#me referencing a children's song in my fic: yes. yes! this is perfect! I'm a GENIUS!! HILARIOUS!!! this is the PINNACLE OF COMEDY-
nompunhere · 2 years
Impatient (H/ollow K/night Vore Fic(let?))
Just a little thing based on a trope I’ve seen around occasionally. Figured the idea had potential. Thought of it and felt like writing it immediately instead of leaving it to fester in the idea doc like I usually do, so congration, have a thing
Characters: T/iso, O/ro Word Count: 1,465 Warnings/Notes: Teasing, Swearing, O/ro being irritable, T/iso being a bit OOC probably, Safe, Soft, Willing Vore (Half-size). To those who follow me for HK content, I’m sorry it’s all T/iso. It’s all just T/iso. I’m stuck in a hole and it’s mostly full of T/iso. Why is he the blorbo. Why do half of my bug blorbos live in K/ingdom’s E/dge. Why-
Ficlet under the cut
Pale ash crackled underfoot as Tiso trudged through the lower tunnels of Kingdom’s Edge. He shivered lightly as a chill breeze blew past. It’d been a while since he’d been down here, and though he was much more prepared for the cold now than he had been on those first few trips through the area, that didn’t mean he had to like it.
As per usual, he was here for one specific purpose: to visit that ornery Nailmaster who pretended to hate his guts while Tiso did the same (just in a more literal sense). He’d been busy for the last couple weeks, unable to make time to come all the way down to the depths of the kingdom, so this visit was desperately needed. ...Not that he’d ever admit it, of course. He just hoped Oro wouldn’t get all testy at him for making him wait so long. The beetle would deny it if asked, saying that the solitude was far better, but Tiso knew he valued these meetings as much as he himself did. They were similar in that way. With a snort, the ant wondered how anyone managed to put up with either of them.
A few minutes and some practiced dodging around the Great Hoppers later, the ant found himself standing before his.. friend? Acquaintance? Mentor? Sworn nemesis? ...Fuck it, he didn’t really have a good word for it—might as well make something up. He stood before his zucchini’s hut, considering how to best make his entrance. He didn’t spend long mulling over it.
“’Sup, asshat?” he announced, shoving aside the curtain that kept out the ash and planting himself firmly in the doorway. His signature greeting was met with a heavy sigh from the big lug in the center of the room, meditating in his usual spot. It was most likely intended to sound exasperated, but Tiso was sure he could detect a hint of relief in there. Maybe even a bit of fondness, though Oro would say he was deluding himself.
“Hmph,” the Nailmaster began, “so you’ve finally decided to grace me with your presen-”
The beetle looked up at him as he spoke, which immediately proved to be a mistake, as he was interrupted not even a moment later by a long, deep, rumbling growl, loud enough to be heard from where Tiso stood halfway across the building. It took a moment to determine what the sound was. He and the larger bug simply stared blankly at each other while they processed what had just happened.
For the ant, it wasn’t too hard to figure out that the sound was a stomach growl, considering his experience with being in close proximity to such noises. He knew enough to pick out that it was a sound of hunger, specifically. He was sure that Oro could deduce as much with ease, considering he was the one feeling it firsthand. The question that truly gave the two pause was ‘Why?’
Oro seemed to get it first, averting his gaze and instead choosing to stare down a nearby vase like it owed him Geo. Tiso took a bit longer. It was like his emotions came to their conclusion before his logic did, with how he could feel a warmth spreading over his face before his brain even caught up to why. He quickly scrubbed the blush away as soon as he realized, silently thanking the gods that the other hadn’t seen.
Welp, the situation had turned awkward, but he could work with this. Just gotta deflect all the awkwardness (and probably piss Oro off in the process), and things would be like normal.
Loudly clearing his throat, the warrior crossed his arms, leaned slyly against the doorframe, and cocked his head just so. “Damn, didn’t realize you’d be that happy to see me. Maybe I would’ve come back sooner. Cutting straight to the chase this time, huh? Looks like someone’s been getting cravings. You really want a piece of this that ba-”
“Just shut up and get over here, whelp, if you’re so certain of what I want,” the Nailmaster growled.
Got ‘em.
Tiso smirked and started to make his way over, unhurried, keeping his pace painfully casual. It was clear how much the other wanted this, if he wasn’t even trying to deny what, or rather, who he hungered for. He might as well make him wait a little longer; make the most of what little leverage he had.
“So that’s all the welcome I get? No pleasantries, no asking where the hells I’ve been, no spar-”
“We can get to that later.” As soon as the ant stepped within range, he was yanked forward by the arm with a stumble and a yelp. Oro quickly set to undoing Tiso’s armor for him, paying no mind to his indignant protests.
“Where’s all that ‘patience’ and ‘discipline’ you Nailmasters are supposed to have,” the warrior complained, rubbing the pain out of his wrist. “Godsdamn.”
“I’ve waited long enough for your scrawny ass to wander back here, whelp. We both knew this was going to happen, hours of meaningless banter first or not.” With that, the last strap of the chestpiece was pulled free, and the whole thing was tossed aside with a clatter. Rolling his eyes, Tiso leaned over to set his shield more gently atop the pile, then straightened up to give Oro a look.
“Still, it’s not very- mmph.”
He had barely opened his mouth before having to shut it again as his head was shoved directly into the other bug’s gaping maw. “Alright then,” he muttered, crossing his arms. Large hands gripped his sides to push him in further. He went mostly limp and let it happen, well used to the process by now. He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as the first swallow occurred, pulling his head into that comforting darkness.
As much as he’d whine and snark about it, Tiso didn’t mind being swiftly tucked away in the beetle’s gut as soon as he got there. Or any other time, really. This was practically the only thing he came all the way out here for. He couldn’t honestly say he didn’t enjoy Oro’s company, and all that other sappy stagshit, yada yada, but they both knew this was their mutual favorite part of these visits. With the way it put them so at ease, it was impossible to ignore.
The ant soon found himself sliding into the Nailmaster’s stomach, and absently started to go through the motions of getting situated. Curling forward, he let himself sink until his back was resting on the floor of the cramped space, then waited for his legs to be released from the esophagus before using all four of his freed limbs to scoot himself into a proper sitting position. That done, he nestled himself into the surrounding walls, all his corners and edges—head, shoulders, knees, and tarsi—fitting neatly into the folds he’d grown so accustomed to. All that was left was to relax and let the motions of Oro’s body knead and push and adjust to his presence until both bugs were as comfortable as could be.
Being in a belly was unlike pretty much anything Tiso had experienced. It had a way of slowing him down, soothing him in a way that nothing else could. Hidden away within another’s insides, he felt insignificant, yet important. Invisible to the world, and yet taking up so much space to the one concealing him. It was serene, almost, and though he’d always thought serenity was a bore, it was also a necessity, providing a much-needed place of rest, safe from all the dangers of the world until he regained the energy to face them head on once more.
He’d really needed this after several weeks of helping restore Dirtmouth with hardly any breaks. He hated how it always filled his head with such sickeningly sweet thoughts, weighing down his mind like they were soaked in honey, but it was a small price to pay in exchange for some of the best sleep one could get. And there wasn’t much to do besides sleep, but he’d take it. He’d need it for the customary spar later; had to show off what he’d been practicing and all that.
He felt a pressure come to rest against the middle of his back. He leaned into it, and it dropped away. Right, there was something he could do to pass the time until he dozed off.
He gave the wall a prod. “You know, if you’re ever that desperate to eat me, you could just come hunt me down, ‘stead of waiting like a damn ambush predator. The surface isn’t that hard to get to.”
“Shut the hells up.”
Fun Fact for those who don’t know: In some contexts, zucchini is another word for queerplatonic partner. The reason for it is quite similar to why Tiso calls Oro a zucchini at the start c:
I was kinda jokingly waiting for when I’d eventually go a full day without getting any notes before making my next post but people keep finding my blog and I felt like writing so eh
heeeeaaaad, shoulders knees and tarsi, knees and tarsiiiiii, eyes and tympanal organs and mouthparts and antennae, heeeaaad shoulders knees and tarsi, knees and tarsi
Thanks for reading! Feedback is greatly appreciated, and criticism is accepted, so long as it’s constructive/respectful. Asks are open.
DNI NSFW blogs, blogs that post exclusively hard and/or fatal vore, weight gain blogs, proshippers, TERFs, ace exclusionists, etc.
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