fayethefae · 4 years
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Here's the @lukanette-exchange art I made for @missmalice202! Hope you like it and that Nagas are counted as mermaids.
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quickspinner · 4 years
Weekend Roundup!
Because there’s been a TON of good Lukanette over the weekend (though I’m recapping a bit farther than that, because I can) and some days tumblr goes so fast, I don’t want anyone to miss anything!! Don’t forget to leave some love if you can for the all the lovely people making lovely things.
From me:
Stuck on You  A soulmate first meeting 
The Sky and The Sea  Dragon!Luka and MerMari fluff 
(Just so you guys know I can’t possibly keep this pace up forever, but I had a bunch of half-finished stuff lying around from before Lukanette February and I’m trying to finish up the easy stuff so there will probably be a couple more in this burst, RL permitting)
Also today is the last day to submit ideas for my 500 followers special, unless you are A CERTAIN PERSON who shall remain nameless who has already done more than her fair share.
From @omnistruck / @voltisubito
Chronicles of a Parisian Dumbass Ch 5 I love this version of Luka so much he’s ridiculous(ly adorable)
From @livrever
Wrong Number Ch 3 Featuring one our favorites, Luka going gooey over BAMF Marinette
The Medicine and the Pain Ch 5 In which there is a (re)Connection
From @mangoes-n-cream
Free  Part of a cute continuing series within her Lukanette Month work, and I have it on Good Authority the next part is coming very soon so make sure you catch up
From @missmalice202
Designing Your Melody Ch 15  First date!!
And @verfound has promised a new chapter of Marinette’s 29 Valentine’s Days  in the next day or two (see there Ver I gave you extra time just in case) so be on the lookout for that.
Did I miss anything/anyone? If I did drop me a link!
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