#needlebloom au
needlepine · 1 year
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Do you ever think about. What if Needletail lived, asked to take the blame for all the cats who defected to the Kin, and was fully prepared to be exiled until Violetpaw begged Leafstar to let her join SkyClan. And then what if Leafstar mentored her and helped her become a better cat and gave her a new name to symbolize her growth
Yeah I think about that too
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needlepine · 1 year
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More thoughts on the Needlebloom au: Alderheart edition
After Needletail was found by Violetpaw and carried back to ThunderClan, she slowly recovered under the care of Alderheart. The two quickly rekindled their friendship and grew closer than ever. It would ultimately be Alderheart who would persuade her to accept Leafstar’s invitation to join SkyClan.
Needlebloom might be trying to be a better cat, but she sees no issue in hopping the border to go say hi to her best friend from time to time :)
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needlepine · 4 months
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Bonus design for the Needlebloom au (aka Needletail survives au)! She gets pretty banged up and loses half her tail but it's fiiiiine she's fine
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needlepine · 1 year
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More Needlebloom au! If Needletail had lived, I am POSITIVE she woulda been a cool aunt figure to Violetshine’s foals, so I wanted to draw the three of them interacting :)
Needlebloom ADORES her niece and nephew. She encourages Rootfoal to come out of his shell, and she may or may not get up to shenanigans with little Pinefoal, who was not only named after her, but also has the same penchant for mischief (they’re both pegasi too, so Needlebloom helps teach her how to fly)
Despite being closer to Pinefoal at first, Needlebloom asks to apprentice Rootfoal, over time becoming his closest confidant and a vocal supporter of his relationship with Bristlefrost
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needlepine · 1 year
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Ik I said in the notes of the last post but I just wanna say again, wow, ty so much for the interest in and kind words about my Needlebloom au! I’ve gained about 200 followers since the beginning of the month and (while it’s a little intimidating) I couldn’t be happier that so many ppl want to see me draw these silly lil cats :)
Please enjoy Violetshine dressing her sister up before her warrior ceremony as thanks!
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needlepine · 4 months
I’ll probably delete this later but I’m just curious 👉👈
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needlepine · 3 months
In case anyone’s been wondering, I’ve been writing bullet points about the Needlebloom au for weeks now. We are on page 15 of this gdoc 😭
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needlepine · 1 year
i've a question in regards to the needlebloom au: does needlebloom living and being in skyclan affect tbc in anyway? needleclaw (violetshine's daughter) WAS named after her and i think it'd be interesting to see how rootspring and needlebloom would interact
That’s a good question! Tbh this is mostly a self indulgent au bc Needletail is my favorite character and I want her to have the chance to make amends with the cats she wronged, so I haven’t thought too much about the far reaching consequences
That being said! I am 100% going to explore Needlebloom’s relationship to her niece and nephew. My kneejerk reaction is that her surviving will only really have major consequences up until Tree joins SkyClan, but realistically she’d probably involve herself with Rootspring and his shenanigans lmao
She def would be all for amending the warrior code and would probably encourage Rootspring to go for it with Bristlefrost. As for Needleclaw, I’ll have to think on her a lil bit but I have some ideas I’ll share later :)
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needlepine · 1 year
NeedleBloom Tree’s Shovel talk or Gran/Auntie Needle with Root?
I’m not taking requests atm but I can tell you that Auntie Needlebloom doodles will be coming soon :)
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needlepine · 27 days
College graduation is a little over a week away (yay!) and that means I’ll finally have time for some personal projects I’ve had on the back burner >:3
First of which will be a clangen comic I’ve been wanting to do for like half a year nowww so look forward to that! Sneak peek below
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needlepine · 1 year
what about umm needletail for bingo?
Thank you to the brave soul who asked for Needletail, you are about to get a manifesto
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Soooo basically ummmm uhhh so like um basically ummm so uhhh like
Needletail, right? (This is gonna run long, surprising no one)
Needletail has been my favorite character since I first started reading AVoS, which was probablyyyyy like 2018. Before her, my favorite character had been Crookedstar for like A DECADE almost, so I didn’t really expect to find another character I like as much as him, let alone more 😭 A combo of her characterization, place in the narrative, and wasted potential are what make me like her so much and yes you’re about to get an essay explaining all three
First and foremost, I am drawn to rebellious female characters, in general as well as in warriors. Needletail specifically is a little shit who clearly needs an attitude adjustment, acting as a foil to shy and insecure Alderheart. She also foils him in her allegiances, being willing to shortsightedly drive out her own clan, while Alderheart worries for the future of SkyClan and wants to bring them to the lake. I think that’s fun.
Bringing it back to: Needletail is mean. She is mean and rude, and yet Alderheart and Violetshine get to know her beyond that rough exterior. I see a lot of ppl talk about how “Needletail was a terrible friend and sister,” but I argue that it’s more nuanced than this. I believe we see her truest self with Alderpaw in The Apprentices’ Quest. She’s still rebellious and nosy and loves to speak out of turn, but she’s also well-meaning most of the time. Once Darktail comes into the picture, we see less of this, and I think we can and should blame Darktail for this.
I want to stress: she named HERSELF Needletail after Darktail. She was apprentice-age when Darktail started manipulating her and the rest of her friend group. She already had a rebellious streak, and the Kin encouraged it and told her she was right to rebel against her “weak” leader. They fostered a lack of empathy toward her clanmates. Even when she did finally start to come to grips with what she’d done, she was too scared to speak or act out against Darktail, who would (and DID, in the end) kill her for contradicting him. I will die on this hill that Needletail’s story arc was a tragedy about manipulation and desperately trying to right the wrongs she helped to enact. She had Darktail in her ear from a young age, and she did terrible things under him. Those things can coexist. For me though, it doesn’t erase the fact that she chose to try to do right by Violetpaw and the RiverClan prisoners in the end.
I’ve already touched on her place in the narrative as a foil to Alderheart, but she’s also a great tragic antihero in her own right. She made bad decisions and then slowly lost just about everything she cared about as a result of events she self-centeredly didn’t think would affect her. She lost Rain, she lost Darktail’s trust, she lost her former friends, she lost her place at the top of this new hierarchy. So, when she was faced with losing Violetpaw too, she made another decision (a rare selfless act) so that Violetpaw could not only escape, but rally the rest of the clans to get rid of Darktail for good. Her death scene is one of the most iconic and emotional scenes for me, and even though I adoreee Needletail, her sacrifice was well-built up to and well-written. I wouldn’t do anything to change it (THAT BEING SAID! It won’t stop me from my self-indulgent Needlebloom au where she gets to live and ACTUALLY atone for her crimes before getting to settle down and live her life. I wouldn’t want to change canon but I can have a lil self-indulgent au. As a treat).
And speaking of aus, I’ll wrap this up with Needletail’s wasted potential. I could go on but this is already really long lmao. I think above all that Needletail probably shouldn’t have gone to StarClan, or at least should have delayed going to StarClan. HEAR ME OUT. What if she had been there guiding Rootpaw/Rootspring in TBC? She could have had the “unfinished business” angle where she died young and felt like she wasn’t finished yet/still owed it to the clans to help them. Ik she got to kill Darktail in the Dark Forest alongside Violetshine (this scene was For Me and I loved it btdubs), but wouldn’t it have been so much more satisfying if she’d been around the whole time? Rootspring could���ve had someone else to confide in, and it would also give him a reason to actually have a full conversation with Violetshine, who SO frustratingly got shoved into the “Warrior Cats Background Mother Figure™” role immediately after she wasn’t a pov anymore. I guess TLDR, for such a big personality, Needletail fell away into the bg really quickly, and I def think she coulda been used more in TBC, given all the ghost shenanigans going on.
If you read this far, you’re a real one and I hope you enjoyed my ramblings on Needletail lmaoooo and ty again to anon for asking me to discuss the elephant in the room. Not sure whether I’ll answer more bingos after this one, but we’ll see!
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needlepine · 1 year
not a question but i love your needlebloom au sm!!
Aw thank you, I’m so glad!
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needlepine · 3 years
🌲 Hey there! I’m Adrienne (they/them) 🌲
My favorite cats are Needletail and Violetshine (some other cats I like are Spotfur, Sparkpelt, Fringewhisker, Crookedstar, and Sasha)
All cat designs are tagged with #designs, the most recent names they’ve had in canon (and any important name changes), and their respective clans/groups
Here is the current list of tags for all of the artwork on this blog. Ask if you’d like me to tag more specifically
Feel free to use any of my canon cat designs in your art or projects with credit (and ping me so I can see!!)
You may use my canon cat art for icons/etc, but you MUST credit me visibly in your header/bio/pinned post
Please don’t tag my art as kin. Nothing against y’all at all, I’d just prefer you didn’t
I’m Fossilclaws most other places, so don’t worry if you see me reposting my art under that name
🌲 Thank you for stopping by! 🌲
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