#nct female addittion
ggukkiedae · 2 years
If Hannah Dated Yeonjun
as requested~ like i said before, i’ll probably be doing these what ifs for the people in the final lineup for my ocs’ s/o. in hannah’s case, it would have been jeno, wanna one/soloist jihoon, stray kids’ han, and (as you see in this post) txt’s yeonjun
TAGLIST: @1-800-enhypennabi @strwberrydinosaur @sunflower-0180 @caratinylyfe @1-800-minji @woopetals @kimhyejin3108 @starlighthwa @akshverse
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so these two were introduced to each other in 2015 through yoonmi. i mean she and hannah are close and she and yeonjun are practically cousins (yoonmi is my bts oc btw if you don’t follow her)
at first it was quite awkward since hannah is an introvert, but yeonjun would make the effort to engage her in conversations
since hannah does tend to visit yoonmi a lot in bighit, she and yeonjun end up running into each other frequently and becoming pretty good friends 
the difference from the actual timeline is that, here, hannah finds herself drawn to yeonjun because he always makes her feel comfortable while yeonjun finds himself want to always put a smile on her face
their friendship grows to the point where they see each other more than either of them see their actual mutual friend
they go out as often as they can, and it steadily falls into the weird line of “what are we?” between friends and lovers
eventually yoonmi actually just sits them down together “alright, talk it out. i don’t want to see either of you walk out of this cafe until you figure out what you are”
yes she is that friend
and that was the push they needed
yeonjun asked hannah if she was okay with making it official, and, of course, she agreed
this is in mid 2018 so yeonjun is still a trainee while hannah’s debuted like three times already 
secret dates! all dates they have become extra secretive because now they’re actually official 
fox couple superior!
they’d always have some type of little fox motif as their couple thing
fox keychains, little fox plushies and figurines, foxes on their phone cases, of course, the fox emoji
and the best thing about it or them is the fact that nobody questioned it since they were both the designated fox (or one of them in hannah’s case) of their groups
so yeonjun debuts and their friendship is made known to the public therefore everyone’s like “oh that’s so cute yoonmi was able to introduce the two to each other”
and they are pretty supportive of each other, listening to each other’s songs on vlive and all that
hannah makes fun of yeonjun for debuting with a cute concept at 21 which yeonjun can’t really fire back at because hannah’s cute concept debut was when she was 17
that pretty much sums up their relationship
hannah always pokes fun at yeonjun and usually he just pretends to sulk because he knows that his reactions amuse her
also he baby talks her a lot because he finds it funny when she gets sulky and pouty
due to the nature of all their secret dates, they never grew out of indoor activities
hannah would teach yeonjun about making clothes since they’re both interested in fashion
yeonjun would teach her how to play games because he swears they’re a huge stress reliever
they’d experiment with cooking or baking because why not, but the latter would usually end up with them covered in flour or powdered sugar
there’d also be tons of skinship bc have you seen yeonjun? this man will always have a hand resting on her knee or her thigh, an arm around her shoulder, a foot by her leg
then there’d be random cheek squishing or quick kisses that come out of nowhere which would usually end up in hannah pushing yeonjun away while he laughs at her
beside their playful dynamics, yeonjun becomes a safe place for her, and she becomes like a charging station for him
when things get too much for her and she feels like closing herself off, the first person mark would usually call is yeonjun because, for some reason, he’s able to keep her grounded with ease
when yeonjun gets drained especially from the pressure from expectations of him, seri calls hannah because she knows the elder would be able to reassure him that he’s amazing as he is 
as for how long it would be until they’re discovered, they’d be outed on january 1 of 2020
they’d actually also be able to keep it hidden from the neos for about a few months and from the txties for almost half a year
bonus: they had a bet with markmi about who would get exposed first (spoiler: the foxes were exposed first but they were exposed on the same day)
bonus bonus: they have a child named yoon seri (aka seri tags along on their dates sometimes if they go to more public places) (seri is my txt oc btw if you don’t follow her)
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ggukkiedae · 3 years
⇢ news of hannah and yangyang’s relationship got out earlier than she expected...
⇢ set in late january 2021
⇢ conversations written in italics are spoken in english. requests and feedback are highly appreciated!
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“Noona, Minnie’s dragging my pillow sheet around the dorm again!”
That was the first thing Hannah heard as soon as she and Mark walked back into the dorm. She exchanged a look with Mark who simply shrugged and headed over to their dining area to set up the dinner they bought on the way back home from rehearsals. She didn’t expect she’d come back to see Sungchan in all his tall glory chasing after a little pomeranian while Shotaro watched on in laughter.
“He just likes you,” she hung her coat up behind the door and took off her shoes, “right, Roo?”
“Right,” Shotaro laughed. “Enjoy it, Sungchan-ah.”
Minnie, upon noticing his mom, ran up to the couch where she had settled next to Shotaro and hopped up into her lap. He dropped the pillow sheet and looked up expectantly at her. She rested her hand on Minnie’s head and scratched him behind the ear. Shotaro tossed the pillow sheet over to Sungchan and started petting the puppy as well.
“Lucas hyung’s relay video was released today,” Shotaro told her. “You were in it, too.”
“Oh, you even had time to watch the video,” she smiled. “It looks like you guys did well enough to be let home early.”
Shotaro just shrugged and stood up, picking Minnie up with him and holding a hand out to her. “Let’s go help with the food.”
“I’ll call Sungchan,” she said as she let Shotaro pull her up.
She took Minnie from him and walked over to Shotaro and Sungchan’s room. She poked her head in and laughed when she saw him switching out his pillow sheets. She walked over and took the dirtied ones from him.
“I can wash these,” she told him, “you just need to remember to keep the dog gate closed.”
“Right,” the younger facepalmed, “I forgot to lock it earlier!”
She shook her head fondly at him and ruffled his hair. “You’ve been living with us since July. I would have thought that you’d remember by now.”
“He’s been staying at Chenle’s house during promotions, so I forgot!”
Hannah just handed the puppy over to Sungchan and pulled him over to the dining area. It felt nice to have some peace after all the chaos of promotions.
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Hannah woke up to Mark shouting her name from the living room. 
“It’s supposed to be rest day,” she groaned and slipped on her glasses.
“Not for you, Hans.”
She trudged into the living room and threw herself on the couch next to him. “You’d better hope Sungchan and Shotaro didn’t wake up from all your yelling.”
“Now’s not the time,” he shoved his phone in her face, “Look! I was looking at your stan twitter because you left it open on my phone, and this is what I found.”
Hannah rolled her eyes at him and took the phone from his hands. He left her on the couch so she could just comprehend everything on her own first. She took a look at her timeline in curiosity. Why were there so many photos and videos of her and Yangyang? And why were there too many keyboard smashes?
She jumped a little when she saw a notification appear. It was a message from Yoonmi’s stan account. 
ggukoo: unnie, are you online?
firstnlastdream: yeah? what’s up with all the me and yangyang stuff today?
ggukoo: you might want to see this
Hannah clicked on the link, and all she could do was stare. The headline stared back at her in bold letters, almost as if taunting her.
NCT’s Hannah and WayV’s Yangyang Dating
She read through the article once. Twice. She read through it a third time before leaving the site and searching up hers and Yangyang’s names on twitter. Her eyes widened as so many zoomed in clips of her and Yangyang kissing in the reflection of the black monitor. She couldn’t call Yangyang since he was on a plane back to Seoul from Jeju.
Her own phone started ringing. 
Mark appeared from their room and tossed it over to her, which she caught. He jumped over the back of the couch and sat next to her. 
“Kihyun hyung.”
“Hi,” her fingers went up to pick at her lips when she answered the phone, “I guess you saw the trending searches?”
“Looks like you’re exposed earlier than you thought you would be,” her manager chuckled from the other end of the phone, “and here I thought you said you’d last longer than Mark did.”
“It’s genuinely not my fault, though,” she defended herself.
“I did better, didn’t I, hyung?” Mark laughed. Hannah groaned. She didn’t realize that she put her phone on speaker.
“Yes, yes you did,” Kihyun confirmed. Hannah could practically hear his smirk. “Anyway, management isn’t mad, so don’t worry. They’re taking this as a publicity opportunity. When WayV lands and we can get a hold on their managers, that’s when we can discuss the next step, alright?”
“Yes, oppa,” she sighed in relief.
“Sit tight, Hannah. I’ll handle this.”
“Bye, hyung!” Mark called out just before the manager hung up.
Mark just looked at her and laughed. “I can’t believe you were exposed that quick.”
“I can already feel the hate reeling in,” she scoffed before a frown made its way to her face. “What if Yangyang gets mad at me?”
Mark stared at her in disbelief. “Hans, it’s literally out of your control. Why would he get mad at you?”
Because he’ll get hate? Because people would unstan him? Because maybe he wanted to keep it all a secret? Because she should have done better to not expose them? A lot of thoughts ran through her mind, but she only said one thing. 
“He might get mad.”
“Well,” Mark rolled his eyes, “I’ll beat him up if he gets mad at you over this.”
She scoffed, making Mark look at her offendedly. “I don’t think so, Markie.”
“Don’t underestimate me,” he warned. “I know we bicker a lot, but you’re still my little sister. And my girlfriend’s best friend. That’s like double duty to protect you.”
She laughed at him, grateful to have Mark to cheer her up. “Want anything for brunch?” 
“On it! Call me when WayV lands.”
Mark chuckled, “I wouldn’t know when, but I know that they’re ready for take off.”
A spare pillow hit Mark right in the face, which sent him into reels of laughter. Sungchan had the luck of that being the first thing he saw the moment he stepped out of his room. He blinked and just headed towards the kitchen.
“Noona, can I help?”
“Of course!”
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Hannah wasn’t surprised when Yangyang walked right through her dorm door straight from the airport. She looked at him concernedly. 
“Are you okay?”
“Of course I’m okay,” he kicked off his shoes and walked over to her and briefly pecked her lips, “I’m strong. Just because I got pushed in the airport doesn’t mean I’m hurt.”
“What?” her eyebrows furrowed, “I meant the articles being released. Wait, you got pushed?”
“Was that not what you were worried about?” Yangyang looked at her confused while she prodded at his limbs to check for any sign of pain. He trapped her hands in his to stop her. “Hannah, I’m fine. What articles?”
She took her bottom lip between her teeth and pulled out her phone, looking up the article Yoonmi had sent her earlier that day. She silently showed it to him while leading him towards the couch where Shotaro was playing with Minnie. 
Her hand immediately went to Minnie’s fur while waiting for Yangyang to read through everything. Sungchan walked into the living room and settled on Shotaro’s other side as she was watching Yangyang’s  reactions. Yangyang just looked at Hannah and handed her back her phone. 
“So that’s why hyung was in a rush to get to the company.”
Hannah was fumbling with her fingers, eyes trained on her lap. “You’re not… Are you mad?”
“Mad?” he gently pried her hands open and chuckled. “Why would I be mad?”
“Have you ever seen her this soft?” Sungchan whispered to Shotaro. The older shook his head. Sungchan, reading the room, almost roughly pulled Shotaro along with him back into their room. If she weren’t so worried, Hannah would have laughed. 
“Because people are going to start hating on us?” She kept her eyes on her lap. 
“So?” He lifted her chin so she met his eyes. “Hannah, who cares? They can’t dictate our lives. Come on, you practically preach that all the time.”
“I don’t want you to lose fans.”
“They aren’t fans if they leave just because of me dating,” he reassured her. “If anything, I should be ecstatic! If the company confirms, which they probably will because it’s pretty hard to cover up now, I can show off my awesome girlfriend.”
“You’re stuck with a suckish one, actually,” she murmured. 
She pouted when Yangyang frowned at her and squished her cheeks. She didn’t resist when he pulled her face close and captured her lips in his. Her hands moved up to grip his shoulders, as if trying to keep her balance.
“No, I’m not,” he whispered while pulling away and resting his forehead on hers. She felt one of his hands tuck a bit if her hair behind her ear. “I have the best, sweetest and funniest, girlfriend ever.”
“So I guess he isn’t mad at you.”
“With the worst roommate.”
Hannah snorted and opened her eyes, sitting back up and giving Mark a look. The older just raised his arms in surrender and laughed. 
“Payback,” he smirked. “You did that a lot with me and Yoonmi. Watch me do the same.”
“Just go to your girlfriend already, you simp!”
She flipped Mark off while he headed out the door. Yangyang laughed at the two’s interactions. He was so used to seeing Hannah like this with Donghyuck more than Mark, so it was refreshing. As soon as Mark was out the door, Hannah looked back at Yangyang. 
“You’re really not mad?”
He pinched her cheeks in response. “Not at all. I’m more excited, to be honest.”
“Good,” she smiled sweetly before frowning and slapping his hands away from her face, “never pinch my cheeks like that again.”
Yangyang laughed and pulled her into a hug. She hid her smile in his jacket and wrapped her arms around his waist. She missed him.
Their moment was interrupted by Lucas barging into her dorm. “Huanuo! I’m so sorry!”
Lucas picked her up from Yangyang’s grasp and held her in a hug as if trying to apologize through his actions.  She looked over to the rooms and saw Shotaro poking his head out. The Japanese boy shrugged when she sent him a questioning look.
“He sounded desperate when he asked for our pin.”
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ggukkiedae · 3 years
{instagram 210718}
@/lee_hannah00 ig story update with @/lm_____ltm
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ggukkiedae · 4 years
hello :)) can i ask a fluff 14 with hannah and shotaro?? or maybe sungchan?? idk but i think it would be cute :))
a shotaro and hannah! (sorry sungchannie akdjfh) here you go, luv! thanks for requesting 🥰 i kinda had a hard time since i still don’t really have a grasp of shotaro’s personality and how hannah would interact with him buuuuut i hope it’s okay?
italics will be for japanese conversations here 😊
prompt: “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
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“I’m ordering us chicken for dinner,” Hannah called out while walking out of the shower and into the living room. “I’m too tired to cook today.”
She got various calls of confirmation from around the dorm. It had been two weeks since promotions started, yet Mark and Sungchan still never learned to order any food while waiting for her and Shotaro to come back from music shows.
“Don’t forget the cola,” Mark told her as he walked into their room. “And don’t use the sink unless you want me and Sungchan to burn.”
“Damn, if only Sungchan wasn’t using the other shower at the same time as you,” she sighed at him. Mark just shook his head at her.
Hannah laughed and plopped herself on the couch to order food, but something hard poked her back. She frowned a little and reached under her. It was a phone. What surprised her was the screen turning on and showing a photo of her on stage. She smiled, immediately knowing whose phone it was from the language it was set in.
After quickly ordering their dinner, Hannah walked into Shotaro and Sungchan’s room. She found Shotaro rummaging around his backpack.
“Taro-yah,” she called, making him look up, “looking for this?”
She walked in and handed him his phone. He sighed in relief, but his relief changed to panic when he turned his phone on and remembered what his lock screen was.
“Am I your lock screen?” Hannah asked him with a soft smile.
Shotaro fell back and covered his face with his pillow. “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
Hannah laughed and sat next to him while pulling the pillow away. “Why are you so embarrassed? It’s flattering. I feel honored, Taro-chan.”
Hannah saw Shotaro’s face get the slightest but redder at her use of Japanese. She laughed a little and pulled him to sit up.
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly while scratching the back of his neck. “It’s just that I’ve been a fan for a while, and your charisma and skill always fascinated me.”
“Me?” she asked, “I appreciate it a lot, Taro-chan.”
“It’s not weird?”
“Not at all,” Hannah reassured him. Surprising him, she gave him a hug. “Actually, I really do think it’s an honor. Don’t be embarrassed. I had Jaemin as my lock screen for a while, and he accidentally found out, too. It just so happens he found out on my vlive.”
Shotaro laughed at that. “That’s nice to know.”
Hannah placed her head on Shotaro’s shoulder while snatching his phone to look at his lockscreen again. She remembered what Jaemin did before, and used Shotaro’s finger print to unlock his phone. She could feel him watching while he went to his camera roll and changed his lockscreen from a picture of her to a silly selca they took in the practice room and never released to the czennies. Shotaro tilted his head at her when she sat up straight once again and handed him his phone.
“But I used your photo to remind me about charisma?”
“Now it’s a photo of us in the practice room where we build that charisma,” she told him before standing up and holding her hand out to him. “You better keep this wallpaper for at least a month, or I’ll get upset.”
Shotaro laughed and took her hand. “Maybe I’ll keep it for longer.”
“Great,” Hannah grinned at him, “Let’s go get your hard drive and my projector. I wanna see your old performances again!”
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ggukkiedae · 4 years
⇢ EPISODE 3-4! (self-explanatory?)
⇢ conversations written in italics are spoken in english. requests and feedback are highly appreciated!
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she walked in just after taeyong while staring at the thing they were going to try out
“i already know i’m going to fall”
she sat between mark and taeyong while watching the instructor tell them what to do
she laughed then the instructor splashed them with water and proceeded to splash a bit more on mark just because
“taeyong oppa, fighting!”
she went up after taeyong, and she silently went through with the safety training. she did shriek a little when her back hit the ground and the waves pushed her up the slope
she found herself wedged in between taeyong and taemin this time around
she turned to mark “hey, do you think this is like the hoverboards for chewing gum?” “i honestly don’t know”
then it was her turn. the instructor held her by her fists, and she let him pull her back and forth. then she tried distributing the weight on her feet like she would on a hoverboard, and it worked
“woah, i did it” she gave a proud smile to the other members then promptly fell backwards
her jaw dropped when ten went for his turn “you didn’t say you were that good???”
she was all smiles and laughter throughout the thing and ended up accidentally hitting taeyong while laughing at baekhyun
she saw the water jets stop and just “can we slide down this? please?” “go ahead” “YES!”
taemin draped a towel on her head while they walked to the river for wakeboarding. she gulped then speed walked to mark.
“dude, there aren’t any sharks here, right?” “i don’t think so” “oh god”
she went through the safety instructions silently while worriedly glancing at the water worriedly every now and then
when the instructor went to her for the simulation, she looked at him with white eyes
“sir, do there happen to be any sharks in this river?”
the older members of the group look confused while mark turned to them to explain “the only things she’s scared of are sharks”
she sighed in relief when the instructor told her there weren’t any.
she went up after ten with a little bit of hesitation both with the standards ten set and the irrational fear of a shark appearing out of nowhere
“taemin oppa!” “yes?” “you’ll save me if a shark appears, right?” “there won’t be any sharks, but sure!”
“i just have to keep my body out of the water” she muttered when the boat started speeding up before standing
she held herself up for thirty-six seconds the first time around before quickly resurfacing “OPPA! CAN I TRY AGAIN?” “AGAIN? OKAY”
she lasted 51 seconds before falling in
after her turn, she climbed into the boat next to Taemin “can i stay here, too?”
after approval from staff, she cheered taeyong passed her a towel when they got back to the docks while mark looked at her questioningly
“why aren’t you getting out of the boat?” “the staff said i could sit with taemin oppa and watch you guys fail from the front row” “YAH!”
the staff gave her a camera to film with, so she turned around to capture taeyong
she turned to taemin when taeyong fell the second time “he’s coming back alive, right?”
she laughed when she saw mark’s head dunk underwater “stay alive, mark”
then the boat went off
she turned to taemin real fast “he’s not gonna make it” and taemin just laughed at her because they havent even started and she already said that
the point of view from her camera was shaky from her laughter while taemin spoke to him
he got on the boat and she ruffled his hair with a towel in laughter “nice one, markie” “yo dude that was hard though”
“let’s go leader!”
she was a little shookt at baekhyun doing better than she expected
she snorted when kai fell in the water at his turn
she was announced as third place with four m-coins and the benefit of not going on the banana boat leaving her with 11 coins in total
taemin went to the market and immediately concluded that the one who asked for chocopies was hannah “she’s been craving them since we got in the car this morning, chocopies are for hannah no doubt”
next cut of hannah showed her helping ten with his helmet
she stood to the side with baekhyun while they set off “baekhyun oppa and i will be waiting! make sure to come back alive!”
she was laughing at baekhyun who was shouting for them to comeback when they fell off the boat
“let them have their fun oppa” “i’m lonely” “but i’m literally right here?” “right”
she lightly hit his arm before waving back to taeyong who she could see saying hi to them in the distance
“kai oppa threw mark overboard” she was laughing and hitting baekhyun’s arm “oh my god now taeyong oppa’s trying to save him”
she was peacefully in her shorts and oversized hoodie and settled on lucas on one of the beanbags “oppa, there are literally so many beanbags here” “sit with me, it’s warmer”
she rushed over when they were calling taemin and just laughed when he listed down who he thought asked for what
“looks like oppa isn’t getting much coins for this task”
to be continued in the next episode
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