#me as marge simpson holding up a potato of communication
littledigits · 5 months
thoughts on the cut episodes and ppls reactions 'n stuff
Since it was confirmed that a few more episodes of Hilda were written but cut, I do think the reaction of people finding this out is really interesting and not just because its fairly common in the industry and isint a sign of anything bad necessarily. I mean heck, in a weird way being behind the scenes and then seeing how people interpret things, what they take as important, what they think is a thread…all of that is interesting. When your job is basically trying to get people to pick up what you're putting down storywise its kind of a neat topic, because everyone communicates in their own way.
BTW before I keep going this is not a post to say dont crit/vent/complain/whatever about whatever the heck you want in hilda or any media, you do you. I think peoples honest takes are fascinating (said in victoria van gale voice) and even just people speaking their mind shows that they are interested and they care so that matters. Also not one singular post triggered this, its just been on my mind as I surface level read things so no stressies.
When It comes to the cut episodes, I'm seeing some people assume that whatever was cut would have fixed some of the crits they may have had about the season..and who knows, maybe yes? But I'd say ultimately probably not. Not because they dont include things that people want to see, or may have some topics people want expanded on ..but because thats just impossible in the grand scheme of things.
I mean this applies to shows in general, not just hilda. Every person who watches a show has their own idea of what the show represents to them. For some of its more of the surface events or characters where as others connect it with a deeper emotion. A lot of people respond to different tones of the episodes, which there are many. Some people prefer the one off adventures that stand alone as their own stories and others want to see more of a stronger through line. Some may see a new character and expect a new arc and thread, while others wonder why we couldn't've used a previously introduced character. Some may read between the lines more and others may take what is presented as very straight forward and literal …and no one is WRONG, because our big wrinkly brain meats all have their own tastes and ways of imputing information.
Television animation is rife with factors that actually futz with the quality and ability of the team to make a beautiful, amazing product like EVERY DAY. The script process and what goes into production is just one. The team is made up of many creatives all with their own varied experiences and voices just like the audience. In order for people to have their own voices and say, you are going to end up with some things that hit better then others, especially if the team is allowed to grow and experiment and play a little. Hilda has always been a show where we've been able to have a lot of creative say, and i think that sincerity comes through ! but with the sincerity and that humanity, it also means that there are going to be things that arnt going to make sense in the grand scheme of things lol. Even the writers and creators and producers have differing opinions on what to explore and dive into, probably more so then fandoms haha. Having more episodes may scratch some itches but not all, HECK, those episodes being cut could have re-allocated resources to other areas that helped elevate your fav ep of the season ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows! Schrodinger's episodes! (also ngl I was having cold sweats over the scope of some of them as cool as they were. The season may have been shorter but it was intense..it takes a long time to do stuff that looks that clean and crisp)
Imperfect art is very human! Do the best you can at the time with the factors you have. I was given so much trust and freedom on my episodes, and I was just happy to do something fun that allowed me and my team to grow and learn. I was fucking STOKED to get a one off story because it was way less pressure for me to take my next step directing cuz just doing the thing is a feat. Any sincerity you feel cant come through if that means we're afraid that we cant make mistakes, or do a story choice ppl wont vibe with. All you can do is do the best you can, see if people are picking up what you're putting down, and grow from it for next time.
Anyway, just a thought ramble. Its not to say do or dont do this or think this way blah blah. I just love that storytelling is messy and complex and everyones gonna take it a lil differently, especially if you have a team where you allow lots of voices to have input. It is all just a big experiment to see if people leave with a particular experience by putting your resources into the things you have that matter, and try you best to distract from burnt edges or patched up holes that happened throughout the process of making the dang thing lol.
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skaz-wolfman · 1 year
Halfling Appreciation Post
Literally my first time making an original post, let’s flapping go.
As those of us who love roleplaying games and have a healthy amount of self-respect distance ourselves from Dungbats & Dickbags, (and just so we’re clear, I’ve been a fan of the world’s most popular RPG since I was a kid, so my anger here is not a mild, petty thing, it’s an absolute Balrog of betrayal) I just want to take this moment to make sure we’re appreciating one of my favorite fantasy races.
Muhfuggin’ halflings, yo.
Why are halflings great, besides the fact that Samwise Gamgee is the single greatest supporting man in the history of fantasy adventure? Well I’ll happily tell you. Over the years, I’ve heard woefully misinformed people say “Oh, they’re just skinnier dwarves” or “they’re just gnomes but boring” or “eww, halflings are pedo-bait”. That last one has made me scream obscenities, not gonna lie. But sadly, reductionism is all too easy. So please, lend me a moment of your time to outline what halflings actually are.
1. Halflings Are Friends. This really doesn’t require me to explain it, to be honest. The world’s most comprehensive essay on why halflings are the best friends anyone can have already exists, it’s called The Lord of the Rings. But then, that’s still being reductionist, isn’t it? Everyone in the Fellowship was super friend-shaped, not just the Hobbit Squad. That was kind of a big theme in that whole saga. To flesh this point out a bit, the same way human beings possess an absurd capacity to pack bond with ANYTHING, halflings tend to possess a charitable disposition, generosity of spirit, and natural inclination to help that makes them damn-near optimal buddies. Sure, they might not adopt you on sight like a human, or swear a lifelong oath of friendship like a dwarf, or check in on their favorite human’s descendants every so often like an elf, but once you earn a halfling’s friendship (which still isn’t terribly hard) you have a ride-or-die homie for life. Sure, we all sing Sam’s praises endlessly, but let’s be real, if Sam had been the Ring-bearer Frodo would have been his rock too and you can’t convince me otherwise.
2. Halflings Are Brave. Contrary to what some may think, halflings are not fearless, but they do embody the saying that “courage is not the absence of fear, it is the will to act in spite of fear.” Halflings know fear, of course they do, they average around three feet in height. But when a halfling comes into danger, it’s usually either because they’re in the middle of doing something important, or because danger showed up to threaten their home. Either way, a halfling’s gotta do what a halfling’s gotta do. That doesn’t mean every halfling is a Leeroy Jenkins; most of them aren’t that hot-blooded. But every halfling knows in their bones that fear just isn’t important enough to stop them from helping. A halfling is more afraid of their community or their friends getting hurt than they are of getting hurt themselves.
3. Halflings Have Wonder. Halflings are often compared to children, even called “child-folk” sometimes. Hence why some people seem to think of them as “pedo-bait”. Yuck. They’re just short, people, they aren’t lolis or shotas, they grow sideburns for Pete’s sake. The other big reason halflings are considered childlike, besides their height, is that the have that indelible sense of wonder that us humans often associate with children. Halflings don’t grow tired and jaded, they know the endless potential that comes with each new day, with each new person they meet, and each new place they go. You know that meme where Marge Simpson holds up the potato and says “I just think it’s neat”? That’s a halfling about literally anything. Not everything, they have personal interests of course, but a halfling can find the “neat!” in literally anything. No matter how many people they meet, they’ll still be excited to get to know someone new. No matter how far they travel, a new vista can still take their breath away. No matter how much pain they have to endure, they’ll still be grateful for a new day to find new wonders in their life.
4. Halfling Are Modest. Why are halflings so helpful, brave, and always looking for the new no matter how much they experience, good or bad? Because they don’t think too highly of themselves. That’s not to say that they have low self-esteem or that they lack pride. A halfling knows, without self-deprecating, that they’re only a small part of the world, but they also know, without ego, that the world would be less without them, and that the same is true of most anything in the world. Sure, there are bad things that probably no one would miss, but most things in the world have some value to someone. Most people might be terrified of spiders (yours truly included) but there are also people who think they’re the coolest, and regardless of how you feel about them personally they have a valuable place in the food chain. Halflings never lack for wonder because they aren’t afraid of how vast the world is. Halflings are great friends because nothing they want for themselves is more important than supporting the people they care about. Halflings are courageous because they know there are too many precious people and things in the world to only be worried about saving their own skin, otherwise they wouldn’t have left the comfort of home! Halflings aren’t easily overwhelmed, but they generally know when something isn’t to be taken too lightly, either.
5. Halflings Are Lucky. I know that “lucky” isn’t really a personal quality, but it’s nevertheless an essential part of what makes halflings so Neat™. This is, in fact, the converging point of the halfling traditions of Friendship, Courage, Wonder, and Modesty. As much as I feel burned by the Wizards, they did introduce me to a concept that I really, really like, and I don’t believe in throwing away good ideas just because I’m mad at the people I got them from. That the reason halflings are so lucky is because they’re such wholesome and kind folk, beset by danger on all sides, that in a world where Good is a fundamental force, the universe itself looks out for them every once in a while. And if the very universe appreciates halflings that much, I think we should too. Plus, you kids wanna talk about cryptid characters? What’s more cryptid than a happy-go-looking chubby homebody with a name like Bernie Teakettle who goes out to check their mail, gets swept up into High Adventure, and Mr. Magoos their way through stopping an apocalypse? King shit, that is.
So in summary, much like the potatoes they cherish, halflings are just really neat.
Fuck the kender tho, tbh. All my homies hate the kender.
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