#mav was an extremely beloved little dog
abirddogmoment · 1 year
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Mav was put to rest yesterday. His spine injury was affecting his quality of life and he deserved to go without suffering.
I have a lot of things to say about my beautiful dog. He was funny, he was easygoing, he was versatile, he was charming. But mostly, Mav was beloved. He was loved from his very first breath until his last, and he'll be loved for a long time still. He was loved by everyone he met and by people he'd never get the chance to meet, and he loved the entire world in return.
He was the coolest dog in the world. We could've had a hundred years together and it wouldn't have been enough. But we fit so much love into that little dog, he was full to bursting. And that's something at least.
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abirddogmoment · 11 months
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I've gotten an influx of followers so I wanted to make a post so people know what's going on here without having a scroll through a hundred posts.
First of all, hello! This is a side blog where I post (mostly my own content) about dogs. I'm a wildlife biologist and I've been here for almost a decade at this point. My main blog is mostly for relogs and the occasional vent and that's over at @some-sort-of-ecologist.
This blog primarily featured Maverick, who was my extremely beloved brittany spaniel. We did a lot of really cool things together, including traveling across Canada and trying out a ton of different dog sports, but mostly he was just my little friend I hung out with. He damaged his spine in an irreparable way sometime in 2022 and was compassionately euthanized in June 2023 when he started losing control of his hind end. His tag on this blog is #maverick and you can hide #mav memories if you don't want to see the sad posts after he was gone.
I'm planning on getting another dog in 2024 but won't be posting much here until then. I'll still be around on my main blog and happy to talk about dogs, but I won't be here as much.
Anyway that's about it. These are some of my favourite pictures of Mav and me. He was the coolest dog in the world.
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