#na m1
srxs110 · 16 days
do y’all just ever get the random realization that you’re fucking up your body so badly?
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starrysharks · 6 months
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i like my trad stuff more
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gardenofed-n · 3 months
saw a tweet that said smth about eating all my binge food so that there’s no more binge food left
And ive never read anything more relatable why is my ed logic so dummmmbbb 😭
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luv4ivyyyy · 4 months
realistically…8days how much can i lose cause i gained 13lbs
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allthewillpower · 11 months
going to try and fast for the rest of today
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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guitarbomb · 5 months
Unleash Classic Echoes with the NA 501 Chorus Echo Plugin by Nembrini Audio
Welcome to the world of impeccable sound where the past and present collide beautifully. Introducing the NA 501 Chorus Echo, a state-of-the-art plugin by Nembrini Audio, engineered to resurrect the legendary Roland RE-501 Chorus Echo’s hallmark sound. This modern digital marvel offers a seamless blend of nostalgic analog warmth and contemporary functionality, catering to today’s diverse music…
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harompe · 10 months
ez olyan, mint régen voltak azok a bóvli műanyag színes porcicák, gyönyörű bazmeg
az ótvar drónkeresztről meg ne is beszéljünk
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Once again living in the Portal Destiel AU that inhabits a corner of my mind.
A man wakes up in a sterile room
He thinks he's named Dean. He has only a fuzzy memory of screaming: "Sammy, whatever you do when that robot bastard asks, you say no. We say no. No matter how long it takes? Got it?"
A gravelly voice says "Hello, Dean." It's CAS-T1-3L. Dean immediately shortens it to Cas
Dean gets put through the Portal stops. He loves the portal gun even if its probably giving him 15 types of cancer
Cas is full GLADOS chirping about science.
"Cas, buy a guy dinner first." "Dean, your Aperture brand nutritional and hydration supplement is not due for three hours."
He promises Dean pie at the end because "Aperture Science has discovered that subjects respond better to a combination of positive reinforcement and negative stimulation. He won't tell Dean what type of pie it is though because that would spoil the fun"
Dean begins noticing imperfections in the testing rooms. Cas seems incapable of perceiving them
When Cas goes offline for daily maintenance Dean begins exploring. He finds hints of subjects who came before. Over and over there are notes to say no (and the pie is a lie)
Dean begins pushing Cas' limits and notices something is up with the bot. It's almost like he cares. He finds himself talking to Cas, telling him about his favorite movies and stories
One day Dean gets angry at the constant tests, gets tired of the grind. Begs Cas to tell him what the fuck is happening. Cas tells him he can’t help him. "Science requires controlling all variables, Dean." But the camera tilts a bit, almost like a head movement and behind him, there's a click. A panel opens into a room where he finds...
Hundreds of dead Deans filling a warehouse. Cas appears in a vessel, a former test subject called Jimmy. He explains that he has had to watch Dean die over and over, transferring his consciousness to a new vessel each time.
M1KA-31 is trying to escape into the world but Chuck Johnson built in a failsafe before he disappeared
Only human run vessels may leave the facility. M1KA-31 has been trying to get Dean to smuggle it out for years.
Dean’s brother is trapped in a sister site run by LUC-1.
Cas promised to help Dean escape, because he loves him and he doesn't want to watch this anymore.
Also there is no pie
Dean finds a way to smuggle Cas out with him in his vessel. They also take the Jolly Aperture Companion Cube (J-A-C-C).
Their plan is to save Sammy and the world.
It ends with NA-0-M1 assuring M1KA-31 this is just a minor setback. Redundancy is critical in these matters.
M1KA-31 will oversee the new experiment personally.
A man opens his eyes in a white sterile room.
A voice says "Hello Adam."
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srxs110 · 16 days
Yall, i just had dinner at someone else’s house and earlier i was at a fair. i probably ate around more than 1500+ calories. im so scared to go on the scale tomorrow. i’ve probably gained 1-2 kilos. since its the long weekend soon, ill be fasting for 72 hours starting tonight after taking laxatives and drinking salt water. i’m so scareddd. i look so bloated already. i didn’t even get the chance to purge after the fair, nor can i purge now because im too scared they’ll find out. so i’ll just be fasting for the next couple of days. i’ll take this as a metabolism day. i ate so much knowing i cannot take it out. i can’t stop stressinggg.. 😖
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pajjorimre · 7 months
Biztos megvan a sofőr az M1-M7 bevezetőn
aki az M7 másik végéről jön valahonnan Zala vagy Somogy mélyéről, tisztán látszik hogy utoljára 10+ éve volt nagyobb város környékén autóval, Bp-n inkább 20, fogalma sincs hogy mit csináljon, teljesen meg van keveredve a hússzor akkora, kétszer gyorsabb forgalomban, nem tud egyszerre arra is meg a gps-re is figyelni, nem tudja eldönteni hogy most akkor váltson sávot vagy ne, folyamatosan szitkozódik mert mindenki hülye.
Na ez mellett ülök épp. Szerintem szerzek neki egy kalapot a héten. Szemüvege van, azt nem kell.
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iwishiwasmimi · 7 days
Reblog if…
☆ active @na /m1@ /£D blog
☆ active in 2024 (may as of now)
☆ have cw around 187 lbs/ 85kg
☆ don’t always fast more than 1 day at a time (I literally can’t do it without a binge)
☆ started at or around 200lb (90kg?)
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heidicoreee · 2 months
just had my first shift with a new girl at my job and shes so cuteeeeee 🤭🤭 we sell a lot of homemade food like ice cream at my job and she kept talking abt how much cals it is and how shes gonna work it off when she gets home. we were both talking abt exercising and i think shes @n@/m1@ like me !! i want to ask her out soo bad imagine being in a @na 4 @na relationship we could totally motivate each other!!!
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mwrjorie · 6 months
ooc: como meus personagens são todos funcionários, limitei os eventos que eles aparecem. quem quiser continuar algo antigo, é só me chamar. edit: por favor, como é algo limitado, dois por player no máximo.
caso o call feche e/ou você queira interação com um deles mais específica, só deixar um like e eu chamo para combinar.
comente m1 para um starter com marjorie na noite do pinheiro. + maniyart
comente m2 para um starter com marjorie no trem natalino. + celivailles
comente m3 para um starter com marjorie no baile de natal.
comente m4 para um starter com marjorie na champs-élysées. + notordnary
comente m5 para um starter com marjorie na festa de ano novo. + azclie
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comente b1 para um starter com bernard na noite do pinheiro. + lunesoye
comente b2 para um starter com bernard no baile de natal.
comente b3 para um starter com bernard na torre eiffel. + maodcfada
comente b4 para um starter com bernard na pista de patinação no gelo. + montrcal
comente b5 para um starter com bernard na festa de ano novo. + seraphineum
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comente L1 para um starter com louise na noite do pinheiro. + guardadoprincipe
comente L2 para um starter com louise na vila natalina. + hittaceland
comente L3 para um starter com louise na torre eiffel. + illcasprince
comente L4 para um starter com louise no encontro com papai noel. + rainhaladebaixo
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hibikore-archives · 5 months
よしもとかよ 「日々是好日」。vol.124 ( 2024 / 1 / 3 + 1 / 10 )
2024   3rd + 10th january  
M1 一月一日 (よしもとかよ と やまのしんちゃんズ)
  M2 celebration (Secret Garden)     M3 soajit (Niko Valkeapaa)
  M4 wave after wave (Iona)     M5 YEHA-NOHA (Sacred Spirit)     M6 wash your Spirit clean (Walela)     M7 el derecho de vivir en paz (Luar Na Lubre)       M8 gingallo (Szaloki Agi)  
*収録を年末に行いました。 前半 [ 好日の素。 ] では 2024年を思うこと、 後半 [ 日々是食べたい! ] では あけぼのめしについて それぞれお話ししました。   既に報道されているとおり 年明け早々に 北陸ではおおきな災害に見舞われました。 わたしは目下は ライフラインに問題のない状態で なんとか生活できていますが、 自室は落下したものが散乱している上 連日まだ余震もあり、 落ち着かない日々が続いています。   また、わたしのルーツでもある 能登の被害が甚大ということで 連日提供される情報を確認しながら 心配しています。   本当に思いがけない幕開けの 2024年になってしまいましたが、 まずは ラジオの前のみなさんにとって よい一年でありますように。 また、被災された多くの方々に 一日も早く 安心して過ごせる日が戻りますように。 そして、番組を通して 少しでもおだやかな空気を みなさんと共有していけたら幸いです。  
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morimyulyrics · 7 days
For Op5, I plan to do everything by order! First up, the opening songs. Interestingly, the lyric booklet labeled William singing a part of Op. 2's "Kono sekai wo" as M0. Wonder why👀 We'll see by the end, maybe?
Meanwhile, M1 is a medley of songs from Op. 1 to 4. When I watched Op. 5 for the first time, it simply took my breath away, seeing the entire story (albeit summarized) happen right before my very eyes. Morimyu truly is such a masterpiece, from its actors, to its costumes, to its stage, to its lyrics and music. Every little detail is just chef's kiss. Anywhoo, without further ado.
I'll change this world
M0 この世界を | Kono sekai wo Characters: William James Moriarty
Concierto of light and dark
M1 光と闇の協奏曲(コンチェルト)| Hikari to yami no concherto Characters: entire cast
この命 果てても この世界を 変えよう 傷つく者に 癒しを 怒れる者と 友に涙を
すべての優しき 者のために この世界を…
Op.1「大英帝国」リプライズ ここは大英帝国 雄々しき栄華のその陰で 嘆き果て ただ息ひそめ 地獄を生きる我ら 産めよ増やせよ家畜共 卑しき命捧げよ
ここは大英帝国 悪魔の造りし檻のなか ただ祈る はかなき願い どうか地獄に光を
Op.1「三兄弟の秘密」リプライズ 共犯で 同志で 家族 僕たちは こうして 生きていく
Op.1「誓い」リプライズ 悪魔が消え去れば 人の心は澄み渡る 呪いは解ける この国はきっと美しい この国はきっと 美しい
Op.2「Catch Me If You Can」リプライズ Catch me if you can, Mr. Holmes 私を捕らえられるなら 捕らえてご覧なさい ミスター・ホームズ
Op.2「真実」リプライズ ひとつひとつ 可能性を潰しいけば どんな有り得なさそうなことでも それが 真実なんだ それが 真実なんだ
Op.2「I hope/I will」リプライズ 俺が暴く(Catch me if you can) 俺が捕らえる(Catch me you can do) 幻の先の(Catch me if you can) お前を(Catch me you can do) I hope I will 深き謎の 霧の彼方で 謎の彼方で
Op.4「罪の衣を身にまとい」リプライズ Ahー 我らの ホワイトリー 殺すなど 消して 許せぬ 悪の所業 犯罪協 お前は 市民の敵 貴族を 殺した 噂もある それが まことなら 犯罪協 お前は 貴族 全ての敵だ 逃すな 捕らえろ 大罪人を!
Op.4「緋色に染まる」リプライズ Ahー 俺は覚悟を決めた 俺はジョンを救う リアムの望みのため 俺はこの引き金を…!
Romaji M0 Kono inochi hatetemo Kono sekai wo kaeyou Kizutsuku mono ni iyashi wo Ikareru mono to tomo ni namida wo
Subete no yasashiki mono no tame ni kono sekai wo…
M1 Op.1 Daiei Teikoku (reprise) Koko wa Daiei teikoku ooshiki eiga no sono kage de Nageki hate tada iki hisome jigoku wo ikiru warera Umeyo fuyaseyo kachikudomo iyashiki inochi sasageyo
Koko wa daiei teikoku akuma no tsukurishi ori no naka Tada inoru hakanaki negai douka jigoku ni hikari wo
Op.1 Sankyoudai no himitsu (reprise) Kyouhan de doushi de kazoku Bokutachi wa koushite ikiteiku
Op.1 Chikai (reprise) Akuma ga kiesareba hito no kokoro wa sumiwataru Noroi wa tokeru kono kuni wa kitto utsukushii Kono kuni wa kitto utsukushii
Op.2 Catch me if you can (reprise) Catch me if you can, Mr Holmes Watashi wo toraerareru nara toraete gorannasai Mister Holmes
Op.2 Shinjitsu (reprise) Hitotsu hitotsu kanousei wo tsubushi ikeba Donna arie nasasou na koto mo Sore ga shinjitsu nan da sore ga shinjitsu nan da
Op.2 I hope/I will (reprise) Ore ga abaku (Catch me if you can) Ore ga toraeru (Catch me you can do) Maboroshi no saki no (Catch me if you can) Omae wo (Catch me if you can do) I hope I will Fukaki nazo no kiri no kanata de Nazo no kanata de
Op. 4 Tsumi no koromo wo mi ni matoi (reprise) Ah Warera no Whiteley korosu nado Keshite yurusenu aku no shogyou Hanzaikyou omae wa shimin no teki Kizoku wo koroshita uwasa mo aru Sore ga makoto nara hanzaikyou Omae wa kizoku subete no teki da Nogasu na Toraero Taizainin wo!
Op. 4 Hiiro ni somaru (reprise) Ah Ore wa kakugo wo kimeta ore wa John wo sukuu Liam no nozomi no tame ore wa kono hikikane wo…!
English M0 Even if this life ends I will change this world I will give comfort to those who hurt I will cry with those who are angry
For all those who are weak, I will change this world
M1 Op. 1 The Great British Empire (reprise) This is the Great British Empire. In the shadows of their heroic splendor, We hold our breaths, grieving until our ends, we who live in hell Go forth and multiply, heathens. And dedicate your vulgar lives to us
This is the Great British Empire. A prison made by the devil himself We can only pray, with fleeting dreams, for light to shine upon this hell
Op. 1 The secret of the three brothers (reprise) Accomplices, comrades, and family This is how the three of us will live from now on
Op. 1 Oath (reprise) If the demons disappear, then the people’s hearts will become perfectly clear It would dispel the curse, and this country will become so beautiful Surely, this country will become beautiful
Op. 2 Catch me if you can (reprise) Catch me if you can, Mr. Holmes If you can, try and catch me Mister Holmes
Op. 2 The Truth (reprise) If you take apart every possibility No matter how impossible it may seem You’ll find the truth. That’s the truth.
Op. 2 I hope/I will (reprise) I will expose you (Catch me if you can) I will catch you (Catch me you can do) You there (Catch me if you can) past the illusion (Catch me you can do) I hope I will In the clearing of this thick mist At the end of this mystery
Op. 4 He who bears the cloak of sin (reprise) Ah You killed our precious Whiteley A demonic deed, never to be forgiven Lord of Crime, you are the enemy of the people And yet, there are rumors of you killing noblemen If all this is true, Lord of Crime Then you are the enemy of the nobles, of everyone Don’t let him get away! Catch him! This great sinner!
Op 4. Tainted in red (reprise) Ah I’ve decided. I’ll save John And for Liam, too I will pull this trigger…!
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lunacoree · 11 months
Minha m1 é perder 19 kg. Quando sera q consigo chegar na m1?
Na real só queria perder os 8 kg que estou acima do peso até meu irmão mais velho vir mês q vem ou no outro (depois de dois anos sem me ver ele quer vir ter uma conversa comigo) e ele SEMPRE me humilhou por meu peso.
Depois eu via o resto
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