#mentioned: limitlesspossibilities
strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅— Continued from here. —⚅
⚅— @pureposer​ —⚅
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
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“Nothing about this was necessary, boss. If you’ve got a problem with Phones just stay away from ‘im. You don’t gotta interact with him. He still has a lot to do to make full use of his reincarnation, and I have no intention of allowing you to draw that to an end early, capisce? Don’t let me catch you messin’ around with him again. Don’t know why J hasn’t come snatched your ass up yet. Or are ya cruisin’ for a bruisin’ on purpose? You seem pretty pleased with yourself, but I am not amused. You have no right to interfere with my RG, Haz. Hands to yourself.”
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kingsmedley · 2 years
@pureposer​ [continued]
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“Neku Sakuraba is a resident of Shibuya. He played my Reaper’s Game, twice, and I granted him reincarnation twice. And he has chosen to remain in Shibuya and contribute his Imagination to its Realground. Your flagrant disregard for my authority and my ward itself will not go unchallenged; you cannot simply steal him away because you find his situation--which you caused, against my explicit instructions--interesting, without communicating or negotiating with me.”
He scoffed. “Oh, and don’t even bother bringing up your little ‘contract.’ Your coercion and the false pretenses under which he signed renders it invalid, and that’s not even mentioning your failure to provide a copy he could read.”
Joshua paused for a moment, taking a breath, steadying himself to keep the anger in check. Panic hadn’t set in yet; he could deal with this, there was no reason to panic yet.
“Now,” he continued, “we can settle this issue right now and go our separate ways, with Neku remaining in Shibuya where he belongs, or we could take this upstairs.”
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“You’ve broken numerous boundaries, Haz. Is this really a fight you want to pick?”
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mundanemiseries · 2 years
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"...is someone gonna have to explain the multiverse to that kid?"
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falseapostle · 2 years
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“You know what? I’m honestly sorry I caused him all the trouble. Probably best you never talk to me again, Neku. I’m sorry I’ve caused such a fuss.”
Even if he did understand why it was this way, still...
That was fine. He had his Composer and his congregation and Streli. He didn’t even deserve that much.
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ochazos · 24 days
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@limitlesspossibilities said: “Are you okay?” - from Junpei? :3c / Send “Are you okay?” for my muse to have a mental breakdown in front of yours. - accepting
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He had accidentally fallen asleep on the couch in the dorm. Makoto rarely remembered his dreams, even if they were nightmares. But that was starting to change. Lately, his dreams had become more vivid. And even if he forgot what happened, the emotions carves themselves onto his heart. He used to feel numb all of the time, but since he's been here... That's been changing. He rarely ever felt afraid before. What was there to fear? He didn't care about living or dying.
It was sunday and everyone else was away. Junpei had been there playing some handheld game or watching tv most likely. He didn't know if he started making noise in his sleep, but he was drenched with sweat and couldn't catch his breath. His heart raced. The pieces of his dream that lingered... Pictures of the car accident and blood. A monster getting closer to him. A familiar voice. He had heard that when he was younger, he would sometimes wake up screaming despite his lack of emotion in his normal life.
He wrapped his arms around himself. He was shaking and Junpei's worried gaze did little to calm him down. His parents had died and left him alone. Everyone had always given up on him after that. What if his friends now.... Gave up on him or died? He had slowly been feeling things. Affection... And now fear. He didn't want to lose anyone else.
"I'm fine..."
Showing this side of himself was disgusting to him. But nevertheless, he curled into a ball on the couch. He needed to catch his breath. To calm his racing heart. But the images of the car and his parents refused to leave his mind. If he focused long enough, he could see the rest of SEES laying in the road. Dead too. And only he survived despite... never asking to.
"I'm fine...." He repeats, weaker this time. "I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine..." A whispered mantra to try to convince himself.
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pureposer · 4 months
Hazuki hummed softly as he looked down upon his city with judging eyes. He was perched upon the Government Building, hands on his knees as to stabilize his balance.
He couldn't believe it - Shinjuku is finally repaired! It was...Sooner then he expected. But he wasn't to complain. Why would he complain? After all, he could feel himself become much more perked up. Much more like himself again.
If one thing is for sure though, it's that he probably doesn't need those beings around any longer. His City is okay now, he can protect himself just fine if needs be! Threats aren't much of a threat anymore...And they just hold him back. If it's up to him, they would all be gone by now!
But perhaps he could lead them on a little longer? He does like how it all feels, the attention. It might not all be good attention, but it's still attention. And it makes him feel special and different. Or perhaps he will keep them around as something to bounce back to if push comes to shove. He'll decide that later, but for now he'll let his body process it all. After all, it also felt like himself was rebuilt into a being that hasn't breathed in Centuries...
However. He cannot budge the metallic taste on his tongue at the thought of shrugging those losers away. Ack...gross! He could never care! He just hopes he can grow out of this weird....Thing. And quick.
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hopeful-hugz · 1 year
A Masked Stranger asked: "I see someone who gave Joshua and Hanekoma someone to rely on when they were too entangled to help each other. Someone who improves the lives of everyone she comes in contact with, who carries the weight of that burden on her shoulders. Who believes that burden is her only purpose. It's not. This fallout was inevitable, set into motion long before you entered the picture. Hazuki has hurt people before, brought a whole city to destruction, nearly killed Neku with the same bat he used on you. Joshua uses his words as a weapon, poised to say whatever lie will hurt the most. They both chose to hurt you. That's not your fault."
Tell my muse what they need to hear. || Accepting
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“S- stop...” It didn’t make sense to her, whatsoever. She still thought they had no reason to hurt her before. Something had to have changed, right? “J... just... stop... They cared for me; they wouldn’t have done this without a good reason... If they chose to do to do this, then I’m gonna trust them on their decisions and that they were for the best...” There’s a small wipe at her face. “Really my fault or not... That’s what they decided. I... I’m gonna trust them.”
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galaxy-brain · 2 years
Another day, another mission. Fret felt like he was pretty used to the whole Reaper's Game thing by now, but he was sure mentioning something like that to any sane person would raise more than a few concerns.
Well, at least he can count on Rindo to get it.
Noticing his friend stir awake, Fret was quick to greet him with his usual cheer. "G'morning, Rindude! Are you ready for another day of kicking ass and taking names?"
Not really giving his friend a moment to breathe, Fret shifted his weight and ruffled his own hair. "Hey, actually, before the announcement comes on," he trailed off for a moment, "can I ask you for a favor? I promise that it'll be worth it--I think."
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strawberry-barista · 1 year
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"A debate? Shit, I gotta see this. That's going to be the most cyclic dumpster fire of an argument anyone's ever seen."
He's going to go make some popcorn.
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅ — Continued from here. — ⚅
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
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Hanekoma glared down at the knife, and he reached out to take it. No hesitation whatsoever. It might have seemed as if he was going to take Hazuki up on his offer. He opened the knife and ran his thumb over the blade, let the glint cast a sinister light over his eyes.
"You think you hurt me?" He muttered as he studied the blade, a familiar weight in his hand. "Then, yeah. Let me show you just exactly what you did."
And then he looked up at Hazuki, made direct eye contact, and turned the blade on himself, and thrusted it hard into his own chest. He was surprised at how well he remembered how to handle it, how easily the knife slid between his ribs and struck him deep. Blood burst forth, but he didn't move his eyes away from Hazuki. He barely even felt it.
"Does that paint... A better fucking picture!?" He had to choke through blood in his throat. "Why the hell would you do this!? Why... couldn't you just leave it alone!? How the hell am I supposed to take care of -cugh- Joshua if you take the most important person to him away from me!? What am I supposed to do about that, Hazuki!? What is the law? Tell me now, what l-clgaw is there that says you can't-- can't leave him with us!?"
Hanekoma broke into a coughing fit as blood pushed up, and and he finally had to break himself away from Hazuki to cover his mouth and focus on expelling the blood, try to breathe even though he didn't really need to.
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mundanemiseries · 2 years
“hey, hey babe, Neku, both of you, hear me out.”
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“post Hazuki support group, I can bring food.”
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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“’I don’t wanna date’, they say. ‘This isn’t a good idea’, they say. If you’re gonna stand around flirtin’ all day long just go ahead and make it official already.”
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kingsmedley · 2 years
@strawberry-barista​ [unprompted!]
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“Hey, Mr. H. Do you have a moment?”
Joshua arrived just before Wildkat opened, letting himself in without asking, a small smile on his face. He didn’t wait for Mr. H’s response before continuing.
“I’m going to try to stick it out as Composer,” he said. “I’ve been... thinking about it a lot, you know. What it means to be Composer. What it means to be a good Composer. And maybe I’m still not cut out for it, but I want to give myself a second chance. And this time... I’m going to take better care of us all. You, the city, myself--although those last two go hand-in-hand. I know I’m not the most emotionally stable person in the world, and I’m still afraid of what that might mean for the city, but...”
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“We’ve been working well together, finally, and it would be a shame to lose all that progress, wouldn’t it? I’ve been opening up to other people, making friends, and I actually feel like I’m not alone in this. It gives me hope. Talking to Neku, and Haz, and Beat, and Uzuki and Kariya... I want to be a good Composer for them. To help them, to serve as an example, to make this city as wonderful as it can be for the people I care about, and even those I don’t. For everyone who lives here, and everyone who visits.”
He took a deep, steadying breath, trying to slow down and keep the words from jumbling together as he talked.
“I hate myself. But I love Shibuya. And I shouldn’t be able to do that. We’re not supposed to be that separate. If I can learn to love something that’s such a deep part of me, maybe I can learn to love myself, too, eventually. I think... trying to keep myself isolated from the city and its people is part of the reason why I’ve struggled so much. Maybe I can’t live a normal, human life, but I can still live. I can still connect, and make friends, and enjoy the moment, and just... be happy, I guess. Why should a Composer have to separate themself from the city so much? In what world would that help? So I’m going to do the opposite, try something new, and maybe that’ll work for me.”
The idea of coming back to life had been a secret pipe dream he’d held onto for years, desperately longing for, but it had lost all appear the moment he learned it would come at the cost of separation from Mr. H. After that... he was willing to sacrifice his own happiness for the sake of the city, but what if he didn’t have to? What if he could remain in his position, but integrate more into the UG and RG, as well? HIs identity was already pretty much common knowledge among Reapers, so there wasn’t that much extra danger in this. He just had to keep his city stable.
And while he wasn’t sure he could pull it off, he still wanted to try.
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“Maybe this is stupid, and if it doesn’t work, we can go back to the original plan, but I think there’s a chance we can do this. And even if it does backfire, I’ll have set myself up to be happier alive, too. So I think it’s worth a try.” He paused, bit his lip. “What do you think?”
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kingsmedley · 2 years
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@angelbeamz asked: After all that he's responsible for, why are you still talking with Haz and all that? Is this Desperation really the hill you want to Die on? Haz may give you as much Love, Care and Affection you can Ask for, but is it really worth it all or anything at all?
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As my muse questions about your muse!
“Because I can’t stop, even if I wanted to. If that's the way he reacted to just the thought that he wasn’t my first priority, how might he react to me deciding I don't want him around anymore?”
He thinks of Neku, his position in Shinjuku and the vulnerability of that, and shudders. He doesn't want anyone else to die.
“Hm, but that’s not really what you’re asking, is it? You’re asking why I don’t want to stop. And the answer to that is quite simple: I do think it's worth it. It shouldn’t come as a surprise. After all, when have I ever been anything other than selfish? It honestly doesn't matter how many people he hurts, or who those people are, so long as he provides me with what I want.”
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“Or maybe you'd prefer to look at it this way: what moral high ground do I have to take? I've proven time and time again that I'm incapable of overcoming my nature, and if I continue to try, I will leave a path of destruction in my wake and end up alone anyway. So isn't this where I belong? By the side of someone equally monstrous?”
His gaze is distant. Vacant. He isn't sure of what he's saying, of whether it's the truth or even if he believes it. Ultimately, maybe it is just desperation, that same lonely hill he's always died on. The emptiness of loss, of identity, of purpose, the constricting knowledge that he has no one else if he lets Haz go.
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kingsmedley · 2 years
... Holy shit.
It didn't feel like warnings Shibuya issued, but it evoked the same panic, the same sense of urgency. Joshua shot bolt upright, eyes blown wide, mentally scanning the city to try to figure out what happened.
He drew a blank. Nothing was amiss in Shibuya. But something was still very, very wrong.
The second pulse made him double over, and this time he got a read on the direction, if not the location, it came from. It did nothing to assuage his panic.
The pulse came from Shinjuku.
Joshua's stomach dropped. This wasn't... Haz wouldn't do that again, would he? He seemed to understand that what he did to Neku had hurt Joshua, and he wanted him to be happy, right? So he wouldn't do anything like that to Hope. Right?
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falseapostle · 2 years
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✥ @kingsmedley​ asked: ✥
✥ "If you're going to talk to Neku, at least tell him the full story. I doubt he'd be so willing to get all friendly with you if he knew what you actually did, hee hee." ✥
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“It isn’t my place to talk about, Joshua,” No ruffled feathers. He was being serious here, and calm. “You know as well as I do that Sanae would be devastated if I exposed him like that. You were deeply affected by this, however, so if you want him to know, I will leave it at your discretion to tell him. I just don’t want to be the one to do it. I don’t feel like it would be appropriate of me, who was not affected by this situation at all, to speak of it as if I have any right to.”
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