xenobabble · 1 year
Please have some sparkles, if that’s alright!! I’m excited to get to hear about your OCs!!~ ✨✨✨✨
Thank you!! I'll do one OC per blade game, I think, since we got 4 sparkles here :3
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Menyx is embued with enough Meyneth Power(tm) that they can vaguely sense Zanza's influence on others. Shulk, Dickson, and Alvis all set them off -- they aren't a fan of Miqol being friendly with them.
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(art by @bionisinterior!)
Roderick is a Urayan Garfont Merc. Vandham and co actually saved him from ending up dead like his parents by killing his parents' killer. He looks up to Vandham and became a merch shortly after turning 18!
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Exterina or E for short, is a Xeno who crash lands on Mira sometime during the events of Xenoblade X. They don't seem to remember what their species even is, or perhaps they're just faking...?
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Shura is a Defender-type Kevesi from Colony 11. His weapon is a gunlance, similar to Reyn's from Xenoblade 1's. He's very disconnected from life after living in Aionios and seems to find the idea of death boring more than anything.
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444names · 1 year
dinosaurs + hungarian male forenames
Aadasa Abella Abitia Abrome Abues Achia Acoly Acong Adinti Adnor Adocus Adons Adror Aeurus Afrus Agans Agnati Agurus Ajmus Alans Algus Aliops Alops Alous Alugus Alurus Alvid Ambale Amous Ancis Angops Angos Anlops Annan Annus Anonos Antor Anurus Aphor Aptops Aptor Arator Archus Arenar Asinus Aspon Assor Astena Astes Asulus Atops Aurus Avena Avimus Bachus Bacor Baibis Bakon Bales Ballus Bannus Baroly Bator Batus Baurus Bayong Beria Berus Binjia Biánis Bolius Bolus Bonian Brang Brator Brong Burus Bycnea Camon Camps Cangor Caura Caurus Cavus Cephus Ceptor Ceryx Chaos Chisu Chlus Chony Chtus Chypon Chália Clamps Clena Clenus Clodon Clops Codong Codor Colops Cornia Coxena Cravis Crodon Cryps Csanyx Csenus Dachus Dacrus Dagan Darcus Dasta Datia Daurus Dekton Delus Desior Dester Dezsák Dilops Diops Diple Donkor Donrás Donyx Dricon Drius Dromus Drora Durus Dyamon Dylon Dylor Dylus Edvia Eimus Elops Eltra Emonia Eocoes Eorkó Ephus Ephyps Epius Eptera Erocus Euaxa Euchus Eugens Eugos Eurus Feleya Ferena Fernia Fodon Fukus Fulin Fulpus Fácira Fülör Galops Galus Ganpel Garcus Garis Gassus Gexia Gimus Glong Godon Gryor Gryps Guacan Guang Gulon Gászan Hadrán Haeon Halba Haltán Hanops Haptor Hedus Heinus Hejies Helus Hense Hetor Hieron Hirops Hodor Holes Honis Hotale Hublia Hychus Hygia Hylus Hyngy Hypton Illor Imatus Inshor Inurus Iscum Jaffia Jentra Jeykus Jindus Jinrás Jurus Józsák Józsö Kagryx Katops Kazous Kerus Kestia Khele Kolor Kufera Kácsák Kályx Laffia Lafrus Lagon Lamót Laohal Laplus Lardon Larius Lator Laurus Leisus Lestes Lides Ligyps Liktia Limus Liopse Liovis Lisef Lixis Lodon Lopus Lornél Luang Lukus Lurus Luxia Lórás Machus Madong Majans Majax Majuns Makous Mallis Mamps Marrex Marus Matens Mator Mayong Megia Megos Mendon Menyx Meuang Meurus Micont Micus Miera Milárd Mimus Modong Mognax Montus Moran Mtort Murus Márdus Namps Natops Nator Neirus Neman Nenton Neopus Neurus Nithus Nochus Nodon Nothor Nykus Nádám Nárops Ojozsö Olimus Omeron Omimia Oncus Ondand Oraton Ornius Othios Otops Oveny Pachor Paibia Pakarx Pales Palops Palus Panta Papaco Parnid Parond Parus Pathon Paurus Pegond Peles Pelon Pelops Pelus Pethor Petia Petops Picror Pidon Pidont Pinon Pinops Pitan Piuma Primus Prinus Prodor Proper Protys Ptops Purus Pylus Pymia Pymor Qijia Qingor Qinus Rajkab Ranyx Rexia Rezsán Rhadek Rhadáv Rhisa Rinor Rinosa Rongia Rovus Saurgy Saurus Scinor Scodor Sebus Seimus Seirus Seusti Shore Simus Sinops Sinor Sithus Sketri Sodas Spiver Squile Stena Steran Sterus Steryx Stran Strik Strius Styron Sucas Succor Suchus Sygdus Sygia Sylok Synes Szlós Taleus Tannis Tarcor Tathan Taurus Tehus Teshus Thodon Tieles Tinok Tinyx Titor Titra Todon Tornia Torops Tsucer Turus Tylops Tylus Unnus Varcus Venax Verus Vlame Vlamát Wanpel Winhus Wulus Xiama Xianes Yanik Yinjia Yuanor Yurus Zaratu Zardon Zarus Zhodor Zholus Zhops Zhues Zilia Zsomps Zsánd Zuojia Zupon Áberis Árkais
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artificervaldi · 4 years
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when big brother treats u like a baby but youre OVER SEVEN HUNDRED
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childrenofmeyneth · 3 years
On Junks
Word Count: 761
Characters: Menyx, Egil, Vanea (Shulk, Linada, Meyneth Miqol mentioned)
Time period: Post-Mechonis Core, Pre-Zanza Fight. Canon Divergent.
tyvm to my boyfriend for proofreading this before I posted!!! :>
Egil’s eyes open and he finds himself in the dark of a Recharging Hangar, a hum of engines telling him this must be a ship. He’s hooked into the charging station on the wall, laying on the bed. He can’t sit up, there’s a weight at his side… a child?
He is in a bed for a family, he realizes. Plugged in next to a child curled up next to him. There’s another body, too… Vanea? He frowns, idly running a hand through the child’s hair as he speaks, voice barely above a whisper.
“Vanea,” his voice scratches against his throat.
She jumps up, alert as soon as she hears his voice. “Egil, you’re finally awake…!”
He frowns, trying to remember how he ended up here. Trying to remember what came before this. He remembers staying behind in the Mechonis, remembers the way the ether of Zanza tore through him… Remembers the Mechonis sinking…
He remembers a hand (Meyneth’s? Someone else’s?) reaching out for him. He remembers taking it… And that’s it. He does not remember more than that and does not wish to.
“How did I end up here?” He asks, anyway.
“Shulk, he had a vision,” Vanea begins, refusing to look him in the eye. “He begged us to return to what remained of the Mechonis, and we found you there.”
“And you put me in a room to sleep it all off?”
“We took you to Linada first,” Vanea offers weakly. “She did what she could, and eventually all you needed was rest. That’s when she helped me bring you here and we plugged you in for a rest.”
“And the child?” He asks. “Why allow them to sleep next to a monster such as me.”
Vanea frowns deeply and turns her head away. “Menyx begged me to let them sleep next to you.”
“And why did you say yes?”
She wrings her hands together. “When our people left for the Arm… Father decided they needed hope, a reason to believe Meyneth was still with them.”
Egil furrows his brow. “Vanea--”
“Menyx is our sibling,” Vanea weakly interrupts. “They aren’t even one thousand yet, and don’t know the full extent of what you’ve done.”
“Miqol made a child, when you were so few in people and resources?!” His voice finally raises and the child next to him jostles away. “And no one stopped him?!”
“Sorry,” the voice of the child was meek. “I-I try and be a good kid, so I’m not a waste of the resources, promise…!”
Egil looks down at Menyx and frowns, running his hand through their hair once again. “It is not your fault you were made like this, child. My anger is not for you.”
“Don’t be mad at Papa…” Menyx shakes their head. “He wanted to help people, so please don’t be mad…!”
Egil sighs, and looks back at Vanea. “Why did you not tell me?”
“I was… afraid,” Vanea leans forward and pulls Menyx away from Egil, onto her lap. “You were so deep into your thoughts of revenge, I was afraid you would see this child as Father replacing you. That was not a burden I wanted to place on the shoulders of either of you.”
“...Are they that, then? A replacement for me.”
Vanea shakes her head, “no--”
“Maybe,” Menyx interrupts, frowning. “But everyone loves you so much, Egil. They say you were so kind and smart… I can never be that.”
“I see,” Egil frowns. “I’ll have to speak with Miqol, then, and see if that was his intention.”
“I don’t think it was,” Vanea’s voice is soft and sad. “It was… just an unfortunate after-effect of you being so loved, and so uninvolved in Menyx’s life at the same time. Had you been here when they were made…”
“Do not try to blame this on me,” Egil forces out. “There is already so much I must answer for, Vanea.”
“I didn't mean to,” she shakes her head. “I simply… think it was unfortunate circumstance that led to Menyx thinking as they do, that’s all.”
Egil nods, looking at Menyx, watching the way they cling to Vanea. They are afraid of him now that they have seen him, or maybe afraid of his feelings towards them? He wants to laugh… he would not blame a child for being forced into a world for such a selfish reason.
He sighs and begins to unplug himself from the recharging station. “We will talk more later, Menyx. I want to get to know you better… after my reunion with Miqol.”
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OC Feature 1: Menyx [art by @bionisinterior, oc belongs to @p1bres]
[want your own OC/SI featured in the lead-up to the week? Check out this post!]
Menyx is a 750-year-old Machina child, making them an OC for the original Xenoblade! They were born after the Machina fled to the Fallen Arm, and have a complex about just how small and out-of-the-loop they are.
Canon character-wise they are the child of Miqol, making them the sibling of Vanea and Egil, the latter not realizing they even exist. They have a connection to Meyneth that they do not fully understand, and take a liking to Fiora upon meeting her on the Fallen Arm! They do not much like Shulk for reasons unknown, but seem to admire the rest of the group quite a lot!
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childrenofmeyneth · 3 years
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Egil and Menyx for @bionisinterior, my love!!!
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childrenofmeyneth · 3 years
Hidden in the Tangles
Quick fic about the Machina siblings featuring Menyx, in my new shiny AU... so they're all sea serpents!
Egil glides through the passageways of Agniratha, barely acknowledging those around him. He was busy, much too busy to be stopped by mundane matters. That was more up Radzam or Linada’s alleys, anyway…
At least, that’s what he told himself until Vanea swam up to him, covering her lips (likely to hide a smile). He narrows his eyes and stops, arms crossing over his chest. She was up to something, he can tell that much, he just wasn’t sure what.
“Hello, brother,” Vanea begins, clearing her throat and finally pulling her hand away from her face. “How are you today?”
“Fine,” Egil replies, “a bit busy, however.”
“I see,” Vanea nods. “Then I’ll keep this quick. What do you think of my hair today?”
Egil furrows his brow, looking her over. She looks mostly the same as usual, but her hair does seem a bit… bigger. Bigger hair out of nowhere… Ah, it hits him and he can’t help but smile a bit.
“It looks like you have a nest in there,” Egil replies, moving around his sister to gently pull the child hiding in there. “Or just a young Machina.”
“Egil!” Menyx squeals, wiggling in his grasp, their baby fat keeping his claws from doing much of anything to them. “You found me!”
“That I did, I often find you when you hide in Vanea’s hair,” Egil replies. “Did you get stuck in there? Her hair is so tangly I wouldn’t be surprised.”
“Egil…!” Vanea slaps his arm with a pout on her face. “I keep my hair nice.”
“I know,” Egil pats her head. “I was just teasing you. If anyone’s hair is a mess it’s Menyx’s.”
“I got Mama’s curls,” Menyx puffs out their chest. “It’s not messy!”
“It’s wavy and you never brush it,” Egil points out, running a clawed hand through their hair. “Because you don’t like how it tugs.”
“It hurts!” Menyx argues. “Only you do it gentle enough.”
“Sounds like you should be home more,” Vanea points out. “You know, to help Menyx take care of their hair.”
Egil frowns at her. “You know I have important work to do, I can’t exactly stop it. You’ll just need to learn to be gentler with them.”
“But Egil,” Menyx whines. “I wanna see you more! You’re never there when I wake up, ‘cause you leave too early!”
Egil sighs, he should have seen this coming. This always happens when the three meet up, always… This is why he tries to avoid seeing Vanea and Menyx at the same time. “You both know my work is too important to change my schedule.”
Menyx’s lower lip quivers, “why not?”
“Menyx…” Egil sighs. “Adults can’t just do whatever they want. We’ve talked about this.”
“I don’t want you to be an adult anymore!”
Vanea takes Menyx from Egil’s arms and frowns at her brother. “This isn’t going to get anywhere… Egil, please… Let’s talk about it later, just us adults.”
Egil opens his mouth and lets it close a few times before he nods. “Menyx, be good for your babysitter today, okay?”
Menyx turned away from him and said nothing in reply. Egil supposes he deserves that.
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childrenofmeyneth · 3 years
Menyx, a study in self-indulgence
Menyx is mine, the mod’s, main Xenoblade OC and probably the most self-indulgent I’ve gotten making a fandom OC to this day.
They started off as a simple OC -- what if my OC was a Machina, but since I can't draw what if they were just a lil fella? Don't have to go overly fancy if all we ever see is the face, right?
Well, I was a fool.
Menyx quickly became Egil and Vanea's little sibling, why? Because Egil and Vanea are my all-time favorite xeno characters! This led to a lot of headcanons about Menyx and their family. Miqol ended up becoming a lot sadder and a lot more likely to get on my nerves at the same time?
See, over time a lot of headcanons developed. Around him not exactly being the best father, because he puts all his people first and that leaves his kids feeling anything but special. About being so desperate as a leader to give his people hope he does something so so stupid...
Given my headcanons about Machina babies and how they are given life (namely they are blessed with life by Meyneth herself)... When she is sleeping, can she do that? Miqol decides to find out...
Miqol builds a baby and straddles them with so much pressure it'd make his head spin.
Menyx gets to live with that, up to the age of 750. Barely knowing their sister, never meeting their brother, and never getting their father's attention. Of course, they have some friends, so to speak. Namely the OC Ylvex and older characters like Neonik being sweet on them.
(Not that they don't interact with all the Machina -- they surely do.)
So, there's a lot about them and the Machina, but what about others? First, we need to go into Menyx and their relationship to Meyneth.
Self-indulgence means I get to go suuuuuper self-indulgent with the importance of Menyx, right? Not only is their name meant to envoke the goddess's name.... but they were also blessed. Meyneth knew her time was coming close to an end, and so Menyx was especially blessed.
The only other person so blessed? Themyx, Meyneth's first. So basically... they're what could be called something along the lines of "Goddess Kissed".
Because of this, they are sensitive to the more mystical in the world. This makes them dislike Dickson, Alvis, and to a lesser degree Shulk. Why? Because they can smell the Zanza on all of them! Given their link to Meyneth... that's not pleasant.
Of course... that makes Dickson's friendship with Miqol so insufferable to Menyx... Too bad they can't do much other than try to bite his fingers off when he touches their chin.
(At least Shulk keeps his distance when they don't need to ask him for help.)
On the other hand, they really like Fiora, thanks to her link to Meyneth. Plus she just has good vibes, what's not to love about her amirite?
Helps that she lets Menyx speak to Meyneth one time before Meyneth dies, but y'know!
So, basically... Menyx went from. Haha what if baby Machina to hey wanna see my self-indulgent OC who is epic and cool and involved in so much?
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childrenofmeyneth · 3 years
Egil: I told Menyx their ears flush when they lie.
Vanea: Why?
Egil: Look.
Egil: Hey Menyx! Do you love us?
Menyx, covering their ears: No.
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childrenofmeyneth · 3 years
Likely gonna use this blog for OC fics that don't fit on ao3 for one reason or another (usually being "I've written something similar no need to clog those tags more")
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childrenofmeyneth · 3 years
Egil: You know those things will kill you, right?
Vanea, pouring another glass of whiskey: That’s the point.
Miqol, smoking a cigarette: We’re trying to speed up the process.
Menyx: *Nods while eating raw cookie dough*
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childrenofmeyneth · 3 years
Wow, made this blog to freely nerd out about my favorite set of characters in anything ever and here I am freezing up finding words lol. Later tonight or tomorrow maybe I can start off with some nerdery about Menyx. May as well indulge in talking about how precious that kiddo is to me.
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artificervaldi · 4 years
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Uh oh! Baby!
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childrenofmeyneth · 3 years
Here's the list of Flowers assigned to Machina, including OCs because I am out here to have a good time.
To start, what each flower description is:
Azure Hollyhock: A beautiful flower also known as the sea-blue stone.
Utopia Crocus: Looks just like a piece of beryl has come into bloom. Its glow enthralls.
Lewisia Silver: Wild white prairie flower. Retains its wildness after picking.
Freesia Cyst: Looks like it bloomed from amethyst. Touching its petals brings calm.
Bellflower Crystal: A quartz flower that lets fly its petals in a wonderful way when picked.
And then the Machina I assigned to each:
Azure Hollyhock: Linada, Kazat, Orkatix, Voltak, Voqzen, Haloxyn
Utopia Crocus: Radzam, Eiz, Qofaria, Vronik, Zarkort, Melekanze
Lewisia Silver: Egil, Vanea, Bozatrox, Shilx, Vredda, Veritek
Freesia Cyst: Miqol, Mixik, Neonik, Prox, Rakzet, Xekit, Zilex, Ylvex, Themyx
Bellflower Crystal: Menyx, Eleqa, Rizaka, Qarz, Qizar, Oydis
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childrenofmeyneth · 3 years
hello did you mention yet another Machina-centric AU?
Hi! I did indeed! While this AU is not nearly as Machina as a Society based, it is an AU that centers specifically on the trio of Egil-Vanea-Linada pretty heavily.
The basic idea is this AU diverges heavily during the fight between the Bionis and the Mechonis. Namely, the giants/remaining High Entia and the Machina sign a treaty that lets them go on living so long as they ignore the existence of the others.
Egil is also pushed to get therapy by his family (supplied by Linada), so his wants to destroy Bionis are more regulated to just that -- thoughts he has to push down. Linada gets characterized more with a fun, teasing sort of persona and Vanea gets to have a character outside of "Brother! Lady Meyneth!" -- at least I like to think so.
It's called the Divergence of Fate on Ao3! Under the cut I'll go over each individual fic in it!
Call My Name (From the Heart): Oneshot. Pre-basically everything. Egil and Alvis, before Alvis went by that. A little backstory on the lead-up and the actual treaty of this AU!
Unfinished Canvas: Threeshot. Pre-Playing it in Reverse. Basically backstory for Fiora, Reyn, and Shulk as they get so little in the main story due to the nature of the new party.
Playing it in Reverse: The main bulk of the AU, 63 chapters. A different path taken to defeat Zanza -- featuring antagonist!Shulk, Meyneth vessel!Egil, and more! Party consists of: Egil, Vanea, Linada, Alvis, Oka, Kallian, and Tyrea. Features Alvis/Egil and past Egil/Arglas.
Honing One's Skills: Companion piece to PiiR, 14 chapters. Basically covers the equivalent of the "unlocking the 4th and 5th skill branches" quests from canon! Features Kallian/OC, Egil/Alvis, and past Egil/Arglas
aura: Another companion piece to PiiR, twoshot. Delves more into Shulk's mindset during the events of the story as he struggles with Zanza's possession. Contains minor Egil/Alvis and onesided Shulk/Alvis
Machina Children and How (not) to Care For Them: Oneshot, self-indulgent fic that takes place at some point during the main fic. The crew has to take care of Menyx, my OC. It goes about as well as it sounds.
A Note: Drabble/Oneshot that goes over how Kallian and my bf's OC got together in this AU! Just some fluff and self-indulgence yet again. Features Kallian/OC
Give me the News: Oneshot, takes place between PiiR and Reversible Campaign. Tyrea in Alcamoth, working with Teelan and Linada, and catching feelings for the Machina. Features Tyrea/Linada
Reversible Campaign: 17 chapters, the Future Connected of this AU. Doesn't diverge nearly as much as canon, but still has it's differences. Sharp eyes may notice something about the ending. Features Egil/Alvis, Tyrea/Linada, past Egil/Arglas, and minor Kallian/OC
I have a few more "between PiiR and RC" oneshots planned! Currently rethinking plans for the fic planned to come directly after RC... We'll see how it goes, though!
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childrenofmeyneth · 3 years
Menyx falls asleep on Egil and he cannot do anything the rest of the day. Sits there.
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