#morbidly curious about what people think of it though xd'
noirrelite · 9 months
*casually drops mawframe cringe and skitters into the sunset*
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mesa rouge (wip) and sierra (kinda wip?) mawfreems
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desultory-novice · 9 months
heya dess!
about ten million years ago i sent you an elaborate ramble about galacta knight's moral status. this isn't calling you out for not answering (i literally sent you a wall of text) and my opinions have since changed anyway, but i remembered this recently and got morbidly curious about your own take on gk's moral status. dw though... if you don't want to answer this one either, that's ok!
I pride myself on liking every Kirby character. That said, I never loved Galacta Knight. Curse of the over-hyped character? He was too cool. Too beloved. "When's Galacta going to become canon??"
And, just to be petty/salty for a moment, that he had no concrete persona except "See something; kill it" but has been frequently (?) made into the softiest, gentlest woobie amongst the cast next to Kirby (also his existence influenced a lot about Kirby's portrayal in the fandom, ie: "When's he gonna get HIS wings???", and he and Meta together became the template for what everyone's Knight-sonas would look like, meaning that being a cool orb in armor became more commonplace than rare) just caused me to get bored with him real quick, I think? </SALT>
...But I did some looking back at Galacta for this ask and... I can see the charm! I still don't see the "wooby" part (Which I assume has something to do with the "wrongly framed" theory) but I'm growing to respect Galacta as a character of interest. With that out of the way, let's tackle some of the things you brought up in your old ask as well as my own feelings on where the Aeon Hero sits as "a hero!"
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It's all very interesting, isn't it? One thing that stood out to me, doing some research on this matter for this ask is that Hyness's speech implies (at least, it implied to me) that one of Galacta's other great deeds alongside helping seal Void was defeating Nightmare.
("Nightmare of a Galactic Crisis" just seems too potently worded for me to believe otherwise. The Japanese even matches up.)
But if Galacta defeated Nightmare... what the HELL was Parallel Nightmare thinking by summoning him to fight on his behalf?! (Ignore the fact that Galacta immediately destroys him. The key is that Nightmare either thought he could control the Aeon Hero or that the Aeon hero would share his goals. Which is FASCINATING~!)
I can't help but think that Galacta's story has some serious twists...
There's another thing, that may be referring back to the "destroy a planet or two" thing and that's Galacta's sealing. He's sealed in crystal and of course some people have made the connection between Galacta's crystal cage and the fairies of Ripple Star. (Usually with the queen of the fairies having a MUCH bigger role than anticipated.)
But like, there's a thing I just realized was in his Planet Robobot flavor text that isn't in the English version. (I know it's a matter of the pause screen text not having enough room for the twice-as-long English but why's it always gotta be Planet Robobot XD )
"Records remain of his being sealed in many different eras."
One could argue that it's all the same sealing but why would multiple different eras need to record the same guy getting sealed if he were only sealed away ONCE. So, that's interesting. Galacta's seal was never permanent.(1) In fact, it seems to be frequently un-permanent. So they have room to cause villainous havoc between freeings.
(For a borb who looks like an angel, he's doing a really good job acting like your classic "Sealed for 100 years but never destroyed 'Demon King.'" I guess that's what makes him and Meta Knight such interesting compliments. The noble devil and the demonic angel? Well, we still haven't decided if Galacta's demonic yet.)
And speaking of the strength of Galacta's seal, I found a weird little detail looking up his fight in RtDL DX. (I had to watch a recording because I spent my whole fight with him screaming in terror and spamming guard because I had exactly one HP left and didn't want to die before reaching Magolor Soul. Thank you, Sand ability!)
In RtDL, the Crystal descends and Galacta slowly opens one eye and then the other. But this changed for DX! Galacta descends with both eyes open. Which shouts consciousness to me.
...I'm rambling away from the topic of whether Galacta is a hero or not. Don't mind me. I'll try to pivot back in good time.
Actually, let's pivot back a little now, because in USDX, he's not summoned from his crystal state, he's just summoned. Which makes sense because like... going entirely by the cutscene, it looks like Galactic Nova actually transports Galacta through time to fight Meta Knight. Like, Galacta in the middle of their villain phase!
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We do see Galacta sealed in crystal immediately after this image is shown, but the Nova doesn't bring the sealed Galacta before Meta Knight. Star Dream does. I wonder if that's a difference in power between the two clockwork stars? But I think this "where Galacta was snatched from" is probably the real reason Gala utterly demolishes Star Dream but doesn't attack Galactic Nova. The Gala that Star Dream summons has already been sealed/betrayed/etc.
They don't trust anyone. The Gala that Nova summons is at the height of their "feared across the galaxy" phase but has not yet been captured or has reason to fear capture/re-capture.
...And then you have the Galacta that Morpho Knight absorbs. What's funny about that Gala, and kind of tragic, is that Gala seems to be the calmest of the three. I say this because they actually pause when Morpho comes near. They even look...cutely (!) confused.
So, did Hyness summon a Galacta that was even earlier in his timeline than the one Nova summoned? Which was earlier in his timeline than the one Star Dream summoned?
Although where in Gala's timeline is RtDL?? Galacta appears before us in crystal, is then released, and actually FLIES OFF after defeat without being resealed. Is this the Galacta that "destroys a planet or two?" The opening of the RtDL rift after the crystal prison reforms suggests that it was the Planet Robobot Galacta that would go on to appear in RtDL, who then flies off and... maybe it's that Galacta that appears in Star Allies, to meet his end at Morpho's hands...
By the way, I totally forgot that Morpho does the "friend heart"/"friend move" thing to Galacta before absorbing him! (Dess is beginning to think that maybe the reason I didn't have strong feelings for Galacta Knight is because I just never stopped to pay attention to all the little things that make them interesting!)
So Gala has an interesting timeline and we can see that their level of aggression really depends on where in the timeline you find them. I don't think they were a planet destroying monster when they were first sealed. At least, their most "murderous" incarnation (Robobot) is implied to have gone through some ~stuff~ even AFTER the sealing.
But the fact that (Parallel) Nightmare considers them a potential ally suggests that they were...hmm, "problematic" to certain people toward the tail end of their "Aeon Hero" phase. Those people probably being the Ancients.
La la la~ I smell a cover-up~ la la la~
And so, we're back to the "Galacta was framed?!" theory. To be honest, I don't know what was up with the image Galactic Nova shows us above of Gala in the smoking wreckage but it's important to note that we don't see WHAT it is that Galacta has destroyed.
And while the Magolor epilogue implies Halcandra was destroyed in a great meteoric firestorm of some kind, I would just like to note that Halcandra at that point would have also been potentially ruled (?) by a monarch who quite possibly wore The Master Crown. An object that has been as much as stated to have been poisoning/poisoned by the previous bearers so, yeah. I don't think Halcandra would have been in a good place, if a crown-bearer sat on the throne.
(And wouldn't killing a king and destroying their country/planet be considered something worthy of taking Galacta's title of "hero" away from them and labelling them a galactic level threat?)
So, yes. I think Galacta's "moral" status depends on where in the timeline you are. I don't think they were ever "evil" but I think they probably a dangerous sort of "good-hearted extremist" era in the past and in their later years, that devolved into an aggressive and paranoid "As far as I'm concerned EVERYONE is an enemy and you'd better believe I'm not letting them strike the first blow!"
There's some Gala thoughts to chew on!
Happy Birthday, Galacta Knight!
(1) Honestly, I wonder if the crystal thing is less of a "seal" and more of a curse? :Dess's mind hears "fairy curse" and starts vibrating: It could be something that affects them intermittently? We've seen Galacta be "destroyed" in USDX (amusingly, their wings "pop" off. Although that is the only time that happens so could be retconned) Anyway, it's not their destruction that causes the seal. Sometimes they just fly off after defeat too! (To destroy more planets??)
This implies there's another trigger for when they become crystal...
But speaking of the "crystal," RtDL DX in Japanese specifically mentions that their seal is actually made of "gem" - the same "gem" used in "Gem Apples." Which going by the Magolor Epilogue, gem apples appear to represent either a) magic power b) the soul or c) the Master Crown. I don't think it's made clear which exactly, because all three are kind of muddled together in Magolor's case. But the fact that there ARE those connections with "gems" + Galacta's "gem" seal activating intermittently is all just VERY interesting to me.
Now go and speculate away, my pretties~!
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Season 4, Episode 7: An Extremely Chaotic and Incoherent Review
This episode was very meh overall, but luckily it at least didn’t cause me immense pain like Episode 8 is about to ;______;
The Good:
Not Miguel pulling out Johnny's headband like it's a piece of lingerie
This reveal is just as hysterical as I've always dreamed
Awwww good boi Robby actually trying to be a good influence on this kid and guide him in the right direction
"A Chili's or a Marie Calendar's or a Red Lobster" truly Johnny Lawrence is a man of culture
Carmen is a morosexual
Aight I take back what I said a few episodes ago, Jarmen is still pretty cute actually
"I would've chosen someone with better food in their refrigerator" OH MY GOD YES DRAG HIM MIGUEL
Not really all that invested in the Anthony subplot but Daniel comparing karate to video games was a nice moment! That IS one thing I really like about Daniel--he tries to connect with people and share his passions with them by relating it to something he knows THEY like
I remember he did that with Demetri and Game of Thrones in S2 and it was the purest thing ;_;
Y'know, I don't know what all I expected from S4, but shipping Piper and Tory was definitely not on the list
Look now that I'm openly stanning YasMoon I am actually very down for this
Imagine them on double dates
Literally the two most terrifying lesbian power couples imaginable--the Rich Socialites and the Badass Karate Sapphics
But like...Tory x Robby is hella cute though, do you see my struggle here
Well anyways this is proving to me without a doubt that Torobby is bi4bi
Also like...I'm still pretty firmly on the Shawbby train, SO
If Shawbby were to happen...Toriper??? Please??? As a treat???
Yeah not like either will happen but I can dream
Eagle Fang training montage was as delightfully amusing as I'd hoped! Those poor boys though
"They're wearing cups, right?" OH MY GOD
DAMN Kenny, that was BRUTAL
He really is Hawk 2.0, the little shit
Curious just how evil this boy's gonna get during his villain arc
It makes me sad but I am also morbidly intrigued
Anthony just paying some guy to wash the cars, I am HOWLING
Why is Daniel even surprised, this is the most in-character thing I've ever SEEN
The man got played for a fool and honestly??? Hysterical. I cannot stop laughing. Daniel LaRusso is definitely not in possession of the valley's brain cell at the moment
He's trying to be a Cool Sensei and a good dad at the same time, this poor meow meow
He really is so deeply clueless about parenting, I love it
Love that Miguel was having so much fun chilling with his girlfriend that he lost track of time, indicating they're a very loving and healthy couple actually!!! Like find yourself someone who hours feel like minutes with, fr
Anthony ain't my fave by any means but I kinda get him being sick of Daniel going on and on about Mr. Miyagi nonstop XD
The irony of Daniel thinking Kenny is bullying Anthony is also admittedly pretty funny
"Kenny?" "Oh, he's hilarious! You guys are gonna get along great!" okay okay okay okay not super into this plotline in general BUT this amused me
Actually kind of ingenious how the library beatdown parallels the library bullying scene from Season 1, but with the complete opposite results. Like the ultimate inversion from bullies picking on nerds and the nerds just taking it to a nerdy kid taking complete control of the situation and handing his bullies' asses to them. Pretty dang cool cinematic parallel/inversion!
Damn, the lifelong "good girl" really cut class to do Chaos Training with her boyfriend and her second secret karate dad and for that I couldn't be more proud
Chaos gremlin Sam who makes her own rules is the love of my life actually
Absolutely digging this character growth
Literally so satisfying when Daniel and Amanda finally found out Anthony's been a lying little asshole, about damn time!
Neat! Check out this evil karate husband divorcee drama!
I didn't see them having a falling out, but it's juicy so I don't mind it
The Bad:
Aight, someone's gotta say it: This fucker Anthony is getting too much dang screentime
Like we could probably get the idea of his plot with like...half the screentime tbh
So, uh. Breaking up the only LGBT couple in the entire show and then having the closest we have to a canon lesbian character join the villain dojo sure was a writing choice
I don’t like the implications of that I don’t like the implications of that at all
While yes, it is extremely funny that Moon has a thing for violent bully types, I’m not particularly besotted with the fact that the lesbian ex turns evil and the (supposedly) straight guy ex gets a redemption arc
This coming from a slightly unhinged evil lesbian who usually LOVES slightly unhinged evil lesbians
But when that’s your ONLY lesbian in the show, we may have a problem???
I say Piper is the closest thing we have to a canon lesbian character because I’m pretty sure she’s the only female character in the show who has never shown romantic interest in men
Like she’s only ever flirted with and dated women and when Hawk tried to come onto her she was like “fuck no”
Anyways they made her join the evil bad dojo, despite Moon no doubt telling her during S3 that it was filled with bullies and fiends, so that’s fun
Like yes lesbians CAN be scary assholes but we’re not ONLY scary assholes
SO we get to see Eagle Fang and Cobra Kai training, but NOT Miyagi Do??? Unfair!!!
And Sam had to babysit??? That sounds funny as shit!!! Show me what went down please!!!
Also, you're gonna have Eli do this big grand gesture of joining Miyagi Do for Demetri and then NOT show Dem and Eli training together???? Absolutely unacceptable, I want to speak to the manager
You deadass telling me Devon, who we met like...an episode ago, gets a Cool Training Montage, and Demetri and Eli DON'T??? Fuck all the way OFF, we've been watching these dudes grow into badasses for 4 goddamn seasons now and BY GOD I WANT TO SEE THEM KICKING ASS TOGETHER AGAIN
Also it's highkey a big deal that Eli joined Miyagi Do, so it seems like it would be cool to see him like??? Actually learning and practicing some of the moves???
Like Eli absolutely deserves a MD training montage all of his own because it's, like, a complete contrast to how he learned in CK and EF. I want to see whether he takes to them easily or if he struggles to pick them up since they're a pretty different style than Johnny teaches.
Like how well does Eli adjust??? Does Demetri help??? What's his dynamic with the other MD kids like??? Does he get discouraged because they're more experienced MD fighters, and then they have to help gradually rebuild his confidence? I want to know!!! Give me details on MD Eli please!!!
On the topic of training montages, I would have loved to see a bit with Johnny, Miguel, and Sam all training for doing the flying tornado kick together!!! They're like the perfect chaotic, aggressive trio and them just doing the most hectic and insane training drills would be so damn fun, I swear
Also I want to see more of Sam and Miguel being an adorable couple in general!!! Like they've been through so much, they deserve some fluff!!!
Would also be interesting to see them bond over their respective traumas, and try to help one another through it. It would also be pure and wholesome as shit and I would enjoy every minute of it
But nooooooo, gotta cut it to make room for the middle school subplot -_-
I...really can't bring myself to care that much about the middle school love triangle tbh. Like I'll admit they could have done it worse, and Lia has a decent amount of chemistry with both the boys, so it's not totally grating to watch. But Bully-Hot Girl-Nerd love triangles are hardly something we haven't seen before. This particular love triangle isn't really adding anything new to the show???
Like I get what they were going for--they wanted to parallel young Johnny and Daniel, but kinda reverse it by having Daniel's son be the one who's the "spoiled rich popular boy" or what have you. But...was it really necessary??? I mean, we already kinda did that with Miguel and Robby in S1 and 2, I would argue. And even a little bit with Demetri and Eli in S2 and 3, although with no love triangle.
Anyways, point being that I think we're dedicating just a tad too much screentime to a gag that it seems like they're only doing as like...a funny, ironic callback
Anyways in summary this episode needed vastly more Miyagi Do training shenanigans
Specifically more Eli and Demetri training shenanigans
Specifically more Eli and Demetri homoerotic sparring sessions
I mean on that topic I would've loved to see Miguel and Demetri spar too, but too late for that I guess
Like!!! I want to see how they handle sparring/fighting when they're on the same side!!! I want to see if they hold back from hurting each other because of their rough recent history!!!
And imagine the ANGST POTENTIAL if one hits the other a little too hard, especially Eli, like??? Eli going from breaking Demetri's arm to profusely apologizing for hitting Demetri's arm a tiny bit too hard would be BEAUTIFUL
Tbh any MD pair sparring would be more interesting than Anthony running around and causing mayhem in his middle school -__-
Also this would be a GREAT spot to put in a formal Eli-Sam apology scene, just to kinda cement Eli's determination to grow into a better person in MD and such
But do we get it? Noooooooo -__-
Anyways, more MD hijinks!!! More Samiguel!!! I demand it!!!
Get ready to see me suffer next episode :D
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the-girl-in-the-box · 3 years
Can You Imagine? III
A/N:  It is 4:37 am and I just finished writing this chapter. Needless to say, I do not feel that this is my best work, but I did want to get SOMETHING posted tonight XD I had an end in mind, and a few things that I was able to string together into something of a filler chapter, so please bare with me as I get back into the swing of this one now that I'll be updating it weekly! Next week will be far more plot oriented, as can be seen by the end of this chapter, I think :) I hope this is still an enjoyable chapter, and if it is, I hope you'll leave a comment and come back next week for more! Until then, I leave you with this! Skål!
Summary:  Freydis was dead. At least, when she’d lost consciousness, she’d been sure she was. But now she has woken up in a cold, sterile environment, one she is certain is not Valhalla, and the world as she once knew it has changed. People now have strange abilities, some of them, and people they call ‘scientists’ are trying to give them to her. The bigger issue, though, is the fact they have also woken the very man who killed her. Ivar the Boneless lives again as well, in the same way Freydis does, and if they want to survive… she may have to learn to trust him again.
Look Into Your Eyes
As time passed, Freydis began to learn more and more about her strange captors. They had explained to her what they were doing with her, the experiment they were trying to recreate, and why they had brought a dead woman back to life to do so. The truth was, most attempts ended in death for those selected for the experiment. It had only been completed once, successfully, and so with Freydis they hoped to find a safer, more viable option in order to create more with her power.
But, to use someone who had passed before, and was brought back from the dead for this purpose… Then it would be hard to say there was any sort of ethical concern. No one would die who wasn’t dead before.
And others who they had given the serum to, others who weren’t Freydis, hadn’t made it. She had been a happy surprise, that she was surviving each dose, growing stronger in her power every day. She had graduated from learning to manipulate this new ability, to learning to fight with it.
That was what she was doing at the moment, dressed in dark black tight pants with a shirt to match, the sleeves short on her arms. Her hair had been pulled back into a tight braid that kept it out of her face. Someone threw a knife her way, and with the energy that now coursed through her, Freydis caught it, held it in the air a moment, and then hurled it back at the man who’d thrown it.
The knife landed in the protective layer the man was wearing, hitting its target perfectly. Another person moved toward Freydis with the clear intent to hit her, and this time she froze every muscle in the woman’s body. With ease, she shoved her away, and sent her flying back into the padded wall.
The last person in the room finally came at her, this one with a gun. There was no quick way to disarm him, Freydis knew, and so she did the first thing she could think of to stop any attack. She moved rapidly toward the man, in a way she was only capable of due to her powers, a way that almost made her seem to glitch, to like something from those ‘horror movies’ they had shown her. She wasn’t a fan, but she thought Ivar might have been.
When she reached him, she lifted her hand and let the energy flow out of her, pouring like red smoke from her fingers, and it seeped into his mind. At this point, her eyes began to glow a slight red that matched the energy, and they widened slightly, a look on her face almost as if she were in a trance.
The man froze in his place immediately, as his mind was flooded with the horrific things he feared most in this world. Freydis hated this part, because she hated the things she saw. Fear had never been something she’d really enjoyed, not now, and not before- though she knew Ivar had. Vaguely, she wondered if he was being given these very same abilities. The thought made a chill run down her spine.
If Ivar had these abilities, they’d have created a monster. Fear was what he excelled at. She knew she had asked him, once, if he would prefer to be loved or feared. He had said then that he didn’t know, but he’d just suggested he kill his brother, Hvitserk. If he’d wanted to be loved, more than feared, how could he have made such a suggestion?
Freydis was pulled from these thoughts when she heard applause come over the intercom- something she’d learned was used to be able to communicate with her when she wasn’t in the same space as those wanting to speak with her. “Very good, Freydis.” Dr. Schmidt was the one addressing her, as it always was during these training sessions. “Come out, I have news for you.”
This piqued her curiosity, and so as she came out of the room, her mind was already racing with what this could mean. They hadn’t had news for her just yet, not in such a way that they were announcing it to her, and asking her to come just to hear it. So what sort of news could it be?
When she stepped out of the training room, Dr. Schmidt was waiting in there with Professor Andersen, and Freydis lifted a brow curiously. “What is this?” she questioned. “You said you have news?”
“We do,” Professor Andersen confirmed. “Dr. Schmidt, would you like to tell her or shall I?”
“I’ll tell her,” Dr. Schmidt answered. “Freydis. As you know, we’ve been training you for more than just our own studies. Of course, we’re thrilled with your progress, and with what this means for these experiments, but there’s more.
“We’ve been training you for use in the field. With your power, Freydis, there’s nothing that cannot be accomplished. With you, we have begun something wonderful. You are the first in a line of new heroes. If we can continue recreating this experiment as we did with you, and have each of them be as successful as you, then this whole project will have been a success!”
Freydis nodded. “But what does this mean for me?” she questioned then, tilting her head a bit.
“It means, we are ready to send you on your first field test. The only way to continue your training is through experience. So, you will be shadowing one of our operatives."
Dr. Schmidt had gone on to explain what all of that entailed, and so that was how Freydis had ended up out in the cold, snow falling around her, hidden behind a tree.
Her job was to cause a distraction, and if anything went wrong, hold the line until the rest of the team could escape. What they were actually trying to do, she’d not been told. But she was their support. She just had to be sure everyone got out.
If she did everything right, she had been promised a ‘surprise’, one she was told she was going to like. They kept promising her that, and she was at the point where she no longer believed them. There hadn’t been any surprise yet, and she’d trained for countless hours, sat for countless tests, and allowed them to run countless experiments on her.
Not that she had a choice, really, but she figured this ‘surprise’ was meant to keep her in line, whatever it was. Part of her was morbidly curious, just enough to actually do as they asked long enough that she hoped they’d finally actually give it to her.
Freydis was perfectly aware she could escape at any time, but truthfully?
She didn’t know how to survive in this new world. There were new financial systems, new technologies, things she wouldn’t know how to handle. If she couldn’t work with modern technology, how could she possibly hope to make it in the modern world?
A slight shiver ran down her spine as she looked up at the snow falling around her. They hadn’t put her in anything overly warm, opting instead for flexibility. Apparently, her powers were supposed to be able to keep her warm, but she hadn’t quite figured that out just yet.
On top of the cold, waiting out here was getting quite boring. She had plenty of time to think over all of this, but she was starting to wish she was back in her room. At least there, though she’d still be bored, it wouldn’t be so cold. Gods, this was just torture.
What she missed most though, of course, was Kattegat. Perhaps it was cold there, but it was cold in a different way than this place. Kattegat was still home, and so it brought a warmth internally that this place didn’t. Even here, the knowledge that Ivar was with her brought her no comfort.
Years ago, before her death, having him at her side would have made all the difference in the world. She would have known she was safe. But now, now that she knew he was capable of murdering her, she knew his presence here was no help to her. She was on her own.
An explosion nearby made her heart jolt in her chest, and instead of running toward it, she jumped back, dropping to the ground and covering her head with her hands. That was something they’d not exposed her to just yet, and it wasn’t as if she’d been to battle before. So Freydis froze, and panicked, and sat in the snow and waited on something to happen.
The leader of the team she was with came running toward her, and he immediately demanded, “What are you doing? You were supposed to cause a distraction!”
“You never told me when!” she yelled in response, managing to push herself to her feet. “You were supposed to give a signal!”
“I did! You missed it! What were you doing out here that you missed the signal, hm?”
Something in Freydis very much did not want to answer him, and she glared. “Nothing which concerns you,” she snarled. He glared at her, and began to argue, when she lifted a hand. Red smoke danced at her fingers, and he stopped. “It doesn’t concern you, don’t ask again.”
The man nodded, and she smirked. Perhaps there were some benefits to this power she had been given. For instance, it allowed her to keep certain lines where she wanted them.
He didn’t bother her again all the way back to the facility she was housed in, and at the door were Dr. Schmidt and Professor Andersen. The man who led the mission stepped up and spoke to them quietly, in the language she hadn’t been taught- Professor Andersen had called it German, she thought- and Freydis frowned. She hated it when things were kept from her.
The man looked back at her once, then stalked away as the Doctor and the Professor approached her. “So… not a great start, hm?” Professor Andersen began.
“Pick someone more competent next time, and I may do better,” she bit out. Dr. Schmidt chuckled softly.
“We’ve been remiss in something, dear,” she said. “The Professor and I have pushed you too hard, and today, we saw that was true. You deserve some rest, more rest than you’ve been given, and we should have let you rest before this mission. So, why don’t you go and have a nap, hm? After that, we’ll have a surprise for you to thank you for all of your hard work.”
"A surprise?” Freydis questioned. “Is it one I’m ‘going to like’? You keep offering me things and never giving them to me. How am I supposed to believe you will really give me anything now?
Dr. Schmidt and Professor Andersen had something figured out, from what had happened in the field, and what was happening just then. Freydis was coming into her power, becoming comfortable with it, and if they didn’t start holding up their promises, they had no doubt she’d begin to use her power against them. So, they did what they had to do.
“You will get it after you rest,” Professor Andersen promised. “If you don’t, then you can leave this facility, and do whatever you wish with the life you have now. I promise.”
Freydis regarded him warily, but sighed. What more did she have to lose?
She returned to her room and took a long nap, one which she was woken from before she wanted to be by Professor Andersen. She regarded him with a slight glare, and he chuckled.
“Your surprise is ready,” he said. “Well, I suppose I could call it a reward, too. You’ve worked hard, Freydis, and you deserve this.”
He gestured for her to follow him, and she did, all the way to a wing of the facility she hadn’t yet been allowed into. Inside, Dr. Schmidt was talking to a few other scientists, and when Freydis entered, they turned and regarded her as if she were a goddess walking on Midgard.
“Ah, Freydis, good,” Dr. Schmidt said. “Your reward will be out in just a moment. We just need you to go and wait in that room, hm? We’ll bring it in in just a moment.”
Somehow, Freydis had a bad feeling about all of this. Anxiety clawed at her heart as she went into the room, and heard the door lock behind her. What was interesting to her, though, was the door at the other side of the room. Was she meant to go through it? No one said anything, gave her any direction, and she noticed there were no intercoms in the room. They weren’t going to give her any directions.
So, she walked toward the other door, and watched it for a moment. She couldn’t see through the door, despite it being glass, just the same as all the windows surrounding her. She knew, logically that whoever was on the other side of these types of glass panes could see through, but the false privacy it provided her was often well appreciated.
Nothing happened with the door after a few moments, and so Freydis decided to try and open it. After all, it was likely locked, and no harm would come from trying. Her hand moved to the handle, but before she could twist it and open the door, it opened from the other side.
Her eyes lifted to see who had opened the door, and her heart immediately dropped into her stomach as she began to back away instinctively. This was no reward, this was a punishment. It had to be. Those blue eyes had filled her nightmares ever since she woke, and standing to six feet tall in front of her, she knew something must have been done to him, some power given to him.
She didn’t know what they had done, but Ivar didn’t seem so boneless anymore. In fact, he seemed just as stunned as she did. But whereas he stepped forward, heart beating wildly in his chest at the sight of his wife, she retreated.
Freydis ran back toward the door she’d entered through, and began trying to open it. No matter how she begged to be released, which shocked those outside the room, the door didn’t unlock. And worse still in her mind, the door Ivar had entered through finally shut, and she could hear the locks move into place, caging her in with the man who ended her life.
Taglist:@youbloodymadgenius, @katfett, @zuzus-sun, @heavenly1927, @punkrocknpearls, @pomegranates-and-blood
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