#me lowkey simping for benimaru and joker
yourdorkiness · 4 years
My Opinions on Fire Force That Literally Nobody Asked For
I’m in the middle of watching Fire Force Season 2, and I'll probably write a whole essay rant about the symbolism, religious elements and motifs, and the representations of real life problems in this anime before keeping it in my drafts, never to be posted, because I always overthink my ability for rational thought and deductional thinking. Until then, here are some of my opinions, thoughts, and predictions about the show in no particular order. 
Warnings: Spoilers for Fire Force Season One and some spoilers for Season Two. I have NOT read the manga, so keep that in mind.
I checked Benimaru’s wiki page, and he’s 22 years old. 👁👄👁 (I thought he was in the 25-30 range, he always looks so Done™, lol.)
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Despite looking like he wants to go sleep for 14 hours and never wake up again, Benimaru be looking ✨hella fine✨, if you catch my drift.
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I really like Benimaru’s and Joker’s voices. They have very deep and rich voices (I almost fell asleep when listening to Joker monologue, it was so relaxing). So I checked my faithful wiki page, and it turns out Shinmon Benimaru is voiced by Mamoru Miyano!1!1! (ⁿᵒ ʷᵒⁿᵈᵉʳ ᴵ ᵗʰᶦⁿᵏ ʰᵉˢ ʰᵒᵗ) AND, AND, AND!!! Joker is voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda!!! I recognize his voice now!!! I really loved his voice as Lero Ro from “Tower of God”, and Narihisago Sakaido from “ID: Invaded”.
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I find myself relating to Hinata and Hikage on a personal level 50% of the time, since sometimes, I like to sit back and watch the chaos unfurl. The other 50% I relate to Hinawa, because I too am a tired Mom who wishes my friends could make good life decisions, while dragging said friends out of bad life decisions.
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What, in the frickity frackity F*CK are with the Evangelists boot... things. Like, I.. I have no words, simply disappointment. They’re... not even proper footwear?! I couldn’t find a GIF showing an Ashen Knight’s feet, but it’s like if somebody (aka the author) were to surgically remove a “My Little Pony™” leg and wear it as.. armour?!?! How are you supposed to fit your foot in a shoe (if it can even be called a SHOE) the size of a TEACUP, while the area protecting your knees are designed to have plenty of room???? Are all these finger quote “Ashen Knights” finger unquote so BLIND after living in the sewers (oh excuse me, the “Nether”, because we need to make the Subways’ more scary and edgy to strike fear into the hearts of our enemies) for so long, they cannot put their shoes on correctly?!?!?!?! I’VE NEVER BEEN THIS PISSED OFF (except for whenever Tamaki’s “Lucky Lecher” activiates. I have a whole other rant about THAT).
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I REALLY, REALLY hate Inca. I can understand why she’s like how she is, but I still can’t help but be angered by her logic, philosophy and decisions. I also wish Shinra would understand that not everybody WANTS to be saved, even though people SHOULD be saved. For example, when Inca decided to follow through on what SEEMED to be her only option of setting Panda (the guy from her gang she lead) on fire, because it was “decided by destiny”? Utter bull. Inca can, in fact, see where fires will appear in the future, by smelling where they will appear in the form of threads (which reminds me a lot of Tanjiro from “Demon Slayer”, and how he can smell the “Line of the Interval”). 
However, it is obvious to viewers that the explosions she creates (note the word “create”. A conscious action!) by tracing the threads are a result of her physical actions of tracing a line. She was not mind controlled, rather chose to trace the lines under the flimsy assumption of “it’s destiny so I HAVE to!” Inca should have more deeply considered the fact that maybe it’s not “DESTINY” but her own obvious FREE WILL in that she can CHOOSE to create these explosions. I dislike how she shuns normalcy and safety when so few of the people in the “Fire Force” universe have the PRIVILEGE of experiencing it. I can understand why Inca dislikes safety, so it’s not one of my more hated traits of her character, since it is understandable since her abilities allow her to always avoid danger. This causes Inca to narcissistically believes her life is MORE valuable than others, treating other peoples’ own lives so callously, and is one of the characteristics I hate about Inca. Every individual life is precious in it’s ability to change their morals and way of living, in that they can accomplish so many things in life despite the brevity of it, and that even the worst people have (a few) redeemable traits. Inca did go through a traumatic event, which lead to her realizing the preciousness of her own life, but failing to recognize that others’ lives have that same preciousness when presented the chance, (i.e. the boys from her gang, the people she robs, and the people who were also in the Great Fire who died), which is what I hate the most about Inca. I don’t wish for her to die, but I would love for her to be PROPERLY face the consequences of her crimes, hopefully living a life of normalcy and safety for the rest of her life.
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Thank you for reading some of my opinions about “Fire Force” Season One and Two. I have a lot more opinions that I wish to share, including Shinra’s hero complex and the cause behind it, an in depth analysis of Sho’s character, my thoughts on the Christianity, evangelism, and religious elements, proto-Nationalism and it’s symbolism of Japanese history with Christian missionaries, opinions on the female characters of “Fire Force”, my opinion on the redeemibality of villains, Tamaki’s “Lucky Lecher”, and theories on the future events of “Fire Force”. Have a nice day!
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