#michael places the realm above all in a the vein of a 'greater good' and believes in the good of its teaching
So in the past you shared your thoughts about the demon that was sent to earth for the exchange program—-how do you think things went for the two demons sent to the Celestial Realms? Or were they even able to send anyone over there since a lot of that realm is inherently harmful to demons-would they have strong enough protections?
i'm not even entirely sure if any demons were sent to the celestial realm in canon, but in my view the celestial realm wouldn't have allowed it - just seems more interesting, and probably makes more sense, given that an angel having a favourable view of demons seems to be the exception rather than the norm
though it's still interesting to note that the celestial realm was willing to send two angels - especially given that one is simeon, who (based on his being demoted during/after the war) has proved in the past that he isn't necessarily completely loyal - and the other is luke, who is young and impressionable and can both learn and unlearn prejudices very quickly
i say this as someone who does not know a lot about politics, BUT there are very interesting political implications for all this. is it possible that the celestial realm intended to use simeon and/or luke as a form of (unwitting) inside informant? did they actually believe in diavolo's desire for peace when they agreed to send them? even if so, they're basically broadcasting that they don't fully trust it by not accepting exchange students
and what exactly do they think of how the dynamics have shifted since the exchange year ended.....
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