#my poor guy deserves so much better kgbdhg
ipatrichor · 2 years
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William Driftwood || Water Genasi Warlock
A scout exploring the deep ocean, William and his team were attacked and nearly killed by an ancient creature. To save his team, he made a deal with the creature to become its champion, causing crystals to grow from his forehead as he gained strange magical abilities. Afraid of what consequences might come of this pact, the colony leaders sent him to the surface world, decieving him into believing he’s on a mission to scout for danger abovewater. Now, he wanders the land taking notes about everything he finds, in hopes of one day returning home.
While used to the possibility of death, William is still naive in many ways. He’s a firm believer in heroism and helping where he can, and has a self-sacrificing streak a nautical mile wide. He also trusts blindly, believing whatever he’s told about the world above water, and buries his more complex emotions in favor of keeping everyone else’s spirits high and supporting them.
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