#might just delete this I'm so tired 😫
coolspacequips Β· 2 months
I think if all ppl can say about allura is that she's an obstacle to kl or that she's dead to be kl angst or that ppl shipping her w Lance suck then maybe just don't talk about her ever LMAO
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appocalipse Β· 2 years
Tips on starting a writing blog, like how to start??
well, i'm not sure if i'm the right person to answer this, but i'll tell you what worked for me. i hope this helps πŸ’•
β™₯ i'm pretty sure you already know this, but tagging your posts accordingly is very, very important, especially early on when you don't have a lot of followers. so go crazy with the tags (but don't go tagging, say, a steve imagine as eddie munson x reader for example, though. that won't help and it'll just piss off people that are looking for a certain kind of content and can't find it because you're flooding the tags with unrelated stuff). a good tip is to look through what other blogs with similar content are tagging their posts with and go from there.
β™₯ interacting with other writers is not only fun, but can help you reach more people who might be interested in your content too. plus a big part of being a writer is reading. reading a lot. you can make friends and enjoy yourself at the same time. i constantly read and comment on other people's works because i love to, but when i stop to think about it, i'm sure a lot of people discovered me through my interactions with other blogs. it's a win-win situation.
β™₯ always check if your posts are showing up in the tags. i constantly have issues with this and it's really discouraging when you put your blood, sweat and tears into something and it gets like 4 notes because tumblr is messing with you </3. whenever one of my posts doesn't show up i try to delete all pictures in it or change the tags and then check if it works. if doesn't, you may have to delete the whole thing and post it again if you want it to show up in the tags 😫 of course notes aren't the most important thing, but to be honest we wouldn't be here posting our writing if we didn't want it to be seen, right? it can feel very demotivating especially when you're just starting out.
β™₯ try to be as active as you can. of course you don't have to post every day and tire yourself out just to write if you don't have the time or are not feeling well. but try to come and interact with people once in a while. i always get new followers when i post something new, even if it's just a little drabble.
β™₯ ALWAYS write your ideas down when they come to you. this one might just be me, but i tend to have a lot of ideas when i'm in the most unexpected places and i totally forget about them once i sit down to write. i literally have a google doc named "not yet done" and it's basically a long list of things i think i'll write someday lol i come back to it whenever i'm out of inspiration.
β™₯ writing should be fun. sounds lame, but it's true. the things i wrote with passion/inspiration, ideas that wrote because i couldn't get them out of my head are the ones that got over 1k notes here (which is a big big number for me πŸ’–) so don't worry too much about writing every little thing people ask you to. sometimes it just won't come to you and it's okay. i feel like a hypocrite because i still struggle with this
β™₯ links are important. personally, i think that making your writing acessible is of utmost importance. making a masterlist and linking it in your bio or in your pinned post goes a long way when it comes to people finding your work.
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