#maybe I'll post the first couple chaps just to give a taste and go on from there?
savage-rhi · 28 days
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mayxxday · 2 years
Countless - Free Real Estate! Kuroo
Part 1: Free Real Estate
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So what are we? That was now your new dilemma.
A years’ worth of feeling was poured into that three second kiss. It was fleeting, but at the moment, it was much longer. The blurred lines of the night city peeking from the window you sat by. The weight of Kuroo’s head on your shoulder and the timely brushing of his hair across your neck still stained your memory. Sleeping was a task that night. How could you when all you could think of was Kuroo.
“Should I leave him a message? Maybe congratulate him?”
No. He must be asleep. He had a long day.
Kuroo was wide awake, laying on the floor beside his bed. Flowers? Chocolate? What could he do to show that he meant for the kiss to happen? Kenma, too, stayed up that night because of Kuroo’s insistent texts.
Kuroo wasn’t good at lots of things, including finding the right words to tell you how he felt, but one thing was for sure, he would chase you down the school halls every time he saw you standing on the other side. So he did.
“Thou shall not walk away with my heart”
“Nothing. Kiss?”
You were flustered. Eyes open wide, searching his eyes for the teasing tone his words lacked.
“Do I have to intiate it or you’re going to be the man in this relationship and kiss me first?” Kuroo himself didn’t know where this was coming from, but he didn’t fight it. This was familiar. Just like the hundred other times, he had his arm around your neck. The hundred times you smiled at him for every successful block he made through the games. The hundred other times you came running to him after a match bouncing on your heel. It was natural. Same way he loved you. Learning small things about you failed to notice about yourself. Same way the kiss felt, simple.
It didn’t have you to be big and special, for you to like it. This was you, this was your friendship. It wasn’t pressuring. You didn’t need words to know that he felt the same. His hands fiddling behind his back, give it away.
“Yeah. I should really man up, huh?” You said, lips quirked up, catching on. Kuroo’s eyes visibly sparkled. Tugging the captain down by his collar, you nudged his nose with yours, holding eye contact. Kuroo was waiting for this, brain slightly more awake than yesterday’s. Eyes quickly falling to your lips as he smiled in anticipation. Noses brushing in an eskimo kiss before you finally met his lips halfway. The kiss was everything, and so much more than what Kuroo wanted to say. He tasted the same lip balm he remembers stealing for his chapped lips. You could taste the same lip balm that you used, on him. He would say he used only because you did too. A single hand coming up to your head, tucking behind the stray hair that fell onto your face.Other hand placed on the small of your back.
“I was certain you were too good to kiss in the moonlight.” Kuroo said smugly.
“So, I am the man in this relationship ?”
“If we’re in a relationship, then yes, you could be the man and I’ll be your lady”
“Milady, shall we seal the deal with a kiss?” you said, poking fun at the blushing boy who said before you.
“Seal the deal and we can head to our class,” Kuroo said, fondly fixing your hair for you.
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Note: Hi guys, how are doing?🧸 I am kind of ✨stressed✨ Exams are coming up in a month and I am not ready. Hopefully, I find it in me to study. The post is a little small but I'll make it up with some text message of the same couple. So, keep an eye out for that. Bai, take care ⊂( ̄(エ) ̄)⊃
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