manal118309 · 4 years
Use of cognitive strategies in media, why should we care?
ID: 118309
Date: February 18, 2020
Number of words: 341
American thinker Noam Chomsky identified in the article "The Ten Strategies of Control and Misinformation" ten strategies used by the stakeholders to manipulate the people and control their actions and thinking. The sixth strategy in Chomsky’s article states "Talking to heart before mind."
Media uses various forms of psychological methods to influence the feelings and attitudes of the addressee. In this article, I will talk about the types of cognitive strategies in the media and why we should care about them.
Cognitive strategies in media
There are different types of psychological methods that media use to influence individuals by using the weapon of emotion. Commercial companies benefit from this to market their products, attract customers and increase sales. Here are some techniques with examples.
        Authority –  An authority is someone who is seen to have expert knowledge and experience in a particular field(1) . People always tend to obey those in authority, trust them and take their advice.
Example – Smashbox is a brand of cosmetics, it used a popular YouTube beauty blogger Casey Holmes. She posted an image on Instagram shows that she uses Smashbox products, then the number of company sales increased.
       Exclusivity – Some companies create exclusive websites or products and specify the list of subscribers, so people feel that their product is special and carries great value.
 Example – Facebook limited persons who were able to get accounts at the  beginning.
Also, there are cognitive strategies in the media that affect the knowledge and intellectual aspect and introduce new habits into society. For example:
Introducing same-sex marriage ideas and linking them to the civilized progress of humanity and freedoms.
 Link the terrorist's  to men with long beards.
Why should we care?
We should care because these strategies affect long and short-term effects on values, principles, and behaviors, as they affect the culture of society, stereotypes of people's thinking, and constitute false mental images of peoples and religions.
I understood how media and the information it transmitted influence the way we think, our attitudes, values, and beliefs.
(1)  https://www.getspokal.com/ten-examples-of-social-media-campaigns-using-psychology/ 
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ali119655 · 4 years
ID: 119655
Date: February 11, 2020
Disinformation is one of the oldest human activities, so it is not recent, but its use in recent times has been clear. It has become very widespread in recent days because of the emergence of new media and the development of communication technologies, so now everyone can easily share information and because of that disinformation is spreading quickly between them. The speed of the internet helped to transfer information quickly between the public, which leads to forming a public opinion towards a disinformation issue.
Disinformation can be used by anyone because the new media has helped in this, but most importantly, leaders and governments use this disinformation by controlling media institutions and the flow of information by distorting information and manipulation of it, disregarding some important facts and deleting them, so that control is in their interest to achieve their own goals.
Behind this disinformation, there are many political and media goals planned to influence public opinion. Some use this disinformation on sensitive issues by directing the public opinion to a specific direction that may not be important to them and to stay away from the negative side and focus on the positive side in order to make things well.
Sometimes the community is not aware of the disinformation, so they will see that the information is correct even though it has been modified, but because of the clarity and frequency of disinformation on many influential issues, most people can distinguish between the right information and the wrong information.
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elaf123789 · 4 years
ID: S123789
Date: February 11, 2020
1.     What is disinformation?
a.     It is false information deliberately and often covertly spread (as by planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth.
2.     Who , why used it?
a.     Most of the time the governments use it to achieve political and military goals.
b.     Sometimes citizens use disinformation.
c.     Some people use it for financial incentives.
d.     The advertisers use it to attract the audience and git hit selling.
3.     Examples:
a.     Malaysian Airlines flight 17 (MH17) over Ukraine.
b.     From 2016 US presential election ,for instance ,implicated (Hallary Clinton) in breaking election laws and selling weapons to terrorist.
4.     How did they do it? (sometimes)
a.     After they got the information that they want it by hacking ,forgery or ''creative'' such as articles ,blogs
b.     Then they design news stories presenting false information
c.     Then they published them to target audience.
5.     What are the results of this issue?
a.     Contaminate the information space to confused the audience and erode its ability to think critically.
b.     It is diminishing our ability to find the truth and agree on it.
6.     How can we avoid the consequences of disinformation?
We need to ask ourselves a pertinent question about the credibility of what we read and share.
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rafal122197 · 4 years
Date: February 18, 2020
 Cognitive of Strategies in the media are the mental  processes that are consciously implemented to regulat thought processes and content in order to reach people`s feelings, achieve goals and solve problems.
Use of cognitive strategies in media?
The cognitive strategies in the media used to influence what people think by sending lined messages from the media. For example, political situtions support their ideas and interests through political journalistic messages, so that they influence the reader audience and become on their side.
Why should we care?
Because it is important for every media person to know about cognitive strategies in the media so that they can use the methods and studies through which the make them messages and the impression they want affects the audience.
1-      https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-1-4419-1005-9_1120
2-      https://www.jstor.org/stable/2131346?seq=1
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mohammedhinai118330 · 4 years
use of cognitive strategies in media.
Date: February 18,2020
It is more correct to use cognitive strategies in media and life in general in all its forms, such as memorization, conclusion, and discussion.
The importance of using these strategies lies in the fact that it help to give and present information or news in a better way, and to shed light on accurate things in the subject that we are talking about.
We must understand the small data in today's world, and understand verbal and non-verbal communication with the ability to analyze these data through which we want to know a topic.
We have to follow several methods and methods in knowing the information published or that we receive from the media, in order not to have believed a lie or incorrect news, and this matter is achieved through investigation and tracking the authenticity of this news with cognitive strategies.
When discussing a program concerning the history of a country, here we must use some strategies, such as memorizing, remembering and discussing with the other party, in order to get the information correctly and easy for the follower.
Take a way (understanding):
-When dealing with the media, we must use our knowledge strategies to present the content well.
-Some strategies are used in specific situations and cannot be integrated into all topics.
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ammar114577-blog · 4 years
Date:March 3, 2020
Number of words:281
How do media outside oman present race,gender(Male,Female,3rds) and class!
In western countries, especially in America, racism and discrimination existed in the past, and they were practiced by state security, and I was black class violence, unlike whites, although whites are more interested in racism and the discrimination between the two sexes. In addition, blacks in America do not receive any attention so that unemployment and poverty rates increase in the areas inhabited by blacks.
Male and Female :
In many countries of the world, there is equality between men and women, in all deeds and all rights. In the countries of the West, women are allowed to represent their rights everywhere, regardless of whether they are public, first, like men's rights. Thus, the media in these countries show citizens this equality between men and women. But some countries in eastern Asia only women to take care of their husbands. They care and bear children and the home. The husband only does the work to provide money and livelihood, but it is the wife who bears everything.
The third sex has interest and right in some western countries, and in these countries they see that the third sex is one part of society, because it supports films in which the third sex exists. For the Arab world, it is very difficult, but there are some cases. Because there are customs and traditions that do not support this liberalization, laws have been applied and applied in some countries, and those who violate them are punished.
In oman:
In Oman, laws are being worked out by the government and are being applied with all force against racism. It is impossible to communicate with people from races according to their shape or color, that the Omani media is neutral to all parties, and this is because of laws and regulations that prevent the media from creating conflict or hatred between people through programs that they publish through the media, and this is something that is a distinct element From the rest of the Arab countries, Oman is following a fair media policy. Also, Oman is an Islamic country and its customs and traditions prevent it. Awareness seminars and lectures are also held through the media.
The media and news represent all of these things in an incorrect way, so we students and the media must be more attentive and try to spread this image fairly about all of this.
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jumana-110887 · 5 years
Media representations of social classes
Written by: Jumana Issa Alqasmi
ID: 110887
Date: April 8, 2019
1- How are different social classes represented on entertainment, advertising, and news media?
- Upper class: in the films, they portrays in a nostalgic way and over represented. The elite are viewed as authoritative, dominant, honorable and respectable. The media frames the upper class positively with images of “individuals who are generous and caring. Some of the words and phrases used to describe them are well-dressed, well-educated, well-spoken, living a luxurious life, successful, rich, powerful and influential.
- Middle classes are overrepresented on tv. In most dramas, middle-class families are dominant. 
- Working class: there are very few comedies, films or television drama that focus on the everyday lives of the working class.When they are featured, it is often in an unflattering or pitying manner. Actually, when they focuses on the working class, it is generally to label them as a problem.
- The upper class enjoy some certain privileges that only them could experience, for they can spend large sums of money for those special accommodations compared to those with an average standard of living. Aside from that, they are also using person marketing in which an influential person, such as those who belong to upper class to capture the attention of the viewer that will lead to a higher sales. And they always ignore the middle and working classes.
- For example: The ads presenting by Tv and social media influencers are often expensive goods and only upper class have the ability to buy it. Such as make-up, jewelry, cars, and perfumes. News media:
- Upper classes: the media rarely portray them in a negative light, or draw attention to inequalities in wealth or pay. And, the ruling elite often characterized as being honorable with good breeding.
- Middle classes: many stories focus on how they are concerned about the decline in moral values among other social groups.
- Working class: common stories focus on them as welfare cheats or criminals, with working-class youths particularly given tough scrutiny. This often leads to moral panics.
2- What is the impact of these representations? 
- The working class is the most affected because of this discrimination between the classes, while all the opportunities are available to the upper class, and other classes are marginalized by the society because of the bad mental image that presents by the media about them. In fact, the working class may feel depressed and sad, just because they want to reach the upper class and get the same opportunities that they have. Unfortunately, all of this will affect society negatively and make enmity between them.
Understanding of both 1&2:
Media have to be fair in presenting all classes, and lay each class in an appropriate manner. Also, to not marginalize and bias each class to another, to prevent the psychological problems to the people, racism and an unconnected society.
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How labelling and disinformation is played in media
Name: Hani khamis Alkalbani
ID: 105655
Date: 18, February, 2019
Media disinformation  appeared in many areas in our life  such as politics and trade for personal or public interests. In this post, we mention media disinformation  in commercials, especially in health advertising because it has serious side effects on people's lives. 
In Sultanate of Oman, the General Authority for Consumer Protection is striving to achieve the lofty goals of protecting consumers from false advertising and has developed laws.  Consumer Protection issued a resolution regulating the issue of misleading advertising in Article (10) of Article (19) which states: "The Supplier shall be prohibited from:Advertising of goods or services, if this would cause the consumer to sign a mistake or misrepresentation, whether in respect of a component of the commodity, the quantity of the items useful to it, its quality or its data punishable under Article (48) which gave the President the right to impose an administrative fine up to a maximum of (500) RO, and doubled the penalty in case of repeated violation. In case of continuation of the violation, an administrative fine of (20) twenty Omani riyals shall be imposed for each day in which the violation continues, provided that the total shall not exceed (2000) two thousand riyals.
For example around the world, the Reebok Shoes In 2009 and 2010, Reebok ran a series of ads for the Boston and Ronson shoes, which featured light and varied models that studied the benefits of shoe soles. The ads claimed that laboratory tests found that the tone shoes "proved to work on hamstrings and calves up to 11% more difficult, and tone your neck by up to 28% more than normal sneakers ... just by walking!" It seems a single special unevenness of shoes forced you to use more muscle when you move them. The Federal Trade Commission investigation found that the only thing that Essiton's shoes actually did was make them uncomfortable for walking, the Los Angeles Times reported. As a result, Reebok had to recover more than $ 25 million in purchases.
The second example, In the middle of the first decade of this century, the famous brand "Splenda" specialized in the manufacture of artificial sweeteners, has introduced a product that contains a poster says: Made from sugar and therefore taste like sugar. "This slogan made the judiciary Check with the company and consider it a fake and misleading slogan, especially since the industrial home was only "a fully manufactured chemical compound in the factory."A lawsuit was filed against Splenda, which resulted in an undisclosed sum, but the amount is estimated at about $ 200 million, which the plaintiff claimed as compensation for Swelda's unfair profits from the wholesale of its products on the market.
Media disinformation  commercials has now spread with the spread of social networking sites and the increasing number of products and services being advertised. For that, I took advantage of the product and service that meets the specifications set by the Consumer Protection Authority in Oman. 
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aahmed113466 · 5 years
How labelling and disinformation is played in media?
Name : Ahmed Alghassani .
ID : 113466
Date : 18 February, 2019
The current day’s media topography is contextualised with distinct types of information either about different personalities, events, places, course of action of celebrities, etc. All these are a part of information in the current context.
Critical Thinking
Disinformation is the manipulation of actual information. The genuineness of the presented information is at stake in the present era, it so happens either to increase the popularity or to seek attention of the respective society towards the person, event, activity or the location through disinformation. Eventually, in race of manipulating, twisting and adding spice to the actual information leads to distort or misrepresentation of the entire fact, as a result the accuracy of information is completely lost. On the other hand, the other face of the coin ‘the public’ often get entrenched in such information and get mesmerised.
For instance: a patch of information becomes disinformation when the other part of reality is hidden and not brought into light. To be very precise about disinformation consider an instance where a personality might look mesmerising and spot less clear, whereas the actual fact might be an illusion created before the public either through not spotlighting the disgrace and just be highlighting the admirable traits.
Labelling is nothing but portraying about person, thing or an instance in a precise phrase. It is carried out to regulate, handle or develop an association for the divergent behaviour. Most of the responsible stakeholders in media believe that labelling is quite essential for an interaction to flow.
For instance: labelling is essential to explain or depict a person who has conducted a criminal activity either by breaking the law or by committing an unjust act, which is not admirable and it requires criticism to curb the event in the near future. Such type of labelling is also necessary to create an example or awareness for the present generation as to prevent them from such unjust activities.  
Alice Marwick and Rebecca Lewis, 2017, Media Manipulation and Disinformation Online, available online at: https://datasociety.net/pubs/oh/DataAndSociety_MediaManipulationAndDisinformationOnline.pdf
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mediaissues · 5 years
Pink is for girls...
Thanks for your first post.
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amna118437-blog · 5 years
Communicating with satire
Amna Muhana Almazroui
ID: s118437
Date: March 18 ,2019
The use of satire in dramas & comedies:
The use of satire as an artistic weapon is an age long phenomenon. Satirical comedy is the form of satire in which the writer uses comic elements to expose the realities of the society or any problem. The writer uses fictional characters to represent the real people, to expose and condemn their corruption. It intends to improve the problems of the society by exposing them and by giving their solutions. The writer uses irony, humor and exaggeration to show the follies and misdoings of the leaders. A writer can point out towards an individual, a society or even the whole world. Usually, it’s a comic piece of writing through which the shortcomings of the society can be shown to the world in the hope that those who are being criticized will change their characters by overcoming their weaknesses. Satirical comedy is usually not only about individuals instead it satire is directed at society as a whole, or the types of the characters in the society as politicians and the prideful. The purpose of this satirical comedy is to enlarge the faults in the people to make them aware of their foolishness.
For example: Adel imam is an Egyptian actors who submit many comedies plays that discuses different problems in Egyptian society such as unemployment, illiteracy, the tyranny of the government and so for. He uses satire in his plays indirectly in order not to be thrown in prison by the government.
The use of satire in political:
Satirical news programs, often dismissed as mere entertainment, have really political effects on the people who watch them, new research suggests. A study found that people chose satirical news that matched their pre-existing attitudes and that watching satirical news reinforced those attitudes as much as watching serious news. Satirical news shouldn't be disregarded just because its goal is to make people laugh. It still has an impact, just like serious news does.
people with little interest in politics were more likely to select satirical over serious news. In addition, watching satirical news affected feelings of political efficacy—people's belief that they can influence political processes.
For example: Joe Shaw which is  an Egyptian comedy political sarcastic program that makes fun of the political situation in Egypt after the Military coup in 2013. Program presented different topics such as the political situation after the revolution and Contradictions of the liberal political trend.
 The use of satire in social issues
Satirical humor is used effectively to convey modern social issues such as gay marriage, abortion or religion. Issues such as these divide the nation and are serious political topics, so what better thing to do than put them in a joke! Humor gets the serious topics of discussion across in a way that is light and funny, but also leaves you with a call to figure out which side you stand on the debate.
For example: Most cartoons we see every day in newspapers and magazines are examples of satire. These cartoons discuses different social issues in funny way such as Divorce, unemployment and Family violence.
Satire is used in media to show foolishness or vice in humans, organizations, or even governments. Satire is often used to achieve political or social change, or to prevent it. A satire can effects many emotions ranging from amusement to disdain, scorn or anger.
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manal118309 · 4 years
ID: 118309
Date: February11,2020
Number of words: 262
Disinformation is a method of withholding, misleading, or falsifying information in a manner appropriate to stakeholders. It seeks to influence the recipient first and then public opinion as a whole. In this article I will talk about the objectives of disinformation and methods of using it.
The objectives of disinformation
The objectives of disinformation differ from one context to another and from one institution to another, they can be political goals such as counterfeiting information in proportion to the policy of the state or the institution funding the media institution. Also, they may be economical in order to increase the profit of the organization by attracting consumers by withholding or coloring the correct information.
Methods used in disinformation
There are various ways of disinformation depending on the media used and the goals of the misleading user such as, false visuals and advertisement disinformation.
        - False visuals, it is used to lend extra credibility to a false fact, or for political goals. For example, Al-Ahram fabricated a photo of Hosni Mubarak made him the patron of the peace negotiations.
Tumblr media
        - Advertisements disinformation, it is used by linking products to human feelings and emotions such as the Pepsi and Cola advertisements focusing on linking their products in the recipient’s mind to youth, vitality and activity.
Tumblr media
Disinformation is a media ploy to reach an audience and influence their thoughts and behaviors. Some may consider it an immoral method because it is inconsistent with the ethics of media work. When the media is subjective or does not present or color the truth, then it is misleading
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ahmedalamri116969 · 5 years
Critical compilation of topics addressed in assignment 1
Ahmed Hamood Al-amri
ID: 116969
Date: April 23, 2019
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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elaf123789 · 4 years
Topic: use of cognitive strategies in media; why should we care?
we use cognitive capabilities to understand emotion ,ideas and other human behaviours .
according to different media platforms there are a lot of things we can use them by cognitive strategies  which help all people to get the message,
by looking for words that carry positive and negative meanings then Figueres out which person, place, or another thing  that customer prefer . More than that, measures personality and social traits from customer generated text data (blogs , tweets and posts).
By these ways people will understand easier specially advertisers will know what is the best way to reach their customer and how to get their attention.
Also, for companies owners will know what is the best services and productions and what they want to improve . Moreover, all people who use media platforms will compare between the ideas ,comments and posts that related to their society
-       Why should we care ?
As we are media students we should know how ,what, when the information effect in people because a lot of them use a strange treks to change our ideas and opinions to achieve their aims.
References :
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rafal122197 · 4 years
Date: March 3, 2020
Number of words:326
How do media outside Oman present race, gender, ( Male, Female, 3rds ) and class?
The race: Groups of people who have differences and similarities in biological traits. In America they used the media to express this issue, such as a film named ( Hidden Figures ), this film talked about three black women who were insulted at work by white people.
The gender: we will talk in this point about male, female and 3drs. In America they used the media to express this issues, for example: the issue of the distinction between male and female appeared in  a movie ( A Quiet Passion ) this movie talks about the story of Emily Dickinson who used to write poetry but because she is a girl and at that time it was a shame for the girl publish what she writes. In addition, the gay issue the discussed in a movie called ( Anne with an E ) this movie is for teenagers, where the story comes that Ann will meet an old woman and she will discover that she is married her friend ,  Ann was surprised, then she accepted the idea. Finally,  Ann will love her friend this means that they will be gay.
The class: division of people in a society into groups according to their social status. In Britain they used the media to express this issues by showed ( The man who knew infinity ) the film’s story talks about an Indian student who went to study mathematics at a prestigious university in Britain, but he faced difficulties and insults in his studies because the British considered him a factor and they are higher than him.
Racism in Oman: Tribal intolerance is very common in Oman and this appears most frequently in marriage, as some tribes do not marry any tribe that marries only certain tribes.
References: 1-https://youtube.be/UY5KjcUpbP8
2- https//m.youtube.com/results?search_query=anne+with+an+e+
3- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eKJpx8FYp54
4- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5AFNBNHi2gY
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mohammedhinai118330 · 4 years
Date: February 11,2020
It is information that was created in order to harm a person or group, or to hide something that should not be visible to society and people clearly.
This type is frequently studied by journalists, media workers, and people in general, and they are the ones who display this information to the masses, but in a misleading or false manner.
Information is manipulated using emotion and rationality, which is transmitted to the public in large part, and even more than the correct information and At the present time with the internet, this information is spread to a large number of people and in a very short time, according to the purpose intended to publish such misleading information.
Disinformation is also a powerful tool for politicians to directly engage with citizens, which can spark public opinion.
Also, disinformation is considered one of the most dangerous weapons that some countries use to destabilize some of the targeted countries through the content of this published information.
The benefits of disinformation:
-Used to divert attention from a specific issue.
-Inspiring consumers towards a specific product or belief.
-Forging evidence about a specific incident.
-Used in elections outside the borders of countries.
-Used to make some political decisions.
The effect of disinformation on the audience:
-It makes people angry, afraid and disoriented.
-The public's confidence is tended towards the sources of information.
-The truth is far from society, and they are a kind of lies and prevarication.
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