#my cute little oc out here convincing snape to destroy the universe
So, like, potions require a witch, wizard, goblin, house-elf, whatever-- a magical person to actually create a viable potion. Even if a muggle got their hands on a recipe and the ingredients and followed each step, they would just end up with gross soup. Not a potion. Because they don't have magic hands or whatever.
And that just makes me to create a muggle chemist oc to ship Snape with, and they would be so frustrated that they can't reproduce the same results Snape gets when he throws random ass shit into a cauldron-- not because of like magic envy, but because it's slapping the scientific method in the face. And they would just be constantly asking Snape to do simple chemistry experiments to see how his "magic" will affect it. Like combining bleach with ammonia. It's supposed to create mustard gas. Except when Snape pours bleach and ammonia in his cauldron it becomes a potion that, when you drink it, flips your organs upside down.
And then our little chemist oc will be like, "Okay, you know what, let's see you split an atom with your 'magic hands.'"
And, anyway, that's how Snape destroys the concept of time.
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