#maybe in the attic??? HAHAHAHAH
quinttyz · 3 months
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soft moments with the two…
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WE SHOULD OMG*!!!!! maybe something to do with his hair?
*omg we belong in a mental hospital, we're totally Matty's type (iykyk)
Spent way too long tryna find that problem attic meme cuz I thought it would be iconic to post as a response but now I just feel lame hahahahah. Matty do the middle part plz
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abundantchewtoys · 7 years
Hiveswap ‘17-10-01 : Heavy, wet darkness and takeout leftovers
Which door to pick, oh which should we pick?
The big doors seem like they lead outside, since the other pair of big doors in this space also do so. But then, how do we get to all of the other rooms left in the house, the trophy room and the kitchen (and basement)? Maybe there's another hallway to the right. --- Gonna try the right door first, it seems less likely the trophy room is behind it. WWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOWWWWW. Never mind! This is the trophy room after all. Wow. So dark. So atmospheric. ... Such a creepy background noise we hear there. (Horrorterrors? Wait no. :P) Is there a monster in here, maybe? ... And so it came to be that Joey entered the Land of Wrath and Angels. :P The style of this scene, with light pouring in from outside, and the rest in black, reminds me of it. Bonus points for Jake being a Hope player. Blaperile has a good point, that we might not even be able to DO anything here before the flashlight works. So we'll ignore my first instinct of exiting the room again. It'll probably take us getting batteries from the radio in the kitchen before we can find the attic key. And then - according to the spoiler we saw for CHERUB KEY + ATTIC DOOR... Apparently we temporarily lose it again? :P We're on this ride forever. LISTEN: ... Something... Breathing? D: Definitely a monster, right? ... That, or Jude's pet got out. ... I don't suppose it'll be a fakeout with regard to Jude's pet, that it's one of pigeons, actually. :P Because, you know, the hamster tube. ... Unless he uses the tube to send and receive covert messages! With pigeons. Through the kitchen (that I suppose is through the other doors) Ooooohh! We tried to contact Jude but COULDN'T. It's like the walkey got jammed! ... Are the monsters responsible for this? Or is it just a coincidence, for instance because she's on the farthest side of the house, away from the treehut? On a brighter note, item combinations with the dark room actually work and give hilarious responses! :DO CHERUB KEY + DARKNESS : It only glows in her dreams, apparently. TREATS, SHOES, POINTES + DARKNESS : I'm getting the vague impression the narration is prepping us for Round 2 vs the snake monster? :P ... Wow. We exit the room, only for something heavy and wet??? to slam against the door, shutting it. Eesh, doesn't seem like the snake monster. More like an ooze monster. D: Then we make contact with Jude, and he recommends we restore power to the house before the sun sets. That's a good idea, actually! Wouldn't want to be left in the dark with these things about. Although, the power box is either outside or in the basement, none of which are good options right now. Who knows what out there, or down there in the dark? But Jude also says we'll need the power to retrieve the key?! Is there a powered device in the trophy room containing the attic key? As long as it isn't a Five Nights at Freddy-esque animal corpse-turned-automaton. *shudder* He doesn't want to discuss it further over this "unsecured channel", so I guess he might send a pigeon over with instructions! That'll get accosted by one of the monsters, in the kitchen. Oooh! We could contact Jude a second time, and then he mentions the circuit breaker's in the basement! That was indeed helpful. Unlike the lead-in comment, which just told us what we already know: the power outage gives the monsters a significant advantage. For now, it's limited to stealthiness, but they also feed on darkness, who even knows! Anyway, the trophy room is probably off-limits until power is restored. That was actually a sweet extra scene we would've missed out on otherwise. ... Yup, the door can't be opened anymore now. Onwards through the big doors then! --- This is the kitchen! Ah, the radio is highlighted to draw our attention. The static actually sounds a lot like highway traffic, or construction site sounds! So the kitchen is about directly beneath Joey's room, given that we can see the treehouse. I like the old fashioned tiny tiles on the walls, very appropriate for this room. "HOME SWEET HOME", today and on most day, however, isn't very appropriate in this family. The pictures on the fridge are a delight again. Puppy Tesseract! Camera shy Jude! ... Grandpa posing with blunderbuss on a landscape that brings to mind Hellmurder Island! (Green pastures and blue skies.) And Bigfoot. Oh Jude. I like the abundance of kitchen magnets, especially the paw print one, top right. Oooh! There's the fax I remember from concept art. I do wonder whether Jude has power in his treehouse. Or... would have, if the power wasn't out. Maybe he has a fax of his own. The stains on the floor, mud on the door, and trash and dirty dishes all about are more proof that sitter is a lousy housekeeper. The hamster tube ends in a loop here. Huh. No tube going outside. I also hear a clock ticking. ... That spider web in the closet though. ... The spider even moves! I've had my fair share of spiders already this week, thanks. ... Huh, the tube... goes down on this end of the room? Through the floor, to the basement?? And the room even continues beyond the wall to the right! There's the basement door... And for some reason the tube both extends through the floor AND goes into the wall next to the basement door, huh. D'ahh, and there's a distinguished houseguest here. Looks quite like one of THE distinguished houseguest - the Napoliteanian mummie! It blocks one of the doors here. Maybe that door leads to the street? So, if we get no other stuffed humans in this game, this at least let's us reach our quotum. :P FAX : Apparently the device is quite important to Joey somehow. BATTERIES + FAX : ... Pfffffff, Joey takes the opportunity to think back with nostalgia to an 80s invention, the battery-powered fax machine. This is so meta, and the prompt acknowledges it: Decade-based nostalgia can be a tough row to hoe. POGS, TREATS + FAX : Oh Joey, keep being so silly, please. CHERUB KEY + FAX : Oh, so it's actually called the GREEN KEY? ... Does that mean there's a RED KEY somewhere too?? On Alternia, perhaps?? POINTES + FAX : Another dud! LOOK at FRIDGE : Welp, someone forgot to do groceries again? ... I guess all the takeaway leftover should've been a dead giveaway. Then again, how do they pay for the stuff, anyway? Does the sitter use her loan? Do Jude and Joey get an allowance? SNACK : Yup, sitter is slacking on the food shopping front, as well as all those other fronts. :/ BATTERIES + FRIDGE : ... Pfffffff. Now that's a spin on the old wive's tale (that might be true?) that cooling batteries in the fridge can restore some power to them. ... Also, seems like it's time for us to get more intel on the sitter. ... It might be more info than we bargained on, however. We're starting to learn about all the ways in which she is neglectful. POGS + FRIDGE : "Not even the FRIDGE can make POGS cool!" ... I should've seen that pun coming. And Joey, that was actually a good one, don't fret! GREEN KEY + FRIDGE : ... Cold case. ... Of course. In actuality, the fridge is of course slowly getting warmer from losing power. POINTES + FRDIGE : ... Hats off to you, Joey. Hats off to you. Trying to OPEN WINDOW : Oh, right, this is the window that the pigeon and monster bat will come flying through later on! BATTERIES + WINDOW : PFffff, now the narration is slamming on Gen-X' tendency to need batteries for enjoying everything, even sunsets! GREEN KEY + WINDOW : Heh, hearing "scratch" mentioned in the same sentence as the key makes me think of Doc Scratch. SHOES + WINDOW : I actually didn't think this would prompt her to dance, but here we are. POINTES + WINDOW : ... And I didn't expect this to prompt such a deep and meaningful message, but here we are. "If ballet be the hymn of wratch, let's dance" That's actually a very nice quote. I wonder if it's pre-existing? At least it's not misattributed. In fact, this whole prompt kind of reminds me of the texts accompanying the atmospheric scenes all B1 kids had! Oooh! We can finally acknowledge the hamster tube! ... TUBE HIGHWAY, pffff. Well, yeah, the pet can use it to zip from room to room in a hurry. Of course, there don't appear to be any ways for it to exit the tube, probably only from Jude's room? So, it must really be a slender animal. ... Or an octopus, they fit into everything. :P But yeah, there were hints it's a vertebrate. So a snake at this moment seems most likely. TREATS + HIGHWAY : Hmm, so it DOESN'T like the treats? I thought it did, the prompt for Jude's room said they made it get riled up? ... So does that mean it doesn't eat meat, perhaps? What could the "very specific" diet be then? ... Maybe Jude has trained his snake to eat insect only. You know, to de-bug his room, make sure he can't be overheard? GREEN KEY + HIGHWAY : OOOoooooh, this is some VERY specific denial going on here, it's very likely it's a serpent now! ... Bonus points for if it's a two-headed snake! That's a naturally occuring mutation, after all. :D SHOES + HIGHWAY : Yup, as I thought to remember, the pet gets worked up by tap dancing. Something about rhytmic pacing? Does it remind it of its prey? Trying to make Joey to CLEAN DIRTY DISHES : Heheheh, first time that it's addressed that Jude kind of bailed on his sis in a pinch there. Not that I blaim him, flight or fight response is a bitch. GREEN KEY + SINK : Joey says she's been having a weird feeling about the key all day. Yeah, prized though it may be, if it has any agency in sending Joey off-planet, its intentions can't have been all good. CHINESE FOOD PACK : ... Oh the irony. They order takeout to avoid doing dishes, then avoid taking out the trash instead. But apparently Mom is a decent enough chef! Who'd have thunk? Roxy's only ingredient was pumpkins, after all, there's not much routes you can take with them. Well, not much variety in routes, at least. POGS + PACK : Hahahahah, another reference to the fact that Jude probably filled those Pringles packs upstairs with pogs. Joey is suddenly chilled to the bone by, as she put it, a cold otherwordly wind. Dun dun DUNNN. --- With the kitchen half explored, we'll stop for the night. I think it's not going to be that long anymore until our first real strife! At least, I shouldn't think so. Maybe even in the next room we go from here!
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