#mhll mu
minheelovelee · 6 months
epex nsfw links
had to give yall a little something. enjoy!
warnings: explicit videos. het videos. :)
dawit got creative when he found out he was a little too big for you
donghyun can’t leave for work knowing his little girl is needy at home
kyungmin was finally brave enough to get past first base
minwoo wants to play with you until his fingers prune up
hyunwoo needs a cute little toy to love on and play with
yejuns’ favorite midday activity; sitting you on his face
who taught wangie how to use his hands like that?
the only place jaeho can get you alone is inside his car.
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minheelovelee · 11 months
Epex Text Reaction: “Selfie pls.”
Trying this out while it’s still trendy.🤔
Want to see more like this? Lmk!
Warning: Fluff, fem pronouns once.
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minheelovelee · 10 months
I've been thinking about making out w/ Epex members so much lately, could you write something about this please?
Thanks for requesting! I appreciate you.
Making out with Epex
Warnings: sucking face. cuteness. all members.
- loves having you sitting on his lap. wants to hold you :(
- hands everywhere. he’s not scared to test the waters with touches.
- moves you around like ur nothing. so strong <3 just about dies when you make little noises for him, too.
- looks soooo handsome afterward. he's always attractive, but with his messy hair and flushed face, he looks especially good.
- hovers over you. likes when you’re chest-to-chest with each other.
- holds your hand. :( he’s a romantic guy, he can’t help himself.
- might pull away just to stare at you. traces your features with one finger. also looks to see if he left any marks on your neck. he loves doing that.
- snuggles you afterword. whispers cute things in your ear too.
- he’s kind of clumsy when ur kissing. he’s not very experienced so you bump into each other lots.
- loves when you grab his hair. give it a tug and he’s gone.
- sometimes he’ll wanna kiss u softly for hours. other times he wants you to shove ur tongue down his throat.
- never knows what to say. after, he might be like “well that was fun.” like….
- likes it when you’re laying next to each other. in his bed preferably.
- holds onto your jaw so you can’t pull away. he’ll let you breathe, but don’t try to hide from him.
- likes kissing on or around your ear. sometimes he makes it sound really loud to annoy you.
- wraps you in a blanket and hold you like a baby after. real smiley with you.
- the type to set you up on the counter so he can reach your lips. likes to hover over u, too.
- big tease. pulls away so you chase his lips. cute. you won't ever get what you want without working for it.
- wants to touch you everywhere all at once. doesn’t keep his hands in one spot for long.
- stares at you afterward. if you ask him why he’ll just shake his head and smile.
- thinks it’s so much fun and could do it all day. likes rolling around with you in bed bc it’s cute.
- gently holds your face. do him a favor and move his hands for him. he's a little scared to let them wander.
- likes kissing with tongue. he can always guess what you’ve had to eat that day or what lip balm you’re wearing.
- giggles with you afterward. holds ur hand and looks away like he’s shy. :( he wasn't shy 3 minutes ago.
- holds onto you like you’re going to disappear. he likes laying in bed w you.
- soooo handsy. always grabbing you and trying to get closer. ur hips are glued together.
- super fine. furrows his brows and smiles all smug. ugh he makes the hottest faces when he starts getting into it.
- holds you on his chest after. wants to talk about the mysteries of the word.
- hovers above you mostly. wraps his arms around your back and hips. cradles you. :(
- gets frisky sometimes. if he’s not careful, you’ll end up with marks littering your collarbones. if he's really into it, you'll find a couple finger-shaped bruises.
- rests his forehead against yours. so smiley and happy to be there with u.
- feels bad for giving you so much to cover up in the morning. but still sends you on the walk of shame to get snacks.
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minheelovelee · 9 months
any thoughts on jealous!epex?
always!! thanks for requesting, anon :)
warnings: jealousy. a little toxic.
oh he hates jealousy. he gets upset when you're jealous. so when he starts seeing green, he feels sooo guilty.
it takes a lot for him to get jealous. he can usually talk himself out of it before it gets too intense.
but when he does get pushed over the edge, he's not happy. honestly, he might give you the silent treatment in public. he doesn't trust himself to talk about it when others could be listening. he would be willing to get in a fight over jealousy.
when you get home, then he'll give you an earful. he's gonna talk it out with you bc he knows how to run a successful relationship. rip the bandage off and talks it out. he needs some time before he talking about it, though. he can be a little hot-headed when it comes to his relationship.
it's pretty easy to make him jealous. especially if he's not secure in the relationship yet.
when he starts to get jealous, he tries to ignore it. he can distract himself for a couple day, but if the problem isn't resolved by then, he goes a little crazy.
he would confront you about whatever was bothering him. it's probably a little thing that bugs him. when you actually start talking about it, he feels so embarrassed.
hearing the word "jealous" fall off your tongue makes him feel so bad. he would apologize for causing a fuss over nothing. make sure you give him some reassurance. he needs it. :(
he's a sad jealous boy. he doesn't feel spiteful or angry. he can get jealous easily, but he usually bites his tongue and waits for it to pass.
deep down, he knows he shouldn't get upset when you spend time with others, but he can't help himself. it's a lot easier to cry into your pillow than to talk about feelings with someone else.
he doesn't want to talk about feelings. it's not that he's against it, he just chooses not to. you'll have to initiate the conversation when you notice a change in his behavior.
understanding kyungmin requires a bachelors degree in kitty-boy psychology. he doesn't want to be a burden. make sure you remind him that he's not.
if jumping to conclusions was an Olympic sport, minwoo would bring home the gold medal every year. he's sooo bad with this.
he only gets jealous if you're with people he doesn't know. when you're with your friends that he's close to, he's fine. he trusts them. when you're with coworkers at a bar, that's another story.
if he sees another man's hand making contact with your body, it's over. he's gonna blow up at you for sure. he'll yank you away without a word.
it's easy to get in a fight with minwoo. he says stupid things. he doesn't listen well when he's angry. it's ugly. the only way to fix his jealousy is to prevent it. tell him about your friends. let know know everything about the outing. explain the situation to him before it even happens.
he's basically your girlfriend. he gets mad, and you never know what he's mad about. it's a secret and you need to figure it out on your own. what a fun game!
tries to use telepathy to beg you for attention. when you do give him attention, he won't accept it right away. "go give your attention to that guy you were with" :0
he feels a little bad about being jealous. he isn't really into the whole dependency thing, but he'll end up slipping into it throughout the relationship.
he's a big baby tbh. all you have to do is tell him it was a misunderstanding and he's yours once again. just make sure he knows that he's loved.
doesn't get jealous. you'd have to do something really stupid to get him to that point. he doesn't get jealous because of what you do. it's because of the actions of another party.
if there's a guy hitting on you, his primal instincts activate. he'll get so mad at that dude. he's not a violent person, so i think he uses words to get his point across.
he might just use hints. he'll insert himself into the situation, wrapping his arm around you, reminding them that you are in a committed relationship.
isn't he so mature? then he'll want to talk about it. of course. he'll let you know what bothered him and how you can prevent jealousy by creating boundaries. <3
baby gets so mad when he sees you with other men. he can't help himself. he can get jealous easily, so you have to be careful. he's very wary of strangers.
his jealousy manifests in anger. he wouldn't dare to take it out on you though. he usually just listens to loud music and cuts vegetables aggressively.
you'll have to pry a little. he's a hard egg to crack. yeah, he's obviously mad. no, he's not going to tell you. there's guilt hidden behind his anger.
once you get the conversation going, he's totally fine telling you whatever he was thinking about. he makes things harder than they should be. <3 he gets over jealousy quickly. especially if you give him a kiss and some affirming words.
he usually doesn't get jealous. people can hit on you, but at the end of the day, he knows you only like him. he'll let you play around. he doesn't want to keep you on a leash. unless... ;)
but if you really do something stupid, he would get mad. and i think he would straight up tell you. if you were to push some boundaries to test him, you might regret it.
his words might sound harsh at first. but that's only because he's angry. you might get in a fight honestly. he would take time to cool off and think about the situation.
he probably won't apologize until you do. he feels bad, but he's still hurt. talking about it would be the best thing for him. he doesn't really understand his own emotions. :)
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minheelovelee · 10 months
epex as college boyfriends ? <3
as a professional college student, i love this ask! thanks anon!
college boyfriend!epex
warnings: mentions of controlled substances.
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- physical education major
- plans to teach middle-high school. he lives for growth and improvement. it’s the most rewarding thing about teaching.
- makes you walk everywhere with him. never takes his car for some reason. has really nice calf muscles and works out almost every day.
- eats with you every day at the dining hall. wants to make sure you’re eating well. sometimes he forgets, too. you keep each other in check.
- takes you to parties. he has a million friends. he always knows someone at every event. you don’t know how he made all these friends.
- doesn’t study and doesn’t set alarms. likes to live dangerously. take care of him.
- he ends up rooming with jaeho, a weirdo who wants to follow you everywhere. you both come to love him <3
- modern dance major
- wanted to go to a college with non-art majors, too. so he settled for a school with just a general dance program.
- made friends with everyone on the first day. everyone has his snapchat. suddenly became a social butterfly. you’ll start off as friends.
- makes playlists for you. he makes music with some of his buddies. he dedicates songs to you and makes mix tapes.
- amazing host. always has gatherings at his apartment. stocked up on drinks and bud 24/7. doesn’t party sober.
- has a couple secret spots around campus to take you to. he’ll bring you to them when he wants to be alone with you.
- obsessed with his roommate. kyungmin never partied, drank, or had fun before coming college. he takes it upon himself to introduce km to all of college’s joys.
- art history major
- wants to be a museum coordinator or a journalist. he’s still kind of figuring things out. classic art student.
- you met through his roommate. you end up hitting it off and end up spending a lot of 1-on-1 time together.
- takes you out for coffee almost every day. the campus cafe takes all of his money. also, you eat girl dinners together because you don’t want to go to the dining hall. cracker, cheese, and whatever alcohol you could get your hands on that day.
- walks you to classes. insists that you never walk anywhere alone. makes sure you’re never lonely. also drives you wherever you need to go.
- drinks la croix at parties. with vodka. he can’t resist a drunk cigarette on the balcony either. not a big fan of crowds or drunk people though.
- his roommate, donghyun, is a lot. kyungmin likes him, but is annoyed by how many people he has over. so he comes to your dorm to watch you study.
- business management major.
- following in the footsteps of one of his relatives. he wants to end up in human resources or entrepreneurship.
- brings you gifts of encouragement when you’re studying. might surprise you at the library with boba. also makes sure you eat dinner daily. he’ll cook for you if you’re too busy to go to the dining hall.
- his room is a mess. always. he thrives in chaos. even when he cleans, it’s still dirty.
- goes to campus events like plays, art shows, or comedy nights. he’s very appreciative of the arts. green flag.
- thinks putting something on the door handle is a universal sign not to come in. apparently it’s not. his roommate has seek you naked.
- roommates with baekseung. they spend a lot of time together. you three become a cute trio and share an apartment next year.
- major: undecided
- he didn’t want to graduate high school. or go to college. he’s just going to meet girls and please his parents.
- biggest dining hall supporter. he thinks the food is fire. you meet him there when you both sit by a mutual friend.
- you can hear him coming from a kilometer away on his skateboard. one time he hit a pothole and went flying. lol.
- goes to all donghyun’s parties. they write music together. he’s pretty well-known for being the campus rapper. you’re his groupie.
- he’s just taking generals right now, so his classes are pretty easy. he’ll try to help you with homework. but after one problem, he goes back to playing fifa.
- lives with minwoo. his roommate is only slightly obsessed with him. they love each other though. you spend a lot of time as a trio.
- biochemistry major
- he’s planning to go to med school. his mom told him to. he’d actually make a fantastic doctor.
- way too smart. he doesn’t study though. he just plays crossy road while watching you do class work.
- he falls asleep in class. bring him a red bull and he’ll be so happy.
- takes care of you like no other. he doesn’t take care of himself though. make sure he gets scolded for that.
- his dream date: watching netflix documentaries, procrastinating, and smoking a bowl.
- roommates with yewang. they get along too well and encourage each other to do stupid stuff. like stay up all night and light fireworks in the parking lot.
- music education major
- wants to teach high school or middle school music. dreams of being a choir director. he couldn’t see himself in a field that isn’t focused on music.
- writes songs for baekseung and donghyun. he’s got his guitar, keyboard, synthesizer, and everything set up in his room.
- always has food in his pockets. not normal food though. like an entire cookie or a grilled cheese sandwich.
- you’ll never catch him working on homework. he always has it done before he sees you. he’ll help you with yours, too.
- probably joined the choir and encore for the school. or he plays in the band. he thinks he’s the next Mozart.
- roommates with ayden. they love each other. they always are up to shenanigans. if someone gets pranked in the dorm, you can bet one of them had something to do with it.
- criminal justice.
- probably will work in the juvenile field. he really likes kids and thinks that corrective services are super important for teenagers.
- captures everything on camera. he has albums and albums dedicated to you and his college experience. y/n sleeping. dining hall shenanigans. donghyun parties.
- good friends with donghyun. he joined the dance crew because donghyun gave him a flyer and he was too scared to say no. he’s quite good. go support him and he’ll be so happy.
- goes to the vending machine everyday. he has to get a diet coke. he keeps his mini fridge stocked WELL.
- he snuggles you to sleep every night. then he’ll walk home in the dark. he just likes you a lot and need to hug you before he goes to bed.
- roommates with dawit. you guys follow him around to get on his nerves. he never says no. you cook together at 2am sometimes.
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minheelovelee · 10 months
how do you think epex members would confess to their crushes ? 👀
LOVE thanks anon!!!
epex confessing
warnings: cute.
- would buy you your favorite food or drink. or both. he read somewhere that you can condition someone to like you by associating yourself with their favorite things. he’s a little crazy.
- mutes the conversation a bit. he wants you to know that he’s serious and he really wants you.
- “seriously, i’ve been attracted to you for a long time now. id really like to take things further. care to go on a date with me?” he’s professional. you’re business partners now.
- if you say yes, he’s super happy and smiley. would take you on a date later that week. his members call you their step-milf and he gets mad.
- if you say no, then he’d accept it and would think about you for a long time. still wants to be friends bc he likes the relationship you had before.
- comes to your house on a whim. just texts you like “hey can i come over :)” he’s already outside so please say yes. doesn’t bring anything besides his pretty face. wants you to see his sincerity.
- sits himself down bc he’s lowkey scared. turns his body toward you. looks you right in the eyes.
- “i’ve been thinking about this a lot. not just today, but every day before that. i like you a lot. i cant stand the thought of missing out on being with you. would you give me a chance?” really doubts himself, but he’s proud.
- if you accept his confession, he is over the moon. big, big, eye smile coming your way. might even grab your hand because he’s so excited. everyone celebrates bc he has getting a gf soon.
- if you say no, he’ll just turn himself away from you and take the L. he needs a little space now. i don’t think you could be friends after that because he was so sincere and his little heart got broke.
- SO SCARED. he would ask donghyun what to do. he gives terrible advice btw. he would text you and be like, hey let’s go for a walk. he wouldn’t take you somewhere he’s fond of. if you say no he’ll have bad memories there. you can go to his second favorite place.
- would tell you while you’re walking. cant look you in the eyes just yet, it would become too real. so he just kind of lets it slip.
- “i just want you to know, that i’m really starting to fall for you. id like to know if you have any similar feelings.” doesn’t outright say that he’s head over heels for you, but let’s you know that there’s a little somethin’ somethin’.
- if you tell him you like him back, he’ll finally be able to look at you. he doesn’t have much to say. he lets you both think about the exchange for the rest of the walk. when he looks around, he realizes this is his new favorite spot to go walking.
- if you say you don’t feel the same, he would feel pretty bummed. he wouldn’t get too down on himself though, because he can’t control what you feel. but he wouldn’t move on for a while. could still be friends with you, but not as close.
- thinks he has it in the bag. you’re pretty close friends. the two of you love to tease each other and there’s definitely a little sexual tension. he’d get you alone during a group hangout.
- pulls you aside when you come to the dorms. your friends are all there, but he can’t wait any longer.
- “i think it’s pretty obvious that i have some sort of feelings for you. id really like to act on them if you’d let me. i think we could be pretty good together.”
- if you agree, then he might just have to kiss you. you’ve basically been together for months, and you’re no stranger to going on “dates”. but that’s only if he doesn’t fall to his knees and thank you. he was secretly so worried.
- if you disagree, he’s really confused. he’ll try to press you on what you’re thinking. if you don’t budge, then he’ll drop it. would still be playful with you. thinks back to what he might have said wrong. might ask you again when you’re a little drunk.
- his members hype him up so hard. he’s still really nervous though. he’d probably invite you to his place so he can tell you to gtfo if he wants you gone.
- he’s a playful guy, so i don’t think he’d want anything too serious. would watch a movie with you and ask you then.
- “so, i’ve been thinking about us. i really like you. we act like a couple already. if you like me too, i don’t see why we shouldn’t make it official.” the pause after he says that almost chokes him.
- if you agree, then he’ll be like “seriously?” and get all smiley. he came off as confident, but he was actually terrified. tells his friends and they give him the biggest pat on the back.
- if you disagree, then he would be a bit awkward. he’d finish the movie with you but ask you to leave. he has to think about what he wants now. if he wants to be close to you again, or keep himself away from any potential pain you might bring.
- he knows that you treat him like a younger brother. he’s tried to change that, but you’re pretty stubborn. he’s actually come to like your dynamic and like you too.
- wants to prove to you that he’s really in it for the long run. he’ll ask to come over and hang out. maybe watch a show you like or play video games together.
- “noona. for a long time, i’ve been thinking about how much i want you to be mine. i really like you. seriously, i think you should give me a chance to show that you can think of me differently.” he’s serious. really wants you to agree bc otherwise that hurts his man ego.
- if you agree to give him a chance, he’ll be so happy. is a total gentleman. takes you on dates, waits until the third one to kiss you. and on the fourth one he asks you to be his gf <3
- if you tell him no, then he might get a little upset. he’s done nothing but show you that he’s worthy, but you still rejected him. he’ll be mad at you for a while. you tell him that just proves your point. he gets mad again.
- he’s the type of boy your parents want to stick around. he’s funny and caring. he’d take you somewhere at night. he wants to set the mood~ might do a nighttime picnic.
- brings his guitar and plays for you. also sings if you want to listen. he’ll stop playing for a bit just to stare at you while you’re stargazing.
- “hey, look at me. i like you. a lot. i’ll take you on more dates like this. whenever you want. but i want you to be mine.” he does it in his own wang-y way. let’s you know that he has feelings for you and will treat you so good.
- if you agree, he’ll be so happy. cuddles up to you under a blanket to stargaze. asks you where you want him to take you next. the sky is the limit. when you get cold, he’ll take you to the car and might play for you if you’re not ready for the night to end.
- if you say no, he would be upset. he would want to talk about why you said no. he would get a little salty. wouldnt want to be friends either. he gets over it eventually. reuses the same idea with another girl tbh. it was a really good one and it can’t be wasted.
- invites you over for his epex family dinner. the other members make dinner while you two play video games. he was planning to tell you he liked you that night. the words almost slip out before dinner. he doesn’t want to make it awkward so he waits until after.
- he’d take you to his room and beg no one to come in. needs this moment to not be sucky. he’ll watch youtube or something with you before asking.
- “there’s something that i want to say. i’ve really started to like you. for a while now, actually. what do you think about going on a real date sometime?” he’s very proud of himself. told you he liked you AND asked you on a date. two for two.
- if you say yes, he’ll smile and look down. you just have to pinch his cheeks. add on to that blush. the second you leave the dorm, he tells the members what happened. you can hear them cheering from outside.
- if you say no, he’ll accept it and move on. he doesn’t want to ruin what you have. he’s still happy he asked, because he didn’t want to miss the chances. might apologize, but when you tell him he doesn’t have to, he’s totally fine. you can still be friends.
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minheelovelee · 9 months
i need a threesome with donghyun and kyungmin more than i need air im ILL!!!!
noo mee too tbhh
warning: bxb action. nsfw. fmm 3some. Eiffel tower. m!oral.
03z have a kooky dynamic. theyre both inexperienced when it comes to girls. i think that they might even practice on each other. they hold hands and maybe even smooch. then kyungmin gets a bright idea to ask you to help them. they don’t know any other girls and you seem like you’d play the part. donghyun’s like omg ur a genius i’m never kissing you again.
they invite you over for a movie night like usual. they’re so touchy. km lays his head in your lap and lets you pet him. kitty coded. dh’s got his head on your shoulder and holds your hand.
the skinship is welcome, but confusing. “you two are so touchy tonight, aren’t you?” km would blush for sure. he thinks you caught onto them. dh just smiles at you. “yeah. we missed you.”
he lets the moment linger in the air before adding on. “you know, do you have a lot of experience? like, with having a boyfriend or anything?” kyungmin looks for your reaction. if you’re mad, he’s blaming it all on donghyun.
“i think i have a fair amount. there’s more experienced people for sure. why are you wondering?” km relaxes. you weren’t mad. yet.
“well kyungmin and i have been thinking about that a lot. we don’t have any experience. so we’ve been practicing with each other.” that catches your attention.
“what the fuck? why? do you make out?” km could d*e of embarrassment.
“yeah. sometimes. just to see what it’s like.” donghyun doesn’t seem embarrassed at all. he earns a swat on the arm from kyungmin.
“well can i watch?” they look at you with wide eyes. they didn’t even have to ask? “seriously?” kyungmin cant believe what he’s hearing.
“so i can tell you what you’re doing wrong. obviously.” donghyun had heard enough. he’s not throwing away this opportunity.
he moves forward to hover over kyungmin, taking his chin into his grip. he’s going to give you exactly what you want. so he kisses him.
donghyun’s got one hand on the other’s hip, and another in his hair. he’s found that it’s quite fun to play with his friend’s locks. hard tugs earn him access to his mouth as well. so he gives the hair a little pull.
kyungmin gasps into the others’ mouth. a tongue slips past his lips to touch his teeth. he meets in the middle with his own tongue, letting donghyun do whatever he wants.
the other set of lips pull away. kyungmin lets his neck rest by rolling his head back. donghyun takes that opportunity to plant his lips on the newly exposed skin. km gasps and lolls his head to face you. dh had never ventured there before.
your lap holds a beautiful sight. donghyun’s sharpened jawline and kyungmin’s ditzy look. you can’t help but run your thumb over km’s puffy lips. they were already plump, but kissing accentuates them.
he lets out a new sound at the contact. one he’s never made before. hip lips part a bit more, inviting your thumb to push further. a little more pressure has him taking it into his mouth. he lets his tongue travel around it, sucking slightly.
donghyun’s ears perk up with the sound. he pulls away to see what’s happening. kyungmin sucking your thumb was not what he expected. “oh.”
silence fills the air. it invites you to speak. “you did a good job donghyunnie. if i didn’t know any better, i’d say you’d kissed dozens of people.”
he gives a shy smile and takes in the scene. he’s almost fully hard in his shorts. kyungmin looks like a wreck. just from a little kissing.
“you want me to help you take it a little further?” km looks at you with shiny eyes. “would you?”
“of course! i’ll always help you with whatever you need, minnie.” you say as if it were so obvious. “do you want to see what it’s like to get head from a girl? or has donghyun already shown you that?” you’d be lying if you said that you hadn’t thought about this before.
“no! i don’t want him. i want you to.” donghyun grips his chest in mock-agony. “wow, thanks.” you guide him off your lap, adding to his pain.
kyungmin sits against the couch’s armrest. you settle yourself between his little thighs. he lifts his hips to slide his shorts to his knees easily.
his cock springs into the air once freed. he’s fully hard now. you touch his thigh to get his attention. “can i touch you, minnie?” he nods quickly. “yeah. yeah, please.”
he’s already leaking by the time you get to him. trailing your fingers up his thighs and flashing him a cute set of eyes didn’t do anything to calm him down.
you wrap a hand around him, easing him in to the experience. his teeth catch his bottom lip. you let him jerk up into your hand, but lay the other hand on his hip, pressing down as a warning.
it’s then when you remember the other boy in the room. “bored back there, keumie?”
“no, i’m watchin’ you.” you start moving your hand up and down, alternating pressure with each stroke. this draws a sound from kyungmin’s lips.
“well, wouldn’t you rather fuck me?”
he doesn’t say anything at first, too shocked to speak. instead, he presses himself behind you. “fuck, yeah.” you finally give kyungmin what he’s been looking for and wrap your lips around him.
you don’t expect dh to yank your shorts down, but he does. he doesn’t waste time exposing you. the last thing on his mind is a condom. he lines up with your entrance and slides himself in right away.
you let out a surprised sound around kyungmin. it travels through him and falls off his lips as a moan.
the position creates a perfect path for his cock. it slides in and rubs its’ tip against your swollen g-spot. beginner’s luck.
kyungmin whines when his cock falls out of your mouth. he’s been fisting the couch for the duration of his experience. now that his balls are full, he’s desperate for your touch. he drags your hand to his cock once again. your nails make contact with his head, making him jerk away.
you take the hint, mouthing the tip of his cock once again. you strive to please him, even though you want nothing more than to relish in your pleasure. donghyun’s cock hits the right spots inside you. his hips snap with purpose, to bring him to his orgasm.
it’s doesn’t take him long. kyungmin’s orgasm catches him off guard, finishing with white spurts that cover your cheek. his girly whines are enough to satisfy donghyun. he cums soon after, letting himself finish on your back.
you give breathless kyungmin a rough squeeze on his thigh. his carelessness left you with an unexpected facial. the squeal he lets out is his payment.
“clean her up.” donghyun commands. he doesn’t want a mess on his couch. kyungmin starts to move. “i’ll get a towel for you.”
“no.” your confused reactions urge him to elaborate. “use your mouth, minnie. i don’t want a mess.” he says this all while wiping you down with his shirt. he doesn’t need one, anyway.
a furious blush takes over his face. he doesn’t say anything. he just leans down and kisses your cheek, following with a drag of his tongue. he stills, to swallow, then repeats the actions.
“attaboy. i cant have a stain on my couch now, can i?” it’s a rhetorical question, but kyungmin whispers an answer anyway.
“no. i’m sorry.”
anyway. yes i love my 03z. i think they would be such a fun pair to have a threesome w. donghyun loves making fun of his little kyungminnie.
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minheelovelee · 3 months
Can you please do cuddling with epex 🥹🥹 i love ur writing sm 🤭🫶
oh i LOVE this ask. thank you anon!!!
cuddling with epex
warnings: fluff. fem reader mentions.
- loves to wrap his arms around your body. having something to hold onto is comforting to him.
- chin on your shoulder. he wants to stare at your pretty face or stare at your body.
- occasional face-to-face cuddling. he’ll nuzzle his nose in your neck and tickle you with his eyelashes.
- wraps his leg around you to trap you in. makes sure your touching him at all times.
- closes his eyes and enjoys the moment. he can tell if you start looking at him, so he’ll shoot his eyes open to scare you.
- gets hard every time you cuddle. doesn’t matter where you are.
- drapes his legs and arms everywhere. he either takes up the whole bed or one square foot.
- takes pictures when you cuddle. selfies, pics of your legs tangled, or of you sleeping.
- does tongue twisters and word games when cuddling. you’ll be lucky to fall asleep.
- comforting. stroking your arm or back. uses touch to calm your nerves.
- another one who rests his chin on your shoulder. that way he can whisper silly things in your ear.
- sitting next to each other on the couch. he rests his head on your shoulder. you hold hands. he sleepz and snorez.
- big big hugs from big big arms! he loves to wrap his baby up.
- tilting your head back to lay kisses on your face. and lips :)
- gabbing onto your arms when you try to leave. digging his fingers into your flesh and whining for you to stay.
- sooo many blanket! wrapped up and hidden from any cold air.
- he never falls asleep because he’s too busy looking at you. he never runs out of things to say.
- buries his head into your boobs. doesn’t mind if he can’t breathe well.
- always multi tasking. typing lyrics in his notes app or planning what he’ll have for dinner.
- he often spaces out. he doesn’t sleep when cuddling. just stares.
- holding onto your tummy and playing with the skin. he says it’s his fidget toy.
- secret little spoon. being hugged from behind is one of his favorite things.
- laying his head in your lap. doing this and watching tv is his ideal evening.
- also snuggling his head into your chest. likes sticking his chin into your boobs.
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minheelovelee · 10 months
dom? sub? or switch? with epex
warnings: nsfw.
- dom-leaning switch
- i like to think that the right person could turn dawit into a sub. he would be so cute. u cant tell me he’s not meant to be a puppy boy!
- but his default is dominating. he likes to have control. he can be so versatile with it, too. he can fill any dom role.
- switch
- true switch. he’s a really good sub. he’s obedient and trusting. now that’s a puppy boy.
- such a nice dom, too. he’s so soft. he doesn’t fit that daddy dom role that everyone’s looking for, but he takes great care of his sub.
- sub
- he doesn’t dom. be so fr rn. like that is a bottom and a pillow princess. he needs to be taken care of :(
- he’s very sensitive, but he wants someone to rough him up. he’s looking for some who can care for him and praise him, while also being able to treat him like a slut.
- dom
- he doesn’t lean any other way. he’ll bottom, but he never gives up control. it makes him feel safe.
- mean. he talks a lot. he doesn’t fit into a caring role. you’d have better luck with him if you wanted someone to degrade you.
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minheelovelee · 10 months
How would EPEX members eat their S/O out? 👀
thank you anon!!!
how epex gives head
warnings: nsfw. fem!oral.
- has complete control over you. thighs pinned down, hips secured in place, hands unmoving.
- super sloppy. his lips and chin are a mess when he’s done. his head game is crazy. you would think he’d been starved for days.
- likes folding you in half. + you regularly find yourself laying on the kitchen counter or table with him between your legs.
- he doesn’t know that he’s actually really good at giving head. also uses his hands and mouth.
- #1 fan of eating pussy. would do it every day if you let him. getting pussy drunk is a real thing.
- likes when you sit on his face. +1 point if you reach down and jerk him off too.
- always looking for a reaction. if he thinks you’re too quiet, he’ll do something weird to get your attention. like bite you. playfully.
- so good with his mouth. doesn’t use his hands at all. has amazing control over his tongue.
- he’s scared at first. he didn’t think he would be good at it. he was hesitant so it honestly wasn’t good.
- learns quickly. especially when you teach him how. he’s actually eager to learn from you.
- likes face sitting. wants you to use him :) he’s also the type to grind himself into the mattress while giving head. pay attention to him afterward.
- doesn’t really need to use his hands. BUT he’s quite good with his fingers.
- doesn’t play when it comes to giving head. he figures out what to do quickly after the first time. he’s a fan.
- down to do it anywhere. against the wall, laundry room, kitchen, car, balcony. you name it, he’s open to it.
- big tease. he’s very talkative. he’ll pull away just to say something stupid and make you mad. also big on orgasm denial.
- he’s honestly really good at giving head and he knows it. uses his fingers and mouth just right.
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minheelovelee · 11 months
Epex Text Reaction: Telling them you like them
Hyung line: Wish, Keum, Mu, Amin
Maknae line here!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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minheelovelee · 10 months
kyungmin as your boyfriend pleek🙏🏻
LOVE. thank you for requesting anon! i appreciate u :)
mu as a boyfriend
warnings: sfw and nsfw. cute.
- he’s super chill. lets you do whatever you want without making a fuss. wanna go out with your friends? okay he’ll have a meal ready when you’re back. going on a business trip? okay he’ll be sleeping on your side of the bed.
- loves cooking together. he’s not the best right now, but he improves quickly. he knows how to cook some stuff without a recipe😎
- buries his face in your chest. nuzzles into you whenever he wants attention.
- speaking of, he needs lots of attention! make sure he’s fed, watered, pet, and loved.
- hates lying. don’t do it. be direct. he doesn’t always know what’s going on, so he needs some clues.
- so supportive. never wants to judge you. expects the same from you. he needs someone who reminds him how special he is and makes him feel loved.
- inexperienced. be careful with him. he’s fragile.
- sometimes he takes up the entire bed, other times he only uses 1 foot of space.
- he’s kind of weird? he says weird stuff that makes you raise a brow at him. also doesn’t elaborate.
- super special boyfriend! he gets embarrassed easily, but he looks really cute.
- gives you his entire heart. take care of it. can only be with someone who he trusts.
- verse sub. i can only see him as a sub, but i think he might be open to switching. would let you fuck him bc he’s confident in his masculinity.
- so so needy. likes to be taken care of. also likes being dragged around.
- kitty cat. pet him and praise him. he’ll do whatever it takes to hear that he’s doing a good job.
- loves getting head. never says no to it. wants to please you as well, so he returns the favor whenever he can.
- shy and innocent but secretly a freak. ask him.
bonus: when he says stop, he doesn’t usually mean in. push him to the brink of tears. then take him a little further. <3
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minheelovelee · 10 months
epex hyung line ass vs boobs
love ur work btw!!
thank u anon that’s so kind. and thanks for requesting! feel free to claim an anon emoji if you’d like!
ass vs. boobs
warnings: nsfw
wish : ass
- bro. he LOVES ass. he loves how it fits perfectly in his hands. he loves how it bounces with his thrusts. he just love it all. he gives special attention to those wearing short shorts or skirts.
keum : boobs
- watching boobs bounce does it for him. he got to see it all the time as a dancer. he can’t keep his eyes from drifting down to the exposed skin of a cleavage. likes how they feel too. especially as a pillow.
mu : boobs
- ur telling me he doesn’t suck nipples? erm. yes he does. they shut him up. if he’s whining and crying when ur fucking him, pull one out and let him suck. bro is a baby.
amin : ass
- my doms luv ass my subs like boobs. maybe i’m just projecting. anyway he really does love ass. his top porn category is anal. slapping ass is his favorite, too. he does it all the time around the house.
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minheelovelee · 9 months
epex mtl to get pussy drunk...?🥴
thank u anon i appreciate u :))))
epex mtl: getting pussy drunk
warnings: nsfw. sub action. dom action.
he's the worst. his hard dom façade is also the worst. he talks big about how he's gonna make u scream all night. but if he feels u cum around him... he's gone.
pls. he loves getting ridden into tomorrow. slap him around a little and call him ur pussy-drunk whore. he's accepted it. he cant fuck without whining and crying about how good it feels.
he can eat pussy for hours. if you'd let him, of course. even if you don't let him, he just cant pull away. he'll beg you to keep your legs open a little longer. just long enough for him to take one more orgasm from you.
hes actually quite good at keeping his composure. you'll rarely catch him lacking. yeah, he loves pussy, but he can always keep himself afloat.
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minheelovelee · 10 months
Epex favorite sex position?
thank u anon!!! i’m doing this rapid-fire no elaboration. 🤘🏻
wish: missionary. countertop. standing.
keum: butterfly. seated scissors. spooning.
mu: cowgirl. rocking horse. reverse missionary.
amin: legs up missionary. doggy. countertop from behind.
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minheelovelee · 10 months
What do you think epex members' ideal types would be like? 👀 (personality and look-wise, idol/non-idol, etc.)
This is a fun ask. Thanks for requesting!
Literally everyone's ideal type. He's in high demand. Doesn't want any jealousy in the relationship. You need to have trust.
If you stay up late with him to talk about life, he falls in love. He's such a fan of conversation with substance. You have to be able to think for yourself.
Loves to eat together. There isn't a lot of talking involved, but he really appreciates quality time.
Prefers a same-age or younger girl. He gets along really well with older women because he's so charming. Would definitely give an older girl a chance.
Might date an idol. Tries to stay away from them though.
He doesn't like the chase. Wants a girl who knows exactly what she wants and gives it to him straight.
Can't be help do high expectations in a relationship. He crumbles under pressure. Wants someone who keeps things relaxed.
Likes older girls. He likes being taken care of.
BUT he's also very doting and would loveee to have a girlfriend who's cute. He likes that innocent look and likes making fun of you :)
Would date an idol.
Loves when people share their interests with him. He really wants someone unique who can keep him entertained for hours. Is sooo happy when someone shares themselves with him.
He loves his two rats and would love to be an animal or plant parent with you.
He needs a judgement-free space to really feel comfortable. He needs someone with an open mind and a huge heart.
Lovvvveeessss older women. He really likes having all of your attention. Being doted on is his favorite. He's for the girls.
Would not date an idol.
He gets jealous easily, so he needs someone who's patient and keeps things crystal clear between you two.
Secretly likes being babied. Don't tell anyone though because he'll deny it.
Soooo obsessed with his girlfriend. Would really love if you were open for skinship whenever. All that he asks is that you show him a little love every so often.
He's another member who wouldn't care about age. He's open to anything.
Would try not to date an idol. If he fell for one, he would kick himself but still pursue the relationship.
He needs someone who can keep up with his energy. Also someone who's patient. He wasn't gifted with a filter, so he just says whatever he wants.
Also needs someone independent. He can't always be there for you, so if you're cool with alone time, that's awesome.
Short girls >. As long as you're shorter than him he's fine with any height.
I don't think he cares about age. It's just a number to him. He just wants mutual respect in a relationship.
Wouldn't date an idol.
Likes being reminded how much you love him. Sometimes he forgets. Wants someone who's very open with their affections.
Needs a girl who he can share his interests with and who does the same with him.
Looking for a heart of gold. Kindness is so attractive.
I guarantee you he's been told by older women all his life just how cute he is. He's definitely attracted to older women.
Wouldn't date an idol.
Needs someone who can keep him humble. At the end of the day, he wants someone to come home to who loves him.
HAS to have someone who finds him funny. Otherwise that kind of kills the mood bc he jokes around a lot. Would love if he found someone even funnier than him.
He wants a person who creates a calm atmosphere. Stay up late with him and talk about his worries. Hold his hand when things get rough. He doesn’t ask for a lot, but he does want to have someone who grounds him.
Doesn’t care about age at all. He gets quite nervous around older girls though.
Would not want to date an idol.
Likes someone who really gives him confidence. Needs someone to make sure he knows just how handsome he is.
Would like if you had similar interests. Like if you play video games with him,,, he’d be so happy. He wants someone he can brag about.
He’s so attracted to someone who’s well put-together. If you know what you’re doing with your life, that’s awesome. He doesn’t really want any baggage or indecisiveness from his girlfriend. He has enough of that himself.
Would want to date an older girl. All of Epex likes older girls sorry to the babies out there. Likes the experience that comes with an older girlfriend.
Would not date an idol.
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