#may ms tartt forgive me but it’s sort of her fault for writing such a hot character oops
astrum-aetherium · 1 year
being invited on a nightly drive in the pouring rain by henry winter, with the obvious implication of something more — ending up struggling to catch breath and retain your sanity as you ride him in the driver’s seat in some remote place far off the road, straddling his lap and having his large, veined hands encase you tenderly and guide you down his length with additional support. lots of panting, breathiness, sweating — in combination with the icy downpour outside, the car windows fog up, and the scene has been set. he’s impossibly deep, and you whine for him to take over, but he merely slows you down and requests you to continue taking it without complaint, though at a calmer pace. you do — it’s wicked.
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