#muse ☕ chandler bing
centralperkfamily · 23 days
[ open; for Monica ]
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There's a pull-you-into-my-side, keep-you-safe-from-the-world hug, followed by a sweet little kiss on her temple, lingering until Chandler ducks his head a little to get a proper look at her face, to try and make eye contact.
❛❛ You okay? ❜❜
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centralperkfamily · 28 days
I like to imagine that a bit after they adopted Erica and Jack and settled into their new family and relaxed (as in, they don't pin so much hopes on getting pregnant now, they've got kids, they are happy), Monica does get pregnant and she and Chandler have a little girl.
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centralperkfamily · 28 days
A bit ironically, considering that Monica knew she wanted kids for most of her life and Chandler was a lot more wary about having kids because he didn't have a good parental figure in his life, but Chandler settles into the role of a parent with more ease than Monica does and is more sure of himself when it comes to parenting, while Monica, especially at the beginning, is much more apprehensive and reluctant (not about whether she wants kids or not or loves them or anything like that, don't get me wrong, but about her ability to be a good parent) and ends up second-guessing herself and worrying about something going wrong a lot, even in such small matters as feeding or diaper-changing.
Eventually she also becomes confident in her role as a mother, but the first few months, years? She is the constantly worrying one.
( Although, I have to tell you that the worry that something will go wrong never goes away completely and at times when it hits the worst, she is so so grateful for having Chandler, he is her rock once again a bit ironically, considering that early on in their relationship he was the worrying one )
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