#maybe this is why I kin langa idk
arsoniiii · 1 year
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Late night Reki because Ari can’t sleep <3
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metanoia-since2004 · 3 years
Sooooo episode 8 wtf sir??
Let's begin with Adam. Obviously he has done some and is still doing some fucked up shit BUT wtf was dat flashback with his aunts???!!! Alright, yeah it shows us why Adam is so obsessed with his twisted version of love that made absolutely no sense in the beginning. Apart from that I think it also shows us how love is taught to us or rather as a child one's understanding of love is extremely malleable. Adam obviously had some form of love for Tadashi, but thanks to fucking trauma, that love changed into something gnarled .
And BY THE WAY I officially kin Tadashi to hell and back now. Like yass bitch please knock down that pompous ass a few thousand km to hell, thank you.
And to me, more than Tadashi being the Snake in the Garden, I see Adam as the Snake in various forms. 1. Him coming in between with his evil creepo whispers that sent Reki running away from his love of skating in extremely valid and legitimate fear of dying. 2. Adam with his tactics cutting off Reki from Langa. In this scenario especially, he shows the same tactic as the Snake of tempting the other person with something forbidden. 3. Again cutting off someone's love for skating but this time it's Tadashi. Here it's rather extreme too, in the sense that Tadashi is kind of bound by some messed up contract or smth to obey Adam.
OOR Adam personifies the apple, cause everyone who touches or reaches for him/it despite the warnings, end up dying or is affected physically and brutally. The examples are endless, Tadashi, the nameless guy in the beginning of the episode, opponents before and after that guy, Reki and last but not least, Langa.
And idk if anyone else noticed this but Adam looks up at the moon when he says he is looking for his eve (throwing up in my mouth noises) and then during Tadashi's scene in the empty pool, hovers at the same spot where Adam was looking at. Maybe, just maybe, Tadashi is able to pull Adam out of this shitfuckery and be the Eve Adam desperately needs. Or maybe, he decides enough is enough and just leaves like Eve should do rationally in this scenario. No one knows yet......
Now moving on to our babies. Can we get Reki a fucking hug. Please. Is that too much to ask? Or at least someone invested enough to help Langa out here??? BTW I fucking adore mama Hasegawa. She is a legit queen.
Coming back to Reki. He is most probably going to get a really good character development arc and I really, really want him to shove Shadow's face into cow dung (those comments were fucking unwarranted Hiromi). It's gonna be super anticlimactic if our boi gives up skating as a sport and ends up as a skateboard designer or smth, cuz he has the potential to be sooo much more. It's not the worst ending but come on!! We can give him better than that.
Next up Langa. IS THIS BABY GAY OR NOT?? PLEASE DON'T QUEERBAIT MY BABY BI ASS!!!! And that scene where he realised he isn't as excited to win or skate when compared to before. I genuinely think that just like how he physically distanced himself from skateboarding after his father passed away, he is most probably gonna end up quitting skating just because he doesn't have Reki, his mentor, the one who offered to hold his hand the first time, to see him do well. This is seen when he is shown in the same position but in Canada, where presumably he is lacking his father's cheers and hugs, just like he is lacking Reki's presence.
Joe.....WTF I AM GONNA MARRY YOU IF CHERRY DOESNT MAKE A FUCKING MOVE ALREADY!!!!!! Okay so first off, the immaculate dad vibes he gives around Reki is just jfhdbsjdhd. You even see it when those guys play dirty with Langa on the track and Joe slows down a smidge to help. Next, the fact that he is consciously making an effort to see that Reki doesn't end up in the same pile of fuck ups as Adam is just so pure and touching. And finally, Joe's jacket, you are doing god's work, my dude.
And Miya....sweet, adorable Miya. Can I bundle him up along with the rest of the babies. His concern is honestly so ...wholesome I can't- Shadow istg I'm gonna fuck u up one day.
I fucking hope they get a good closure in d end otherwise I am gonna actually flip the fuck out.
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