#neco williams blurb
Neco Williams masterlist
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These are all the imagines I have written for Neco Williams (links below the cut). Newly posted imagines for him will be added onto here a.s.a.p.
Last updated: 3 March 2023
Imagines posted in 2020:
"My hands are cold."
Imagines posted in 2021:
Having a fight
"You keep that photo of us in your wallet?"
New Year's Day
"Shit, this really hurts."
Red card
"You shouldn't be out of bed."
"Excuse me, I have to go make a scene."
"You're hot when you get protective."
"What the fuck was that?"
"I can't reach, I'm too short."
"Why are you still awake?"
Gently waking him up
Comforting him after losing a big match
"Are you jealous?"
Falling asleep on the beach
Showing up on the other's doorstep in tears
"Of course I still love you. Why would you even ask that?"
Staring at you from across the room
Imagines posted in 2022: None
Imagines posted in 2023: None yet
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nuestraluzdelaluna · 3 years
✦:˒ liverpool masterlist ◞⁺☆.
✎ who i write for
ღ players i love writing for
✦:˒ smut
↯ angst
˗ˏˋ virgil van dijk ´ˎ˗
✦:˒ anal training
╰┈➤ ✦:˒ what happens after anal training
✦:˒ threesome with Joe Gomez
✦:˒ dominate me
✦:˒ cold hands
✦:˒ i still get jealous
✦:˒ control
blind date
late night
threesome proposal
✦:˒ virginity
✦:˒ pegging
✦:˒ managers daughter
✦:˒ drunk confession
✦:˒ head game
✦:˒ brat
✦:˒ praise kink
✦:˒ pain and pleasure
✦:˒ virginity
✦:˒ shower sex
sex with the ex
✦:˒ spanking
˗ˏˋ joe gomez ´ˎ˗
✦:˒ threesome with vvd
✦:˒ shower sex
✦:˒ thigh riding
˗ˏˋ trent alexander-arnold ´ˎ˗
comfort of the team
walk of shame
fire place
first kiss
✦:˒ threesome with mason mount
˗ˏˋ neco williams ´ˎ˗
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travellvogue · 3 years
Neco seeing you cry for the first time
he was a bit shocked at first since he's never seen you cry before, but of course his first instinct is to comfort you, shuffling across the sofa to you and wrapping his arm over your shoulders, "c'mon, it's okay" he whispers, stroking your back gently, feeling a sense of pride and protectiveness when you cuddle into his chest, "how does a movie and a chinese takeaway sound?" he whispers a few minutes later once your sobs had died down, wanting you to relax and forget all about what was upsetting you
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alltoolewis · 3 years
Please send in any requests you guys have... my masterlist is looking a bit dead 🙈
I write for pretty much anyone but mainly
Trent alexander-arnold, dominic calvert-lewin, mason mount, dele, jadon sancho, ben chilwell, james maddison, curtis jones, neco williams, marcus rashford, jesse lingard, declan rice, julian brandt, harry winks, ben godfrey, kai havertz, mason greenwood, neymar, kylian mbappe
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footballerimaginess · 3 years
for blurb week: day 4
being spoilt by neco on ur birthday (its the first birthday u spend together) and u literally feel like a little kid loving the attention and the gifts
Word Count: 145  “Happy birthday beautiful” Neco wakes you up, showers you in a million kisses all over your face. “Thanks Nec, can I just wake up a little first” you laughed as you gently pushed your over affectionate boyfriend away. “Sorry, right I am getting everything ready. Don’t come down until I tell you too okay” he demanded. “Yes sir” you laughed as you waited for his call. “Okay, ready” you jumped out of bed little a little child excited on Christmas day. You walked into the living room. “Omg” you gasped loudly as you saw that he had set all your presents out on the sofa. Got balloons lettered in your name. “I can’t believe you did all this, how did you get them all in the house?” you asked him. “Well, you will never know” you smirked as you rushed to open your amazing presents. 
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jadonsanhco · 4 years
waking up in the middle of the night and you can’t sleep with Neco xx
the absence of you in his arms made him wake up as well, rolling over to see you staring up at the ceiling, the alarm on the nightstand saying 3:53 am. “what are you doing awake?” he whispered and laid his head on your chest, his arm wrapping around your stomach while your hand went to play with his hair. “can’t sleep,” you said softly, neco humming and pulling you closer. you could tell he wanted to try and help you fall asleep but that he was too tired to say anything else himself, his eyes already closed again and almost instantly he was back asleep. you entertained yourself by playing with his curls, the action eventually making you sleepy as well so you leaned your head on top of his, neco burying his face in your boobs as he got comfortable in his sleep and before you knew it sleep washed over you again.
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footballxixstars · 2 years
Neco Williams
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Neco Williams born on the 13th of April 2001. He plays for Nottingham Forest and Wales National Team.
Summer Fair ~ You and Nico decide to go on a date to one of the local fairs which are in the area
The Secrets Out ~ You and Neco secretly get married and his teammates find out
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val-manutd · 4 years
anyone you like
You still remember his face in the delivery room, full of anxiety and fear. Despite this, he did his best to keep you calm, holding your hand the entire time, sleeping on the uncomfortable chairs just to stay close to you and pressing kisses on your face at every opportunity, pushing your hair back gently.
You still remember his face the first time he saw his baby boy. He was a carbon copy of his dad, down to the flecks of colour in his eyes and he was so proud, tears filling his eyes and blurring the view of his son. It took others a while to get used to the fact they had a child but he was instantly in love.
As you got the chance to hold your boy, you still remember the proud look in your boyfriends eyes as he carefully passed him over, instantly reaching for his phone to snap a couple photos for himself for later, never wanting this moment to leave him.
After you’d had a necessary nap, you’d woken up to the most beautiful sight, beyond anything your mind could ever conjure up. The early morning light was sneaking its way in, illuminating the dark room and filling it with a golden glow, softly shining onto the armchair. In the chair, he was holding his boy carefully on his bare chest, his hand protectively holding his head as they slept quietly together.
You thought it was adorable and had immediately asked the nurse to take as many photos as possible, wanting to remember the finer details of one of the best days of your life.
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trentaafcsblog · 4 years
Can you write about meeting neco in the Tunnel after he makes his debut and it’s all soft and fluffy xx
“Babyyy!” you squeal as you run towards him, leaping into his arms and wrapping your legs around his waist as you give him a little kiss, “I’m so proud of you” you whisper as he buries his head into your neck, all of his teammates patting him on the back and congratulating him as they head towards the changing rooms, the two of you stood in the middle of the tunnel together as he tries to come to terms with what had just happened, “my little Premier League star” you giggle as you ruffle his curls, having to break your cuddle when he gets dragged into the changing rooms, not realising that he was the last one left as he quickly grabs his stuff and heads out into the car park, your heart bursting at how he was still wearing his kit, telling you that he was never going to take it off now that he’d made his debut in it, feeling so lucky to have been able to share that moment with him, another step in the direction of achieving his dreams
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liverpoolsposts · 4 years
can we please have a Neco Williams one where his mom hears you from downstairs and when you come downstairs she asks you for all the details (btw im about to spam you with asks)
After a long love-making session, you both had gone back downstairs and when she had asked you to have a chat, you expected to be grilled but the words that left her mouth, you couldn't have ever imagined.
"Was it good? Did he fill you up? Am I going to be a grandmother soon?", she asked eager for answers.
"I'm sorry but I don't think it's appropriate for me or Neco to share what goes on in our bedroom", you reply politely with a little giggle and leave the kitchen to go back to your boyfriend.
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macybeckham7 · 2 years
could u do one with neco williams picks u up from college and there's loads of Liverpool fans crowding round him so u cant rly get to him (if that makes sense lmao)
You walk out of college and notice people running off the grounds, all pushing wanting to get there ahead of others. You trail behind and finally spot the car they were crowding, you let out a sigh not realising that he was going to be picking you up and if you did you would of told him how much of a bad idea it was. ‘Excuse me’ you say trying to get past some fans and some people who were just shouting abuse thinking they were funny. You manage to get in the back seat, Neco smiling at you as you climb over to the front. ‘Hi babe’ he smiles kissing your cheek. ‘This is a nice outing to the zoo’ he jokes as his side of the car was covered with hands and phones in hope they’d get a photo. He jokes about opening the window with you instantly yelling at him.
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Flashback Friday #38
Welcome back to the weekly edition of Flashback Friday. Here’s this week’s five blasts from the past😉 Happy reading! 😊 #1 Who: Virgil van Dijk Prompt: "I want to give you a hug, but I'm afraid I'll hurt you." Link: click here #2 Who: Declan Rice Prompt: "I think that's more than just a little cut." Link: click here #3 Who: Trent Alexander-Arnold Prompt: Concussion Link: click here #4 Who: Neco Williams Prompt: "I can't reach it, I'm too short." Link: click here #5 Who: Christian Pulisic Prompt: "When did that ever help?" Link: click here
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nuestraluzdelaluna · 3 years
Could I have a Neco Williams imagine where you’re just messing about and cooking together? I love your writing so much! Xx
thank you love, i know this was meant for the blurb evening and i’m so sorry but i somehow only saw it now
‘Smells good’ neco whispered before pressing a quick kiss to your neck, his arms were wrapped around your waist loosely as he gently swayed you from side to side.
“Almost as good as you” you chuckled before gently hitting his head, that was buried in your neck, at the cheesy remark. Necos laughed vibrated against the skin of your neck before he started to loudly sing along to whatever song was playing in the background, making the both of you erupt in laughter.
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travellvogue · 3 years
on holiday with Neco and his family he is very protective of you in swimwear when others look at you
“i don’t wanna wear that” you laugh as he wraps you in one of his shirts, well aware of his uncle eyeing you up. “darling i love you, but you’re giving everyone a view that should be for me only” he whispers, “let ‘em look, only you can touch” you shrug, giving him a wink and making an effort to sway your hips as you walk to the pool and elegantly step into the water, not caring who was watching, as long as neco was enjoying the sight that’s all the mattered to you
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champagne-coys · 3 years
could you write something cute for Neco Williams? like a first time staying over at his for the night kinda story? 🥰
A/N- I wanted to write he made spag Bol but I don’t know how to spell it 😭🤦🏽‍♀️. Spelling is not my strong point. Thank you for the request, hope you like it love. 🤍 ~ C
You and Neco hadn’t been going out for very long only a couple of months. You were currently watching a movie at his house, cuddled up together under a blanket. Neco had invited you round for a dinner date where his mum had made he had made spaghetti carbonara and you two had now resigned to the sofa, full from the meal. Neither of you were really interested in the movie stealing glances at each, laughing when one caught the other staring but either of you were yet to make a move. Fed up with the movie neco sighed heavily. “You okay Ne?” You smiled at him softly. “Mmm.” He nodded angling closer into you so your face were only inches apart. “Can I kiss you?” Neco broke the silence between you. “You don’t have to ask.” You giggled at his question. Neco softly kissed your lips before turning his head back to the screen. Once the movie had finished you leaned forward out of Neco’s embrace stretching your arms. “I better get going, it’s late.” He pouted at the thought of you leaving. “I don’t want you to go.” He jutted out his bottom lips as you laughed at him. “It’s 10 o’clock nearly and you have training tomorrow, I should really go home.” You shook your head at his neediness and smiled guiltily at him. “Orrr... you could stay here.” He smiled mischievously at you. “Really, you’d be okay with that?” He nodded before answering your question. “Yep, I’d love getting to wake up next to you in the morning.” You giggled and smiled at the same time just at the thought of waking up next to him. “Show me the way then Ne.” You followed him into his bedroom and he sensed you awkwardly stood in the middle not quite sure what to do as he made his way to the bathroom. “Ummm... I don’t have any pyjamas to wear babe.” You stood there nervously running a hand through your hair. He reamerged from the bathroom holding some clothing. “You can borrow some of my clothes and I bought a spare toothbrush for when you finally did stay over.” He gave you the clothes kissing you on the head. You were kind of shocked at how prepared he was for all of this and then thanked him before he headed back into the bathroom. You got changed and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. “You look sexy in my clothes.” You blushed at his comment and came behind you giving you a quick hug. You finished getting ready and then headed towards his bed. He was laid in bed shirtless on his phone and yous told there. “It’s rude to stare you know.” He winked as he ushered for you to join him. You got into the bed quickly finding comfort in his arms. Neco arms were wrapped around you, your head tucked into the crook of his neck. “Thank you for tonight Ne, I really enjoyed it.” You smiled as he kissed your head. “Goodnight y/n.” He kissed you once again and ran a hand through your hair. “Night Ne.” You snuggled back into his chest and drifted into a peaceful slumber.
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footballerimaginess · 4 years
you could have been nicer to me today challenge on tiktok with Neco
Word Count: 136
Neco was sitting in the living room watching the football, laying on his phone. "I thought you could have been nicer to me today" you mumbled as you sat beside him. "Why what have I done? Are you upset with me?" you heard the panic in Neco's voice as he looked at you. "I am sorry if I have upset you baby, come here" he cuddled you as you put your head in his chest. "Wait, are you filming me?" he noticed the fact you had your phone in your hand as you were looking at him. "You cheeky thing" he smirked. "Don't tell me it is another TikTok challenge thing. I was so confused thinking how have I upset you" you laughed. "Its okay, I promise you are always nice to me" you teased him.
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