#martin vanderweil
thosehallowedhalls · 2 months
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Book: Laws of Attraction
Pairing: Martin Vanderweil x Wind Velez (Genderqueer!MC)
Rating: Teen
Word count: ~550
Summary: Martin finds himself watching Wind. Again.
A/N: For @oh-so-youre-a-nerd. Thank you for letting me borrow Martin and Wind! Drabble 20 of my 30 days of drabbles.
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He’s staring again.
Martin sips his drink, an abysmal bourbon that makes him question the Brass Monkey’s standards for the thousandth time. His eyes linger on the table of senior associates, passing over Gigi and Beau in the middle of a drinking game, over an amused Aislinn… and coming to rest on Wind.
He’s lost track of how often his eyes wandered her way tonight. She’s peeling the label off her beer bottle, his beaded bracelet peeking out under his blazer and glinting under the dim light. A smile lights up his face in a way that causes a low tug in Martin’s stomach.
Reluctantly, he looks away. He can’t keep doing this. They’re a colleague, for God’s sake. Worse, a subordinate. It would be the height of unprofessionalism to become involved with a subordinate, especially so soon after making senior partner. He won’t give Eli, Linda, and Reggie any reason to question whether they made a mistake making him partner. His career comes first. It always has, it always will.
“Penny for your thoughts?” A voice says to his right. He starts, his drink sloshing over the glass.
“Good lord. Are you trying to kill me?”
“Not in front of these many witnesses, no. But I won’t say I’m not enjoying this. Here.” He plucks a few paper napkins and hands it to him.
“Thanks. I guess. What are you doing here?”
Wind jerks his chin towards the rows of bottles on the counter. “My beer was a casualty of Gigi’s competitiveness, and the waiters are up to their eyeballs in orders. Figured it’d be easier to come get my own drink.”
“Perhaps you should consider it a sign to stop drinking tonight. You know I won’t be giving you any leeway if you show up to work nursing a hangover.”
She snorts. “Please. Like I can’t handle a couple of beers.”
“Are you sure it’s only a couple? I saw the little drinking game you and the others had going on.”
“Ooh, were you watching me?” They laugh. “Come on, you know me well enough by now to know I don’t go to work hungover. Ever.”
He does know that. Wind’s work ethic was the first thing he liked… noticed, he corrects, the first thing he noticed… about them. But that’s not the part that stands out to him now.
“I most certainly was not watching you. I just... happened to glance at the table, that’s all.”
“You know you could join us, right?”
Martin snorts. “I believe the others would skin you for suggesting such a thing.”
“Of course not!” He protests, but a small smile curls his lips. “Torture me at worst.”
“Well, you’re safe. I can’t socialize with associates outside of work. It would be… inappropriate now that I’m a senior partner.”
“Suit yourself.” Wind gestures to the bartender for another beer. “See you at work tomorrow?”
He nods. “Goodnight, Wind.”
They give a little salute. “’Night, Marty.”
She strolls back to his table, exchanging casual greetings with other regular patrons. Martin watches them, almost against his will, drinking in the relaxed confidence, the simple kindness. The way she is… Wind. Just Wind.
Just Wind, he thinks with a snort.  There is no “just” about Wind. That’s the problem.
That’s always been the problem.
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aces-and-angels · 2 months
into the windverse: high school edition
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character art: cred 1; cred 2 | edits: moi
me @oh-so-youre-a-nerd and @saibug1022 got to talking the other day and said, 'imagine these idiots in high school'- well one thing led to another and now we have a whole au within the au- so without further ado:
high school hcs (read below the cut):
setting the stage, we've got all these shmoes attending the same high school together
enid and joaquin: seniors
martin and marcus: juniors
magnus: sophomore (and new transfer student)
wind: freshman
basically the premise is that despite everyone being in different grades, they all are taking the same elective every mwf, 4th period: ✨ap spanish✨
enid: took spanish all four years of hs; tested well and was recommended to take the ap course vs the advanced in her senior year- which her parents insisted on after finding out the news
joaquin: lied throughout hs about not being fluent in spanish for an easy a (a fact enid 100% knows about btw; she works part-time at her parents' clinic- joaquin's parents are her mom's patients- and have been for years, so she's witnessed him speak to them in spanish many times); he's here bc this is legitimately the last class he can exploit take
martin: type a try hard; led a petition for the school district to allow non-senior students to take ap spanish, claiming that the current curriculum was 'abhorrently suboptimal'; the resolution gets passed the summer before his junior year
wind: originally scheduled for spanish 1 w the rest of the freshman; was absolutely restless in class (a. bc they are fluent so the material was too easy, b. adhd); after being yelled at by the teacher for the nth time for being disruptive, wind bet that they could ace last year's final for not only their class, but all the other spanish courses (sans the ap). after they did- they were transferred
marcus: another student to benefit from martin's protest; super friendly theater geek (has been the lead in nearly every school play since freshman year). this fact (unbeknownst to him) enrages martin, who is another theater geek lol. anyways, marcus is the one to initially suggest forming a study group
magnus: transfers to this hs halfway through the year- countless rumors as to why he transferred float around the hallways (some perpetuated by mags himself lol); his transfer credits from his old school cover the hs's criteria, so he automatically gets placed in ap spanish
aaaannd that's it lol
i'm down to talk more about the hs au so feel free to send in some questions if you're feeling up to it 🖤
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princepotatosack · 1 year
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happy lawz day<333333
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noahmarshall · 1 year
get lawyered, idiot
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bryceslahela · 2 years
y’all genuinely want to sleep with martin??????
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LoA F/AotW - Jan 28 - Feb 3, 2024
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA | 🔹Submitted by creator
Aislinn Tanaka & Other Fanart 🎨| Aislinn Tanaka, Martin Vanderweil, OC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
How Magnus Became Partner ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Gabe Rick, M!OC, NB!MC - @aces-and-angels
Morning Commute 4: Joaquin🎨| Joaquin Morales - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
LOA MCs and OCs
Chillin in Central Park 🎨🏳️‍🌈 | NB!MC, F!OC, M!OC by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Don't Let This Be the Last Time ✒️🔹| LOA MC - @choicesmc
Morning Commute 1: Rain 🎨🏳️‍🌈| LOA NB!MC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Morning Commute 2: Enid🎨🏳️‍🌈| LOA F!OC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd (@aces-and-angels OC)
Morning Commute 3: Magnus 🎨🏳️‍🌈| LOA M!OC - @oh-shoot-posts (@saibug1022 OC)
A New Start ✒️🏳️‍🌈| M!OC, NB!MC - @saibug1022
Pick Your Fighter Lawyer 🎨🏳️‍🌈| NB!MC, F!OC, M!OC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Bad Liar ✒️Ⓜ️🏳️‍🌈| Marcus Sharpe x M!OC, Other OCs - @saibug1022
Come Morning Light ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Marcus Sharpe x M!OC; M!OC & NB!MC - @saibug1022
Morning Commute 5: Marcus 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Feeding Schedule 🎨| Martin Vanderweil x NB!MC - @saibug1022
Martin Vanderweil & Other Fanart 🎨Martin Vanderweil, Aislinn Tanaka, OC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Morning Commute 6: Martin 🎨by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
CFWC Main F/AotW List
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saibug1022 · 4 months
Feeding Schedule
Wind Velez x Martin Vanderweil, mentioned Wind Velez & Magnus Bishop Word Count: 500 A/N: Listen. This is a crack fic/drabble that I wrote but it's hilarious so I'm posting it. Plus I like making Martin squirm like a worm
Martin knew that tone and knew exactly what it meant, but his lips still switched in amusement for a moment.
“What do you want?” Martin asked. 
He looked up from his computer to see Wind rocking on his heels just inside Martin’s office. She came in and happily sat on the edge of Martin’s desk, immediately taking his hand and starting to play with his fingers.
“Who says I want anything?” They wondered innocently.
“You only call me baby when you want something.”
“Okay maybe, maybe I need a little favor,” Wind admitted. “And maybe you aren’t going to like it.”
“What is it?” Martin sighed. 
“So you know how I’m going to Indiana for that case,” Wind said. “Weeeell I need you to do me a favor.”
Wind took a sheet of paper out of his pocket and handed it to Martin. Skimming it, Martin saw times and dates, twice a day, and then down at the bottom a list of ingredients and simple meals that could be made at Wind’s apartment including what leftovers were in her fridge.
“I didn’t know you got a pet,” Martin hummed. He didn’t think twice about a pet being treated so well, he’d happily do the same for Ms. Mimi.
“What? I didn’t,” Wind shook their head. “That uh, well that’s for Magnus.”
“...what? Magnus? The grown man? Seriously?”
“Listen it’s more complicated than it looks,” Wind swore. “There’s a long history behind it that I would tell you but I can’t because it’s his business and if I told you he’d probably hate me forever and it already took this long to get him to trust me. Point is, if he doesnt get reminded and if he doesn't have safe foods available he just won’t bother eating. One time he didn’t eat for a week and almost fainted on Beau in the elevator which is when this started. You don’t have to feed him or anything, just remind him to eat and tell him I have leftovers if he doesn’t have anything and if he’s stubborn about it just sit with him to make sure he eats.”
“Darling, I don’t know about all this,” Martin sighed. “He is a grown man, I think he can feed himself.”
“He can he just forgets or chooses not to because he hyperfocuses on his work,” Wind argued. 
“He also despises me,” Martin reminded him.
“He doesn’t despise you.”
Martin just raised an eyebrow.
“Okay maybe he doesn’t like you very much,” Wind admitted. “But he respects you and he knows how much I care about you. Come on, please? For me? You’re the one who said you’d do anything for me.”
Martin knew right there and there he was going to cave. Wind did too based on how she smirked.
“Fine,” Martin groaned but he was grinning as Wind cheered and kissed his cheek.
“Thank yoooou I love you!” Wind grinned and hurried out of his office. “See you Tuesday if Magnus doesn’t kill you first!”
“If he doesn’t what? Wind!”
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macapacaalpaca · 1 year
The more we learn about the conservatorship scam in laws the more we see how much of a fucking idiot Martin is and I for one can’t wait for Gabe and MC to take him and all the other crooks to the cleaners in court like the power couple they are 😌
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............okay one last thing where are you guys even getting the idea that like the three people who want to smash martin are the ones being weird about wlw players/the sadie scene? its clearly straight gabe/beau and some joaquin fans?? again... theres like THREE people who even like martin because pb loves villainizing women and moc and everyone eats it up every time
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No but Martin calling everything from MC and Aislinn “dramatic” and “theatrics” like…hits super close to home for me. Because, no joke, that’s what my DAD always does and he’s sexist as shit.
I get upset at something insensitive he said? Dramatic. I ask him to stop saying something because it hurts my feelings? Theatrics. I cry over losing a pet? Dramatic.
And yeah Martin still says this stuff (I assume) if you’re playing as a male MC. But it just hits so different as an AFAB person.
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thosehallowedhalls · 2 months
I hardly ever take Martin's side, but the scene where Gigi calls him a wet blanket for not wanting to play Marry, Fuck, Kill at work always rubs me the wrong way. As does the fact that nobody says hey, knock it off.
He wouldn't be a wet blanket for not wanting to play this with anyone, but especially with his colleagues. Like what the hell. For a book that's so heavy on professionalism, it sure has a funny idea of what it looks like.
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aces-and-angels · 9 days
into the windverse as text posts: pairing edition
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magnus x marcus
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wind x martin
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enid x joaquin
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joaquin x martin
art cred: @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
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nooloongeractive · 2 years
friday aka gabe ricci day, we go dudes and dudettes time to hit the new firm and make martin cry
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katslitg · 2 years
idgaf this whole power trip of martin is just making me want him even more :/
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Can’t wait for Orgy, right Joaquin?
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Joaquin is bi-king!! but MC will made you beg for more.
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trystanposting · 2 years
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he looks kinda……
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