#marinette has a lot of internalized anger and resentment
kulcipher · 5 years
ML Partners in Crime au: Adieu Adrien and Marinette
Apparently I can’t get enough of @gale-of-the-nomads‘ Partners in Crime au so I wrote another short fic lol. Trigger warning for faked/ implied suicide
Marinette’s mouth was full of pins as she worked on a new set of disguises when Adrien walked into their latest hideout. She made a muffled greeting when she became aware of his presence though continued what she was doing. The disguises had become necessary to throw off suspicions recently, all of Paris was looking for Ladybug and Chat Noir it seemed and Marinette had the foresight to see it might be strange if she and Adrien were seen near any- or multiple- sightings of their alter egos.
“Marinette… I’ve been thinking.” Adrien started as he sat next to her work station. “Isn’t it time that we disappeared?” He asked slowly. He watched as she frowned and got to a stopping point so she could pull the pins from her mouth and actually speak. “What do you mean disappear?” She asked, eyes briefly following Plagg as he floated over to where Tikki was moodily munching on a chocolate chip cookie.
“It’s getting harder to live up to the Agreste name, I think Nathalie is suspicious of where I run off to all the time.” He admitted. It was tiring going back and forth between his two lives and if he was being honest he was just plain tired of modeling and being an Agreste. Marinette was quiet for a while before she nodded. “Okay, I think we should do more than just disappear though.” Her lips twisted up into a vicious smile. “So Mr. Agreste, how would you like to die?”
“You’re sure you want to do this? You won’t be able to take it back.” Marinette said softly in Adrien’s ear under the pretext of wishing him luck before the fashion show. She smiled and straightened out his collar, glancing briefly to see who might be watching them. His hands came up to cover hers and he smiled back at her. “I’m sure Marinette.” He kissed away anything else she might have said and cupped her face tenderly. “I’ve never been more sure of anything.” She sighed and nodded as she reluctantly left him to get into place.
As Marinette joined Alya her cell phone rang and she excused herself to answer it. After a moment she rejoined her friend and winced. “Sorry Alya, Maman called and said they really need my help with a big order. Can you let Adrien know after the show?” She asked as she hugged her friend.
“Shoot girl yeah, are you sure they can’t make do without you though? This is a huge show!” Alya said while Marinette shook her head sadly. “I guess you do get invited to all of them but still… Alright, I’ll tell him.” The ombre haired girl sighed and waved as Marinette ran off.
Once outside, Marinette found a secluded spot and opened up her bag. “Okay come on out.” She said softly. The little fox kwami floated out, looking a bit uneasy. “Trixx, let’s pounce!” She exclaimed and light surrounded her. The necklace hiding under her shirt glowed and she was transformed into an orange fox-themed outfit. She jumped easily onto the roof and settled near a skylight, sitting with her flute and watching the show. Once Adrien had his turn on the catwalk it was show time.
Marinette brought the flute to her lips and created an illusion, showing everyone watching the tragic end of the famous model Adrien Agreste.
~~ Marinette had just arrived at her parents’ bakery when her phone rang. She knew what it was about and took a deep breath. Adrien had done his part, it was time to do hers now. She pasted on a smile as she walked inside and greeted her Maman while answering her phone. “Hey Alya, what’s up?”
“Marinette… I’m so sorry. There’s- there’s been an accident. Adrien-“ Alya choked on a sob.
“Alya, what are you talking about? What happened? Is Adrien okay?” Marinette’s voice rose with faked panic and both her parents paused in concern.
“I’m so sorry Marinette… A stage light fell and Adrien… Adrien’s gone.” Alya had started crying and Marinette cried with her, feeling incredibly guilty for putting her friend through this and more. She tried not to think about what Nino might be going through.
“H-he can’t be, what do you mean he’s gone?!”  Marinette wailed. Her parents gasped and hurried over to her, having gleaned enough to figure out what had happened. She put her phone on speaker as Alya haltingly explained what had happened and how Adrien had passed away. Marinette shoved her phone into her father’s hands and fled upstairs to hide away in her room.
Her parents consoled her for the next few hours until they thought she had cried herself to sleep.
“Marinette you really shouldn’t be lying to everyone like this.” Tikki said timidly, floating out of her chosen’s bag. “You’re hurting a lot of people.”
“Tikki… It’s too late to go back. We can’t explain how Adrien is somehow still alive and I can’t just abandon him. We’re partners and this was my idea.” Marinette said firmly. “In the long run this is a good thing.” She and Adrien could die before their loved ones could truly suspect who they were and what they had done. “But Marinette-“
“But nothing Tikki, you can’t change my mind.” Marinette cut off her kwami. Tikki was too kind hearted to understand why this was necessary. She respected Tikki but the kwami saw too much good in people, even the ones who had done nothing but hurt and corrupt those around them. Despite being an ancient being of enormous power, Tikki was still way too naïve about humans and how terrible they were. Tikki was quiet and just looked at her chosen forlornly.
~~ Marinette had a lot of practice with acting. First at convincing her parents that school wasn’t that bad, that oh she’d skinned her knees because she was clumsy not because anyone pushed her, then convincing Alya that she overslept constantly so no she hadn’t had time to their homework and she certainly wasn’t being forced into doing Chloé’s, and of course living a double life for years.
She didn’t enjoy deceiving her parents but it had to be done, so for the next few days she hardly ate (at least in front of them), pretended as if she hadn’t slept, was listless and allowed them to see how dead inside she’d felt before she’d been given her miraculous. They were concerned of course and often sicced Alya on her but gave her space to grieve.
 After a few days of her listlessness, Marinette called Alya to meet her for ice cream. Alya jumped at the opportunity and agreed of course. Marinette arrived first and climbed over the rail of the bridge they had agreed to meet on. She leaned against the rail as she waited for Alya to arrive.
“Marinette? What are you doing?” Alya asked when she did finally arrive and saw where her friend was standing.
“I’m sorry Alya.” The once aspiring designer whimpered. “I just- I can’t do this anymore.” Her voice broke and she let go of the rail with one hand.
“Marinette no! Please don’t do this, things will get better!”
“I’m so sorry.” She let go just as Alya lunged for her, falling before her friend could catch her. Alya screamed and Marinette shut her eyes, peeking one open when the fluttering of a flute sounded. She smiled as a blonde boy in a fox themed outfit caught her and pulled her out of sight while an illusory image of her fell into the water below.
“Good work Princess.” Adrien whispered in her ear as she wrapped her arms around him. “Shall we head home?” She nodded silently and held onto him as they soared through Paris. She heard Alya’s cries grow more and more distant until they faded altogether and ignored how what was left of her heart tore a little more.
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