cookieofearthbread · 2 months
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"Who... who are you?" A confused voice, a familiar voice but it lacks the mirth and twisted amusement that it normally should have. Instead, the cookie looking directly at Pure Vanilla within the Darkside of the Moon looked more akin to a lost scholar. "What are you doing in this dreary place?" | The Scholar has located PV~ )
The Darkside of the Moon... How many times have he visited this place now? The healer knew it was too many times however there was nothing he could do to stop it; not when he didn't have control.
Regardless, he always dreaded the place for a few good reasons with one being what was waiting in the darkness and who owned the place.
Soon his body tensed up when a familiar voice spoke out however there was also a bit of confusion on the healer's face as the tone didn't match the usual tone that he was used to and the question the voice asked was odd.
He turned his attention properly to the voice and the confusion only grew when instead of the jester's appearance that he was expecting; he was greeted by the Scholar instead.
Why was Shadow Milk using his past self appearance? And asking those questions to him? Was there a reason and if so; what purpose did it serve? Just what exactly was Shadow Milk up to now...?
There was only one way to find out.
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"... Why are you asking those questions?" Pure Vanilla mumbled quietly, shuffling on the spot, and a frown on his face as it was clear his guard was up.
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cookieofearthbread · 3 months
@milk-and-trickery (Pure Vanilla and Shadow Milk)
Pure Vanilla wasn't sure what was exactly was wrong as everything around him seems to be normal however he couldn't help but feel anxious about something as if there was something wrong or something bad was going to happen.
....Maybe he was just being paranoid and he was used to things going wrong that his mind simply expected trouble no matter what... Even when everything was perfectly fine and there was nothing wrong.
The calm before the storm as one puts it. After all, it was quiet......
Too quiet...
That's when it finally clicked for him; it was too quiet considering there should be a party ongoing with the fairies... Yet he couldn't hear anything... Not a slightest sound which prompted in the healer leaving the area he was in and head towards the direction of the party....
He still couldn't hear anything even when he got closer and closer to the location of the party and when he did arrive; he didn't see a a single soul in sight.
Where is everyone?
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"Hello?" He called out, trying to hide the anxiety laced in his voice, whilst looking around.
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cookieofearthbread · 16 days
@milk-and-trickery [Response]
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"... Shadow Milk Cookie, I'm trying to focus."
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cookieofearthbread · 2 months
@milk-and-trickery (White Lily and Blueberry Yogurt)
White Lily had wandered towards the Silver Tree before stopping in front of it and stared at it for awhile as her expression was unreadable and the hero was deep in thought.
Ever since she became the new guardian of the Silver Tree; she's been doing everything she could to learn as much as possible about the power gifted to her by the late faerie king…
Wanting to know everything about it to fill and satisfy the curiosity that plagued her dough.
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That’s when she discovered that she could peek inside of the tree; taking a glance inside of the prison if her heart desired it and with that piece of information discovered.
She couldn’t stop thinking about it as the cookie began to wonder what the prison was like inside of the tree and if it would allow her to take a peek at the other beasts as the only thing she got close was the silhouette paper puppets that the jester used in his play.
Thus, the visit to the Silver Tree to see if she could perform the magic.
She carefully placed her hand on the trunk, feeling the humming sound from the silver tree, before taking a deep breath and closing her eyes to focus. She knew it was dangerous but she just needed to know. Her mind would never rest until she got answers to her questions.
When White Lily opened her eyes; she found herself in what she could only simply describe as a black void and looking down on herself showed that she took on a ghostly appearance as her body was half transparent.
No doubt it was because she wasn’t truly inside the seal.
Regardless, White Lily wandered around to see if there was anything more to the prison instead the black void as surely that wasn’t it and a beast cookie had to be somewhere around even if she wasn’t planning to talk to them.
After all, why should she talk to them, especially Shadow Milk Cookie? Who would no doubt would not be happy to see her in the slightest.
Soon, the ancient hero sensed a presence nearby, causing her to wipe around, her eyes narrowing sharply, prepare to take a defense position, when she saw a glimpse of blue, however her expression shifted to a blank one when instead of the jester’s attic; the cookie was more regal in appearance.
It reminded her of a teacher or a scholar.
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“Who are you?” She asked, her tone firm and her expression returning to the sharpness, and the hero held her staff out to create distance between them, as despite the scholar appearance; the other did resemble the jester’s appearance to a certain degree, which put her on edge.
Was it Shadow Milk Cookie or another cookie?
Although that would beg the question that if this wasn’t Shadow Milk Cookie then who was he?
And why were they in the seal?
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cookieofearthbread · 10 days
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From within his confinement, Shadow Milk Cookie idly floated. Upside down today, what was today even.. oh he lost count. He hummed, only to hear far off banging, screeching.. was.. was someone throwing a TANTRUM!? OHOHO! Immediately he pivoted and flew to the edge of his prison, squinting, putting a hand over his eyes to try and find out just who was so enraged! Was it Burning Spice? No.. no that scream was Eternal Sugar! "Yoooo hooo! Eternal Sugar Cookie! My my! What has you sooooo so so so upset? Why I haven't heard you so incredibly ENRAGED since we were locked away!"
The fallen angel was absolutely fuming as she continued to throw her temper tantrum, launching her magic against the cage, and flying around the cage like a rabid cakehound wanting to tear and rip everything that it could however with how the seal was designed; it was impossible as her magic simply bounced off and fizzed out which only serves to enrage the angel in further.
She didn’t care at the rating she was going! She didn't care if she was going to disturb the other beasts! After all! Why does it matter! The only other time she has been this furious was when she and the others were locked away!
Sure she despaired at first but that despair turned into hatred! Which led her to becoming enraged and enraged... Until that rage settled down and lay lurking beneath her dough until now. The anger brought back by the events that just played out a few minutes ago.
The fallen angel was about to launch another attack on the ‘wall’ until she heard a voice calling out to her which made her snap her attention to it. Her eyes were glowing brightly and her appearance a complete mess; wild and feral.
The sweetness melted away to show the sourness that was the Beast of Sloth.
Shadow Milk Cookie... The voice was the jester.
............ ....... ...
Eternal Sugar merely stared at the direction of the voice as there was a moment of silence until...
A loud SMACK could be heard as she pressed against the wall, her hands and face pressing against the wall.
“She. Was. Here.” Her voice hissed loudly and grew louder with each word spoken. “She was here and now she’s gone! Against her will! Someone interrupted us! And I know it was SOMEONE! Just by her REACTION! And I KNOW that Candy Eye Cookie WOULDN’T have left either! Until she has to otherwise!”
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cookieofearthbread · 1 month
𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 𝟑𝟓𝟖/𝟐 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒 (Starter) - Accepting
“   i’ve been searching for a way to conquer the darkness within me .   ” ( For either White Lily or Pure Vanilla from Blueberry Yogurt! Your choice~)
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"I can imagine that it's not easy." White Lily replied as she looked at the scholar, her expression soft, at it was clear that the guardian felt sympathy for him. She could only imagine the challenges he needed to face especially when the darkness was so overwhelming and consuming.
She knew it was dangerous to visit the prison inside of the seal as it was only a matter of time before the jester discovered her presence however she couldn't help but be curious as well as she wanted to talk to Blueberry Yogurt Cookie more.
As White Lily wanted to learn more about him.
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".... If you are able to do it and conquer the darkness... What are you going to do, afterwards?"
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cookieofearthbread · 3 months
With the castle becoming active once more, thanks to the Witch that arrived at the castle, First Cream Cookie was once pick the role up of protector and savior due to the danger that the witch brought with her... Creatures that would hunt any cookies in the castle and captured them to bring to their master for whatever purpose the witch held for them.
As well as the witch herself as those created by the witch would not live long if they weren't able to escape her clutches as they would be eaten alive... A sight which brought nauseous to First Cream Cookie.
A cruel fate for one to have.
However tonight, whilst making her patrol around the castle to ensure there were no cookies lost... She noted that the usual creatures that were meant to be roaming around were absence... A oddity which brought her on edge as it was unusual for the creatures to be completely absence.
Regardless of the matter, when she climbed the shelves and peer down from the height; she spotted a cookie below.... A jester... The cookie quietly observe him from above before her eyes narrowed as a feeling was telling her that the other was dangerous and a threat to the castle.
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"Cookie... You're not welcome here.... Leave now before you are force." First Cream called out from above in a cold tone; her whisk glowing ever so faintly against the darkness.
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cookieofearthbread · 4 months
@milk-and-trickery [Continue]
"That's right." Linzer responded, wondering where the jester came from, however also being curious considering he mentioned being interested in her work and understanding the struggle of creating something that cookies would enjoy.
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"Well, cookies know me for my Miss Waffles series, which are a series of detective stories filled with various mysteries and twists..." Which she was truly proud of.
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"Considering, it's not easy to write a detective mystery novel... I can take proud in my work, since having too many twists in the story can ruin the experience for the reader, and having too little would make the story completely boring...."
Making sure to sprinkle the right amount of twists and clue into the stories was a hard balance to do, a balance which she truly mastered, and a skill which she took pride in, especially with how many fans she had and how many cookies would line up to simply grab her novel.
"Of course.... There are a few fans who want to spoil themselves by trying to see the first draft." Linzer mumbled quietly; looking to the side, before back to the other cookie.
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"Regardless, I must admit that I am curious in what work you have done since you mention you can understand the struggle of being a writer as well-being a poet and stage-writer."
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cookieofearthbread · 4 months
Flour Peak of Transcendence....
A place where Mystic Flour Cookie used to wander around, destroying and cleansing everything in her path, until the cookie was sealed away along with the rest of the Beasts for their crimes... However, the once quiet place was now filled with noise once more, as the beast of apathy had returned.
The seal had been broken. And she was free. Were the other free? She didn't know unless she sought them out.
Regardless, she was free to continue with her mission without a single emotion piercing through her dough as the empty eyes scan the land that once was her rule...
It did not matter how much time have passed since she has been sealed... She would bring the chaos back to the land and tear everything in her path... At least that was her thought until her eyes caught something blue... A Familiar blue figure... Which soon resulted in the beast moving towards it in a quick speed until she stopped when she was close enough and spoke with a dull tone of voice.
"..... Shadow Milk Cookie." Mystic Flour paused; her dull expression never changing, ".... I see that you to have been free from the imprisonment that been placed upon us."
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cookieofearthbread · 25 days
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Villains / Heroes Sentences - Accepting
“  you  can’t  always  be  strong,  but  you  can  always  be  brave.  ” [ Blueberry Yogurt giving Pure Vanilla a pep-talk after a bad nightmare/or rescuing Pure Vanilla from Shadow Milk perhaps~ ]
Pure Vanilla was shaking, breathing unevenly, as he had his head buried between his knees as the latest nightmare crafted by Shadow Milk had been extremely distressing to the healer. Thus, he was grateful when the Scholar found him and dragged him out of the nightmare; saving him from the jester even if he knew it was only temporarily with knowing that Shadow Milk would not stop with the nightmares despite any interruptions.
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"I.... know...." He mumbled quietly, lifting his head to Blueberry Yogurt, before counting in his head in a attempt to even his breathing and calm himself down.
"I... just... Hate how the nightmares are affecting me..."
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cookieofearthbread · 4 months
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'How unusual' Mystic Flour thought when she spotted the cup on the table as the design of the cup remained her of one of her fellow beasts; Shadow Milk Cookie.
How the design came to be; the apathy beast simply didn’t have the answer, however it would not be a surprise if the jester created the cup in the first place as she can see it being up his alley with how he crafted things with his hand and magic.
After all, he was always creative with the plays he performed for his unfortunate audiences and fellow actors. Thus, she carefully picked up the cup with her hand; taking in the design and the liquid inside the cup, which was a light blue colour which almost matched the jester’s dough colour if it wasn’t for the deceiving light reflecting off the surface.
The cup was raised to her mouth, and soon she took a sip of the liquid inside; allowing the flavour to invade her mouth.
The sweetness of flavour overcoming her but yet there was a hint of another flavour hidden within the sweetness that could have easily missed if one didn’t pay attention to it, but the apathy beast picked up on it however if one were to ask what the flavour was; she would not able to answer the question.
For the simple fact that the flavour would change when she focused on the hidden taste.
Regardless of that fact, the drink proved to be rather pleasant to drink, thus she continued to drink until the cup was empty and nothing remained in the cup which afterwards the cookie placed the cup back where she first picked it up from; letting out a soft sigh to herself.
“Truly….. What a unique drink.” Mystic Flour mused to herself; slowly walking away from the cup. She honestly wouldn’t mind having the drink again if the flavour remained the same.
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cookieofearthbread · 3 months
"Can't ever let him get tooo comfortable in his dreams, after all~"
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And of course, you got the paralysis sleep demon #2 ruining Pure Vanilla's sleep even further.
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cookieofearthbread · 4 months
Holding several knives. "KIIIILLLLLL!!!"
And there's the second cookie who she figured that would pick the kill option.
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Either way, she's going to respond by sending a blast of magic in his way.
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cookieofearthbread · 4 months
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“Rumor has it...” - Accepting
"Rumor has it~.. That you wanna burn the tree down. Just want to watch it go up in silvery flames. You just wanna give in to those terrible, intrusive thoughts, ehehehe~" He just can't leave Pure Vanilla alone, can he?
"No... I don't want to burn the tree down, nor I will not burn it down..." Pure Vanilla spoke, a frown on his face, after taking a deep breath and trying to remain determined despite the constant pestering of the jester.
"And I certainly don't want to watch it go up in flames." He refused to give in to the intrusive thoughts that been plaguing him. After all, were they truly his own thoughts, or was it just Shadow Milk Cookie pretending? The healer honestly couldn't tell...
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... Regardless... He would not falter... No matter what.... He can't falter.
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cookieofearthbread · 4 months
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Anon @milk-and-trickery
"Pssttt.. Hey. Pure Vanilla.. Puurreee Vannilllaaaa~" Excited giggling from a certain blue jester. "I replaced the chests on that little ship of yours with something speecciiaaalll~ Some of them MIGHT be jack-in-the-boxes though. But there's something special in there tooooo~" "You should go find it.. BEFORE YOUR LITTLE COOKIE FRIENDS DO!"
"What now...."
The moment Pure Vanilla heard the voice, the healer grimaced, rubbing his forehead as he knew no matter what... It wasn't good news when the jester spoke, especially with the tone he was using and the giggle that came from him.
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However, what he said next caused Pure Vanilla's expression to change to a panic one. He replaced the chests on the ship? And what did he exactly place on the ship for the jack-in-the-boxes to be the least of his concern?
Whatever it was; he knew it wouldn't be anything good, thus the healer quickly hurried to the ship to deal with the matter. Hopefully, it wouldn't take him too long, and he could deal with the surprise that was waiting on the ship after he tracked it down.
.... If he was able to track it down.
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cookieofearthbread · 4 months
"The PERFECT mentality to have!"
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"Thank you! I'm glad to hear that....."
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"..... Wait... Who are you?"
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