#my plush: horrible son Michael
cheekydogs · 24 days
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What is working from home without a captive audience observing your every move?
Update I forgot captive audience was a bad thing. Captivated audience is what I was thinking :)
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dilfiam-afton · 1 year
“You´ll be fine” pt 3
summary; smut/lemon. Quite some text. Don´t like it? Don´t read it! 
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Since the last time you spent over at Michael´s, a lot has changed: his best friend, aka your former boyfriend broke up with you during the sleepover you guys had, and Michael´s girlfriend,aka your best friend didn´t even bother to try and comfort you and as if that hadn´t already been horrible enough they all have been refusing to speak to you ever since.That wasn´t even the worst part.
Now the worst part is that you guys have been a friend group ever since you were little, and during every summer-vacation you guys went on a roadtrip with Michael, his two younger siblings (which both shared a room alone), your other two friends and, obviously, their father William(who had an entire room to himself). William would drive you all up to some kind of mini-hotel in his family van and then just tell you guys when to be where for activities he booked and that´s that. Usually you didn´t mind sharing a room with all your friends, especially not since William was the one paying for YOUR vacation but this time the fact that you were no longer friends and you were being left out by your former friends was weighing down your mood. 
You quietly sat on the last row of the family van, silently trying to mind your own business. Your former friends sitting in the row in front of you, all happily typing away on their phones. Probably in a group-chat and most definetely about you. You sighed as you felt the knot in your stomach tighten. Why didn´t your mom just let you stay at home?? “Dad?” Michael broke the silence. William hummed in response. “Can Y/N please sleep in a different room? We don´t want to share rooms with them anymore.” “Hm? Why is that?” William shot his son and his friends a quick glare through the front view mirror, letting his gaze scan over your face quickly. 
“Well...” Michael stammered. Great. Your friends hate you now, and they didn´t even know why. “I thought you all were friends, no? Well then where is Y/N supposed to sleep?” “Can´t we book them another room?” a sigh escapes Williams plush, yet rugged lips “No, Michael. We booked exactly three rooms. The hotel is always busy and you know it.” “In your room, then.” “Why I don´t think Y/N would appreciate that much or would you, Y/N?” now it was your time to stammer. “I guess it´s okay, if it´s not a problem for you, Mr.Afton.��� “Now now, don´t you worry. Everything will be just fine.” 
Everything seemed to go smoothly for you now as it seems! You were settled into your shared room with William rather quickly and he assured you that sharing a room with him doesn´t bother him at all, and that he his sure that this vacation will still be as fun to you as it was all those previous years, if not even more so. You spent the remaining time of the day with William, Evan and Liz, watching your former friends giggle, seemingly having the time of their lives form afar. 
At the end of the day, after dinner you decided to go for a quick shower while William tucked Evan and Liz into bed. Halfway through your shower you felt as if someone was watching you, yet decided to brush it off as regular anxiety. After you completed your routine, you headed back to the large hotel room, which looked like it was a living room and a bedroom in one except there was no couch, forcing you and William to share a bed.
Not that you minded, of course! But the older man always gave you butterflies, and made you rather nervous. You always hoped he wouldnt catch onto it; he did. Many years ago already. And believe it or not; he was thrilled to share a bed with you! Think the room was missing a couch? No, he specifically asked for a room without a couch, as he already knew you would have to share a room with him!
You spotted William in one of the armchairs, reading whilst happily puffing away at a cigar. "All done" you said, more to yourself than to him yet he picked up on it "My turn in the bathroom, then!" "Were you waiting?" "Indeed I was. Quickly went and relieved myself whilst you were in there, really needed to go. Sorry if I happened to spook you a bit." "Oh uhm, no, don't worry. I suppose it's alright." Heh. That's what I thought." and with that he left to the bathroom. After inspecting the room you decided to head to bed, already getting comfy.
After a solid half an hour you heard the shower turn off, and a semi-wet haired William stepped back into the room, promptly plopping himself down next to you in the bed, on his side, supporting his head on his hand. "And how was your day?" why would he ask you that?? "Oh it was okay..what about yours?" he chuckled. "It was quite alright..Listen, I'm sorry they're being like that. I am pretty sure they'll be over it in a few days." "Either way, I don't exactly want to surround myself with such immature people." he cocked his eyebrow at you "So you'd rather be with good, ole William instead?" flustered, you nodded. "No need to get shy now."
The other man let out a sigh, as he now flopped on his back, arms behind his head causing his shirt to rise up, exposing a thick, reddish brown trail with white specks* down to the hem of his flannel pants. You giggled to yourself, you found that rather adorable. William cocked a brow at you “What?”, he seemingly didn´t know if he should be emberassed or flattered. “well, I can see your belly.” great, Y/N. Tf kind of a response was that now? “what about it?” you giggled now. “ever thought of a belly ring?” “oh shush.” he pulled his shirt back down now, you let out an “awh” in slight disppointment. 
The disappointment turned into pure shock when William decided to just take his shirt off as a whole, leaving you to eye his body up and down. He was awfully handsome, much more so than you´ve ever thought. “Oh please don´t hold back-” William rolled his eyes, seemingly being annoyed at how shy you´ve gotten “I haven´t gotten this much attention in a decade.” Slowly you raised your hand to touch his exposed torso, holding your breath as your hand made contact with his skin. Huh? His skin was quite tender, and despite being stubbly all over, also somewhat soft? Well- you did practically find an entire drugstore of skincare products in his bathroom last time and apparently he does use all of them. You gave him a few squishes here and there, as if you were testing how tender he was. A muscle of his flexing beneath your hand every now and then. 
A soft chuckle errupted from Williams chest, distracting you from your thoughts. “Do you know flattering it is for an old man like me to have such a beatiful/handsome lad/lady admire me?” he pulled you towards his chest, basically tucking your head under his chin, calmly inhaling your scent. You gladly nuzzle into him. You took a few more minutes just admiring his body from the different angle, taking your sweet time staring down every inch of him. Wait- why is the waistband of his pants lifted from his belly ever so slightly? You un-nested from him, to shoot him a questioning look. Fortunately for William, you over-estimated the space between the two of you, so now your noses were touching, granting him the perfect opportunity to catch your lips in his. After a few seconds of tensing up, you allowed yourself to melt into the kiss and to let him take the lead. 
Minutes pass, and the two of you were still very eagerly exploring the other- Williams hands littering the sensitive skin on your torso with gentle, loving, little pinches whilst your hands just caressed his broad back. The room was lulled in near complete silence, with only a muffled moan from you, or a calm sigh from William to be heard every now and then. 
Soon enough Williams large hand took yours and placed it at the hem of his pants- oh. Undecided you gently ran your fingertips across the hem of his slacks, then softly around the bulge which has formed in the hours ago already, softly teasing him. Williams hands now cupped your butt, pulling you closer into his larger frame, and as he did so he gently parted your lips with his and let his tongue explore your mouth. The tingly heat you´ve been carrying in your core for well over an hour now growing unbearable- making you feel sick. Thus, you decided to let a finger run right over Williams clothed erection. You didn´t want to wait much longer- and apparently neither did he since he thrusted upwards into your touch as you ran your finger over his clothed frenulum. But wait- as you fully reached the tip you could feel the fabric of his slacks to grow soggy with pre-cum. You softly giggled to yourself, slightly proud and happy that you make men feel that way. 
Just as you tucked your finger under his waistband to teasingly, slowly pull it off him you felt him squeeze your bottom with one of his hands, letting a finger slide over your underwear to your pulsating groin, gently applying pressure to your most sensitive spot with just his index finger. You hissed in pleasure, and for the first time in hours you properly removed your lips from his. Now glancing at your finger, which was still neatly tucked under his waistband you bit your lower lip as you imagined what would possibly be awaiting you under those layers. William chuckled, carefully watching you as you slowly but surely de-robed his lower half. You were a little shocked to find his erect member completely are in front of you right after you just pulled down his pants. Was he not wearing boxers?? This whole time? You didn´t care enough to ask, attentively looking at his rather large shaft. He was´t too long yet rather thick, and uncut with a few blue-greenish colored veins running along his length. He actually looked nice! Well groomed, too. 
But now what? You thought to yourself. Helpless, you looked at William, who in response gave you a deep chuckle “No need to be intimidated, Love. I don´t need much” so you did the first thing that came to mind; grab it. Just grabbing him, your hand meeting the curly hairs at the base of his shaft. Curiously, you noticed his member eject a little more pre-cum. He really doesn´t need much..You slowly started to pump your hand up and down at a steady pace, not wanting this moment to pass too fast. Absentmindedly, you straddled his hand, which was still nestling in between your legs, causing his his hand to apply more pressure to the sensitive area of yours. William must´ve finally dropped his teasing manner as he now pulled aside your underwear, sliding a thick finger into your heat, curling and uncurling it within you. Ugh you were so pent up already- you felt like you could easily tip over the edge with each passing second. 
William was a blunt man, and you were very well aware of that. Yet you hadn´t expected him to not drop this habit when it came to being intimate. He was just directly looking at you now, light grey orbs directed at your own “I want you.” emberassed by that, you just nodded in response. You knew what this meant; it meant to lie back on your back, letting the older man take control. And that was exactly what you did. Now that were comfortably placed on fluffy pillows and your thighs were wrapped around Williams waist he was intensively staring you down, his erecection pressed to your hole, waiting for your consent. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck, gently tugging him towards yourself. Your heart was racing, part of you simply couldn´t believe this was really heppening, you were unable to speak clearly from excitement, your voice barely above a whisper “make me yours, William..”. And so he did. You could feel the hot, tingling, burning sensation within you as his shaft parted your walls to make room for him. You just stared down,in disbelief, slight shock and pain. The feeling of Williams chest vibrating against yours quickly whisking you away from your thoughts, and back to him. He seemed to be rather amused by your reaction, softly giggling. “You alright?” you just nodded as your walls became more and more adjusted to him. William pressed a kiss to your forehead before he proceeded to slam himself into you. 
After a few, solid minutes you felt confident enough to engage a bit more, caressing his back up and down as he thrusted into you, genlty dragging your nails over his back every now and then, tangling your fingers in his hair, letting your head fall back in pleasure..It was like William finally managed to tear down the invisible walls you built between the two of you, and it truly was beautiful. 
While the both of you reached your limits, William held you close to him, just squeezing you against his chest as he spilled into you. Now you truly were his...
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(to be continued ? Also; I know this is long- but ngl i do prefer longer texts over shorter ones..)
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No, no, no no no no no no no no no I’m so sorry I’m so sorry, Evan please- I can’t- I’m sorry- No nonononono-
A hand secures itself around his wrist, grip furious and bruising.
“I’m sorry about my son,” He hears someone say nearby, voice dark and low. An ambulance siren grows louder. He stares at his shoes. There’s blood on them.
Evan’s blood-
He doesn’t really remember what comes after that.
He tries to apologize. He doesn’t know if Evan can hear him. Father doesn’t let him stay in the hospital room for longer than a minute. He wants to scream. It’s not like he can make Evan any worse, he wants to say.
The heart monitor shrieks.
Maybe he was wrong.
Father drags him home. He doesn’t even look at Michael, but it’s for the best. Tears run down Michael’s face in a horrible parody of his younger brother. Michael stumbles to his room and throws himself facefirst down on his bed and cries.
He doesn't hear his bedroom door creak. He doesn’t hear the footsteps.
He feels the pinch against his neck, though, and when he tries to sit up something forces him back down.
“Wh-” He mumbles into the pillow, but everything goes black.
He wakes in a room he’s never seen before, on a bed he doesn’t recognize. A door on the left, a door on the right. A closet in the middle. He sits up.
“Hello?” He calls out. “Where am I?” He doesn’t remember anything since… since…
He gives himself a shake. He was in his bed, he recalls. He was crying. Then… nothing. Maybe he cried himself to sleep? But where was he now?
“How did it feel, Mikey?” a chirpy voice asks behind him, and Michael spins around to find a familiar yellow plush bear sitting on the bed.
“What?” He knows that Evan would claim his bear could talk, but Michael would just laugh and mock him, because stuffed animals can’t talk-
“How. Did. It. Feel.” The bear repeats, its high-pitched, cartoonish voice taking on a sharp edge. “How did it feel to kill your brother? My bestest friend?”
“It felt awful,” Michael’s voice teeters on the edges between incredulous and angry. He can’t believe that he’s having this conversation. It feels like a dream. “I didn’t know it would kill him.”
“Oh, Mikey!” The plush bear laughs. Its mouth doesn’t move, nothing about the bear is moving to suggest that it’s talking. Micheal picks the plush up to inspect it, but nearly drops it as the bear continues.
“I didn’t ask for you to say what you thought I wanted to hear, I asked for the truth!” It scolds. “How did it feel to have blood on your hands, Mikey?”
“I’m not lying!” he exclaims. The sound is definitely coming from the bear, somehow. He’d take it apart to investigate if he wasn’t so uncomfortable at the idea of destroying his younger brother’s most prized possession.
“Tsk tsk tsk,” the bear clicks its tongue, and for a moment the bear sounds like Father. “Come on, Mikey.”
“I did not enjoy killing my own brother,” Michael snarls, and sets the bear back down on the bed to create some distance between the two. “It was horrible. It was an accident.”
“This is a safe place, Mike,” the bear soothes. “You can tell me. It was incredible, wasn’t it? To feel the blood on your hands, to see the life drain out of him. To-”
“Stop.” Michael backs away in horror. If this is what the bear was saying to his brother, no wonder Evan had been so afraid of the animatronics.
“What’s wrong with you?” He demanded. “What kind of sick creature would enjoy killing people?”
The bear was dead silent. The quiet lingered as Michael waited for a response, an indication of something, but none came.
“So that’s how it is,” The bear said in a cartoonishly sad voice. “I admit I was hoping for a different answer, Michael.” At his name, the bear’s silly voice dropped into a deep British voice that sent shivers of recognition down Michael’s spine.
“Father?” Michael squeaked. “What-?”
“It’s a shame,” The bear squeaked. Michael throws his hands around for a weapon, but his fingers only close around a pillow. He wields it threateningly anyway.
“What is going on?” He demands. “I heard my father! Father? What is going on?”
“What’re you talking about?” The bear giggles.
“I heard Father,” Michael repeats. He tries to address him. “Father, are you speaking through the bear?”
“No one’s speaking through me,” The stuffed animal keeps up its silly facade. “I’m speaking, silly!”
“No, I heard him.” Michael stands firm.
“Nuh-uh!” The plush replies, and the mere idea of his father saying ‘nuh-uh’ nearly crumbles Michael’s resolve.
“But…” He wavers.
“I’m your only friend here, Michael, even if you are a pretty disappointing guy!” The bear sighs dramatically, and Michael raises an eyebrow.
“You’re not my friend.”
“Oh, but I am!” The bear squeals in delight. “Who else is going to help you survive?”
“Survive?” Michael repeats, and one of the two doors behind him creaks.
He spins around to see a clawed hand slowly opening the door.
“What?” He gasps, eyes growing round.
“Better close the door, Mikey!” The bear laughs at him, but the instruction lurches Michael into action. Cringing at the fact that he’s approaching the clawed hand , he throws himself at the door and slams it shut. None of the twisted fingers get caught in the door, and Michael ponders at how the thing (whatever it was) had managed to get its hand out of the way in time.
“Look at the time!” The bear giggles. “Already midnight! You should’ve asked the right questions while you had the time, Mikey.”
“What? What does any of that mean?” Michael snapped, fumbling with the door handle. There’s no lock. Why is there no lock?
“Don’t be mean,” The bear scolds. “I hold all the answers, you know. You have to be nice if you want to learn the rules!”
“Rules? What rules?” Michael throws his back against the door and leans against it. The Thing on the other side wasn’t trying to force the door open, but he wasn’t taking any chances.
“The rules to the game. Rule number one, it starts at midnight!” The bear laughs childishly. “Why don’t you check the other door now?”
Michael turns to stare at the other door across the room. It was open a crack, and Michael can’t see past it. He swallows nervously.
“And of course, you’ll need your flashlight!” The bear adds.
“What flashlight?” Michael casts his gaze around the room frantically and catches sight of a flashlight on the dresser by the bed. He leaves his post by the door and sprints for it, snatching up the flashlight and turning it on. He heads towards the other door.
He pauses. His grip on the flashlight trembles.
He swings the light up and through the crack in the door.
Yellow. Teeth. Glowing eyes. A bib.
He slams the door shut, then processes what he saw.
“Was that Chica?!” He shouts.
The bear laughs at him.
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winterscaptain · 4 years
immovable object.
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader a joyful future fic
a/n: happy birthday aaron hotchner!! here’s a little something i cooked up, just for y’all who wanted to see something from aaron’s point of view. i figured a birthday would be as good a time as any to share a little bit of aaron’s head, even if it’s not his (actual) age this year. as always, i love to hear what you think! takes place au!november 2018
words: 2.3k warnings: language, implication of sex, light drinking/alcohol use
summary: “the years between fifty and seventy are the hardest. you are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down.” - t.s. elliot
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | requests closed!
Aaron wasn’t sure where he’d be by fifty. He’d only had loose examples over the course of his life, as his father kicked it before he got to that point. But then again…
His father never appreciated what he had. Two sons, different to the point of extremity, a wife who loved him even through all his (many) shortcomings, and a big house in northern Virginia that he could afford with his very plush salary working on The Hill as a prosecutor. Nevertheless, he drank himself to death at forty-seven. 
Where am I at fifty? 
He looks down into his lap, finding Caroline tucked into the crook of his elbow with a hand in her mouth while they sit in his armchair. She’s teething now, but she isn’t half as unbearable about it as Isaac. 
Aaron scans the room, finding his son with Spencer and Hank at the formal dining room table. Spence has them both in his lap and reads aloud from whatever Russian novel he’s flying through. As Aaron listens closer, he realizes Spencer is translating as he goes, reading the book in English. 
Tolstoy should be fine for toddlers...right?
Another scan sends him to you, sitting on the floor with a bottle and a spit-up rag, Sophia snarfing down her afternoon snack like it’s her job. 
You find his eyes, double-taking a little. What?
Nothing. Aaron’s mouth presses into an amused little line. 
With a fond roll of your eyes, you turn back into the conversation with Sean and Derek. 
And that’s another thing. 
Aaron never expected to really have his brother in his life as an adult. To his surprise, it's a rather pleasant change of circumstance. Once he moved out of New York and back to Virginia, Sean really got his act together. The arrival of his second nephew didn’t hurt. At your behest, Aaron called him in Isaac’s first weeks, inviting him over to meet the new addition. He feels silly now, for starting a spat with you about it in the moment. It’s not easy, but it’s good. 
He’s the first one to admit that you did most of the heavy lifting, leveraging your similar age and propensity to draw flocks of the struggling and confused. 
Your Honor, I’d like to present Exhibit A in regard to struggling and confused - Aaron Benjamin Hotchner - before the court. 
He laughs down his nose at his own train of thought. Caroline fusses, but once she’s sitting up in his lap, one of his hands across the entirety of her chest and little belly, she’s happy. 
Will she continue to insist on seeing everything? Will she always be so quiet? 
There’s something about Caroline’s eyes, even as they continue to settle into their permanent color, that is inherently wise. He knows, logically, that Caroline and Sophia are near-identical, but neither of you have ever had any trouble telling them apart. 
If someone asked, he wouldn’t be able to articulate the differences. He just knows. 
Aaron almost startles when you appear at his side, Sophia freshly burped and smooshed against your shoulder. 
“You look pensive.” It’s a gentle accusation. 
Aaron snorts. “It’s my birthday. I’m allowed to be pensive.” He holds Caroline up for a minute and you accept the invitation, planting yourself in his lap. Sophia’s still in your arms, so it’s a bit crowded, but nevertheless, you swing your legs over the arm of the chair and melt against Aaron’s chest. 
The girls, of course, are delighted to see each other and make a happy, babbling pair sitting on your abdomen and thighs, watching all the action in the living room. 
Aaron presses a kiss to your head and just for another second wonders how he got so lucky. 
“Hey. Quit.”
He looks down, meeting your eyes. “What?”
You look at him, soft and affectionate. “You’ll never stop, will you?” 
“Probably not.” He adjusts again so he can cradle you in his arm while he keeps the girls stable with his free hand. “But that’s why I’ve got you.” 
“Unstoppable force meets immovable object?”
Aaron squints, making play at thinking. “Wasn’t that on our wedding announcements?” 
You huff a laugh and pat his chest twice. “Maybe it should have been.” 
Realistically, he knows he should be out socializing with everyone there to celebrate him and the fifty years he’s lived (only a couple of them in dog years), but he can’t bring himself to care. His cheek rests against your head, his fingers tracing patterns on your arm. Caroline has the other one of his hands, playing with his fingers (and putting those in her mouth, too) while Sophia sits back against him, threatening sleep. 
But really, nobody minds. They’re all having too much fun off the clock, with children of their own. Derek and Savannah lounge in the rec room, watching Tara, Sean, Will, Jack, and Henry play Mario Kart. Not far off is Kristy, wiping illicit frosting off her oldest son’s cheek before he rejoins the boys on the makeshift tournament arena. 
Matt, Dave, and Emily are gathered around the kitchen island, their wine glasses never far from their hands. JJ flits between the groups, her puttering instincts inescapable even outside of her domain. 
Luke and Penelope pretend they aren’t following each other from room to room, activity to activity. They are horrible actors, and Aaron wonders if the kid will ever pluck up the guts to do something about it. 
You didn’t. 
That doesn’t count. 
Yes, it does. 
JJ finally comes to rest beside Emily, propping herself up by her elbows as she sits backward on one of the barstools. “I’d never thought I’d see Hotch so happy.” 
Emily looks over her shoulder. What does she see?
She sees a man she’s known her entire career at the bureau, a man who hand-picked her to replace him when it was time for him to leave his post as unit chief, a man who lost almost everything and somehow found it again. 
She watches as Aaron says something to you, a wicked kind of humorous glint in his eye. She watches as you let out a loud laugh, accidentally startling your daughters in your lap. She watches as the girls process and pick up on their mother’s joy and start to shriek and clap. 
She watches Aaron live. 
“I dunno,” Emily says, finally. “I always thought those two might make it if they faced themselves.”
JJ humphs in the irony of it. “That’s a lot to ask.” 
“And yet -”
“- Somehow, they’ve managed.” JJ looks to her own family just in time to see Will taking advantage of the high ceiling, throwing Michael into the air and catching him. “It’s kind of funny, how things work out.” 
“I can’t believe he’s fifty.” Emily’s non-sequitur drops into JJ’s thoughts, which were rapidly devolving into the abstract. “It doesn’t seem right.” 
Dave taps Emily on the shoulder, reminding her he’s been there the whole time. “You’re in your late forties, I might remind you.” 
A kind of dissatisfied noise leaves her throat. “Thanks.” She turns, looking at him with a glare that could cut glass, but all in play. “Thanks for that.” 
“Just doing my civic duty.” 
Emily rolls her eyes and stands, wandering farther into the kitchen to pilfer a bag of animal crackers from the snack drawer. 
“Alright!” Penelope calls from the kitchen archway. “It’s time for cake!” 
That gets the attention of all the children in the vicinity who have experienced the unadulterated joy of Aunt Penelope’s buttercream frosting. 
Aaron tolerates the attention as you and the girls get shuffled (or in your case, shuffle yourself) off his lap. Emily takes Caroline while Savannah has Sophia. A quick glance finds Isaac on Dave's hip. With a little bit of a start, he realizes just how big his family is. They’re all here. 
For each other. 
For him. 
Soon enough, Penelope brings the cake - candles all lit (and no, there are not fifty of them - that was a hard no from the birthday boy) and places it in front of Aaron at the head of the dining room table. 
You kiss him on the cheek, distracting him while you put a ridiculous party hat on his head. You can almost feel his eye roll and you hear a few phone cameras click. Of course, shortly after, everyone starts singing at him - horrifically out of pace and key, but it’s perfect. 
He’s confronted with the back of a few more phones as parents and friends snap pictures out of habit. He reaches out to snag you around the waist and you end up half-sitting on the arm of his chair. 
You loop your arms around his neck, leaning into his side. “Make a wish.”
After one slow blink and a deep breath, he blows out the candles to whoops and hollers and baby shrieks. 
Your eyes snap up out of instinct, finding Isaac covering his ears and looking more and more alarmed by the minute. You toss another kiss onto Aaron’s forehead and quickly take Isaac from Dave, traveling down the hall with practiced haste. 
If he’s honest, Aaron forgot. He should have grabbed Isaac’s headphones from your office, but he didn’t. He should have warned his son about the loud noises and all the people before they overwhelmed him, but he didn’t. He should have remembered that his son needed more thought and attention than the others, but he didn’t. 
He hides his self-directed frustration well, but it doesn’t take long for him to make a quick and subtle escape. He knows the girls are just fine. Emily has Caro well in-hand and Savannah is always looking for an excuse to practice with the girls. She’s due in February, looking radiant and lovely. 
In a near-whisper, he calls for you and Isaac as he tracks down the hall on light feet. He hears you murmur, then Isaac’s voice: “Here, Dad,” guides him into your office, where you’re stationed on the floor under your desk. 
Isaac’s playing with the soft carpet chosen especially for him, his little fingers getting lost in the plush fabric. Aaron kneels down and rests his forearms on the ground, searching for Isaac’s eyes. 
“Hey, little man.” 
He hums. 
That’s a good thing. 
Aaron puts his hand on the carpet, about three inches away from Isaac’s. He can see it, but it’s not touching him, communicating his presence without sensation. 
You meet Aaron’s eyes over Isaac’s head. Not your fault. 
He shoots you a withering look. 
I’m serious, Aaron. You raise your eyebrows and shake your head. Not your fault. We’re okay. Your eyes flicker to Isaac before returning to Aaron. He’s okay. 
Aaron watches as you arc your body around him, getting close but not too close, running your fingers through the carpet on either side of him. Aaron wiggles his own fingers, sinking deeper into the blue shag. To his surprise, it calms him a little. 
Little Man might be onto something here. 
Eventually, Isaac leans back into you, and you slowly bring your hands to his hair, massaging his scalp with the tips of your fingers. You look at Aaron and nod once. 
He takes his cue. As always, he’s in awe of your command over Isaac’s needs. With a breath, and very quietly, he asks. “Are you feeling better, little man?”
His eyes still on the carpet, he nods. “Just loud.” 
“Yeah. It was pretty loud.” He looks up to the bookshelf, spotting his headphones on their charger. “Do you want to go back to the living room, maybe with your ears on? Or do you want to stay in here?”
The boy stills, thinking. In the two years he’s known his son, the turning of gears in Isaac’s little head enamors and amazes him. He can almost see their spokes behind his eyes. After a minute or so - 
“Living room, but only for a little while.” 
You kiss him lightly on the top of his head, where the band of the headphones rests. “Do you want your ears?”
He nods and Aaron rises, bringing the headphones back down. Isaac puts them on and wiggles a little where he sits. Aaron likes to imagine it’s his way of settling back into his body. 
Much to the surprise of everyone present, Isaac reaches out to Aaron. With soft eyes, he takes his son in his arms, letting him wrap like a koala around his neck and chest. 
The three of you return, finding everyone still milling about, eating cake, and sharing space together. Jack, catching sight of you, jogs over. “Is Isaac okay?”
You nod, brushing the hair off Jack’s forehead. “Yeah, bud. It just got a little overwhelming for a minute.”
It’s been eleven years of you and Jack, but it never gets old for Aaron. The way you are with each other - somehow balancing a parent-child relationship with a steadfast best-friendship - constantly surprises and warms him. 
Jack nods, circling around so he can get into Isaac’s eye line. He waves a little, and Isaac waves back, lifting his hand briefly from Aaron’s collar. Jack offers a fist, and Isaac reaches out to tap it with three of his fingers. 
Aaron closes his eyes, taking it in. 
“So,” you say, tucking into bed beside him. “Fifty.” 
“So,” He doesn’t pull his eyes from his book. “Thirty-six.” He throws you a side-eye, immediately noticing the playful glint in your eye. “Don’t start.” 
You raise your eyebrows, the picture of innocence. “Start what? I’m just appreciating my loving and handsome and thoughtful and distinguished husband on his birthday.” You scoot and shift, straddling him. “Are you gonna let me?”
That gets his attention. Keeping his eyes on you, he markes his place and sets the book on his bedside table. “I might.” 
You lean down, pressing your lips to his, speaking quietly against his mouth, like a secret. “Happy Birthday, my love.” 
If anyone asked, Aaron loved his present. 
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @agenthotchner @wandaswitxh @hurricanejjareau @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @good-heavens-chris-evans @angelsbabey @writefasttalkevenfaster @venusbarnes @hotchsflower @ogmilkis @marvels-agents100 @hotchslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @dwellingsofrosie @pan-pride-12 @sunshine-em @jdougl-love @sageellsworth05 @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @buckybau @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandice-ray @ellyhotchner @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @laneygthememequeen @violentvulgarvolatile @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @violet-amxthyst @zizzlekwum @lcvischmitt @qvid-pro-qvo @mandylove1000 @simsiddy @jeor @synonymforlame @roses-and-grasses @bwbatta @capricorngf @missdowntonabbey @averyhotchner @cevanswhre @joanofarkansass @infinity1321 @popped-weasels @evee87 @nuvoleincielo @spencerelds @ssahotchnerr @this-broken-band-girl @winqhster @reidtomestyles @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @the-falling-in-the-danger @nattylite49 @crazyshannonigans @softbibxtch @iconicc @mangoberry43 @andreasworlsboring101
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et-lesailes · 4 years
spreading the sugar | pt 2
pairing: sugar daddy!andy & ransom (twins) x reader
word count: 1545
summary: having andy barber as a sugar daddy has been nothing but a good time. little do you know that meeting his twin brother will change everything.
themes: age gap, smut
taglist: @evanstush​, @tanyam93​, @bval-1​, @wonderwinchester​, @patzammit​, @rohaintahquil​, @deidrashouseofpain​, @sammyslonglostshoe​, @jadedhillon​, @bohemian-barbie​, @whysparker​, @sebastian-i-stan​, @sebabestianstan101​, @lille-kattunge​, @teller258316​, @peach-acid​, @allsortsofinterests​, @xoxabs88xox​, @heyiamthatbitch​, @cptn-sgrogers​, @heyyouwiththeassbutt​, @bangtan-serendipity​, @troublermalik​, @beardburnsupersoldiers​, @bookish-shristi​, @kind-sober-fullydressed​,  @gingerninjaprincess16​, @straightforwardly​,  @denisemarieangelina​,  @frencchfries​, @xlanawriter​, @littlemoistcarrot​, @pottxrwolff​, @arianatheangelworld​​, @southerngracela​, @nsfwsebbie​, @rororo06​, @savemesteeb​​, @raveviolet​​, @hurricanerinwrites​​, @captainamerica-is-bae​​, @shaddixlife​​, @tessa-bl​​, @marvelouspottering​​, @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc​​, @thegetawaywriter​​, @dwights-new-plague​​, @rynabarnesrogers​​, @fckdeusername​​,  @doloreschanal​​, @ssworldofsw​​, @la-cey​, @buckybarnesplumwhore​ 
notes: sorry it’s a day late! please feel free to give some feedback :) graphic creds to @thewritingdoll​ !
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It’s your naughty self that makes Ransom’s plan go along much more smoothly. For the next couple days, he has the surveillance pulled up on his television, bored out of his mind simply watching his brother sit at his desk doing paperwork and making phone calls whenever he’s in the office. Most of the time, no one’s there at all, considering Andy is often in court or at other appointments. 
And then three days later, he finally hits the jackpot.
You walk into Andy’s office, dressed in a stylish and form fitting Michael Kors peacoat paired with knee high black socks with lace on the hems, an innocent smile on your face. It’s the middle of the day, and this is probably your boldest move yet, but you’re too excited. He’s been working on a serious case for the past few days, and you’ve barely gotten to spend much time with him. You know he’ll want this just as much as you.
“Y/N?” He looks up in surprise, quickly standing up and going over to the door to close it. “Ya gotta be careful coming here so early, honey, there’s still a lot of people around…”
“So? Just tell them I’m a college student, asking for an internship.” You watch as he peers out the glass window before drawing the blinds so no one can look in. “Fair enough, but still. If Laurie finds out about this, it just… it’s going to be a whole lot of drama, especially if Jacob gets involved. Plus I don’t want you getting any shit for it.” You sigh in amusement, suddenly taking hold of his tie and pulling him closer to  you. “You’ve been so stressed out these days, Daddy. Can I please just help you… relax a little?” you whisper, moving your hands to the buttons of your coat and slowly undoing them. He blinks in surprise, now a bit distracted from his previous concerns as he stares at the lacy little piece you’re wearing underneath, mouth hanging open slightly.
“Is that a yes?” you tease, taking the coat off entirely and draping it over the nearest chair. He scoffs and pulls you closer to him, immediately kissing you roughly as his hands explore every inch of the thin material, a low groan sounding from his throat. “That’s a fuck yes, baby doll, but we need to hurry. I have a meeting in half an hour.”
Miles away in his lavish home, Ransom checks in on the app on his phone. His eyes immediately light up wickedly upon the view displayed on the screen. He whistles lowly as he leans back in his leather armchair, watching you bend over Andy’s desk with your butt wiggling proudly for him, your hand reaching back to move the bottoms out of the way so he can fuck you from behind.
He watches every movement, whether it be your hips slammed forward from the force or your head tilting back as Andy pulls your hair. His hand moves to wrap around your neck, making Ransom laugh slightly, even impressed. “Wow. I didn’t know you had it in you,” he mumbles, watching as the action makes you whimper in pleasure, even coughing slightly. He allows himself to take in every single part of your scantily clad body, already thinking of everything he’s going to do to it. How it’s going to feel squirming under his powerful hands when you cum for him. How you’ll be screaming his name so loud, the entire neighborhood will hear it. 
He barely even realizes he’s been palming his crotch, his eyes hungrily glued to you. Unbuckling his expensive belt and pushing down his jeans and briefs, he wraps his fingers around his shaft and starts pumping, groaning to himself as he envisions his cock balls deep inside you, his breaths heavy from arousal and need. His hand may have to suffice for now, but soon, he knows it’s going to be your tight body he’s fucking nice and hard until you’re sore. 
Meanwhile, you’re catching your breath as you straighten up again, adjusting your lingerie. Andy smirks breathlessly as he pulls his pants back up, running his fingers through his brown hair. “Fuck. Wish I could just keep you in the office, honey.” He turns you around to face him and kisses you slowly but intensely. You practically feel giddy as you kiss him back; you love pleasing him. “Mm. It’s okay, Daddy, we have way more fun at home.” You point out playfully, and he chuckles lowly before reaching over and picking up the coat. Putting it over your shoulders and buttoning it up as if you were a child, he leans in and pecks your cheek. “Go ahead home, baby girl. I’ll still be here for a while, but why don’t I pick you up and take you out for dinner later, hm? Wherever you want to go.”
“Okay.” You agree with a cute smile, picking up your bag. “See ya later, babe.” You smooth out your hair and walk out of the room, smiling nonchalantly at the people who have been sitting in their cubicles on the other side of the closed blinds. You look completely normal and professional with your expensive coat, it’s as if you really were there inquiring about an internship. 
Little do you know that all of these people could easily find out that that’s not what you were there for at all. 
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It’s safe to say that Andy’s in a horrible mood, and for good reason.
After waking up to a very disturbing email from his own brother, he immediately got dressed and left the house, hopping into his Audi and driving off. He didn’t even reply to any of your texts. He was and still is far too stressed, and besides, if he murders his shithole of a brother, he doesn’t want you around as a witness. 
He pulls up in the driveway, tempted to crash into that annoying, shiny BMW glistening under the morning sun. He slams the door upon getting out, storming up to the front door and pounding on the door loudly, hoping he wakes the bastard up. “Ransom! Get the fuck down here, right now!” he yells loudly, nothing but anger in his thickly Boston accented words. 
Of course, the trust fund playboy takes his time, even having the nerve to open the door with a casual yawn as he stretches his arms over his head, simply wearing a lush sherpa robe that probably cost hundreds of dollars. “Wow. You’ve never been so eager to see me before, Andy. Maybe I should blackmail you more often.” 
The assistant district attorney grabs his brother by the plush collar of his robe, fists clenched tightly as he hisses, “I’m not fucking doing this with you, Ransom. Delete that video right now, I can easily get you in trouble for planting that fucking camera in my office- you know that, right?” 
Ransom flinches in surprise for a second as his hands fly up to grab his brother’s wrists, his features slightly strained from practically being choked- and yet he still manages to chuckle darkly, teeth grit. “Would that be before or after I send that nice little video of you fucking your little sugar baby slut to Laurie and your entire workplace?” He suddenly opens his mouth in a mocking ‘o’, continuing, “Can you imagine what Jacob would feel watching this?” 
“Do not bring my fucking son into this!” Andy’s voice raises even louder as he lifts his hand, about to punch the everloving shit out of his twin, but Ransom is quick to block himself, grunting as he grabs the other’s wrist tightly. “Please, don’t waste my fucking time,” he breathes out somewhat labored, his chest heaving slightly. “Beating me up isn’t going to do shit except encourage your little aggression problem. Does Y/N know anything about that, by the way?” 
Andy pauses, staring at the other incredulously, so angry that the vein in his neck is bulging. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” he asks, using his grip to shove Ransom roughly into the door. “Why are you doing this? I know you’re a fucking asshole, but isn’t this going too far? What the hell do you have against me?”
He grunts slightly upon hitting the door but sighs amused, smoothing out his robe as he stands straight again. “Goodness gracious, Andy, you’re really overthinking this. All I want to do is fuck the little minx, and I knew you wouldn’t exactly agree to that. So…” he trails off with a shrug, smirking. “Now don’t worry, I’ll give you time to talk to her about it first- but not too long. Otherwise that video gets-”
“It has to be the three of us.”
Ransom blinks. “Excuse me?”
Andy looks at him firmly, ocean eyes still practically on fire. “I can’t trust you alone with her. No one can be trusted alone with you. So if you’re doing this, I’m there too.” 
Ransom looks at him for a few moments before slowly snickering, shrugging again with nothing but amusement in his features. 
“Whatever you say, Andy. Just try not to get too jealous when she’s screaming my name louder than yours.” 
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Star, May 10
You can buy a brand new copy of this issue without the mailing label for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Meghan Markle having twin girls (oops!)
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Page 1: Famous for doing his own stunts, Tom Cruise helicoptered in to the tiny English village of Levisham to film aboard, or rather hanging off of, a vintage train and along for the ride was his Mission: Impossible 7 costar Hayley Atwell, who was spotted running along the top of the North Yorkshire Moors Railway car and while the pair, surrounded by crew and tech experts, were total pros, it's an open secret on set that their romance is going strong and Tom and Hayley hang out non-stop when the cameras are off and are pretty much joined at the hip but not in a showy, PDA way; it's a very discreet thing they've got going on -- off-camera, 58-year-old Tom and 39-year-old Hayley enjoy quiet nights holed up in Tom's London digs, eating meals specially prepared by his private chef and they'll watch movies or read books or just chill out doing their own thing -- chilling out isn't Tom's forte, as audio leaked of him berating the film's crew for violating COVID-19 protocols, but things have calmed down considerably as the spy flick, due in theaters May 2022, closes in on its wrap date, but the ensuing publicity push will put Tom and Hayley's relationship front and center, but don't expect the devoted Scientologist to jump on any couches (a la Katie Holmes) announcing wife No. 4 as Tom has learned the hard way about putting everything out there and getting picked to pieces; this time, it's all about subtlety
Page 2: Contents, Cher got up and personal with the World's Loneliest Elephant Kaavan, who she helped relocate to Cambodia
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Page 3: Brie Larson in a swimsuit with butterflies on it during a getaway to Hawaii, with headphones at the ready Brooke Burke was itching to cut a rug with friends before teaching a silent disco cardio party at the Rafi Lounge in Malibu, Maria Shriver and Christina Schwarzenegger enjoyed some quality time on a stroll in L.A., Boy George sporting a bold look on The Jonathan Ross Show in London
Page 4: In a recent interview, AnnaLynne McCord revealed a shocking diagnosis: for years, the 90210 alum has been battling dissociative identity disorder (often erroneously referred to as multiple personality disorder) -- she told Dr. Daniel Amen she is absolutely uninterested in shame about opening up despite the stigma surrounding mental-health issues because that's how we get to the point where we can articulate the nature of these pervasive traumas as horrible as they are -- for her part, the 33-year-old traces back her troubles to sexual abuse she suffered as a child and as had many of the 200,000 people diagnosed with DID each year, she suppressed those horrific memories and it was only within the past few years that they began to resurface, largely after she sought treatment for PTSD related to another sexual assault and she doesn't have any memories of abuse until around 5, then from 5 to 11, she recounts incidents throughout and then, when she was 13, she has a singled-out memory and it was at that age that she developed what doctors call a second personality identity: as Little Ann, the Georgia-born daughter of a pastor said she was balls to the wall, middle fingers to the sky, anarchist from hell who will stab you with the spike ring that she wears and that helped her survive her nightmarish situation -- ironically, acting created the same dynamic, making it sometimes difficult for AnnaLynne to let go of characters she'd played and all of her roles were splits but she didn't even realize she was doing it
Page 5: Jennifer Aniston wasn't exactly touched when Justin Theroux gushed about how much he still loves her in the issue of Esquire -- complaining about feeling like a hermit during the pandemic, 49-year-old Justin nearly got misty discussing FaceTiming and texting his ex, saying he cherishes their friendship and they can not be together and still bring each other joy and he'd be bereft if they weren't still in touch and he'd like to think the same for her -- but 52-year-old Jen, whose love life has been low-key since the pair's 2018 divorce, has stayed on good terms with most of her exes including Brad Pitt but doesn't want anything more than a friendship with Justin and sure, it's flattering but she's just moved on and wishes he would too, and that goes double for some of her friends who griped that Justin tried to milk Jen's connections to further his career -- in the end, Justin needs to know he's got no chance whatsoever of winning Jen back and she doesn't feel anything remotely close to passion for him anymore
* Roseanne Barr showed off her newly svelte frame on Instagram -- back in 1998, she lost 100 lbs after undergoing gastric-bypass surgery, but yo-yo'd over the next decades but now she's determined to keep the weight off by totally changing the way she eats and she's growing her own fruits and vegetables and has a whole new appreciation of food
* Five months after he entered the Federal Correctional Institution, Mossimo Gianulli finished up his stint at his plush Hidden Hills home and now, the 57-year-old, who along with wife Lori Loughlin, pleaded guilty to paying a $500,000 bribe to get their kids into USC, can't wait to get back to normal and his biggest priority, besides spending time with Lori and the girls, is to get out there on the golf course -- the designer, worth a reported $70 million, still has to perform 250 hours of community service while Lori, who finished up her prison stint in December, is chipping away at hers, doling out meals at L.A.'s Project Angel Food -- Lori and Mossimo have resolved not to dwell on the past and they want to move forward with a positive and grateful attitude
Page 6: Fans of Angelina Jolie's stunts in movies like Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Mr. & Mrs. Smith are looking forward to her return to the screen as a wildfire fighter in Those Who Wish Me Dead and in the upcoming Marvel flick Eternals but 45-year-old Angie would rather be behind the camera and she explained the real reason behind her comeback is she loves directing, but she had a change in her family situation that's not made it possible for her to direct for a few years and she needed to just do shorter jobs and be home more, so she went back to doing a few acting jobs -- that change in her family situation, of course, is her divorce from Brad Pitt, ongoing since their 2016 split and with no bitter end in sight and it could drag on for years
* Catherine Zeta-Jones says it's no secret her 20-year marriage to 76-year-old Michael Douglas hasn't been easy and it wouldn't be normal if there weren't any ups and downs -- it's another Michael, her Prodigal Son costar Michael Sheen, who has friends whispering as both are Welsh and only a year apart, the two have been having a lot of fun shooting the serial-killer drama and they had never met before the series but they keep discovering how much they have in common -- while Michael, who has been linked with Kate Beckinsale, Rachel McAdams and Sarah Silverman, has been with Anna Lundberg for two years, friends can't help worrying because it's a little to close for comfort
Page 8: Star Shots -- Marlee Matlin kicked back during a portrait session in La Canada Flintridge in California, a loaded-down Irina Shayk in a Victoria's Secret photoshoot in NYC, Gavin Rossdale and his dog Chewy leaving tennis practice in L.A.
Page 9: Kelly Clarkson and her battle advisor Luis Fonsi on The Voice, John Stamos at the drive-in premiere of his new series Big Shot in L.A.
Page 10: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley toting her $3800 Bottega Veneta Shell bag in NYC, Niall Horan and Anne-Marie jumped into a classic Jaguar XK120 for a music video in Essex in England, Adam Driver as Maurizio Gucci on the set of House of Gucci on a bicycle in Rome
Page 11: Jay Leno takes a selfie with a fan, Kate Hudson and her daughter Rani busting out some mommy-and-me moves
Page 12: David Beckham filming a commercial for Maserati, Kaley Cuoco working out with ropes, a windswept Olivia Culpo held on tight to pup Oliver while enjoying a sunset ride aboard a boat named after her dog, Miles Teller looked both ways during a cruise in his blue Ford Bronco which is the same car he flipped in a 2016 accident
Page 13: Garrett Hedlund hit the pavement in a jog in Hollywood, Johnny Depp got behind the camera at the photocall for his film Minamata during the Barcelona Film Festival, friendly exes Sara Gilbert and Linda Perry masked up for a walk in L.A.
Page 14: 2021 ACMs -- country celebrates its best in Nashville -- Elle King and Miranda Lambert kicked off the 56th Academy of Country Music Awards by rolling up in a hot ride before performing, Blake Shelton, Dierks Bentley, co-host Keith Urban
Page 15: Maren Morris and Ryan Hurd performed together, Carrie Underwood
Page 16: Margot Robbie inline skating during a beach day in Malibu, Kate Beckinsale carrying her two cats and her dog as she tried to read, Chrissy Teigen and John Legend and their daughter Luna took a silly mid-game family selfie while playing Hedbanz
Page 18: Normal or Not Normal? A sleepy George Stephanopoulos was caught yawning on the Good Morning America set -- normal, Emily Blunt kicked back a little too much at The Jonathan Ross Show -- not normal
Page 19: With a $1400 rainbow Gucci sweater wrapped around her shoulders Selling Sunset's pregnant Christine Quinn with her dogs in L.A. -- normal, Chelsea Handler works out with her dog on her back -- not normal, Zach Braff stuck his tongue out as he took a silly selfie filming the Cheaper by the Dozen reboot -- not normal
Page 22: Fashion -- stars shine in metallic frocks -- Becky G, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Karen Gillan
Page 23: Miranda Lambert, Cynthia Erivo, Renee Zellweger
Page 26: Travis Barker didn't hold back in his birthday tribute to girlfriend Kourtney Kardashian -- sharing a series of sexy shots with 42-year-old Kourtney, including a NSFW video of Kourtney sucking his thumb and the rocker's risque pics quickly went viral, as did Kourt's TMI essay posted to her health and wellness site Poosh titled "Rough Sex: Love It or Leave It?" -- definitely leave it, if it were up to the pair's kids; 17-year-old Landon and 15-year-old Alabama, who are 45-year-old Travis' children with ex-wife Shanna Moakler, are mortified by their dad's behavior and like most teenagers, the two are active on social media and can't avoid the new couple's loved-up posts and Travis' kids are happy that he's happy, but the PDA is weird and takes some getting used to, while Travis' stepdaughter Atiana De La Hoya, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have a problem as the 22-year-old posted a heart-eyes emoji -- as for spending time with Mason, 11, Penelope, 8, and 6-year-old Reign, Kourt's kids with ex Scott Disick, the pair try to restrain themselves but still the lovebirds are happily oblivious and have a hard time toning it down and Kourt and Travis are just being themselves and going with the flow; they're in love and want the world to know it
Page 27: After 10 months of dating Australian model Vanessa Valladares, Zac Efron is officially back on the market -- 33-year-old Zac called it off with the 25-year-old after things got too serious, too soon and they spent every moment together and it was too claustrophobic for him, as Vanessa, who quit her job and gave up everything to be with Zac, became a fixture on set as he worked on Down to Earth with Zac Efron and he felt guilty that she was giving up her dreams and aspirations to be with him -- despite their split, Zac, who had put his L.A. home on the market and extended his stay in Australia after meeting Vanessa, has no plans to rush back to the States because he has made a lot of friends there and feels at home
* Like many planning their vows during the pandemic, Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost had to get strategic when it came to their big day -- Scarlett said they wanted it to feel like it had an intentional intimacy as opposed to being something that felt like they were restricted by all these things -- the intimate and small event the pair threw was at their $4 million Palisades, N.Y. home in October and the ultra-private pair kept their guests safe, and the guest list was tiny and it was understated but lovely, just what they wanted -- now Scarlett and Colin have settled in to married life and Scarlett and Colin both like to steer clear of the spotlight which makes them perfectly suited for each other
* Vanessa Hudgens revealed the surprising way she was introduced to boyfriend Cole Tucker, who she's been dating since November -- 32-year-old Vanessa and 24-year-old Cole met on a Zoom meditation group and Vanessa admits that the Pittsburgh Pirates shortstop is just perfect for her and Vanessa and Cole, who debuted their romance on Valentine's Day, moved their budding friendship offline after feeling sparks via the virtual meeting app and they started communicating on their own and found out they have a lot in common -- now Vanessa, who dated Austin Butler for nine years before their 2020 split, is zooming ahead and she doesn't want to rush or jinx things, but she's saying Cole could be The One
Page 28: Cover Story -- Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Twin Girls -- it was a somber, but loving occasion as the royal family celebrated the life of Prince Philip and amid the pomp and truly touching moments, like Queen Elizabeth sitting frail and alone, viewers waited to see what would happen when Harry and Prince William reunited for the first time since Harry and Meghan stepped down from senior royal duties in March 2020 and just weeks after their bombshell TV interview rocked the monarchy and tensions had been running high before the funeral, but everything went better than expected as William and Harry bonded and united in grief at the loss of their beloved grandfather, the estranged siblings along with William's wife Duchess Kate Middleton, waved away their waiting cars, opting to walk the half-mile from St. George's Chapel to Windsor Castle together and the trio chatted easily as they strolled -- back home in Montecito, Harry has been by pregnant Meghan's side around the clock making sure she takes it easy and the couple are in full-blown prep mode and Harry has been helping baby-proof their mansion and designing the nursery and Harry's been on his hands and knees making the house baby-friendly and he's got the latest, state-of-the-art safety devices installed around the pool -- Harry's promising visit with the royal family has given him one less thing to worry about, but still he and members of The Firm will always have different perspectives and after dismissing William and dad Prince Charles as trapped by the monarchy, Harry was persuaded by Kate to take the first step and she went up to Harry to suggest he have a heart-to-heart with William and their father, then she stepped back; Harry felt nostalgic being back home and it's a work in progress -- Harry made headway with his grandmother as well as he and Queen Elizabeth had a private meeting and spoke for three hours and seeing Harry's face made her smile again and Harry loves his grandmother very much and he's promised to bring his kids back to England later this year and he wants the Queen to spend quality time with them
Page 31: The Home Birth Brigade -- Who needs hospitals? These fearless celebrity moms opted to welcome their babies in the comfort of their own homes -- Ashley Graham, Eva Amurri, Hilary Duff, Gisele Bundchen, Gigi Hadid
Page 32: Kim Kardashian: Billionaire Bachelorette -- months after officially filing for divorce Kanye West, Kim is majorly ready to mingle -- Kanye's miffed that fans think he's the one who got dumped when he simply let her file first
Page 34: Not Boyfriend Material -- celebs share tales of dates gone bad, and guys who definitely didn't deserve a second chance -- Patricia Arquette, Mindy Kaling, Jenny Slate
Page 35: Awkwafina, Emma Watson, Kelly Clarkson
Page 36: For Mom -- for Mother's Day, express gratitude to the No. 1 lady in your life with the perfect gift -- Naomi Watts cofounded the ONDA Mama Box
Page 40: Entertainment
Page 48: Parting Shot -- in honor of Earth Day, Alison Brie kicked off the second year of the Planet Oat Project by planting trees at Rancho Sierra Vista -- the 38-year-old also took to Instagram to bring awareness to the wildlife restoration initiative, noting that a startling three million acres of trees in California have been destroyed by recent wildfires
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yesloverboy · 4 years
You and Michael playing PC games in the Sanctuary. Everything was okay until Michael decides to play the infamous "Cat Mario". That fucking fan made game that you can even past the first level. His rage level just explode with this game. I took inspiration from that youtuber named "Rooster Teeth".
listen y’all this is pure crack, but it was super fun to write. thanks so much for such a hilarious idea! 
When Michael finally brought you to the Sanctuary, it was everything you dreamt it would be. Your new home felt like it existed on an entirely different plane of reality; a little slice of what you imagined heaven would be like, yet it was so much more. It was better than heaven, all because Michael had created it, and he created it just for you. It certainly wasn’t a complete picture of what yours and Michael’s new world would be, but for now, it was everything you could ever need to enjoy your victories and plan for the future.
 The Sanctuary itself was like an oasis in the desert, overflowing with lavish gardens, ornate palaces, and artful sculptures that were seemingly derived from all the rococo masterpieces you could recall from the previous Earth. The sun always shone brightly, and it only ever thunderstormed when you were tucked safely inside; a blanket wrapped securely around your shoulders and a book in your hands. 
 Best of all, Michael seemed relaxed, more relaxed than you ever remembered. The scowl he had adopted back in the Outpost had melted away, his mildly cherubic face becoming one of ease, the soft look in his eyes making your heart flutter. He still maintained his elegance– after all, he is the son of Satan and heir to Earth’s throne –but now, Michael was free to breathe a little. As the days went by, he became the playful boy you first fell in love with, indulging you in movie marathons, ruthless game nights, and impromptu dances in the kitchen. 
 As elegant as your Sanctuary was, it wasn’t long before you and your beloved ventured back into some of the more nostalgic creature comforts of your previous lives. You’re unsure how, but Michael managed to save the remnants of whatever the human race had left of the internet before the nuclear fallout. 
 On a particularly lazy day, you find yourself in Michael’s study, diving deep into the rabbit hole of PC games from your childhood. You’re halfway through Resident Evil 2, when Michael strolls in, the sound of him humming softly under his breath drawing your attention away from the computer screen. His hair is pulled back into a loose bun, and a pair of beige linen pants hand loosely on his hips. You smile to yourself as an image of Michael in crimson velvet flashes in your mind, and you feel proud of how much he’s let himself grow. 
 Sure, he’s still the antichrist, but now the darkness inside of him doesn’t have to fight for space anymore. There’s no good half or bad half, human or nonhuman– there’s just Michael. Your Michael. 
 “What are you up to, my love?”
 You open the game menu, pausing your progress for a moment. “Oh nothing, just rotting my brain with the old Resident Evil games. You remember these? God they used to scare the shit out of me.” 
 “Language, darling,” he teases, poking fun at your casual mention of the Lord Almighty. “Mind if I join you?” 
“I thought you’d never ask!” you giggle. “Now pull up a chair so I can kick your ass, pretty boy.” 
 Michael drags one of the plush lounge chairs over to the desk, all the while chuckling to himself. “Someone’s feeling feisty, today. Why don’t we find something we both can play? I wouldn’t want to inhibit my baby’s progress in her crusade against the undead.” 
 You playfully shove Michael as he flops down beside you, the chair squeaking against the wooden floor as he stumbles into it. “Hey, you don’t have to make up excuses, I’d be intimidated by my zombie-killing prowess, too.” 
 Michael just rolls his eyes, a coy smile tugging at his perfect lips. “Oh yeah, that’s definitely it. Now hurry up and pick something before I change my mind.”
 You save your progress on Resident Evil 2 and close its window, promptly opening your folder of games you filed away for later. You had all the classics: the rest of the Resident Evil series, Silent Hill, Doom, Super Mario Brothers, Super Mario World, and a few indie games you had yet to try. 
 “What about this one?” Michael asks, pointing to a game labeled Cat Mario.
 The game looks innocent enough. Based on appearance alone, it seems to be the exact format of a regular Mario game but just a little more homemade. Rather than having the adorable Italian plumber you know and love being the game’s main protagonist, a little white cat stands in his place. The instructions are in Japanese, but everything about it is virtually the same game– how different could it be?
 “Sure! I mean, I haven’t played it yet, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t love a good Mario rendition.” 
 “Game on,” Michael grins, “Why don’t you go first?” 
 You happily oblige, and select the only available stage on the colorful screen. It may not be a true Mario game, but the delightful pastel blue sky and white little clouds make you feel right at home. 
 The first thing you notice as you move the little white cat is how much slower everything is. No problem, you think. Maybe it’s just a little hiccup in the developer’s design. It is an indie game, after all, so you can’t expect it to be perfect. It isn’t until you reach the first green pipe that you realize something is terribly off about the whole thing.
 Rather than your adorable little cat character hopping inside and materializing through another pipe, the cat sinks within in and the pipe flies off the top of the screen, effectively wasting your first life. 
 “Whoa, what the fuck?” you look over at Michael, but his confused expression is just a mirror of your own. 
 “Yeah what the fuck is right,” he murmurs, “Are you sure you’re doing it right?”
 You scoff indignantly, “What do you mean, am I sure?”
 “Here,” he smiles confidently, “Let me give it a shot.” 
 Pushing yourself away from the desk, you allow the office chair to roll you out of Michael’s way, wondering what he could possibly do that would be any different from what you were trying. 
 Annoyingly enough, Michael gets farther than you did on your first attempt, quickly correcting every mistake he had observed you making. 
 “You know, the controls may be slow, but once you get the hang of it–” Michael starts, but is immediately cut off by the sight of a floating platform falling from the powder blue sky and onto the little white cat. 
 “Are you fucking kidding me?!” Michael growls, “That’s never happened in a Mario game before, has it?”
 Even though you’re just as perplexed as Michael, you can’t help but be amused by just how much he hates losing. “I don’t know, boy wonder. Has a green pipe ever flown off-screen in a Mario game before?”
 Michael just turns his attention back to the screen, his teeth clenched tightly in frustration. “Whatever, I’m trying it again.”
 This time around, Michael tries to make the cat jump and punch a question block, only for it to soar upwards and out of his reach. 
 “Please tell me you’re seeing this shit, and I’m not going crazy.” Michael whines. 
 “Oh you’re going crazy, alright,” you smirk, trying your best to bury the laugh that’s starting to bubble in your throat. 
 Michael continues on a little further, dodging green pipes and avoiding slow-moving enemies like the plague. You’re just about to tell him that he might be out of the woods when suddenly, the little white cat jumps up to hit a series of hidden blocks, only to be immediately boxed in by every single one of them. 
 You don’t have to look at him directly to know that his face is bright red with aggravation. In all the years you’d been with Michael, you’ve spent enough time with him to know that it’s taking him everything within his power not to smash the PC to bits with the wave of his fingers. 
 “This isn’t happening, this isn’t fucking happening.” Michael huffs, his eyes darting between the pastel-colored screen and your face, trying to gauge your reaction. “Listen, I’ve seen a lot of evil in this world– hell, I’ve done a lot of evil –but this is something else.” 
 You let out a hearty laugh and plant a firm kiss on his anger-flushed cheek. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’m sure that whatever internet troll invented this horrible thing probably perished in the blast.”
 “Kicking and screaming?” Michael inquires, a hint of humor returning to his velvety voice. 
 “Kicking and screaming,” you confirm, “Although, I can’t help but wonder what that kind of evil genius could have done for the new world…”
 Michael looks at an empty corner of the room thoughtfully, his brilliant eyes sparkling. “Well, we could always do a good old fashioned blood ritual later tonight…maybe bring the bastard back. You know, for old time’s sake.”
 You grin, feeling an overwhelming sense of affection for your competitive husband. He may be the son of the Devil, but he had all the competitive fire of a Greek God, scorned and beautiful all at the same time. 
 “It’s a date.”
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wixibaby · 4 years
So what's the relationship between Bennett and Cassidy ? One of your fanart had Cassidy as the spirit in the Fredbear plushie and you said that Bennett and she weren't friends anymore...? 🤔
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Sorry for the shit doodle I did it on my phone with my finger in like 20 minutes
Hehehehe I love talking about Cassidy and Ben
In my AU, Cassidy wasn’t one of the 5 missing children. She was the kid standing outside the restaurant who got killed by William Afton (I know that’s actually a different person in canon but whatever.) Cassidy’s spirit, obviously not knowing where to go, went and just hung out in Fredbear for a while (not the plush. The actual animatronic.)
Every day she’d see William come back to Fredbear’s and it made her so POed how she couldn’t punch him. She did see him come in one day with a little toddler she assumed was his son. He gave the little kid a Fredbear plush and she took her shot and possessed the plush.
Cassidy spent a lot of time and a lot of energy into manifesting herself in the plush. She’d talk to Ben and tell him stuff like they didn’t understand him and he was special. She wanted William to lose everything as her revenge so she tried to tell Ben how horrible his dad was. Didn’t really work, but they became pals. Cassidy was still mad Ben hadn’t turned on his dad yet and it was obvious that he was William’s pride and joy so she just decided to take Ben’s life instead. On his birthday she possessed the Fredbear animatronic and made a few springlocks tighten while Ben was getting teased. When Michael took Ben up to Fredbear, the springlocks broke and crushed Ben’s skull.
Obviously Cassidy isn’t a cold hearted murderer, so she felt ***REALLY*** bad after. She apologized profusely to Ben on his last day alive and he complained about his headache, to which she responded “I can make that go away. Put this mask on.” Ben took the bait, and now Cassidy has a friend stuck in purgatory with her, which she was happy about, because she was really lonely anyways.
Cassidy and Ben don’t really get along too well anymore because Cassidy’s only goal is to beat the crap out of Ben’s dad, which Ben noticed. He’s had to do a lot of stuff that he’d rather not do because Cassidy told him to, like find the spirits of the missing kids and coaxing them into being stuck in purgatory, too. Also Ben can’t take his mask off and when he asked Cassidy about it she was like “Yeah you can’t take that off until your soul is at rest but hey at least the other kids can’t see that nasty ass bite”
So in short, Ben is mad he has to make his dad look bad and he’s stuck in purgatory and Cassidy ended up not wanting Ben in purgatory as a buddy but as a tool. She’s not a bad person but she’s really really mad and scared and confused.
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hello it is once again time for my end of the year wrap up. this should be... interesting
finally finally got to have a happy apartment experience!!!!! tried out tea drops which are dope. there was a fair amount of stress revolving around APO induction and the musical rehearsal, but we made it!!! partied hardy (the infamous tess in the washing machine incident) kelli was watching always sunny more often than not. i wore some arguably bad clothing but ya know. gays. we tried to take off my closet door (it did NOT work). the beginning of the goose saga! there was a sleet storm so kelli and i made some popcorn and watched mike birbiglia’s new special. darci, kelli and i went out to eat and then ended up in babcock playing air hockey before watching videos with kai who was on duty. PEP BAND???? some good memories formed there. dogs in the library! got bullied by my library boss to put gas in my car and i sent her a video of proof that i did it “daddy long legs” “stop. what?” “the musical” (i do love timothy) i actually practiced my instrument lol wild. WE (becky, celeste, timothy and i) WATCHED SPIRIT and got wildly drunk -- the origin of “[redacted] [redacted] who???” which is my favorite joke.
MORE PEP BAND im actually really glad i spent my last few college months dicking around with the band. one man drumline!!! kai made some good tiktoks in our apartment! miss hanging with them it was really fun. oh i hung out with sam and celeste watching movies “he was a boy, she was a dolphin, can i make it anymore [strangled dolphin noises]” OUR MICROWAVE HANDLE BROKE OFF while kelli was gone man that entire apartment was falling apart (hey dumbass grab from top) -- a list of things that were broken in our apartment: fridge light, front entry light, showerhead, phone. the birth of the beans insta!!!! got hit on when i was at taco bell with timothy by being accused of being trans (taco bell guy was not far off to be fair). oh the improv posters as compared to the posters i built for an organization fair. went out and got daRUNK at what appears to be wandas. really struggled with my period. cut hair with kelli n darci. MOZZ STICKS. “you still a lil bitch???” oh we did kpy pal-entines!!! where we ate good food and watched the princess bride!!! i received the plush goose. there was a possible bombing at the bank next door to where we rehearsed for band. aw i went on a tommy’s date with becky that was cute. they tried to STEAL the QUESO. disagreed with a curb and still have those scars. worked a horrible gig at the theatre. closing shifts at the library baby! middle school tours EW more library dogs! fish hooks song oh my god. drunk mash nights!!! i rewatched HAVEN and had lots of feelings. actually got drunk alone a lot which was Bad. however michael malloys birthday! watched choir concert at work lol. stats final whilst drunk!!!! becky got a piercing
here things go downhill rapidly. hit up the trains at least once. oh late library nights with timothy!!!! the best nights i miss hanging with him while at work. struggled with my car. went on a college sponsored adventure to a back alley farm. SCURVY FEARS. opening shifts that were lonely. oh celeste played plague and named it covid and won lol yikes. the infamous apartment cone. we stayed up long enough to see the sunrise on literally the last day in college I would ever have. that was good. I FOUND OUT KELLI HAD GLASSES im still pissed. came home indefinitely. went to st patty’s day at brookes with karrigan and that was SO much fun (this was before things seemed real) the best part of that was the irish pub owner who happened to have a son that went to my college. got my mom onto tik tok. took a gay lit class. can’t believe i took daily fckn walks around the pasture who was i. hosted virtual meetings for apo and played around with the closed captioning. that was fun. shaved my moms head lmaooo. worked on my capstone which im like super proud of? i wish i could have directed it but say law vee. 
BAGPIPE CORPS INTERNATIONAL. virtual band wreaked havoc on my animals mental health. my grandmother would always bug me while i was working which i understand now was misplaced love but it was so irritating at the time. we had library meetings once a week or so that was vital to mental health. hosted a really fun “panel” about queer identity for my queer lit class that was able to educate a lot of people. having a capstone class with am*lia was a nightmare. watched a cirque du soleil show for free and lost my mind. wrote a comedic monologue that i suffered through. suffered through papers and projects. worked on a project with celeste and kelli and we had SUCH a good time. i hosted several jackbox nights for both apo and kpy. that was SUCH an exhausting experience. also uno and drawful with the uno group (kelli would win 100% of the time). ranted about group projects lol i struggled. OH THE MOVE OUT DEBACLE i really went off the deep end. kelli’s virtual birthday!!!!
we had so many good jackbox nights. academic showcase and honors convocation happened wherein i was name bronco award winner and that really wrecked me too lol. we had a sunday crew hang out for library workers. clarinet game night too! i tried so hard to build community during covid and im not altogether sure i accomplished it but ya know whatever. watsky broke the record! made my “aced it” grad cap which was so FUNNY and still is tbh. becky taught me how to do makeup. took grad pictures at an abandoned farmhouse lol OH MY GOSH BEAUX ARTS AND APO SKIT i was so proud of that night and annette said it was the best one we’d ever had. wish i had done more but we did it boys. also got VERY drunk for it lol completely redid my room. bc it was NASTY. the way i write papers is so SO funny to me. had our last capstones class and then dressed in grad outfits for our last lit meeting . graduated and got all my stuff from college finally. went shopping with timothy, had el puerto with becky (i think?). oh the infamous miller moths UGH shit is nasty. THE FORMING OF BANJO SHRIMPS occurred on may 24 2020 and that was the absolute best thing to come out of this year. started working at my dads agency which was the absolute worst thing to come out of this year. attended my first protest in cos which was good and healthy. started protesting regularly after that. my most poignant memory was laying down in front of city hall and chanting “i cant breathe” for 8 minutes. 
it snowed???? i was angry. part of my job was reading my dad’s email and there was some WACKO shit in there. went to brookes for pride as a surprise which was cute n fun. had a horrible interaction with a client. the appearance of the bigfoot statue!!!! we had a vanilla beans hang out. there was a WILD storm that literally made my hide out in the office. 
went on a bonkers rant about america bc fuck this place. helped mom out with homework. we had several clients get divorces which was messy. went to a Bad party where i was angry the whole time. went to the top of pikes peak with my grandma and saw many much bigfoot things. we got a GOOSE he hated us so much. oh there was a night where darci and kai came over and we hijacked kelli’s spotify and communicated that way it was SO funny. took a video of the dichotomy of man bc of my long ass leg hair and short ass head hair. shaved my head to the BONE and tried dragon fruit. GOT NIKO ON JULY 24 my sweet sweet boy lil bat looking motherfucker. got denied for life insurance for mental health reasons. 
went back to hc for a birthday “party” and to see the band. did a lot in that weekend (stayed with timothy’s family, helped becky move, met kelli’s look-alike, saw timothy and karlie’s new house!!! had lunch with kellis family which is closest to “meet my parents” i think i’ll ever get lmao). got my prof headshots and hate every single one of them but more for self esteem reasons lol. neighbors got goats and my mom lost her marbles. got trapped in traffic on the way back from hc. niko had crackhead energy. oooooooh documented gender crisis. ma got more chickens. went to a birthday party for a high school friend and was just... so out of my element. its weird. took off my grandma’s bathroom door bc she had knee surgery. started a full time job as my grandmother’s caretaker (love working for the family business lol).
went to breckenridge with a friend!!!!!! spicy times lol. cleaned the cupboard. had a birf. turned 22. cas finished her drugs!!!! and felt much better. we did a charcuterie board for my birthday which was very fun. Got a mixer set!!! went to hc for homecoming and graduated!!!!! surprised celeste and hannah with a celebration party for them (it was a lot of fun). came up with my BEST joke (summa cum laude). got called tf out for my gender crisis via tarot. got the goose game!!!! played the goose game!!!!
applied to chicago center!!!! will now be working there for a year!!!! this was the first documentation of banjo shrimp nights. surprised my dad for boss day by working with the team to fill his office with balloons. house sat for dad’s friends. started taking showers in the dark. went to celestes and made PASTA wow got very drunk and while she slept i just explored a strangers house. voted!!!!! wow. finally (finally) started to accept that i was maybe agender. had a snow day but i couldn’t work so that was fun. had halloween with banjo shrimps where i dressed up as david rose. that was SUCH a good night. participated in ace week!!! then, dressed as radar for actual halloween and had monumental. worked a volunteer haunted house and like... actually did pretty good?? felt like a real adult!!!!
so many things happened in november. i finished miraculous ladybug on netflix. had another bad interaction with a client bc the customer is always wrong. shaved my head. PRESENTATION NIGHT to distract from the election lmao what a good time. had so many emotions about the election. then biden won and we lost our damn minds -- video called with celeste and becky to celebrate (with the reminder that we know that this doesn’t solve everything but it was such a huge sigh of relief). started watching the last kids on earth. made more PASTA and soup! got my GHOSTY TATTOO. kahoot night with the banjo shrimps lol. watched the supernatural finale with kelli (what good memories) rewatched 3below good shit. got the chicago job so i quit being an insurance person!!!! brooke came for thanksgiving!!!
i dont wanna talk about it but i finally started watching unus annus (theres an archive its not the same but it provided me wild amounts of serotonin). “call that invisible split dye”. crimmus. had a video call with people from high school i rarely if ever see. this entire month has been a fuckin blur my guys but i’m so excited for what’s next. in two days i will be in an apartment in chicago. i will be reunited with my best friend in a little under two weeks. i cannot emphasize enough how excited i am for this next chapter. so yeah. that was my year. im sure there was more memories but that’s what the sideblog is for lol
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celestialvexation · 7 years
warning for: physical/sexual/emotional abuse | implications of non-con with a minor | incest
    The children never suspected a thing. Poor Lily was too innocent to see through the facade. “Daddy! Can we go out for some ice cream?” “Oh, daddy, you bought this for us?! Thank you!” Her eyes only saw what her father wanted her to see. It was for the best really. Michael watched as his father hugged his sister tightly then allowed her to go on to play with her new dolls. He often spoiled her, that son of a bitch.
    He may do the same for Lou but it was only out of obligation, Michael realized. Lou had the softest heart out of them all: he would literally cry over spilled milk. If the eldest Afton only had the patience for children who were like that... Nevertheless, he averted his spiteful gaze when William turned his head towards him.
    He never liked that sinister look in his father's eyes...
    “Mind explaining to me why I have received a complaint from your school?” Cornflower eyes turned to the older man as the boy's entire form went still. Lately, Michael has been a rather troubled individual along the student body but thankfully, no one had a care or bravery to ask him of his condition. They wouldn't enjoy the answer he would have given them. “I don't know,” he answered after a moment. That wasn't a satisfying answer as Michael felt that smack across his face. The taste of copper hit his tongue as he lifted a hand to gingerly touch at his cheek.
    “Don't play dumb, boy. I know you've been a little monster among your peers. Would you like for me to remind you what it is like in their shoes?” The general tone of his voice, soft and casual despite his malicious implications, is unsettling to hear. It never fails in sending chills up his spine even if it was, unfortunately, not at all new. Michael brought his eyes down in a submissive manner. “N-No, father. I...I had a bad day. It won't happen again, I promise.” William stared down at his son with a not so friendly smile before nodding. “Good. Oh, I almost forgot.” A strong hand grasped his shoulder, making the boy look at him.
    “I'm heading off to work with Lily and I'm counting on you to watch Lou. Won't be long and I know how much you enjoy watching over your brother.” Michael had to force a smile at that. “Y-Yes. I do very much enjoy it...” God, how he despised his younger brother. Well, despise is quite a strong word. More like annoyed. Irritated. Disliked. Times like these makes Michael wonder if this was merely a ploy by his father.     He tends to acknowledged the miscellaneous things and Michael does the same though the signs he's noticed in his father are quite disturbing...
    “Father? Where is Lily?”
    What Michael didn't anticipate after inquiring that was that slap. There was so much force behind it that it knocked him back onto the floor. He groaned as he held his cheek and turned blue eyes at the man. There were no words. No hesitation. No remorse. William's eyes shined with something malicious yet at the same time, it didn't seem that it was directed entirely at Michael. He could only whimper as the man advanced towards him. “F-Father..!”   Lou held Fredbear close as he heard those pleas from his older brother, telling their father to stop. It was eerie how he never said a word. Not even a grunt or growl. Just the sound of fists colliding with the human body, the occasional weak cry coming from Michael. It was the very reason why Lou refused to hate the eldest even if Michael had been nothing but an absolute bully to him. It wasn't his fault.
    Michael didn't wear that Foxy mask because he liked it...
    "Can you hear me? I don't know if you can hear me. ...I'm sorry.”
    What was this feeling, exactly? What was this sensation that felt like a clawing monster, tearing away at hole within his chest? Michael stared down at the Fredbear plush in his hands, sitting in his bedroom. Lights dimmed and house quiet, it had been a few hours after...that. The bite, as everyone had called out. What imbeciles. A child's life has been harmed and they dared name it as if it was the event of the century. What makes it so special anyway? From what he's heard, there were loads of times when those damn robots has had their fair share of trouble and mishandling. However, his mind had wandered from that to what has happened to his brother. Seeing him like that on the hospital bed... 
  Even worse was the absence of their father. Where was he? What has William done or doing that would have him ignore the numerous attempts of callings to inform him that his youngest son is in the hospital?
   Had it to do with anything about Lily? He's said that Lily had gone somewhere but where? Where must he take a little girl like her that would keep her from home for a few days? Michael shook his head at his confusion and from that abyssal hole near his heart. Despite the void, it ached. It ached so much that it felt like breathing is becoming an effort to do. Was this guilt? Self-loathing? He never meant for this to happen. Never! Michael loved Lou even with those eyes that stared at the benevolent child like he was a burden. A pest. Perhaps it was karma. It rightfully punished him for being such a cruel person like Michael.
   The sound of a door opening snapped his head up. Setting the plush aside, Michael stood up as he watched his door slowly open. His brows furrowed as it did. “...Father? Is that...” The minute he stepped forward, that horrid stench hit his nose, making him cover it with a groan. What was that godawful smell?! It was rancid! A figure walked ( or more like limped as if suffering a horrible injury ) into the room, shadowed by the lighting. Michael lowered his hand as he stared at it with wide eyes. “...Wha-” Before he could continue...   “I am disappointed, Michael.”
   Frigid chills coursed through him as the boy stepped back, his body trembling at how venomous yet calm the voice was. It sliced at the air like a knife. The scream was stuck in his throat as the light finally revealed who it was. William sneered at him though it looked more like a grimace thanks to the rotting, sagging flesh at his lips. Rotten teeth showed and sunken eyes stared down at the frightened young man. “I had the most baffling day,” William began as he advanced towards him. “I was merely working until I received a call from the hospital, saying that Lou had suffered a terrible accident.” He shuffled along the carpet until he stopped a few feet from him.   A dark chuckle. “...That it left him deceased not even a while ago? Tell me, Michael. How did that happen? Didn't I tell you to watch over him~?” Michael could only let out choked sounds as he backed into a wall.   “I...I...” 
  “Or was it you?” William interjected with an accusatory tone. “Have you intentionally allowed him to get hurt? Do you hate him that much? Did you wish for death on him?” His head drooped to the side with a sickening crack, those stretched lips quirking upwards in a vicious smile. “N-No! I-I... Father, i-it was an accident!” Lou's screams echoed in his head as Michael's painfully reminded of the incident.    He flinched when William let out a deranged laugh. “Accident?! Boy, you must be in deep denial...” Bony fingers reached out and grasped at Michael's hair, making him wince. The corpse brought his face so close to the boy's that it made Michael almost vomit by how putrid it looked and smelled. Those eyes retained that malicious gleam and a slimy tongue swiped at his lips that had Michael feeling small and oddly violated. “...Perhaps I will show you just how deep you are in this fantasy of yours...”    The room was later filled with pained cries and screams. Those green blankets of Michael's were stained with blood and those were later used to cover his bruised body. Everything just felt too dirty for him after that.
   He felt dirty. Filthy. Stained. The days that followed were absolute hell for him even with the days that his father would supposedly act like the good father he used to be back then. But Michael knew... Nothing is considered redeemed by this...thing. No matter how much of his “good” acts were used on him. William believed that he was doing Michael a favor. He had said that he was merely setting his boy straight.
   Even when William dragged him by the hair to the bathroom after their “time” together. A harsh lesson in correcting Michael's behavior and disobedience. “I fixed up a bath for you, Michael.” A grin flashed as he brought the battered boy to the tub, submerging his head first. Michael screamed underwater, struggling to surface as the water stung at his wounds. He realized with horror that not only was the water scalding hot but it was salted. The bastard wanted him to suffer.    “Heh. I suppose this isn't as bad as to what Lou has felt...” he purred in Michael's ear as he brought him up. The mention of his brother made him sob. “Chomped on then left in the darkness. The poor child never saw it coming.” He couldn't even react properly by the tongue dragging along his ear. “For that, you must be punished, Michael.    It is your fault after all.”    Mockingly affectionate as it was, William chuckled as he shoved Michael into the water. A screech came from him as the teenager flailed to come out though William caught him in a tight hold, that putrid stench making him gag though it wasn't as much as his wounds along his body stinging in absolute agony. “My boy needs to be all cleaned up. You've made quite a mess...” Reaching down, he circled the boy's entrance, Michael whimpering loudly at that.    No. No, he wouldn't..!    “Need to clean you up real nice...” With that, he shoved those fingers in, opening him up for the salted water to pour in and in turn, burning at the wounds, old and new, within him.    The noise that came from Michael sounded inhuman, and rang along the tiled walls, as pain surged through him that made his vision blur for a split second. His voice gave out mid scream and he collapsed on his grinning father. Dazed blue eyes gazed at him before darkness overtook him.
   Bastard did this for his own amusement, he would later realize. Obedience was only the cherry on top.
   Michael continued to remain obedient to his father even after the amounts of torture given to him. When he was given the task to apply for a night guard job at the new pizzeria, Michael didn't question it. Only gave William an agreement as he went to do so.
   How could the young man know that he was going to his early grave... A spring locked one where it would be his tomb for thirty years.  
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cheekydogs · 1 year
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I decided to mix it up a little for my outing today and give Wee Hen a day off :)
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cheekydogs · 1 month
Hi I just wanted to make another post saying I’m still here!! I still love webkinz and other plushes!! Life has just been tough the last few months, so I’ve had zero energy :( I want to try and post more content soon, though, because this blog and the plush community brings me more joy than I can express :)
In the meantime, here’s of my recent pics (that are all itemlabel lol) showing some of my guys having fun with a lil picnic and a label maker
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More stuff to come soon!! Sunny and I swear it
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