Kiryu-senpai’s cooking, so it feels like I’m getting something out of this too ♪
Kuro: Haha, that sure is nice of ya to say.
Kuro: I’ve been studyin’ a couple of recipe books, but some of these dishes are my first attempts at makin’ em.
Kuro: They might not look all that pretty but… I’m gonna be cookin’ a whole bunch of dishes, so eat as much as ya can.
Ritsu: Appearances might be important, but what really matters is if it actually tastes good.
Ritsu: Don’t worry. I’ll sample them and give you my opinion.
Kuro: Sure. I’ll be countin’ on ya.
Kuro: … Then, let’s start off with the first dish. I don’t need any compliments, just your honest opinion.
Ritsu: Fufu. Then I’ll make sure not to hold back. Thank you for the meal. ♪
Mao: It looks like a suuuper tasty dish! That’s just what I’d expect from someone studying cooking ~ !
Kuro: All I did was follow the recipe, it ain’t anythin’ special.
Ritsu: ... Mhm, you’ve always been someone who cooks after all. It really is delicious. I give you my compliments. ♪
Mao: It’s so good! See, the meat just melts in your mouth doesn’t it? It doesn’t have an overpowering taste, so you can eat as much as you want ♪
Mao: If you can cook this well already, I don’t think you have to worry about appearing on a cooking show, right?
Kuro: Thanks. That’s a relief to hear.
Ritsu: Hmm~. But you know, it’s odd to see Kurocchi on a cooking show.
Mao: Ah, I thought so too.
Mao: Kiryu-senpai… Could it just be because AKATSUKI is a serious unit that values more traditional performance arts?
Mao: I can’t really imagine them being on a regular cooking show…
Mao: I don’t mean any offense, but I thought Kiryu-senpai was trying something new to challenge himself.
Kuro: I get what you’re tryin’ to say, about a change in attitude and all.
Kuro: Actually, I was thinkin’ the same thing. If you had asked me a while before, I woulda said no.
Mao: If that’s the case, then why exactly did you accept this job?
Kuro: It was a coincidence. … Originally, there was supposed to be a completely different idol on this cookin’ show.
Kuro: Seems like there was a sudden change in that idol’s schedule, so they couldn’t make it.
Kuro: There was a vacancy, so I offered to lend a hand ‘cause they needed someone.
Ritsu: So that’s why you got the job. Could it be that you’ve actually wanted to appear on a cooking show for some time now?
Kuro: It’s not like I didn’t have any interest. More like I didn’t have any strong feelings about bein’ on one. 
Ritsu: I see~. Could it be that you wanted to gain favor with your superiors then? Anija was doing that too.
Ritsu: That’s how it is in Kurocchi’s agency, right?
Kuro: That ain’t why I took on this job though… It was for a much nicer reason.
Kuro: That’s why I asked the little miss for a bit of a push.
Kuro: And conveniently, I happened to be discussin’ the Feature Live with her.
Mao: Now that you mention it, Kanzaki was talking about how Kiryu-senpai had been asked to perform in a Feature Live pretty happily the other day.
Kuro: Haha, I can’t let that guy down, so I guess I gotta put on a good show. ♪ 
Kuro: Whoops, got off topic there. In any case, I’m doin’ this job of my own volition.
Kuro: That’s why I’d like to do it properly…  Anyways, I’ve got another dish for you to try out.
Mao: That’s fast!? It looks fancy too……
Mao: If it means getting to eat food this good, I’ll gladly help out. ♪
Mao: If you want, I could call someone else to do a taste test too. I’m sure that Subaru guy would be thrilled to help.
Kuro: That’d be nice. I’d like to get as many opinions as possible. Ask him to come if he can make it.
Kuro: Actually, I’ve called in someone knowledgeable to help out too. You know what they say, about how you gotta leave it to the experts. ♪
Ritsu: In the case of food, the ‘expert’ in question would be…
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Niki: Sorry for being late, Kiryu-kun.
Kuro: Haven’t been waitin’ long at all. We’re still on the appetizers.
Kuro: I ought to be thankin’ ya, sorry for callin’ you over.
Niki: No sweat! You can always count on me to taste test food ♪
Kuro: Nah, I didn’t just call you to taste the food. Shiina was gonna teach me how to cook, right?
Niki: Nahah! I knew that already!
Ritsu: So you were talking about Nikipyon after all~. There’s nobody better.
Niki: That makes me happy to hear, Ritsu-kun. Since I’ve been specially called, I’ll do my best!
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Mitsuru: Kiryuuu-senpai! Are you gonna feed us yummy food!?
Sora: HaHa~! Sora is also here to eat Red onii-san’s cooking!
Niki: Oh, that’s right! I ran into Tenma-kun and Harukawa-kun on the way here, so I asked them to be taste testers!
Kuro: Ah, welcome. I just finished cookin’ a dish, so you can go ahead and dig in.
Ritsu: It suddenly got crowded~
Mao: I mean, this is a four-person room, but it is pretty cramped right now, isn’t it?
Kuro: Right. I was plannin’ on moving to the kitchen to cook when Shiina arrived, so let’s move there.
Niki: Alrighty, let’s all work together and bring the food over there~
Mitsuru: Then I’ll take this plate~!
Sora: Hihi~. Sora is looking forward to eating with everyone~♪
Kuro: Hm? ……Sorry, that’d be my phone. Could you guys go ahead to the kitchen without me?
Mao: Gotcha. Then, we’ll just eat while we wait for you.
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Kuro: …… Yo, little miss. Are you doin’ alright? It’s not a problem.
Kuro: So you’re contactin’ me to discuss the Feature Live?
Kuro: Sounds like that’d be a hit. ♪
Kuro: So you’ve got some details about the contents of the live show and wanted to share materials with me?
Kuro: Gotcha, that day oughta be free accordin’ to my schedule. I’ll meet ya at the office then.
Kuro: Oh also, about that cookin’ show, thanks for givin’ me the opportunity for that job.
Kuro: You’re sayin’ that you’re the one that asked for my help and that you’re glad I volunteered to take the other idol’s place?
Kuro: I’m glad I could help ya out, little miss.
Kuro: Studyin’ how to cook? So the little miss heard. Actually just a few minutes ago I was havin’ people taste test the food I made.
Kuro: You also heard that I was practicin’ for the show passionately…?
Kuro: Well, s’pose that might be true…… Could say I had a little change of heart.
Kuro: I’ll do my best so that you can say that you’re glad you left this job up to me, little miss. Just watch me. ♪
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trickstar-imagines · 18 days
finally. angst on this account. imeanwhat-
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☆ ...being in a relationship with all four members of trickstar, but over time you develop the disease named "hanahaki", not because one of the boys have unrequited love for you, but because one or more of the four members of trickstar have unrequited love for each other - you're just the one suffering because of it.
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