astarab1aze · 3 months
👀 + That you love me as ardently as you always have, that no bitterness haunts you, no grief nor regret keeps you shackled to your life on Earth; that you remember me with all the fondness and all the enduring loyalty of a soulmate after my final light has winked out, and that you follow not far behind to meet me in the hereafter; for your branches to mix with mine when we meet, our roots to join when we touch, and our souls to entwine completely, in the bed of stars that's cradled all great lovers long lost to time. Eternity, infinity—maybe a heaven in a wildflower. // Y'know.
send me your filth
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"Y'know, pretty boy, sometimes, I think youse a much better poet than I could ever be. Ya say it so effortlessly, rolls right off the tongue, like ya been practicin' fer years - 'r at least long 'nough to prove ya can do it better, cheeky lil shit." But he's not coming from a place of jealousy, envy, nor irritation, but love - reverence, unerring loyalty and devotion pulling a crooked grin into place, lazy blue sweeping over so slender and beloved a form. Rough fingertips, ever so eager in their protective gathering, ease over hips he'd bitten, kissed, and run his tongue over a thousand times, appreciating the flesh there, gripping and squeezing with all the wanton fervor a lovesick teenager.
With all his Hell-blackened heart, there wasn't a single thing in this world or the next that could change how desperately he loved the warlock, how willingly he'd give himself to the flames of Hell if only to hear him speak sweet poetry one last time, to hear his voice in soothing low tones confess to him his secrets and loves as though he were worthy of the prayer. Oh, endlessly, in all things, in all places, there was no room in his heart for any at all but V; No matter how long he lived following his passing, he would persist long enough to see him and have him again, to belong to him, to love him, to kneel before him and kiss his fingers as a knight would his king-- Silly, to draw that comparison, but no less weighty in the modern era as they would've been in a bygone age. "Keep goin', swee'heart. Don't stop now. I wanna hear everythin' youse got goin' on up there, complete with all yer William Blake references, yeah? Mmmm, want kisses after too--"
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inun4ki · 5 months
Which type of love interest would you be in a dating simulator?
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the socially akward brains of the team
Socialization doesn't come easy to you. You might struggle to be heard or seen by the ones around you so you prefer to avoid it all together, as frustrating as it can be sometimes. For that reason you might be selective with the people you blend with, and at times it might seem that nobody will truly understand you.
But when you find those who resonate with you, you're an extremely kind and loyal friend. Most importantly, you're smart, and people always value that about you. They will constantly rely on you, ask for your guidance and advice, and you're happy to provide it. You like being the reliable friend.
You don't get crushes easily, but when you do, you don't really know how to handle them. They feel overwhelming and like a waste of time. There's no way they like me back, is it? What if I ruin it? What if I'm reading way too much into it? Remember to relax and enjoy the feeling once in a while; chances are that your crush sees that intelligent and kindhearted person everyone else sees in you as well.
TAGGED BY: @sunhated kithkith ! TAGGING: @origami-assassin / @ofxcrimsonxedge , @elysiumtouched (ming!) , @elysian-noctuary (masoko!) , @uzumakisavior (sugu!) , @ashestxashes / @fromvitya , @melancholymirth , @0blituses (jae!) , @chiratsuku (satoru!) , and anyone else that would like !
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astarab1aze · 3 months
"I find myself thinking about things I couldn't have the heart to tell you. I think about the end, about my own decline, about how frail I am now and how I will only be a burden to you as time goes on. I don't want to be so infirm that you have to do everything for me, for the rest of my life. I don't want that for you, and, damn it, I still have enough pride in me to refuse that for myself. But I know where I'm headed, and... Sometimes I think it's better for us both if I die before it gets any worse. I couldn't bear to see you wait on me hand and foot; and I couldn't bear to be waited on. The coward in me doesn't want to die at all, but perhaps dying earlier would be less arduous: I wouldn't have to put you through so much, watch you watch me waste away. But what can I do to avoid any of it? Even living, or dying, without you is something I know for a fact I could not handle. I am afraid. I'm terrified of the future, and it's coming closer all the time." (If you know who this is for, then you know who this is from.)
Effort to appear unbothered was put forth, great care to maintain a lack of worry or concern, as he knew right and well who this was - whose words, whose cadence, whose desperate confession whispered in acheful tones. A love far greater than any he could've ever known, ever come to appreciate or reciprocate, share first, and so intense in spite of all. Everlasting, hopeless and tinged with all the grief and sorrow befitting a warlock with an anxious heart, pain and agony leaking into every word tumbling out of a man obscured from view. Convenient, that crystal blue should not meet peridots he wanted nothing more than to dive into, hands eager to gather slender figure into his arms as if the separation would eat him alive - what Hell it was to be unable to drag his fingers over hollow cheeks, paw at and tenderly kiss away the woes and worries of the only man who could give him the greatest gift of all. Redemption, atonement, the grace to afford him a chance, however reluctant in the beginning, however painfully unwanting. And yet now to have him admit his darkest sorrows which proved the opposite true, veiled in shades of gray too murky to peer through, Garrett was unsettled. Uncomfortable. Anxious, himself.
He said nothing in return for some time, the shadow over his eyes heavy and dark and wholly unreadable. Images of a shattered, ever-repeating mirror came to mind, a trap beset by Moloch in which they were each forced to watch each other suffer great torture and near-death, drawing comparisons here and now - perhaps flippantly, but it lingered and spread dread through his body as vilest poison, Hell's heat and apathy burning away at the calm he'd felt before. Yes, anxious - very anxious. There were too few things he could do to soothe worries of his own, and even less for V's, memories of the occasion he nearly lost him too soon, too early, too too too-- His palms felt a bit clammy, how unusual for him, teeth catching on his lower lip. Smoke began to steadily wisp free from the corners, then his nose, gaze flickering this way and that, mind racing, heart squeezing in his chest, flesh crackling and flaking away as if naught but ash, blackened fur peeking through like tufts of grass in pavement as the Cerberus in him revealed itself in full. Massive paws touting gnarled claws scraped into the cement beneath him, cratering under his impressive weight, fanged maw sparking, noxious fume and heat catching flame - evidence of his Hellborn blood. All this, a defense mechanism, a dogged uncertainty best left in the shade of animalistic crimson eyes and expressions that couldn't be made.
He hated talks like these in the first place, much happier to believe that V could live a life eternal alongside him, even if his devotion would see him through many more lifetimes for just a chance to see him again otherwise. It didn't matter if V died-- Oh, but of course it did. In every sense, in every version of every life in every timeline in every universe. It mattered exponentially more than anything else Garrett could possibly think of, claws flexing, grinding cement into dust. He shook himself, his hide, ash and ember falling away from him, and lowered himself to the ground, gnarled paws quick to cover his muzzle, tails tucked between his legs. Inching closer to the barrier between them, seeing all of V's emotions for what they were and being entirely powerless to fix it. Of course it mattered, but he didn't want it to. He wanted V to know that no matter the occasion, no matter the time, no matter the place, no matter his condition, his aches, Garrett would persist. He would love him as he always had, always and forever, and V need not worry for him. At the beginning and end of all things, he would wait, even if he should waste away in turn.
A whine bellowed from deep within him, and it was then he would choose to speak.
"Vitale," he chuffed, paw slipping from his maw, a deafening rumble to all but those attuned. "You're only thirty-something... and you're too stubborn to die. You're not going to die tomorrow." A light-hearted beginning, but it was acheful, crimson gaze glossy with emotion he couldn't bear to impart. "I found you in this life, I will find you in the next, and I will find you as assuredly in death. Weep not for me, nor for yourself, for the time we have is precious. Mecum eris semper, et ego tecum. There are no lifetimes, no worlds, no circumstances in which you will find yourself without - I promise you - and these pains and fears you feel will cease. To leave me... To have had you in the first place is already more than I deserve, with Lust and Wrath my cardinal sins and Hell burning like a furnace inside of me. How ever could I take you, so precious to me, and look upon you with only sorry and regret?" Wolfish nose to press against partitions, dry and caked with volcanic rock and the reek of sulphur. "I wish not for you to dwell like so, to crumble underneath your own mortality, and instead to dream and take heart in knowing the truth beyond this. In knowing you will have me, no matter the circumstances, no matter, no matter... Love is stronger than death, stronger than time, stronger than pain and woe, and you shall know it until the end of all, until the end of time as we know it. I'll make sure of it. I'll find a way. I won't have you wither, but you needn't worry if you shall. Please, stop this. Please, listen to me. Please, trust in me to ease your suffering. Love me as you are, as you will be, as I do, as I do. Vitale, V, my love, my greatest love... my only love."
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astarab1aze · 12 days
"V. Just V." The subtlest tug on his lips hinted at neither malice nor benevolence, but his reluctance in giving her an actual name might have been all that she needed to draw her conclusions. It wasn't his intention to mislead, but there was often a price to pay for dramatics. His eyelids were heavy, but behind them, what did she see? "It will do for now. And you?" // More V for Viri
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It wasn't that Viresca was suspicious, though she was certain that'd played a part in this; Rather, she simply found it strange that a Vitalean devil hunter would be so far from home. They were a people who devoted themselves to closing the Hellmouth, just as the Chimerians had done in pledging to fight against the Myhala - a grave responsibility taken in stride, as a cultural point of pride. It was because of their efforts that devils rarely came out this far, from their direction across the continent, so naturally she had to wonder about this man, loitering in her family shop.
She kept silent for a time, digesting the name he'd chosen to give her and lofting a brow at the rest. "Viresca," simply put, "of House Mandragora."
If he wasn't going to buy anything, leave a few pounds or livres, then what in Myrrdin's name was he doing here? She had plenty of the highest quality reagents and ingredients, some that even, yes, a devil hunter from Vitale ought be able to make use of, but she was gleaning no answers from the depths of greener, equally exhausted eyes.
"What are you doing in Margrove? As I thought, devil hunters from Vitale are rarely, if ever, seen on this side of the continent. Either you're up to something, or you know something," she went on, arms crossing over her chest as she approached the counter, looking at him now not with derision but flaccid curiosity - which was still, perhaps, miles better than a scrutinizing glare. "Surely you're not merely traveling."
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astarab1aze · 2 months
The tip of her tail flicked and flailed anxiously. She did nothing to make herself known and just as little to hide herself; quite openly, she watched a tall, very draped-in-shadow woman from round the bend of a corner. All of the black (and dramatics) reminded her of someone she was currently hunting for. Shadow was much too prideful to seek aid on any occasion; but when it came to unseen forces separating her from her cub, she would go to all lengths. A rumble in her chest sounded faintly when she'd caught her attention: she knew a mother when she saw one. Lucifer knows she knew what it felt like. And, so, she hoped perhaps this woman would understand her plight without the benefit of words. Cub, master, far. Sense nothing. // Mama cat and mama bird!
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Of one thing, Crovita was certain: She was not alone.
A bit of investigative exploration had taken her from the pits of some hellacious drug den to blackstone streets, fresh air washing away the thick film of stale noxium vapors and spent pesudocilium spores, but insodoing revealed to her the presence of something else. Something large enough to be a considerable threat if provoked, cloaked in the shadows of a moonless night, no silvery light to outline its frame. She remained unerringly still, threads of magic twining around each of her fingers - ready to summon forth void-shadow and obscurity, gaze raking over between uselessly flickering braziers and a darkness that moved, lumbering with predatorily feline reflex. Whatever was coming would reveal itself in a moment, and though her hackles were raised, feathers ruffled, she did nothing to make herself appear the threat she absolutely was when cornered - biding her time, waiting.
And sure enough, a black cat not unlike a panther slunk free of inky darkness, claws scraping into the blackstone - but there was no hunger nor aggression in those piercing crimson eyes staring back at her, unbidden by mortal concerns aside from one, and Crovita knew it well. Fear, urgency, as if begging and pleading with her to understand something, and quite right she did. There was a weight on the feline's shoulders, one that brought her head down low and pried her maw apart, an expression of sorts to pull at the corners of each eye besides, creases and wrinkles only an animal could understand - one who happened to have a child of her own. She couldn't deny a mother in need, couldn't bare her fangs in wait for an attack that would never come.
She slowly lowered herself to kneel, knowing well how to behave around such a creature as this. However devilish in nature, this feline didn't aim to bring her harm nor even try, only to communicate that which she couldn't with words. A demon...this far from Vitale? In search of her offspring, no less - no danger to anyone but those who saw fit to come between. Crovita offered her hands, open palms together and facing upward so the cat might sniff them and familiarize herself without fear.
"There's nothing to fear - I won't hurt you, sweetheart," she murmured softly, warmly, magic dissipating on her fingertips as hell-hot breath fanned against them. She thought to ask a number of questions, many of them simplistic and possibly redundant, hoping to get to the bottom of what exactly was happening. Demons were vastly misunderstood creatures; Or, at least, some them were, particularly lesser demons, those without fancy titles or rank among the Hellplane's hordes. "Devilish little things as you are a rarity this side of the Dragon's Spine... But you're looking for someone lost, someone important, aren't you? You've lost your youngling, haven't you?"
She sighed deeply, a hollow sensation settling in her chest. If anything had happened to her Asuka, she couldn't be sure what all she'd be willing to do in order to get them back... She certainly didn't think she'd ask for help, but demand it instead, hunt it down and conscript it as necessary. Nothing would keep her from them. So she would offer it without question.
"Would you like some help?"
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astarab1aze · 2 months
"I'm tired of walking… Carry me?" V stopped mid stride, quite physically putting his foot down, weight over his cane, with a huffy exhale, a bit of a whine to his voice and a bereft bend of his brow. Yes, he was being a bit of a damsel about it, but not at all dishonest about his weariness. // V demands of his husband.
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At this, Garrett couldn't help but roll his eyes, crooked grin splitting his features. V could be so helpless at times, perhaps dependent, or needy, and he could only eat it up every chance he got - never mind the devilish flutter of his heart, nor the wolfish tweak to his smile.
He took another step or two forward before cocking his head over his shoulder, hands stuffed into his pockets, and looked at him. Eyes half-lidded, cocksure and arrogantly charming as usual, pivoting on his heel as to face his beloved.
Oh, yes, he knew he was a superior servant to him than that cane, though that wasn't to undercut it's usefulness. It was to say that V relied on him much more often and for far more things - after all, a cane couldn't ravage him in bed, balance a business account, make blackberry pancakes and bacon every Sunday morning, or yell at the litter of strays they'd taken in over the years for breaking a bottle or missing their mark when out on the hunt, dealing with an uppity customer poorly, fighting in the back office... They managed a lot of that together, but his internal monologue stood! Didn't it? He was giving himself a little too much credit, wasn't he? Ah, well - who the hell cared? That was one of the things V liked about him anyway, his unerring confidence (and the vulnerability that came afterwards).
He sucked in a breath, flesh beginning to harden, crackle, smoke and burn, flaking off into nothing more than bits of ash, rich in grayish-blackness, steadily revealing the gnarled volcanic Cerberus beneath. Noxious fume billowed out of his mouth, dark clouds hanging overhead, concealing his ever growing form, hands morphing into paws with razor-sharp claws, every bone in his body breaking and twisting and reorganizing until he'd fallen onto all-fours - wolfish head held high, crystal blue reflecting bloody crimson, hellfire burning between the cracks in patches of ashen black fur. A beast concealed in fog, he stepped free of human confines and ambled forward, unperturbed by the shift and wholly fixed on V. Already broken asphalt shattered under his weight, but even so, he continued until at last he'd come nose to nose with his mate.
The smoke had begun to clear, dissipating as a gust of wind blew through the parking lot, rolling through his fur. His gaze was expectant - if V wanted to be carried, then he was more than happy to give him a ride. Selfishly, perhaps, for the joy of being relied upon by the only person in the world he could love as intensely as he did - how he saw all the light in all the world in those eyes - being needed by him, summoned forth by unfathomable devotion and just a spoonful of pride. Yet, instead of lowering himself so V could climb onto his back, his jaws parted and he just couldn't help himself!
Garrett panted once, twice, and immediately began licking V all over, tongue lolling over his face, his neck, hair, and everything in between, tail wagging with mischievous glee. Then he lowered himself to the ground, effectively lying down on his belly to make it easier on V to make his climb, nosing at knobby knees and nibbling on the fabric of his pants. Denim? Igh. He was going to have to take him shopping for clothes again, wasn't he?
"C'mon, pretty boy, get on top~" came his purring bellow. "Else I'm gonna leave without you~"
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astarab1aze · 2 months
The eyes are mesmerized by every oddity on every shelf. The things here are what one would expect to find within the confines of a fantasy novel, but the bottles V touches and herbs he scents in the air are not only tangible, they are real. As is the young woman tending the store, who he's noticed has stolen a few curious glances at him, at his curiosity (which, granted, must seem childlike to her). "You offer such...varied wares," he observes softly, cautiously. Some of them he's seen, given his line of work, but the rest... Frightfully fascinating. // V FOR VIRI 🔪
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A Vitalean in Scarburn? The devil hunter was an awful long way from home, a stranger in a strange land where hunters of all sorts were looked down upon - too many chances for such a sort to bring unwanted attention to their kin. Nightfolk were second-class inhabitants of the continent, spit on and warred over enslaving every step of the way, and especially beastfolk. Hunters brought with them suspicion and violence, their presence proof enough of something amiss for why would a hunter be anywhere at all unless there was something to kill, some danger to eliminate?
She, however, didn't discriminate, but found herself a mite curious, watching as the gangly, almost-skeletal man with tattoos darkening his skin poked his head around the petta flowers and jars of various root blends, hovering between bottled blackwyrm eyes and widow innards, wincing nearly imperceptibly at some of the more horrific ingredients contained in the glass set upon wooden racks and the grisly trophies hanging upon the walls - most from Kirat, the rest from the Scarburran Foothills. Hunting used to be a celebrated profession on the western side of the continent. Rather, it still was, but not by nightfolk. Not by witches, wizards, shapeshifters, vampires, werebeasts, greater beastfolk, or sapient monsters. Too many too willing to abuse their positions, and much was the same with the sorcier class. What good were they, if they killed the very folk they were meant to protect? But as she thought, she was never one to discriminate.
He was safe here, as long as he was only a customer. Perhaps he was only a hunter on pilgrimage, seeing the world for its experience, popping into quaint little shops in city centers on his travels - perhaps a lover of souvenirs and self-given gifts. Or, maybe he had a lover in road leathers waiting for him outside, doing some shopping of their own elsewhere.
She hadn't moved from her post at the counter, but she did think to call out to him, address him properly. That was until he addressed her.
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"--Well, if you've a wish to be successful, then you must offer that which folk have need, and in Scarburn, we've need for much," she answered plainly, blinking once, twice quickly. "What is it you've need for, devil hunter? There's course salt, chalk, the flesh and innards of many a powerful beast from beholder eyelids to the shit of a styxie - all ethically procured and in accordance with even Vitalean law. Long as you ring a purchase, you're welcome to peruse, but I must insist you ring. I'm running an apothacary, not a gallery."
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astarab1aze · 3 months
3, 6, 11 // For Furie, because he resonates. ♥︎
intimate & sexual headcanons
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03. what traditional 'turn on's' apply most to your muse?
he's a bit of a traditional guy anyway, so all the classics. gentle touches along the spine or hips, light kisses along the throat and jaw, waist grabs, knee and thigh squeezes, knuckle kisses, that generally old fashioned sort of chivalry that makes him blush. holding hands, forehead and cheek kisses, finger sweeps over his scales, being comfortable and having the opportunity to let down a few of his walls, poetry, the time to be intimate whether sexually or not. flowers, respect, space, but also persistence and encouragement.
06. what are some/a kink that your muse wants to explore?
this one is a bit difficult because furie isn't particularly kinky, even if by default there's a pinch of monsterfuckery in there because he's a monster and does not have a human dick. i think, it would largely depend on his partner, but off the top of my head there are at least a couple of things he'd think about; breath play, blindfolding, light b.dsm, being restrained, breeding, switching-- it doesn't matter who tops/bottoms, doms/subs, whatever. in general, though, he's much too chaste and traditionally repressed to be so forward with this, so i can't imagine him even asking about it.
11. what is your muses favourite, or most favoured, position/s?
surprising no one, missionary. lotus too, probably. in this respect, he's again traditional but also relatively inexperienced, so it's less that these are favorites and more that he hasn't experienced anything different. yule was just as religious and traditional herself, so they didn't have as much sex as anyone would like to think. sex before marriage isn't a big issue for nightfolk, but restraint, resisting temptation, things like that for religious folk are still pretty important.
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astarab1aze · 1 month
// light blue heart because my computer is old and therefore legally blind. Husbies.
muse relationship headcanon game
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who curses more?
you and i both know it's garrett and why. mans is from brooklyn, and has always talked mad shit. who doesn't love to drop an f bomb all the time? he's always been a punk, and he's always had one hell of an attitude when he was pissed. but v also says fuck. :I hmmmm. hmmmm, ooze, hmmm. i think i need your take on this honestly. this one's a toughie for me. in my heart, it's garrett, but i know v's been playin' pretty fast and loose in his old age-- jshdgfs
who is more patient?
it depends on the context. garrett can sit and stay no problem, but he gets impatient and irritable too. where it comes to v, garrett is unwaveringly patient, if a little pushy at times - he can wait and take a hint, it just won't stop him from trying to get v to let him put his mouth on him-- no no, but really he is genuinely very patient with v. everyone else? no. not at all LMAO. he has a hotter temper than v, though that isn't to say he doesn't also have his moments.
who does the driving?
.....don't they walk everywhere, wdym ksdjhfsd we've never written them in a vehicle... except for just...sitting there, while it was off ofc. taxi makes more sense to me since they're based in europe iirc (red grave's in britain right? lol). i just can't see them driving. garrett can ofc but like...why. when v can just hop on his back, summon him as his teleporting demon mount since he's the only person alive who knows his name and the importance of that--
who is louder? who is quieter?
they can both be loud and quiet, this one's all context.
who is more physically affectionate?
garrett, because he literally can't keep his hands to himself when it comes to v. he is so in love, always, forever, and will show it in every way he can. verbally, physically, emotionally-- are you kidding me? it's he. v's more reserved, but relents ufufu
who is more likely to tease the other?
this is an entirely mutual affair and i don't think i need to tell you why >:)
who is better with time management?
....i think they both take certain things very seriously and are, thusly, very determined to resolve x thing quickly and efficiently as they can. that doesn't always work out, as we can see with shokolade. or the entire cult of moloch issue. they were so fucked. EVEN MORE FUCKED IN VIOSTRA. ooze. garrett is definitely freaking the fuck out over everything, urgent but also lay low then keep moving in an effort to protect-- i don't think they think about it honestly skjdfh ACK
who wins the arm wrestling matches?
garrett...... :I himbo remember. v is beefcake moronsexual skdjhfsd
who controls the music in the car ride?
i'll substitute with the bar-- um, both of them? duh. >:I they have similar tastes in music!!! 80s, punk, goth-
who covers dinner when they order in?
garrett. you know how he is. he's gotta be a gentleman!
who is more outgoing? who is more shy?
garrett has always been the more outgoing, talkitive, flirty, generally out there one out of the two. v's more reserved and aloof, but i wouldn't say shy, specifically, except in certain circumstances. like in the beginning of his and garrett's relationship? yeah.
who has the more outlandish fashion sense?
v all the way. what are those fucking sandals-- garrett's good with a t-shirt and ripped jeans ok, classic bad boy vibe for him
who starts the tickle fights? who ends them?
it would absolutely 100% be garrett who starts them, and v who ends them. i fully believe this. uncompromisingly.
who has the darker/more “edgy” sense of humor?
garrett. :I the evidence his encounter with saryn where he thought it amusing to blast him with hellish lava until his neck fucking melted. 'hehe woops! better call bianca--' >:I he thought it was concerning but funny, and all he actually cared about in the moment was if it would piss v off or not.
who is more competitive when it comes to games?
they both have competitive streaks but where v's concerned, garrett's more willing to relent.
who has the bigger appetite? the bigger sweet tooth?
garrett could eat forever. human garbage disposal. he will try anything once and you know this very well, from demonic helltree to magical grass that'll get you high skjdhf he's so dog coded
who is more likely to get in a confrontation in public?
garrett. guard dog. with a temper. also demon of wrath (and lust)--
who hosts the parties/hangouts? who organizes them?
i think it really depends, but v and bee keep in contact i'm 10000% sure, well and garrett too-- it's really vergil who doesn't want to socialize skjdhfsd but i still think about vergil and garrett cracking open a cold one and having a bro chat outside--
who is better at cooking? do they ever cook for each other?
garrett is. he be makin' blackberry pancakes every sunday with bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns unu with fresh coffee. you know how he rolls. gotta take care of pretty boy over there like a good husband should
who is more likely to engage in dangerous and/or illegal behavior?
both of them since they're devil hunter skjdfhs
who is more likely to notice when something is wrong with the other?
they're both fairly quick on the uptake when it comes to each other. i don't see them ever not immediately knowing something was up and needing to sort it through and fix it. i just know how garrett is, he can smell it on v. and v is so intuitive and aware-- they just pay attention to each other when it matters and when it doesn't. they're so good to each other, i'll accept nothing else.
who does the talking in public settings (i.e. to the waiter at a restaurant)?
they both very much are capable of speaking up for themselves each, and they respect each other's autonomy besides. simple as.
who is more likely to extend a helping hand & provide emotional support?
v and i don't need to explain ksjdfhd garrett's an ass and could generally give a shit less about other people in the grand scheme of things, unless it has something to do with v. well, and sometimes their adopted grown up children :I and bee and vergil... and fumis. but so...!!!
who is the bigger prankster? do they get the last laugh or do they suffer for it?
they can both be very mischievous but i think garrett's more likely to actually prank and then promptly suffer for it in some way ksjdhfs then v, much to his own chagrin, will be wooed in the aftermath. i'm just saying. u kno. u know how it would go.
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astarab1aze · 1 month
// light blue heart, for Safe Haven. unu
muse relationship headcanon game
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who curses more?
haha bee. i thought about it for a minute, honestly thinking it'd be vergil, but we must never forget bianca listens to hardcore gangster rap in her private time, like when she's gardening, cooking, or dancing. she's always cursing. sure, maybe under her breath when bobbing along to a song, but who cares? let bee say fuck--
who is more patient?
bee by a mile, i feel like. vergil's patience comes from his careful planning, until it comes down to the execution phase, then he focuses so- hard on doing the thing. bee, on the other hand, is just passive in general, so she's much more inclined to be patient and bide her time altogether. also very tolerant, but she does get very anxious and self-doubting at inopportune moments, putting her in a panicked urgency. hummmmm. i wouldn't say they actually defer much on this point, like they're similar levels of patient but display it differently. if that makes sense? idk kjdfh
who does the driving?
vergil. c'mon, as if bee's learned how to drive. :I vergil can try to teach her all he likes. he's simply better at it and she trusts him more than she trusts herself behind the wheel.
who is louder? who is quieter?
hmmmm. vergil's louder, bee's much much quieter by comparison but this has to do more with dominance versus submission, assertiveness versus passivity. their upbringing, how they survived, the reactions to their individual traumas. like at the root of this. do you get where i'm coming from homie?
who is more physically affectionate?
they're about even. they both have their positively wild moments, but, for the most part, they've always been chaste and particular with and about each other. until the need for proximity is overwhelming, or they're searching for comfort, warmth, reprieve. when they sleep together, they sleep together. when they bathe, they often bathe together. little touches, pawing in the night after a nightmare. bee's favorite spot to kiss and touch has always been his jaw, for instance. vergil gathers her into his arms, brushes his knuckles against her skin. yes. bye.
who is more likely to tease the other?
they can both be playful, but i feel like...it's still probably bee. but overall? i think they're far more serious and uptight than v and garrett will ever be skjjdhfjs i'm not going to lie. playful and loose sometimes in private, where garrett is only too happy to be coocoo for cocoa puffs with v in public kind of a deal.
who is better with time management?
vergil. all that schemin' ya dig. no, the hacking! the hacking. all his computer sorcery bee doesn't understand because computers. numbers bad. time? all she knows is morning, noon, and night. she has zero proper time management skills, especially because she doesn't generally plan for anything unless she's being sneaky. but even then, she can be impulsive so everything goes awry.... -looks at her time in hell- vergil plans and actually thinks more critically about what he's doing, even when he does stupid shit--
who wins the arm wrestling matches?
vergil ksjdhfsd but i feel like...he lets her win sometimes. but then i think he wouldn't insult her like that, but he's also much stronger than her, and it just. goes round and round. ooze, send help
who controls the music in the car ride?
they talk to each other or sit in silence, what music. shut--
who covers dinner when they order in?
vergil. i know he pays for their groceries. i know they never go out. bee cooks but vergie pays mhmmmmmmmm, that just be how it do. a little traditional in certain ways but it works for them
who is more outgoing? who is more shy?
i think vergil's usually more reserved unless pissed off, where bee is more friendly but less inclined to talk to people she doesn't know or trust explicitly, unless she has absolutely no other option. she was so terrified in the beginning, but now it's more like she's neutral? just. um. friendly with people they know, fuck off to people they don't ok
who has the more outlandish fashion sense?
vergil. it's that goddamn jacket (the fedora doesn't exist, it can't hurt us)
who starts the tickle fights? who ends them?
hmmmm. tickling? i can't see it happening, but i can't not see it happening either, like in the first place. :I i'm unsure. vergil and vergil skjdhfsd
who has the darker/more “edgy” sense of humor?
i don't think either of them have a very clear sense of humor tbh. they're both so serious... hmm. we will have to discuss.
who is more competitive when it comes to games?
what? vergil omg. he's a competitive guy. look at his and dante's interactions throughout the game. hell, look at our brief interactions when i wrote him. they has such rivalry between them sure, but also that distinctly brotherly sort of dick-pulling contestery. remember ksjdfhs 'i have a bigger dick' HAH bee wins--
who has the bigger appetite? the bigger sweet tooth?
vergil takes his tea with lil pieces of chocolate bee makes for him and burns way more calories, so vergil. i don't remember ever writing bee eat or drink anything more than lemonade, tea, water, and stew omg..... going by evidence alone ksjdhf she grew up horribly poor. sweets and such were a luxury anyway so she learned not to care about them, just filling enough foods like rice, beans, potatoes, surviving on the bare minimum literally her whole life-- she eats a bit like a bird in the first place... ah. made myself sad
who is more likely to get in a confrontation in public?
vergil. :I
who hosts the parties/hangouts? who organizes them?
bee organizes family gatherings with v and that's about it on that front
who is better at cooking? do they ever cook for each other?
they cook together, or at least vergil helps and is otherwise very involve. sometimes. he can get so wrapped up in his work! so diligent. i don't think we've ever talked about him cooking for her? not that it wouldn't happen. but i do think bee does it the most often and has learned lots of things over time, so she's better at it skjdfhsdf
who is more likely to engage in dangerous and/or illegal behavior?
vergil. he shot the succubus. >:I and i don't think he actually gives a damn about the law. knows very well about it, enough to bend and break it, but he doesn't give a shit about it-- it's his world and we're all just living in it unu as far as specifically dangerous things, law aside, they're both veeeeeeery guilty of that and covered in the evidence.
who is more likely to notice when something is wrong with the other?
they both are entirely attuned and affixed to each other. i think when vergil gets focused on his work, he ends up doing it for hours and hours (a point against him for time management skjdhfs), but when he has a minute to spare, he very much notices. bee checks on him regularly throughout the day, so she would just know faster.
who does the talking in public settings (i.e. to the waiter at a restaurant)?
reeeeeeally depends on context. she follows his lead for certain things, puts her foot down on others, but doesn't really...hm. generally speaking? follows his lead but checks him if necessary. when they're around family? bee never shuts up, but is still somewhat polite and reserved.
who is more likely to extend a helping hand & provide emotional support?
bee. beeeeee. she is the bleeding heart in this outfit, at least as far as other people go. when it comes to each other? they both do the best they can, and that's genuinely enough for them (-sweeps bee's insecurity causing her to go to hell under the rug-)
who is the bigger prankster? do they get the last laugh or do they suffer for it?
pranking? uhhhhhh. hmmmm. no
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astarab1aze · 3 months
"Hey, you don't need that! Give it here!" Apparently, the child was beguiled by a red orb he'd picked up. The screaming, demonic but humanoid face formed from it didn't appear to terrify him. Griffon was miffed, however: he'd had his eye on it first. He uselessly tried to grasp at the thing with a taloned foot. "I'll make better use of it than you will. I'm hungry!" // Griffy for Asu, birdbrains.
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"All I hear is bawk-bawk-bawk, chickadoodle dandy! This lil orb thingy is mine and I'm gonna keep it allll to myself, just for fun, and dangle it in yer face every time ya get hungry!" A smug grin glides seamlessly across Asuka's face, cheeky childish giggles escaping them as they cradled the weird, freakish immitation of a tortured expression in their hands. Swirled, jagged carvings, deep eye sockets where eyes could fit but none were to be had, mouth open wide as if to shriek in agony and horror-- They'd not seen anything quite like it, but nightfolk had their own oddities similar to, conjurations and legends concerning the Hellplane and how its denizens drowned tortured souls in blood. It wouldn't have surprised them if these red orbs were a manifestation of that, and so they'd no care, vague curiosities sated in favor of bothering their poor sweet avian cousin. Complete withs o comical an expression as a colloquial - yes, ' uwu '.
A child at heart, of course, as Griffin would no doubt come to learn for himself. But it was all in good fun! Asuka couldn't help but toss the orb into the air, as if to juggle it, catching it with ease each time it would fall. They wondered if it would shatter if it fell to the ground, or if it would float like it'd just been, bobbing above the ground in distinctly hellacious float. They wondered what would happen if they ate it, or nothing would happen at all. Absent a wizarding spirit, it didn't really matter to them. All they really wanted to see was how bonkers they could make Griffin before he decided he'd had enough squawking and ought to act. How fun would that be?
They held the orb up to their mouth--
"Whatcha gonna do if I do this, huh, Griffy? Betcha won't do nothin', hehe!"
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astarab1aze · 2 months
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was wondering if, maybe, anyone might like to add some snacks and bevvies to the lore? maybe a monster or cultural detail. i designed this world to share it with others, and i think it'd be a lot cooler if more people added into it!
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astarab1aze · 2 months
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me vs crovita
tagged by: @soulsxng <3 tagging: @origami-assassin , @elysian-noctuary , @elysiumtouched , @gyofukuki , @gloryundimmed , @melancholymirth + anyone else that would like !
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bonus: kaeda vs viresca
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astarab1aze · 3 months
bestie ( @melancholymirth ) and i came up with a whole d.evil m.ay c.ry style ranking for my universe, just for funsies. it's so silly, i love it, so feast your eyes--
D - Deadly! C - Catastrophic! B - Blazin'! A - Agonizing! S - Smokin'! SS - Super Slaughter! SSS - SSSanguinous! (DmC my beloved)
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astarab1aze · 4 months
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✘✘✘ ⸻ ❝ Starlight, star bright, get fucked and die right. ❞
independent fandomless original multimuse blog. selective & mutuals only. multiship & multiverse. 18+, as blog can and will contain triggering & explicit material. please read rules & about before interacting ✦ est. 2023. burned by taro ⸻⸻⸻⸻ rules ✦ aesthetics ✦ aesthetics ii ✦ interest ✦ lore ✦ memes ✦ music ✦ opens for all muses & information, character-specific headcanons, and other things, please click here ; lore: main verse // fantasy verse ⸻⸻⸻⸻ affiliates ♥ @bedlamology / @elysiumtouched / @gloryundimmed / @gyofukuki / @origami-assassin / @melancholymirth / @ofoccultism / @divinezenin ( rules under the cut for easy access. )
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✾ Mun
hello.!! call me taro. my pronouns are they/them, and i am 25+. i’ve been roleplaying off and on for about 18 years. my waking life is busy, so i won’t always be here. i have 5 pets and a big family (i'm married + have children). i prefer writing original characters to canon characters. i live in the midwest usa. there are two things in this world i can’t live without: green tea, hot cheetos, and emotionally wrecked men. oh, and i’m nerdy as hell. if you have any questions or just wanna chat/plot, i’m always open, if a little awkward and slow at times.!!
✾ Blog
mun =/= muse. writing about something =/= condoning it. i am mixed-race and lgBT, if that matters to you. otherwise - all of my muses here, especially loux and sortia, are horrible people and absolutely not for the faint of heart. loux and sortia are highly dangerous criminals despite outward appearances, and will likely not care about your muse(s) so as to further their own ends. loux is a bit more flexible, capable of kindness and attachment, but sortia is absolutely not - and both are unafraid of the consequences of their actions. vayn, on the other hand, is a sweetheart, but he's highly inappropriate, meaning he will probably try to come onto your muse(s). he's very flirtatious and a bit handsy. furie is a religious oracle, but he doesn't talk much - still willing to commit murder and blasphemy. hydre is a wild card, unpredictable, and is inherently cannibalistic as well as the harbinger of the wizard apocalypse. asuka is highly inappropriate, wild, and strangely pure, and will probably put up with anything your muse does to them except breaking their heart (because that will kill them, literally). kaede is a self-harmer and sometimes very difficult to handle, both emotionally and physically, and will often throw himself into danger. crovita is a government agent specialized in a wide range of things, and is probably the most normal of them all despite all the line-crossing she's done in her work. viresca, though helpful and generally good, is on a bit of a warpath herself and doesn't mind getting her hands dirty in process. interactions with them could probably go off the rails.  
important addition: as an aside, pop culture has a noticeable influence on my lore (ex. dumpster fairies from wwdits, beholders from d&d, botchlings & drowners from the witcher, arthurian legend, various mythos, the list goes on). i am not shy about this. while i do borrow, i try to put a little bit of my own spin on things, but there isn't much revolutionizing going on here. maybe subversion, maybe flagrant cliches, but everything on this blog is meant to have a sort of 'melting pot' vibe with both original and existing-in-media ideas all mixed together. the world itself is like... baldur's gate, the witcher, true blood, and hp had a weird baby together, best way i can put it.
i don’t shy away from disturbing/gory/traumatic topics. i don’t see it as a moral failure to write it. fiction is the safest possible way to explore our fears, interests, catharses, and concerns regardless of whether it's done properly or not. that being said, there are some things i won’t write: minor/adult, graphic noncon, and incest outside of backstories and such. otherwise, i’m very flexible and find darker or taboo subjects worth exploring creatively - zero judgments here. all triggering content will be tagged as ’____ /’, and erotic content will be tagged as ‘nsft /’. needless to say, this is a 18+ only blog. i will not interact with anyone under the age of 18, 21+ is my preference. as an aside, a lot of my writing will focus on themes of immorality / amorality, drug use / trafficking, poaching, enslavement and imprisonment, murder, extreme ambition, tunnel vision, sex, gore, allusions to sexual assault (backgrounds), manipulation, general criminal activity, necromancy, blood magic, experimentation, cannibalism, human sacrifice, occasional body horror, negative & positive character development, toxic relationships, obsession, family trauma - things like that. but i’m more than happy to write silly and lighthearted things as well. i do love some sweet fluffy goodness! 
all interactions are mutuals only. i’m not the fastest writer, don't always have muse, and will take my time for serious threads. it may take me a few weeks to over a month, sometimes a fair bit longer, from time to time to reply to a thread or answer an ask. on occasion, i may go haywire on the dash and disappear into the night, but i will always be using my queue. i tend towards multi-para, but will do one-liners or simpler, shorter-lengthed threads. pretty sure i’m using the beta editor as well. oh! i regularly delete my OOC posts, so you won’t have to worry too much about dash clutter in that respect. i tend toward inbox memes, so you may see more of those than other things.
i’m just a little bit on the awkward & shy side and may have a hard time reaching out for plotting at first. what i do to mitigate this is generally interact with posts and send in icebreaker asks. i’ll also reblog plenty of memes and my interest check so that there’re always opportunities to get things going. that being said, much as i love, love to gush and plot and just overall have a good time chatting about our muses, it’s sometimes hard for me to maintain conversations or even start them, even if we've been writing together for a while or were just in the middle of a discussion as i get overwhelmed from time to time and need to take breaks; it is not intentional to leave anyone hanging. which i try to compensate for with other interactions (asks, comments, etc.) until i have the brain power. all i ask is that you be patient with me, because i certainly do not mean to leave you hanging or feeling like i'm not interested! you're free to poke me any time!
big fan, big time. you will see a lot of this on this blog and i make no apologies for it. i think it's weird that people hate shipping on the shipping website. i love complicated romances, desperate reunions, all things smutty, toxic relationships, platonic relationships, found family, mentor/student (platonic), plain old friendships - very open to the topic. communication but mostly chemistry are needed for romantic shipping, as i want my partners to be just as enthused as i am and for the muses to be on the same page. i’ll ship with anyone if the vibe’s right. if you want to ship, just let me know! i'm sure we can figure something out.
smol quick guide:
asuka: thoughtlessly dives into all relationships
crovita: one-night stands, slow-burns, high stakes
furie: great for slow-burns and enemies/rivals to lovers
hydre: speedrun having your heart broken & eaten on nightmare mode (not impossible, but about as difficult as sorti)
kaede: great for slow-burns, one-night stands, really all relationships
loux: great for one-night stands & casual relationships, though there is potential for something deeper
mharra: if you're into the mostly strong & silent types with attitudes, he's the guy for you; best for slow-burns
sortia: extremely difficult to even get her to give the time of day; very picky
vayn: the sweetest of peas and will dote on your muse eternally from the word go
viresca: awkward and detached, but can be easily wooed; great for slow burns
this blog is multiverse, though my original verses will be the primary so this blog will be mostly crossover. i like to try new things and plug my ocs into all sorts of universes - it broadens the understanding and depth of a character. i’m happily oc, crossover, au, and canon friendly, so if you want to do things in a different verse, i’ll make one if i don’t have one already! 
so long as we talk about it before hand or it advances the thread, i don’t particularly care about godmodding or powerplaying. it just has to make sense for our plot. my muses are strong, but there are others who are stronger - and crueler - and i won’t ignore that if the power scale is such. your muse can overpower mine? dope, they should, actually! but by this same token, do not underestimate my muses or go in assuming they're weak.
i block tags/posts. if there’s something i don’t want to see, i will simply not see it, no matter what it is, be it the news, internet beef, or things that make me feel like ass for one reason or another. i don’t engage with any of that stuff; i have a personal blog for that sorta thing. also, i do not have any written or visual triggers - except for maggots.
important addendum: do not approach me with anon hate, which i suppose is a moot point to make since people who send it in won't have looked at my rules anyway, but even so - do not approach me with such negativity. i will assume the worst of you and any point you're trying to make, however right or wrong you are, will be entirely discarded as nonsense. i do not care what your problem is; it's none of my business and i have bigger and more important things to worry about. speak to me like an adult or don't speak to me at all.
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