#meta at 10:45am WHO UP????
snailsnfriends · 1 year
tommy's reaction to wilbur's revival is still one of my favorite crimeboys moments because they became what the other had wanted for so long. wilbur, now that he was revived, wanted to live. he wanted to see the sunrise, to build himself back up again, to learn about how the world had changed in his absence. this is exactly what tommy had wanted in the past, both before and after wilbur had died. when wilbur was revived, tommy wanted him to be dead. he believed that wilbur was only capable of doing harm. this is exactly what wilbur had wanted in the past, specifically during pogtopia. the way they felt about each other had flipped completely. their past selves finally got what they wanted, but it doesn't bring them any peace, closure or solace. they gave what the other had wanted at the wrong time. they became each other, but not in the way the other had wanted. the layers of their dynamic are just neverending.
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
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Metalocalypse #2: “Dethwater” | August 13, 2006 – 11:45AM | S01E02
Frontman Nathan Explosion keeps deleting Dethklok's highly-anticipated upcoming album in a fit of perfectionism. In that same fit of perfectionism he decides that the only way the album will live up to the hype is if the band records it in the deepest place on earth: the Mariana Trench. The record label insists on sending a producer to oversee their activities, which does not sit well with Dethklok. They get down there and record their album, but due to a recording mishap they need to isolate Toki in his own pod to record his track, but instead he sings a lighthearted song about making fish friends. Toki being a sweetiepie is a very good running bit.
The producer winds up loving Dethklok's album so much that he turns his back on the tribunal, who initially had him tapped as a spy. Early on the show was sorta vaguely setting up some grand plot that would become apparent as the show went on. I guess. Honestly, I think I watched every episode of this show and I started losing interest at the end of it and I don't even really recall a whole lot about it. I think I prefer this element as just being more absurd or meta. It's almost like a Saturday Morning cartoon where the main characters just inexplicably have a villain character that hates them and tries to thwart them just cuz that's what you did in a Saturday Morning Cartoon. The fact that Dethklok sorta became a real band because of this show sorta demonstrates that they were backwards engineering this concept; It's almost like if the Harlem Globetrotters became real guys because of the Saturday Morning cartoon and not vice-versa.
The current conversation in the boys DM is about how hideous the animation is for this show, and I basically agree, but I think I find myself appreciating certain aspects of it. Like, the character designs are also really ugly, right? But they also sorta seem like they're supposed to be drawn by amateurs? Like there's the one part towards the end where the producer guy is ascending way too fast in his submarine in order to escape a monster, and he gets the bends so bad that his eyeballs explode, and it keeps zooming in on his face. You can see like jagged tossed-off lines, as though whoever drew it wasn't actually very good at drawing. I don't know man, it's a thing.
have you ever enjoyed a real life Adult Swim? You don't seem like the public pool type based on your eccentricities in your writing.
The only time I ever enjoyed an Adult Swim was when I was a little kid. All Kids Outta the Pool and into the clubhouse; there’s arcades in there baby!!!
Is it just me or when Will Forte says "THANKS FOR CARING" at the end of the JJ Pepper Videography sketch on Awesome Show it takes the air out of the whole bit? It feels like an SNL instinct instead of a Tim and Eric one. Sorry, I just don't like it, and I'm not gonna wait for you to get to Awesome Show to ask because I can die any day and you are going simply too slow. It would have been a Legen-DARY sketch if it wasn't for that final line.
I think it’s such a wild and weird way to end a commercial TV that I’m glad it exists.... but! You may be right. It’s just too weird. Is JJ Pepper for real?
Did you skip covering the Space Ghost Coast to Coast Volume 3 DVD set? Is it because of the Pavement menus? Did Stephen Malkmus come to one of your Simpsons Nights and insouciantly tell you he prefers watching sports?
I suspected that I DID miss it, but thought maybe I’d get away with it. But since I’m covering that season for Space Ghost Week maybe I’ll just do an entry for it to kick things off. Or... NOT!
Hm. I'm a moron for just telling you straight up how it is. Okay. Goodbye.
Bye bye! See you hell LOSER!
Here's 10 Ways To Make Your Blog's Mailbag Funner and Funniers. Number 10: Make a Call to Action with every post. This is a surefire way to get people to talk back. Number Two: Lay some ground rules. While no one likes a hall monitor, laying a few ground rules will make people know what to expect when sending you mail. Number Three: Throw in some red meat. Drink Dr. Pepper? Menton it in a blog post. It may not be relevant but a little autobiographical info can inspire some replies. Number Four:
I don’t drink Dr. Pepper. Thanks for caring.
I don't think that bug wars movie that guy was talking about was real. You have some really stupid people reading this blog. Maybe make people solve a brain teaser before they can submit something to you.
Thank god it’s not real. I think the mail bag is at it’s best when it’s an equal mix of smart cookies and sick puppies and I gotta say, COOKIES: STEP IT UP!
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thegeekcurmudgeon · 4 years
The Other Worlds 2019 preview Day 3
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Art by Lauren Kitching
Returning for a sixth exciting year, Other Worlds, one of the premier SciFi Film Festivals in the US, features some of the best and unheralded genre films. Beginning on Thursday December 5 at Austin’s Galaxy Highland 10, the four day event includes over 20 feature films, a slew of shorts, a screenwriting workshop, and the Mary Shelley Award. This year also features the return of Under Worlds, which brings the best of indie to Austin.
Not terribly surprising to anyone who regularly follows my writings, I’ll be there.
Here’s what to expect at Other Worlds 2019.
Saturday, December 6
11:30AM SciFi Shorts 1: Love in the Time of Robots
11:30AM Dementer (Texas PREMIERE)
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Chad Crawford Kinkle | USA | 80 min
Writer: Chad Crawford Kinkle Cast: Larry Fessenden, Katie Groshong, Stephanie Kinkle, Scott Hodges
Katie begins to put her life back together after escaping a backwoods cult by taking a job in a home for special needs adults. Then the dark messages of her past tell her one of the sick patients needs more than just medicine. Dementer is an art house horror passion project that came to life when director, Chad Crawford Kinkle wanted to make a film with his special needs sister. Shot in an almost documentary style, the film embraces and properly represents the developmentally disabled, both in the script and in the actual casting, while still being both thrilling and disturbing.
11:45AM I Am Human (Texas Premiere)
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Taryn Southern, Elena Gaby | USA | 90 min
I AM HUMAN explores the co-evolution of humans and technology, focusing on a small group of people with different ailments that choose to use robotic implants to cure themselves. Diving deep into the current technology and where science could take us in the future, I AM HUMAN fills its frames with heart-warming stories of real people and their process of deciding to accept technology as a part of their bodies.
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David Marmor | USA | 90 min
Writer: David Marmor Cast: Nicole Brydon Bloom, Taylor Nichols, Giles Matthey 
After leaving behind a painful past to follow her dreams, Sarah scores the perfect Hollywood apartment. But something is not right. Unable to sleep, tormented by strange noises and threatening notes, her new life quickly starts to unravel. By the time she learns the horrifying truth, it’s too late. Caught in a waking nightmare, Sarah must find the strength to hold onto her crumbling sanity…or be trapped forever in an existential hell. 
2PM SciFi Shorts 2: Crossing Over to the Future
Scott Weinberg is a veteran film critic. Steven DeGennaro is a doctor of astrophysics. Every week they compare and contrast two noteworthy SciFi films on their popular podcast “Science vs Fiction,” where they discuss the artistic quality of the films, whether they get the science right, and whether or not that even matters. Past pairings have included ARMAGEDDON vs DEEP IMPACT, ALIENS vs STARSHIP TROOPERS, and JASON X vs LEPRECHAUN IN SPACE IN SPACE.
Other Worlds, they will open the massive can of worms that is cinematic time travel when they turn their talents on the 1979 classic (and Opening Night Film!) TIME AFTER TIME.
4:20PM The SciFi Lecture: The Old Dark Trope
“It was a dark and stormy night.” The couple’s car breaks down, blows a tire, crashes into a tree and runs out of gas. Yes, all at the same time. An ominous Victorian house at the top of the hill is the only refuge for miles and miles. They have nowhere to go and must seek refuge in THE OLD DARK HOUSE.
This year at Other Worlds, we are exploring the trope of the Old Dark House, how it originated, other tropes and stories that appear in within the Old Dark House, and how the trope has evolved and continues to be used today. Join Other Worlds Programmer and Screenwriting Director Eric Harrelson for a discussion and curated clip show curated by Other Worlds newest Programmer Wyatt Walker. Find out why old tropes never die, they just get subverted.
4:25PM Long Shorts: Lingering Visions
4:35PM Dead Dicks (US PREMIERE)
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Chris Bavota, Lee Paula Springer | Canada | 83 min
Writers: Chris Bavota, Lee Paula Springer Cast: Heston Horwin, Jillian Harris, Matt Keye
When a young nursing student named Becca receives a series of panicked messages from her older brother Richie, she rushes over to check on him. Following a seemingly successful suicide attempt, Richie, who suffers from mental illness, discovers what appears to be his own dead body. When Becca gets to his apartment, they find more dead versions of Richie as well as a strange hole in his bedroom wall. Together, they must figure why his suicide just won’t keep.
4:20 UW Shorts: Dark Nights & Dark Thoughts
7:20PM Afterlife
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Willem Bosch | The Netherlands | 93 min
Writer: Willem Bosch Cast: Sanaa Giwa, Romana Vrede, Gijs Scholten van Aschat, Jan-Paul Buijs 
After her mother’s passing, teenage Sam takes up most of the household responsibilities. When she, too, ends up in the afterlife and finds out she can get a do-over, Sam gives life another try with the sole mission of saving her mother. A fantasy science fiction film, Afterlife tugs on the heart strings and deals with the hard realities of life and death.
7:30PM The Ascent (North American Premiere) (screens again Sunday, 2:15PM)
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Tom Paton | UK | 100 min
Writer: Tom Paton Cast: Rachel Warren, Simon Meacock, Bentley Kalu
Special ops squad “Hell’s Bastards” are sent to infiltrate a civil war to retrieve intel. The unit soon find themselves trapped on a never-ending stairwell forced to climb or die. To survive, they must revisit their past sins if they ever want to get off. 
9:45PM Doppelganger (Founder’s Choice)
10PM Volition (Texas Premiere)
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Tony Dean Smith | USA | 91 min
Writers: Tony Dean Smith, Ryan W. Smith Cast: Adrian Glynn McMorran, Magda Apanowicz, John Cassini
On a rain-soaked night in 1991, two cars collide, leaving all drivers dead on the scene, including the mother of the lone survivor – a child – James Odin. Seven-year-old James foresaw the accident happening two days prior and tried to prevent it, but who’s going to believe a kid who claims to see the future? Twenty-plus years later, James is a product of the failed foster care system, using his ability for petty crime and cheap thrills. But when a pre-sentient vision reveals to him his own imminent murder, James must go on the run and change a fate he knows is fixed.
10:15PM Scare Package (Texas Premiere) Under Worlds Centerpiece Film
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USA | 103 min
Directors: Emily Hagins, Baron Vaughn, Noah Segan, Chris McInroy, Anthony Cousins, Hillary & Courtney Andujar, Aaron B. Koontz Cast: Toni Trucks, Joe Bob Briggs, Dustin Rhodes, Chase Williamson, Baron Vaughn, Noah Segan
A meta Horror-comedy anthology film where each segment subverts a different set of Horror tropes, SCARE PACKAGE intertwines its components around the on-boarding of a mysterious new employee at a struggling genre video store: Rad Chad’s Horror Emporium.
This year’s Under Worlds Centerpiece film is very special for our programming team for many reasons. It’s an intelligent, creative look at the Horror genre that is both hilarious and scary. Furthermore, three of the segments were shot here in Austin by local filmmakers, one of whom is an Other Worlds alumni. The producing team for the film does a great job managing the tone of the anthology while still maintaining each director’s vision. It is rare to see an anthology film where connecting material is just as compelling as the individual parts, but the team has done it here.
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The Other Worlds 2019 preview Day 3 was originally published on The Geek Curmudgeon
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david-tennant-news · 7 years
David Tennant Attends Second Day at Montreal Comic Con Today
#DavidTennant Attends Second Day at @MtlComiccon Today @FreemaOfficial #AlexKingston
David Tennant is back at Montreal Comic today for another round of photo ops and autographs.
David will be teaming up with ex-Doctor Who star Alex Kingston (River Song) and Freeman Agyeman (Martha Jones) for some special photos during the afternoon.
At 10:45am and then again at 1:15pm fans can be treated to a few moments alone with David for a solo photo opportunity.
Then at 11:45am he teams up…
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jkthomas83 · 6 years
Are you looking for somewhere really nice to go, but isn’t the normal tourist place?  If so, let me tell you about a nice trip my girlfriend and I took to Malaga, Spain.  This fabulous city located in the Costa del Sol (sun coast) region was a great trip, especially since around that time Stuttgart was doing what Stuttgart and various parts of Germany do.  It was starting to be freezing out.
Malaga might not be on your list of places to see in Spain, frankly, it wasn’t top of my list either.  We all know the main places, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia.  I should probably mention, I’ve been to those three, though Madrid was only like 6 or 7 hours, but I’m still counting it.  Spanish cities have a charm and chill nature that just make you want to see what they have to offer.  I mean they take siestas, what can be better than that?
Now if you look it up, you’ll notice something pretty convenient about making Malaga your starting point.  This is the fact it’s a central location for seeing other fascinating cities in the southern region of Spain.  You are able to travel to Granada, Seville, and Gibraltar.  Not to mention other smaller cities that have so much to offer.  If you have ever have seen pictures or know anything about white towns, those villages where the buildings are just white, these are good to see.  You won’t be sorry at all.
You can do a lot in a European city within several days.  We were there just under a week, landed on Sunday, left on a Friday.  One thing that we found to be really cool, especially for the fact that we are beer drinkers, is the fact that Malaga has a lot of craft beer bars.  Yes, the country that is known for sangria, along with really amazing wines, has some really nice, affordable craft beer places.
I’m happy to say that we tried out a good amount of those places, along with really awesome finds not beer related.  Of course, there are a lot of places people who have gone to Malaga enjoyed.  Here are a few of those really cool places, I think you should go and see for sure.
Craft Beer  Bars
Central Beers
  Central Beers is a nice craft beer bar and restaurant.  Honestly, what is better than traditional Spanish dishes, with tasty craft brews.  They have several beers on tap, along with countless bottles of beer from around the globe.  This included a nice selection of my favorite beer, which is Belgium beers.  For food, they have a good selection of burgers.  We had ham that was stuff with cheese then deep fried, so pretty much a very large croquette.  This was a perfect meal to share and enjoy.
La Madriguera
One of the more interestingly setup places was La Madriguera.  When you walk past this place, you wouldn’t think much of it, but once you walk in, you are greeted with a board full of beers, Spanish, Belgium, Scottish, plus many more.  The Bartender for our visits, yes, visits were always really good.  They could give a lot of recommendations.  Here unlike Central Beers, they have more bar food selection of items, with a few unexpected things.  Like  Poke bowl, not something I would normally be getting, but they have it there for you.  It’s obvious that a few American inspired things made their way onto their menu.  Depending on your plan for the night, you should go here and get a few drinks.
Arte & Sana Craft Beer Cafe
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Bottles… #malaga #craftnotcrap #craftbeer
A post shared by Warren Knowles (@warren_knowles) on Oct 14, 2017 at 9:45am PDT
This was one of the best places that we went for sure.  Their selection of beers definitely impressed and made us wanting more for sure.  Out of these three places listed, this by far looked like a dive.  Though, what they didn’t provide in a hipster like setup, you were welcomed with so many delicious varieties of beers.  Unlike the other places, there aren’t any food options here.  There are a few places nearby that you can go to for a quick snack, then come back for another beer, but nothing on site.
Cafes, Restaurants, Good drinks, and Eats
Gloria Hoyos
We stayed in an apartment that wasn’t very far from Gloria Hoyos.  Every day, we walked past here, looked in and said, “It looks good, we should go.”  It took until our last evening to finally do it.  If you want your fill of tasty traditional Spanish Tapas, this is your spot.  The decor is a little eclectic, but still fun and interesting to see.  They have a live DJ, along with other live music that happens too.  If it’s you and a group of people, or just you and your partner, then order up a variety of things, then go to town.  Lastly, they breakfast, yes, we went back there for breakfast on our last morning there.  Go there for breakfast too, it will be worth it.
La Tranca
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Buen domingo, trancosos!! #latranca #dominguito
A post shared by La Tranca (@la.tranca) on Nov 4, 2018 at 4:17am PST
Listen to me here, you need to go to this place.  Out of the bars, restaurants, other things I’ve mentioned and will be mentioning, La Tranca was pretty neat.  This smallish cafe has so much going on, it’s just great.  We were big on drinking beer during our trip, but you have to drink wine here or try one of their aged Vermouths.  They are serving you directly from the barrels.  I had one because, why wouldn’t I have one?  What I found to be pretty cool was the singing of the bartenders.  The night we were there, the bartender was a guy, that was just doing his thing.  They also have some tapas, which if you want to do it in true Spanish style, get a little something there, then start your tapas tour of other places.
La Recova
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Buenos días! #desayunoespañol
A post shared by Camilla💫 (@camillatoia) on Oct 13, 2018 at 1:57am PDT
The best way to describe this place, simple.  Several days for breakfast, I would see people eating bread with olive oil, and thought how cool that was.  At La Recova, you get some toast, homemade jams, and spreads, some tomatoes, plus some other random things you can also order separately.  Some fruit, other vegetables, etc.  This place doubles as what I would say is an antique shop as well.  The food, coffee, juices are pretty good, and again, simple.  Something that I have come to enjoy and love about Spanish food, the use of simple ingredients, that create tasty flavorful dishes.
Sights and Places to See
Mercado Central de Atarazanas
Do you like markets?  Do you like a market where you can see a lot of different things under one roof?  If you answered yes to either of these things, then the Mercado Central de Atarazanas is a must.  I’ve been to several markets like this in Spain and this one definitely ranks high on the list.  You are able to find some really awesome Spanish Chorizo sausage, various amounts of fruits, vegetables, nuts, dried fruits, etc.  What’s another thing that makes this place interesting?  There were a few stands where you can order various types of croquettes.  They are sold by weight so you can mix a lot of different types of things.  I’m happy to say that we had a few different things.
Playa de La Malagueta
The Playa de La Malagueta is one of the closest beaches to Malaga’s city center, about a 10-minute walk.  This is a beautiful beach and definitely one of the first places you have to go and see, that is after you’ve had your sangria, beer, or that glass of wine.  I mean Spain, beaches, can you really go wrong?  Up and down the beach are various restaurants and cafes to get a quick bite or a cold drink.  We stopped, got some seafood, along with a nice pitcher of sangria.  You can’t go wrong with whatever it is you decide to do on the beach.  If you just sit on the beach, go for a swim, or walk around the area.  You will enjoy and just want to stay and enjoy more.
El Teatro Romano
The El Teatro Romano is a pretty different site.  This outdoor theater has the traditional Roman tier seating, not to mention is still used from time to time for special events.  What makes this spot pretty interesting as well, is the fact you can just walk down the Calle Alcazabilla, then turn your head and see this amazing landmark.  It is located near the Alcazaba, which is another must-see landmark.  All in all, this entire area should be on your list while in Malaga.
There is so much more to write and mention, but I think we all have enough to ponder and think about.  There will be more, look out for Granada and Nerja, which were so good, they deserve their own separate story.
Thank you for taking the time and watch out for more.  So many more trips and stories to tell.
Malaga is one of the great places in the southern region of Spain that everyone should go and see. Check out some of my places that you should go and see in this fabulous area of Spain. Are you looking for somewhere really nice to go, but isn't the normal tourist place?  If so, let me tell you about a nice trip my girlfriend and I took to Malaga, Spain.  
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englishmansdcc · 6 years
The latest incarnation of the Doctor may yet to have a full episode of her own to her name – even the tease that was show during this past weekend’s World Cup Final focused more on JODIE WHITTAKER‘s Companions than her own Thirteenth Doctor – but she will be representing large at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con (Thursday 19th – Sunday 22nd July, Preview Night Wednesday 18th July) with the new DOCTOR WHO getting quite the coming out ceremony. Not only at her own panel on the Thursday (Whittaker, co-stars TOSIN COLE and MANDIP GILL showrunner CHRIS CHIBNALL and executive producer MATT STREVENS appearing; moderator yet to be, ahem, announced), but also on the ever-popular BBC AMERICA booth (#4129) which will feature a couple of cracking WHO-related signings and a bunch of tasty collectable goodies.
There’s a whole bunch of SDCC ‘Exclusives’ which, to be fair, are more first-to-market releases and will be available to the wider world down the line, and also a couple of shop ‘actual’ exclusives, including some DW ‘stars’ and ‘insignia’ earrings, a ‘Rainbow Paint TARDIS Raglan’ (nope, not a clue – let’s look below together) and a Kawaii Doctors T-Shirt which, off the back of the previous years designs, will be one of the cutest things you can actually pick up at Comic-Con – period.
Let’s go through the official announcement – courtesy of BBC America press release:
The BBC Shop at BBC AMERICA booth #4129 is back at San Diego Comic-Con 2018 with exclusive Doctor Who merchandise featuring the Thirteenth Doctor, including a Thirteenth Doctor Superbitz plush, a Bioworld TARDIS Puffy Keychain, as well as a selection of t-shirts, hoodies, and mugs designed exclusively for the convention.
Exclusive to Comic-Con
Kawaii T-Shirt, Hoodie, & Mug
Alice Zhang T-Shirt
Thirteenth Doctor Superbitz
Thirteenth Doctor Funko POP!
Thirteenth Doctor Titan Figurine (6 ½”)
Thirteenth Doctor Kawaii Figurine (6 ½”)
Thirteenth Doctor Hillside Mug
Bioworld TARDIS Puffy Keychain
Shop Exclusives
Doctor Who Stars Earrings
Doctor Who Insignia Earrings, Necklace, and Dog-tags
Rainbow Paint TARDIS Raglan
Kawaii Doctors T-Shirt
As a special bonus, the BBC AMERICA booth will host three booth signings:
RICHARD DINNICK: Friday 20th July, 11:30am-12:30pm / Sunday 22nd July, 11:30am-12:30pm 
Richard Dinnick, author of Doctor Who: Myths and Legends and contributing author of the Doctor Who: The Missy Chronicles anthology. Dinnick is a writer of TV scripts, books, and comics who has worked on Disney series Eena Meena Deeka and BBC’s Go Jetters. He is currently writing for several of Titan’s Doctor Who comics.
KELLY YATES: Saturday, July 21 from 2:00pm-3:00pm
Kelly Yates, the artist whose artwork inspired the exclusive Kawaii Collection. Yates is an illustrator best known for his work on Doctor Who comics for both Titan and IDW. In addition, he writes and illustrates the creator-owned books Amber Atoms and MonstHer.
BBC AMERICA will host a Doctor Who panel on Thursday, July 19 at 11:45am PT in Hall H, introducing JODIE WHITTAKER as the Thirteenth Doctor. Marking a new era for the legendary Time Lord, Whittaker will be joined on the panel by two of her Doctor Who co-stars, TOSIN COLE and MANDIP GILL who play Ryan and Yasmin respectively, as well as award-winning series showrunner CHRIS CHIBNALL (Broadchurch) and executive producer MATT STREVENS (An Adventure In Space And Time).
#SDCC2018: @BBCAMERICA 'vworps' into San Diego @Comic_Con with a rift-full of @DOCTORWHO_BBCA merch and signings The latest incarnation of the Doctor may yet to have a full episode of her own to her name - …
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seagull-astrology · 6 years
Sunday February 18, 2018 Sun square Admetos 1AM EST, and sextile Cupido 1:45AM EST, Uranus sextile Hygeia 5:02AM EST, Sun quincunx Vulcanus 7:48AM EST, Venus contra-parallel Uranus 8:48AM EST, Sun enters tropical Pisces 12:24PM EST, Venus trine Kronos 6:48PM EST, Mars sextile South Node 7:41PM EST, Mercury opposes Transpluto 10:04PM EST
Monday February 19, 2018 Mercury parallel Apollon 6:47AM EST and trine Apollon 9:03AM EST, Jupiter square Astraea 9:49AM EST, Venus sextile Pallas 4:12PM EST, Sun parallel Hygeia 5:56PM EST, Venus sextile Black Moon 10:05PM EST and parallel Juno 11:28PM EST
Tuesday February 20, 2018 Sun contra-parallel Transpluto 4:46AM EST and opposes Transpluto 5AM EST
Wednesday February 21, 2018 Sun trine Apollon 1:06AM EST, Mercury trine Hades 5:07AM EST, Mercury parallel Hygeia 9:14AM EST, Venus trine Poseidon 10:47AM EST and conjunct Neptune 1:41PM EST, Mercury sextile Saturn 3:23PM EST and quincunx Ceres 6:12PM EST, Venus parallel Zeus 6:19PM EST
Thursday February 22, 2018 Mars contra-parallel Hades 2:59AM EST, Sun parallel Mercury 6:45AM EST, Saturn quincunx Ceres 2:15PM EST, Mars parallel Saturn 2:47PM EST, Venus parallel Neptune 2:51PM EST
Friday February 23, 2018 Mercury contra-parallel Uranus 3:44AM EST and trine Kronos 8:54AM EST, Jupiter quincunx Eris 9:47AM EST
Saturday February 24, 2018 Sun contra-parallel Uranus 3:01AM EST and trine Hades 9:46AM EST, Mercury sextile Black Moon 9:47AM EST, Sun quincunx Ceres 10:15PM EST, Mercury parallel Juno 10:32PM EST
Sunday February 25, 2018 Mercury trine Poseidon 3:35AM EST and parallel Zeus 6:01AM EST, Venus square Mars 7:01AM EST, Mercury sextile Pallas 7:22AM EST and conjunct Neptune 7:25AM EST, Neptune sextile Pallas 7:35AM EST, Venus square Vesta 8AM EST, Mars conjunct Vesta 11:13AM EST, Astraea enters sidereal Aquarius 12:11PM EST, Sun sextile Saturn 12:45PM EST, Mercury parallel Neptune 6:53PM EST
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David Cope’s Meridian System
satya baba
From November 20, 2007 through January 6, 2008, the Metropolitan Museum of Art continued a long-standing holiday tradition with the annual presentation of its Christmas tree in the Medieval Sculpture Hall. A vivid 18th-century Neapolitan Nativity sceneóembellished with a profuse array of diminutive, lifelike attendant figures and silk-robed angels hovering aboveóadorns the candlelit spruce. The exhibit of the crËche was made possible by gifts to The Christmas Tree Fund and the Loretta Hines Howard Fund. ** The Metropolitan Museum of Art‘s permanent collection contains more than two million works of art from around the world. It opened its doors on February 20, 1872, housed in a building located at 681 Fifth Avenue in New York City. Under their guidance of John Taylor Johnston and George Palmer Putnam, the Met’s holdings, initially consisting of a Roman stone sarcophagus and 174 mostly European paintings, quickly outgrew the available space. In 1873, occasioned by the Met’s purchase of the Cesnola Collection of Cypriot antiquities, the museum decamped from Fifth Avenue and took up residence at the Douglas Mansion on West 14th Street. However, these new accommodations were temporary; after negotiations with the city of New York, the Met acquired land on the east side of Central Park, where it built its permanent home, a red-brick Gothic Revival stone "mausoleum" designed by American architects Calvert Vaux and Jacob Wrey Mold. As of 2006, the Met measures almost a quarter mile long and occupies more than two million square feet, more than 20 times the size of the original 1880 building. In 2007, the Metropolitan Museum of Art was ranked #17 on the AIA 150 America’s Favorite Architecture list. The Metropolitan Museum of Art was designated a landmark by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission in 1967. The interior was designated in 1977. National Historic Register #86003556
Central Park in New York City
Snow in Zion National Park, Utah
The Thames Barrier at London, England
Mama polar bear and cubs in Manitoba’s Wapusk National Park, Canada
Sauna at Lagazuoi in the Dolomites of Italy
Stelvio Pass in the Ortler Alps, Italy
henry a1
Old Town in Prague, Czech Republic
Yellow-eyed penguins at Katiki Point, Moeraki, New Zealand
Red squirrel in Cairngorms National Park, Scotland
Village of Fontainhas on Santo Antão Island, the Republic of Cabo Verde
Sami lavvu structures, Finnmark, Norway
Eastern grey kangaroos in Australia’s Kosciuszko National Park
fromt he Encyclopedia of Canada
Iceberg arch and sailboat off the coast of Greenland
Iceberg arch and sailboat off the coast of Greenland
Winter scenery near Kuhmo, Finland
Entoloma hochstetteri mushroom at Mahinapua Lake, New Zealand
Stuben am Arlberg, Austria
Bonifacio on the island of Corsica, France
西藏然乌湖 (Ranwu Lake in Tibet)
This week in Columbus, OH – 2/18-2/25 2018 Sunday February 18, 2018
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seagull-astrology · 6 years
Astro-Stats of the week:
Sunday February 4, 2018 Venus square Jupiter 1:06AM EST, Mercury parallel Mars 2:45AM EST and quincunx Hades 4:05AM EST, Venus parallel Astraea 4:30PM EST
Monday February 5, 2018 Venus sextile Eris 00:55AM EST, Saturn trine Pallas 1:25AM EST, Sun parallel Poseidon 5:48AM EST, Mercury contra-parallel Vulcanus 6:01AM EST, Mars quincunx Hades 8:09AM EST, Mercury parallel Black Moon 9:45AM EST, Jupiter square Juno 11:56AM EST, Mercury contra-parallel Admetos 12:47PM EST
Tuesday February 6, 2018 Mercury opposes Ceres 1:54PM EST and quincunx Kronos 2:20PM EST, Sun conjunct Astraea 4:08PM EST, Venus enters sidereal Aquarius 6:23PM EST, Mercury sextile Vesta 6:46PM EST, Venus sextile Uranus 8:37PM EST
Wednesday February 7, 2018 Sun parallel Astraea 9:18PM EST
Thursday February 8, 2018 Sun trine Zeus 10:33AM EST, Mercury square Poseidon 12:33P EST
Friday February 9, 2018 Jupiter square Hygeia 5:14AM EST, Mercury conjunct South Node 8:32AM EST and parallel Pallas 10:39AM EST
Saturday February 10, 2018 Venus sextile Cupido 7:13AM EST and square Admetos 9:10A EST, Mars trine Ceres 10:52AM EST, Venus quincunx Vulcanus 4:13PM EST, Sun square Jupiter 6:20PM EST
Sunday February 11, 2018 Venus enters tropical Pisces 8:07AM EST, Sun sextile Eris 10:38AM EST and conjunct Hygeia 12:13PM EST, Mercury parallel Jupiter 2:10PM EST, Venus parallel Apollon 6:44PM EST, Mars quincunx Kronos 8:47PM EST
birmingham 212018.pdf
CEO of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump campaign Stephen Bannon is pictured during a meeting at Trump Tower in the Manhattan borough of New York, U.S. on August 20, 2016. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri/File Photo
A brown leghorn rooster
US General Michael T. Flynn’s Speculative Chart.
Ivana and Donald Trump relax in the living room of their Manhattan apartment on March 12, 1979.
A giant barrel cactus and yucca plants in the Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico
MONTEREY, CA – APRIL 6: The Monterey Bay is viewed on April 6, 2013, in Monterey, California. Some 13.6 million international travelers visit the State each year generating nearly $100 billion in revenue and creating approximately 900,000 jobs in the arts, entertainment, recreation, food service and accomodations sectors. (Photo by George Rose/Getty Images)
David Cope’s Meridian System
satya baba
From November 20, 2007 through January 6, 2008, the Metropolitan Museum of Art continued a long-standing holiday tradition with the annual presentation of its Christmas tree in the Medieval Sculpture Hall. A vivid 18th-century Neapolitan Nativity sceneóembellished with a profuse array of diminutive, lifelike attendant figures and silk-robed angels hovering aboveóadorns the candlelit spruce. The exhibit of the crËche was made possible by gifts to The Christmas Tree Fund and the Loretta Hines Howard Fund. ** The Metropolitan Museum of Art‘s permanent collection contains more than two million works of art from around the world. It opened its doors on February 20, 1872, housed in a building located at 681 Fifth Avenue in New York City. Under their guidance of John Taylor Johnston and George Palmer Putnam, the Met’s holdings, initially consisting of a Roman stone sarcophagus and 174 mostly European paintings, quickly outgrew the available space. In 1873, occasioned by the Met’s purchase of the Cesnola Collection of Cypriot antiquities, the museum decamped from Fifth Avenue and took up residence at the Douglas Mansion on West 14th Street. However, these new accommodations were temporary; after negotiations with the city of New York, the Met acquired land on the east side of Central Park, where it built its permanent home, a red-brick Gothic Revival stone "mausoleum" designed by American architects Calvert Vaux and Jacob Wrey Mold. As of 2006, the Met measures almost a quarter mile long and occupies more than two million square feet, more than 20 times the size of the original 1880 building. In 2007, the Metropolitan Museum of Art was ranked #17 on the AIA 150 America’s Favorite Architecture list. The Metropolitan Museum of Art was designated a landmark by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission in 1967. The interior was designated in 1977. National Historic Register #86003556
Central Park in New York City
Snow in Zion National Park, Utah
The Thames Barrier at London, England
Mama polar bear and cubs in Manitoba’s Wapusk National Park, Canada
Sauna at Lagazuoi in the Dolomites of Italy
Stelvio Pass in the Ortler Alps, Italy
henry a1
Old Town in Prague, Czech Republic
Yellow-eyed penguins at Katiki Point, Moeraki, New Zealand
Red squirrel in Cairngorms National Park, Scotland
Village of Fontainhas on Santo Antão Island, the Republic of Cabo Verde
Sami lavvu structures, Finnmark, Norway
Eastern grey kangaroos in Australia’s Kosciuszko National Park
fromt he Encyclopedia of Canada
Iceberg arch and sailboat off the coast of Greenland
Iceberg arch and sailboat off the coast of Greenland
Winter scenery near Kuhmo, Finland
Entoloma hochstetteri mushroom at Mahinapua Lake, New Zealand
Stuben am Arlberg, Austria
Birmingham Alabama – week of Feb 4-10 2018 Astro-Stats of the week: Sunday February 4, 2018 Venus square Jupiter 1:06AM EST, Mercury parallel Mars 2:45AM EST and quincunx Hades 4:05AM EST, Venus parallel Astraea 4:30PM EST…
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