riverswaltz · 7 months
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meshuii · 2 years
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You should go, she says. I’ll always be here. You know that.
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ivysgrow · 2 years
i’m half way through normal people and this book feels like… The Book to me. I started it this afternoon and I couldn’t put it down for hours, now i’ll probably won’t go to sleep until I finish it. also I already know it’s gonna be hard for something to top it because it’s going straight to my favorite reads of the year and we’re in march only. marianneconnell please let me hug you.
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astreiants-archive · 3 years
started watching normal people & already i’m feeling feral marianneconnell drive me insane
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meshuii · 2 years
my rambling thoughts on normal people
i just. need to write Words about why i love normal people (both book and show) so much
i love marianne’s struggle to be vulnerable, her journey to let people depend on her and to depend on other people, to grasp that independence is not the same as isolation, to understand what love is because she has only ever experienced it with one person. i love the reality of connell’s harsh confrontation with the external world, the one that exists outside of his anxious head (and how his anxiety plays a role), where he lives the college experience of a lower(?)middle class kid with this initial sense of social power (via popularity) that flips when he is thrown into a group of excessive wealth in an elitist college, where he realizes how difficult it is to actually connect with another person on a deeper level, where he realizes that once circumstantial friendships made by proximity fall apart, who does he have left? and how being surrounded by people may be company, but it is not connection, and therefore isolating. 
i love their struggles to communicate to each other, because even though they see the world in the same lens, they experience it so differently. the realization of their own power dynamics within the relationship, of how marianne completely relinquishes her vulnerability to him, and how he is uncomfortable with his own power over her. how in the end, they both choose each other’s own growth but also themselves, how at 21-22 they are still learning, still growing, and still changing each other. 
and in the execution of the show itself: the cinematography is beautiful, the acting is raw, intimate, and extremely vulnerable. there is an element of quiet beauty in what otherwise may seem mundane. it is nuanced, even in its subtlety.
i love the introspection, especially in the books. i love the play between the beautiful, comforting type of silence that makes marianne and connell’s relationship feel so real and honest, versus the isolating, disconnected type of quiet they feel on their own or with other people. and i love how you can feel that even at the end, when they are still young and still naive and still growing, they have changed and grown so much because of each other, but still have a long way to go.
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