#my favorite puppy 🥺
mackjlee9 · 2 months
(⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)(⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
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mwah mwah mwah
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mackjlee9 · 2 months
My Angel~~!
How is my favourite boy?
I prepped my tree seeds today, of course i make cum jokes all the time in my head hehe.
Also training made me feel so melancholic cuddly for some reason. Like genuine wanna cuddle while watching sad movies. Dont know why but i dont complain.
Kisses for your day, am very proud of you, mwah mwah 💚💚 love you
Hey, pup
I'm doing fine, it's been kind of numb past week I don't really remember much of it honestly and it's been raining a shit ton again which is a nice sound to fall asleep to, but not great for the leaking roof lol
Def could use the cuddles and sad movies, even if that means my eyes are gonna hurt a shit ton afterward ehe
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mackjlee9 · 2 months
I feel so soft i wanna do cute little flower braclets for you and bake you a cake... We ignore any kind of allergies for the scenario hehe
Kiss kiss (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)
Aw, darling, that sounds absolutely fucking adorable 🥰🥰~~
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mackjlee9 · 3 months
Despite massive side eye we had fun hehe
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Hehe she gave you that bombastic side
That criminal offensive side eye
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mackjlee9 · 5 months
He isnt as fat as the picture looks.
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Hehe he just looks a little chunky~
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mackjlee9 · 7 months
Whiny sub that gets pouty quickly, so dom has to coax him. I have one specific scene in my head, whiny baby on the lap of his top clinging to him but being pouty because top was mean before so now top is coaxing his bottom by kneading his ass and soft kisses to the face and then fucking of course.
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mackjlee9 · 6 months
Cum cake. Its citrus with glazing but i cant help seeing cum because im inmature and love cum jokes hehe~~
Especially freshly glazed with the rest glaze beneath it, just looks wrong lol
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we're two now~ my humour is all over the place hehe i dont even think it could be considered humour at this point lol
it does look wrong but you gotta remember... its just glaze... nothing else...
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mackjlee9 · 8 months
It was a great fucking day, then my Mum was annoying, some lights where a bit to bright and the new heater in the bathroom was too warm and now i am in sensory hell death gripping my orca plushie and trying not to cry like a 3 year old
Plushie in question and im making my cup of tea before bed hence kitchen background
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Oh no, I'm sorry your day got ruined puppy 🥺
Poor little orca, looks so cute tho and I bet its very nice to squeeze
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
Because after all your just a Human Summary: Not even the strongest of them all is without emotions, and you promised to always be there for him
Gojo? Gojo! He didn’t hear u come in, didn’t hear u getting closer, not daring to close the distance not wanting to make him shut himself in more.
Calling his name brought him out of his thoughts, dark thoughts spiraling ever faster. “Toru you alright? You wanted to pick me up from work, you remember?” You knew, of course you knew, he never said anything, but you know his past, knew the person haunting his mind, but its in the past and you swore to stay by his side no matter what. “… Yes, sorry. I forgot the time.” He didn’t really look at you, fearing what would happen, what would mix with the thoughts of the past, it’s all clear to him. He is not allowed to have anyone close to him, don’t let anyone in again. Still, you waited patiently next to him, always by his side. You waited there not caring what you two are, you just wanted to be sure that whatever happens or what Gojo decides, someone will be next to him, able to catch him, no matter if it will take the whole of eternity “It’s okay, we could just order some food and watch something? Def better than staring at a black TV screen.” You chuckle slightly, wanting to get up to grab your phone from the counter, but you weren’t allowed to go. He grabbed your wrist, maybe a bit too tight but he would never hurt you, so you just sat back down and waited. Let him take it at his own pace. Gojo wasn’t sure why he did it, all he knew was he didn’t wanted you to leave right now, even for something simple as your phone. He started to lose it again, it all became hazy, he hears a million thoughts but the loudest was screaming at him that the person he is trying to protect so much is going to die just like the last time, he cant do anything, he is worthless, the strongest can only be alone on the peak, standing above everyone else but no one being able to reach the same height. (M/n) is going to die because of him, because of him, because of him “Toru?” “Huh?”, met with your worried gaze, Gojo was made aware of what has happened. He didn’t notice how you slowly let your thumb circle on top of his hand or when he started to let tears slip. He was quick to wipe them away but that didn’t make them unseen - why are you this patient with him? - He was quick to avoid eye contact again. You sighed and cupped his face, so he had to look at you again, he didn’t resist it anymore. “Gojo what do you need?” “Its fine, let’s just get fo..” “Satoru!” He flinched slightly not expecting you to be so stern suddenly, but he finally lowered his infinity, now it was your turn to close the distance more.  A weak “sorry” was all he managed, feeling how his voice quivered with just the smallest admitting that in fact it is not fine. Tears started to fall again, this time freely. “Toru, you know I chose to be here, be with you. I don’t care what happens because I care about you. Not some god they say you are or whatever. I want to be with the Gojo that can make anything funny, always make me smile and cares so deeply for his friends. I want to be here for you, Gojo Satoru, the one that clearly deserves to take a break from it all, how about it?” with that you turn towards Gojo and open your arms, letting him decide if he wants the contact right now, letting someone witness his weakness, to not be the honored one between all that exists. To just be Satoru Gojo for the moment, a human that has seen too much as to bear it alone forever. He merely hesitated for some seconds before he completely embraced the hug and didn’t hold back from crying. Loud sobs and whimpers broke the silents as soon as both bodies tried to get oh so closer that it should have been impossible. Your heart teared up just the same seeing Gojo break down like this, but he needed it, you understood that and would always be there to just hold him whenever he needs to forget the burden, for at least a little while. So, you just sat on the couch for as long as Gojo needed it After a while he stopped shaking and only let out sniffles and seemed like he calmed down a bit. You just pressed him against you the whole time and slowly moved your hands up and down his back, creating your own little world for just the two of you. 💕
amazing. adorable. loved it.
there's nothing else to say other than its fucking perfect. its angsty but its fluffy. it shows you a side of gojo that should be explored more bacesue the potential it has its almost too good
also- im using writing tags for this~
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mackjlee9 · 2 months
Off to bed now
Aventurine i prefarmed the last two weeks for him hehe. I love him so much waaa
And look at my plant, Baby is holding their stem to my window, i hope it flowers soon. Also i need names and i want you to give me some names. Inclusing pics of the babies so you can see them again. Doesnt need to be instantly. I would just like to have something you named.
Kisses for my precious Angel~~! Mwah mwah 💚💚
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Oh wow I feel so honored, like... This feels like a big thing hehe
At the moment I can only think up of one name which is "Señor Plantinta" and it literally translates to "Mr. Little Plant", it's been a name I've had stuck in my head since I was 12, never got the chance to use it for anything lol
I'll def try to think up of a few more and maybe you could pick which one you like best, pup!
Sleep well, good night! Mwah 😚
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mackjlee9 · 2 months
Aventurine is home and fully build. The squealing and giggling i did when he showed up hehe (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
Goddamn that was fast, pup
I'm gonna pull for him but I'm currently farming some materials but I lost my previous 50/50 so he will come home to me too hehe
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mackjlee9 · 2 months
Hey Angel~~!
Today everything could go wrong went wrong heh (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)
I spend now 3 hours in cookie clicker and it helped. Half the day internet was gone (tho i know you know that problem just too well)
Mum is her annoying self so i think im gonna make her by me plants on Saturday.
Also i need some advice/opinion (not sure what to call it). Today i lost my horse brush that i have since i started. It is kinda just a brush and i know one shouldnt put to much value to something as simple, still fine with being sad of course. But i basically almost had a breakdown over it and my Mum saying "need to buy a new one" made it worse. Back at home i cried in bed because it stresses me that the brush is gone.
Am i genuine to sensitive about what is basically just a horse brush?
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that your day went that way, pup
I personally don't think you're being sensitive about it, when I lose something I also get like stressed about it mostly bcz I know I can't just buy another one, but maybe, if looking around for it doesn't work, buying a new one would be the only option, of course, you can take as you as want until you're ready to do it, you can go by yourself or with one of your parents and pick it yourself, see which one you like best.
I don't know anything about horse brushes so picking the best is up to you, honey
Hopefully this made sense and wasn't just a random ramble
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mackjlee9 · 2 months
Actually wait i forgot, i finished the newest Hsr story mission and am even more obssessed now with Star Rail man. They even are slowly dragging back into righting. So yea really wanna do self indulgened shit again for my Babys hehe
F your mom, respectfully ✋
Well, I say go ahead and write that shit, no one is stopping you, darling, I'll be encouraging you instead 🥰🥰
Have a nice eep, pup~
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mackjlee9 · 2 months
Off to bed
Love you lots lots lots 💚
Most important person, always remember
[insert paragraphs of love you's because i feel incredibly clingy right now and feel like im not showing enough love]
Have sweet dreams, darling 🥰🥰
Love you too~~~~~!!!
Hehe I definitely never forget 🤭🤭
It's alright, I always feel your love, even more so when I feel down and need something to keep me going, and that's you, you are all I need in my life, pup
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mackjlee9 · 2 months
Your art looks so nice Bubs. Im eating your colors. And then the lineart and then you. Chomp chomp
This is how i look at your amazing art.
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Thank you, darling
It's just that I'm very much still learning a lot of stuff about art and I just get really frustrated when something looks wrong or odd and it makes me mad
Same thing happens with my writing, but that is easier to fix, I can just edit it and go on about my day, but drawing... Is not that easy
But thank you, really, it helps me a ton that you think so 🥺🥺
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mackjlee9 · 3 months
Off to bed. Night night angel~~!
Us cuddling 💚💚
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Aww look at 'em little babies 🥺🥺 so cute~
Sleep well, puppy~!! Mwah mwah
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