veiledinviolet · 1 year
quick question, which of the following error messages do you find most intuitive/understandable?
1: syntax error: alias definition expected 'alias', variable declaration expected '=' or ';', but found ':'
2: syntax error: expected 'alias' for alias definition or '=' or ';' for variable declaration, found ':'
3: syntax error: unexpected token ':', expected 'alias' for alias definition or '=' or ';' for variable declaration
4: syntax error: unexpected token ':': alias definition expects 'alias', variable declaration expects '=' or ';'
4 notes · View notes
Nestable Barricades Usage & Application
Road safety is a critical aspect of transportation infrastructure, and Nestable barricades play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of road users. These structures are designed to guide, warn, and protect individuals from potential hazards on the road. They play an important role in achieving this goal by directing traffic, controlling crowds, and marking construction zones.
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Understanding Nestable Barricades
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Key Features
1. High Visibility
Nestable barricades are available in vibrant colors with reflective stripes, ensuring high visibility even in low-light conditions. This characteristic is crucial for alerting drivers and pedestrians to potential hazards, contributing significantly to accident prevention.
2. Interlocking Design
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3. Durability and Weather Resistance
Constructed from durable materials like HDPE, nestable barricades are resistant to harsh weather conditions, UV rays, and chemicals. This ensures a longer lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements.
4. Versatility
Nestable barricades are versatile in application. They can be used for a wide range of purposes, including traffic control, crowd management, delineating work zones, and creating temporary barriers. Their adaptability makes them an invaluable asset in various scenarios.
Usage & Application
1. Construction Sites
Nestable barricades play a vital role on construction sites by defining boundaries, restricting access to hazardous areas, and guiding traffic. Their bright colors and reflective strips ensure high visibility, especially in low-light conditions. The nestable design allows easy transportation and convenient storage when not in use, making them a practical and adaptable solution for enhancing safety and organization in dynamic construction environments.
2. Road Maintenance and Construction
Nestable barricades serve the purpose of redirecting traffic, signaling upcoming roadwork, and establishing secure work zones for maintenance or repair activities on roads and highways. Enhanced visibility is achieved through the use of reflective materials and high-visibility colors, while their lightweight design facilitates easy deployment and relocation as necessary. The advantages of quick deployment and effortless stacking contribute to efficient setup and removal, minimizing disruptions to the flow of traffic.
3. Event Management
Nestable barricades play an important role at events, concerts, and public gatherings, by crowd controlling, and guiding individuals safely along designated pathways. These barricades often boast customizable features such as event branding, and their stackable design simplifies transportation to and from event venues. The ease of handling and storage presents a distinct advantage for event organizers seeking a flexible and portable solution for effective crowd management.
4. Airport and Transportation Hubs
Nestable barricades play a crucial role in guiding passengers, establishing queues, and managing access to specific areas. Equipped with signage for clear communication. The lightweight and portable nature of nestable barricades proves particularly advantageous in dynamic airport environments, where the need for frequent adjustments in configurations demands a flexible and easily deployable solution for effective crowd control and guidance.
In conclusion, nestable barricades stand out as a practical and efficient solution for enhancing road safety and managing various traffic scenarios. Their high visibility, durability, and adaptability make them a valuable asset for construction companies, event organizers, and municipal authorities. 
Swift Technoplast is your trusted partner in the road safety solutions. With our extensive experience and high-quality products, we can help you find the perfect solution tailored to your specific needs.By investing in road safety products, we take a significant step towards creating safer and more organized roadways for everyone.
0 notes
doitforbangchan · 4 months
All Bark and No Bite 09
Yall this has to be my best chapter yet. So romantic, i really shocked myself here. Please enjoy :) The middle pic is what I imagines omega to be wearing but does not represent the body type of all readers!
Series masterlist
Chan x reader (y/n) x ot8
ABO!Nonidol!SKZ Alternate Universe
Previous - Next
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Series Warnings: Fem reader, Smut, verryyyy nsfw, chan x reader, OT8 x reader, A/B/O, m/m/f smut, possessive! SKZ, possessive! Reader, anxiety and depression, reader is a CRYBABY, fluff, angst, virgin!reader,  cursing, violence, pet names, dom/sub dynamics, Sub reader x mostly dom SKZ, misogyny and sexism, Ateez are depicted as terrible people (sorry Atiny!) 
Chapter Warnings: cursing, crying, fluff, smut ,oral- f receiving, fingering, protected piv (ik crazy for me lol)
MDNI 18+
The birds outside woke you up this morning, the sound of their sweet melodies peacefully bringing you out of your much needed slumber. The sun was barely rising over the mountains so you knew it was still very early. The alarm clock next to you read ‘5:44 am’. You knew Chan was laid behind you, his heavy arm curled over your figure, holding you close. 
You took a moment to appreciate the feeling of being trapped by him - of his warmth. This was quickly becoming your favorite pastime; laying here with him just enjoying his presence. A part of you wanted nothing more than to lay here all day, wasting away with him. A bigger part of you needed to be productive. You had slept away most of the day yesterday and were feeling quite energized from the rest. 
Chan did say last night that you had things to do today, so why not get this show on the road! It would be a nice surprise for the pack to wake up to a clean house and hot breakfast. First things first- getting out of the alphas hold on you. You shimmied against him, lightly lifting the appendage that held you hostage to squeeze out. You paused when you heard him sigh in his sleep, only to resume when he let out a snore. Cutie pie. 
You grabbed the pillow that you had been laying on and jammed it in place of where you rested previously, in Chans hold. The alpha must have smelled you on the pillow since he pulled it closer to his body. 
After doing your business in the bathroom you went on the hunt for cleaning supplies. You crept through the halls opening doors you knew to be closets until you finally found the supplies in a closet on the first floor. Upon finding them you immediately got to work. 
Starting with dusting, then sweeping and mopping the entire first floor. After that you did all the available bathrooms and then finished with a quiet clean of the top two floors. The kitchen would come after you made breakfast. Surprisingly it only took you until about 8:00 am to get all that done. You felt very efficient! To your surprise none of the boys have awoken yet. You didn’t hear one peep while cleaning. 
You also took the time to add more comfort items to the living spaces. The omega in you begged to make it more nestable so you did. Adding blankets, extra pillows and even a few of your new stuffed animals to couches and chairs. The goal was they would start to retain the smells of your new packmates then you could cuddle the items without shame. 
Next you wandered into your own room. All the bags from yesterday remained there untouched. Sorting through you put away all your clothes and picked out a nice outfit for today. It was almost summer time so you knew it would be warm today and opted for a green floral cami dress that went just above your knees. Minho must have picked this out for you, but it was so so cute you had to wear it. It was just your style. Grabbing the dress and some panties you went to take a shower and to finish getting ready for the day. 
The shower was where you did your best thinking. A place to escape just you and your thoughts. As you washed your hair and body with the strawberry scented products you reflected on the whole pack. If you were a sane person it would scare you just how comfortable you are getting with the pack in such a short amount of time. And how comfortable they are with you. 
But you’re not a sane person. You’re an omega in love. All sanity is thrown out the window when you find your mate. All you want is to be perfect for him. And in turn also for the whole pack. 
There was a blow dryer and curler amongst your things in your room as well as makeup you had chosen while shopping so when you came out you were able to fully get ready for the day. You felt very cute today, you didn’t have any reason to look super nice back when you were with your family seeing as you rarely were allowed to leave the house- and if you did leave never would you have been allowed to wear a dress or anything remotely revealing. Fathers orders. 
You hoped your alpha and pack would like it on you. You straightened yourself up before heading down to cook. It was nearing 9:30 so you hoped they would start getting up any time now. 
Down in the kitchen as you were gathering ingredients you noticed a small sound system attached to the wall and a remote sitting on the island. Grabbing the remote you pressed the power button and when you saw the small light indicating it was on you pressed play. Out came the melodies of a familiar band. 5 Seconds of Summer? Whoever is hooked up to this obviously has great taste! 
That was where Seungmin found you, whisking eggs and belting out the words to ‘She looks so perfect’ and he couldn't agree more. ‘She does look perfect’ He thought to himself. He stood there leaning against the wall admiring you for a solid 2 minutes before you noticed him, suddenly being able to smell another person around you spun around in embarrassment at being caught like that. 
He cracked a smile at you, eyes scanning you up and down before settling on your reddened face. “Hey baby. Whatcha doin?” 
You turned away from him to try and hide the blush that seeped onto your cheeks, “Nothing. Just trying to get breakfast together. What are you doing?” 
He shrugged “Been up for a few minutes when I heard a commotion in here. The house looks really great. Was that your doing baby?” You felt him approach you while you nodded. 
“Umm yeah, I woke up early and wanted to get some things done for you guys.” You continued to whisk the eggs without looking at him. 
“Mmm” He reached for your face, turning you towards him, “ It is greatly appreciated, omega.” 
You let out a squeak when he called you that, causing a smirk to appear on his face.
 Seungmin could smell how pleased you were so he didn’t give it another thought before he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss directly on your lips. He pulled away and licked his own lips still gazing into your shocked eyes. 
“How long until food is ready you think?” He asked. You couldn’t believe how nonchalant he was being right now after he just kissed you!! 
‘Should I pretend my heart isn’t beating out of my chest?’ You wondered. 
“ A-about 20 minutes.” Dammit you stuttered! Get a grip! You mentally scolded yourself. 
“Perfect. I'll wake the pack”  He said it with an evil smirk, looking forward to the task. 
Wake the pack he did indeed. By playing police sirens on his phone and bursting into everyone's rooms cackling when they swore at him and dodging thrown pillows (and one stuffy from Felix). If you had known he was going to do that then you would have woken them yourself! Though admittedly it was pretty efficient, since it was a matter of minutes until the rest of your pack made their way downstairs, looking tired and grumpy. 
The grumpiness left every single one of them though, when they caught eyes on you. Looking oh so delectable in your little dress cooking for them. What a perfect thing to awaken too. 
Not that you noticed much, you were still caught up on the feeling of Seungmins lips on your own. Each boy greeted you as they came down, most giving you hugs - except Changbin who not only hugged you but did his signature of lifting you from the ground. 
When Minho had come down you thanked him for the dress. He knew you would look great in the outfit and damn he was right. 
“You’re welcome, Baby. It looks good on you.” He replied and gave you a wink
Chan came down last as you and Minho were setting the table, looking freshly showered. 
“There's my sweet girl. I was wondering where you wandered off too.” the alpha kissed your temple. He took the stack of plates from your hands and continued your task. 
“Good morning Channie.” You reached back for the plates but he shooed you out with a smack to your rear. 
“Nuh uh looks like you’ve done enough. Sit down and get some food, omega.” He raised his brows at you when it looked like you were about to protest. You begrudgingly took a seat in your normal spot. Chan gave you a pleased smile. “Good girl.” 
Once the whole pack was sat together you all discussed each other's plans. Changbin was hitting the gym (what was new there), Minho wanted to get more food for the house and Felix wanted to join him to the store, while Hyunjin had his weekly art class he teaches at the community center every wednesday afternoon. 
“What are you up to today, baby?” Jisung asked with a mouth full. 
“Oh, I don’t actually know.” You looked to Chan for the answer. 
He wiped his mouth with a napkin, “Well you have an appointment in about an hour to see a doctor, we need to make sure everything is okay after you got off the suppressants. Then we’re heading over to the police station to clear up your missing persons status.” 
You were confused. “I have a missing person status?” 
“You ran away from home, Baby. Ran away from Hongjoong, who probably paid a pretty penny for a sweet girl like you. Makes sense they would look for you.” Jeongin reasoned nervously. The youngest alpha would never admit it but he was honestly scared about the Ateez pack coming for you or Chan. It was weighing on a few of their minds. 
Chan could sense the uneasiness in the room. “But we’re getting it taken care of today. I already have it all ready to go, just need you to sign a few things and you'll be golden. No more worrying about Hongjoong.” He smiled with that predator's smile he had. His words brought you some ease, and you nodded at him. His next words though, shook you to your core.
“Plus, if that asshole did decide to show his face around here I would take care of it.” 
After dropping off Hyunjin and Changbin at their respective locations you and Chan headed for the doctors office. Chan had assured this man was very good at his job and could be trusted. 
Doctor Bong had been Chan's doctor for years, and before that had been childhood friends with the alpha. He was a friendly beta man, albeit younger than any doctor you had ever seen, and he did his best to help you relax with small talk as he examined you. Even though you’re the first real omega he has treated he still had some knowledge as he had to do a course on omegas in medical school. 
“Given how long you had been on the suppressants I am going to need a small blood sample to examine.” Dr.Bong said woefully at seeing your expression. “ I know it’s not ideal, but you had been on some pretty powerful drugs, Y/n.” 
“Not to mention illegal.” Chan muttered scornfully. 
Bong nodded “Yes that too. There's a reason you can’t just pick up a prescription for them. They could cause a lot of damage and we need to be sure you’re functioning correctly.”  
Your alpha grabbed your hand and released a calming pheromone to relax you. “This is to help you, baby.” 
You took a deep breath and prepared for the needle. Chan was laying his scent on thick, it now taking over all your senses completely distracting you from the blood draw. You were so wrapped up in him that you didn’t notice the draw had been done until Dr.Bong was putting a bandage on you. 
You snapped out of the daze when Dr.Bong exclaimed “All done! We will send this into the lab asap and get back to you by tomorrow morning at the latest. From what I can tell so far though your body is functioning pretty normally, maybe just your hormones are a little wacky. I would refrain from any.. Unprotected fun until we get the results in to be sure.” He looked pointedly at Chan. 
“Damn” Chan smirked and you gasped in embarrassment.
He only laughed at your mortification. 
“Before you go” Bong said, “If everything checks out alright are you going to need a prescription for non hormonal birth control?” 
You were too shy to answer correctly, only nodding when Chan said “Yes please Bong. Wanna have some time with my girl before we have babies.” 
As you were checking out with reception Chan thanked the Doctor. 
“I appreciate you getting us in to see you at such short notice Bong.” The alpha bro hugged his friend. 
 “Anything for you, Chris. I am so happy you found your person. I’ll keep you updated as soon as I get the results in.” 
“Thanks man.” He saw you approaching him, “Ready to go gorgeous?” 
You smiled happily, now that the hard part for you was over, “Yes alpha!” You turned to the doctor “Thank you Doctor Bong!” 
Your alpha grabbed your hand and you were off to your next stop. 
The people at the police station had the paperwork ready for you upon your arrival. They just had to ask you a few questions regarding your safety, you signed the document stating you were in fact not missing and that was that. 
It felt like a massive weight had been lifted from your shoulders, Chans too by the scent coming off of him. 
The sheriff congratulated Chan on finding his omega, clapping him on the back in a fatherly way. It seemed like everyone in town knew the alpha. It had been explained to you that Chan's family had lived in the town of Silver Ridge for generations, helping to cultivate it and protect it. His family owned the property you now live on, only now it belonged solely to your alpha. He had grown up here. His parents left the small town  with him and his siblings when he was a teenager, wanting a change of scenery. Chan had only returned when he was an adult and his grandfather had passed, leaving his massive home to your alpha. 
He had a stake in his family business of buying and selling massive commercial properties, so he was very wealthy. Though he didn’t flaunt it.To him it was just one of the ways he provided for his pack.  Not that you cared if he had money or not. You loved him for him, not his money. 
After the police station there was still about an hour before you were supposed to pick up Hyunjin and Changbin so Chan took you to a little diner down the road where he claimed they made ‘the best chili fries ever’ and that you had to try them. 
He dragged you to an old booth in the corner, his normal spot he claimed, and ordered a massive plate of chili fries and each of you a milkshake. 
As he ate you just admired him. It was crazy how handsome he was, even with a mouth full of fries his beauty was effortless. He caught your eyes and grinned at you. 
“What are you looking at, beautiful?” 
You looked down ashamed you had been caught staring “Nothing.” You glanced up at him to see him still looking at you in amusement. “You’re just really handsome is all, Channie.” 
He chuckled at your words “ And you are too sweet, my gorgeous girl.” 
You felt the mating claim on your neck tingle at his compliment, so subconsciously  you raised your hand and lightly touched the area. Of course Chris noticed- he never took his eyes off you- and asked in concern “ Does it still hurt?” 
“No, just..” There was that blush again. He patiently waited for you to find your words. “Just whenever you say sweet things to me.. It.. tingles.” 
The alpha let out a small growl at your admittance, feeling his pants tighten. 
“Does yours do that too, alpha?” you asked tentatively. 
“Tingle wouldn’t be the word I would use, baby. But I definitely feel the connection in my bite.” He winked at you. 
“W-what does yours feel like?” 
His stare was piercing into your soul, “Baby. I burn for you.” You gasped as he continued “ It's this ever present heat that dwells within me whenever you are near me.  As if I had been living in a tundra my whole life never knowing warmth and now I’ve suddenly been transported to the desert. Inescapable and all encompassing.” 
Oh my fucking GOD 
Did he really just say that?! 
What the fuck do I say to that? 
You were short circuiting. You just couldn’t believe this perfect specimen of a man was spilling his heart out to you, in a public diner no less! 
Your pleased scent was cascading off of you in waves at this point, Chan could see the other patrons start to turn to look at you, nostrils flaring. He noticed one alpha man in particular start to fidget in his seat while gazing at you. 
Chan narrowed his eyes as if challenging the other male before addressing you, “Time for us to go now, my love.” He threw down a few 20s on the table and stood, grabbing your hand and leading you out. Your alpha was pumping out menacing pheromones, letting others know he wasn’t one to fuck around with.  
You finally caught onto what was happening when you saw heads turning to watch you walk out. You clutched harder onto Chan, holding his arm close to you as he led you out. 
“ ‘m sorry.” You murmured as you exited the restaurant, climbing into the car as he held the door open for you. 
He leaned down and pressed a hot kiss against your mouth, letting it linger for a second before he pulled away. 
“Don’t apologize. Not your fault those bastards can't keep their eyes or their noses to themselves.” He gave you a tight smile at you before closing the door once he was sure you were secure. 
You couldn’t help but feel like you soured the mood, the guilt beginning to feel like a pit in your stomach. Chan climbed into the driver's seat next to you and started the car. He knew you felt bad about what happened. “Seriously Baby, it’s no big deal. It was about time to go pick up Jinnie and Bin anyways.” He gave you another kiss and you were off. 
Your mood improved slightly after picking up the other two boys, they always brightened your day. Changbin was still slightly sweaty when he got in the car, his musk making you dizzy. As if he could tell he gave you a wink when you looked at him in the folding mirror. 
Hyunjin had a large canvas with him that was covered in a sheet blocking anyone from seeing what lies underneath. When you asked him what he had made he blushed and held the canvas close to him, muttering that it was a surprise. Of course Changbin would never let that slide so he relentlessly teased the beta, tugging on the sheet and whining about needing- not wanting - to see it. Hyunjin held his ground and refused each time, slapping the alphas hands away after every tug. 
Arriving home Changbin flung his door open and opened your door for you before Chan could, giving his alpha a sly smile when you thanked him. “Ever the gentleman, aren't you Binnie.” You teased him. He nodded enthusiastically. 
Jisung greeted you at the front door when you walked in, planting a wet smooch on your cheek causing you to squeal and laugh, pushing him away. “Jisung!” 
“Mm say my name again baby.” He leaned in for another kiss but instead licked your cheek quickly then ran away cackling maniacally. 
 You went to chase after him but were stopped by Hyunjin grabbing your arm gently. 
“Ignore him baby, I do.” 
You huffed. “Fine.” 
The beta snickered and lowered his hand to hold yours, the other still gripping his canvas. “Can I show you something? In my room.” 
You nodded “Of course.” He led you up to his room. Chan gave your rear a pat when he passed you. 
You had never been in Hyunjins space before. The space was so…Hyunjin. Cream colored sheets and curtains, a big easel by the wide bay windows, shelves lined with paints and mountains of sketch books, and floral paintings covered the walls from floor to ceiling. His bed was unmade but it somehow added to the charm of the room. An artist's room. 
He closed the door behind you, and led you to take a seat on his bed. The beta then took the canvas in his hands - still covered- and placed it on his easel. He turned to you and fiddled with his hands. You gave him a patient look, waiting for him to gather himself. 
“Promise you won't laugh.” He states. 
You made an X over your heart. “Cross my heart, I won't laugh.” 
He let out a nervous breath and then tore the sheet from over the artwork. 
You weren't prepared for what lay underneath, a gasp leaving you. 
It was you. Hyunjin had painted you. In the exact outfit you were wearing now. He made you look ethereal. Capturing your image in a way that felt too perfect. In the painting you were sitting by an open window looking out into a field of flowers. 
“Oh my god, Hyunjin.” 
He studied your features, looking for any signs of displeasure. He found none. 
“I was teaching a class today and the topic we worked on was things that bring you joy.” You looked at him like you were going to cry, tears on your lash line. “The only thing I could think of was you. Of how effortlessly beautiful you are.” 
A sob escaped your lips involuntarily. The betas eyes widened in panic, upset he had done something wrong. He rushed to your side and took your hands in his own. “I'm sorry baby! I’ll get rid of it!” 
“No!” You demanded, still crying. “ I can’t believe you think of me this way. It’s so beautiful, Jinnie. Way too beautiful to be me.” 
He shook his head disagreeing. “ This is how I see you, baby. To me you are the most beautiful girl in the world. I can feel myself falling for you.” 
You acted without even thinking about it, and crashed your lips into his. He let out a noise of surprise and you pulled back quickly. 
“I am so sorry Hyun-” Before you could finish your sentence he kissed you again. He let go of your hands and brought them up to cup your face, deepening the kiss. He swiped his tongue along your bottom lip asking for permission which you gladly granted, parting for him. He tasted so sweet. Like rock candy, or a jolly rancher. Similar to his scent. It drove you crazy. 
He was the first to pull away, your lips chasing his. “You don’t know how badly I’ve wanted to do that.” He rested his forehead against his own, eyes closed and breathing heavy. 
You released your own shaky breath, his thumbs wiping away your tears. “I thought you were going to yesterday, when you left me in front of my door.” 
“I wanted to. I just didn’t know if you wanted me like I wanted you. Like I need you.” He could smell the sudden flare of arousal emanating from you. 
“ I do, Hyunjin. I need you too. It’s still taking some getting used to that it’s ok for me to need you, but I do. I think I’m falling for you too.” You were honest with him and he rewarded you by nuzzling his nose into yours, giving it a peck. 
“I won’t do anything to make you uncomfortable, baby.” Though if your smell was any indication you were quite enjoying yourself. 
You shook your head, “I’m not uncomfortable Jinnie. In fact I.. I want more.” 
“Oh baby.” Hyunjin purred then reattached his mouth to yours and he lightly leaned you back to lay on his bed, hovering above you while he kissed you. He stuck his tongue back into your mouth, massaging your own with the wet appendage. 
You let out a squeak when you felt his hand find your thigh, his warm fingers running up and down your skin. Your own hands found the front of his shirt, tugging him closer to you. You felt yourself get drunk on the taste of him. 
He slid his hands up to your hips, under your dress, and he drummed his fingers there. Without removing his lips from your skin he peppered kisses from your lips to your chin and down your neck, the opposite side from your mating mark. 
“Tell me to stop.” He said in between kisses. “Tell me to stop before I go too far.”  
“I don’t want you to stop.” 
“Omega.”  His right hand traveled from your hip to your clothed core, thumbing over the wet patch. “Already so wet for me, huh? I haven't even touched you yet. My dirty girl.” You could feel him smirk against your skin, his kisses turning sloppy and wet.  
He rubbed against the wet patch through your panties, pushing the material between your folds and stimulating your bundle of nerves. 
A small moan slipped from you and you bit your lip. By now your slick was building quickly, completely soaking the fabric. 
The beta hummed at feeling it. “I can feel you starting to wet my fingers, baby. Can’t let all that goodness go to waste, can we?” He cooed rhetorically. 
Hyunjin laid one more suckling kiss to your chest (that will surely turn into a hickey) then he scooted himself down your body and bunched up your dress to sit over your hips. He finally got a good look at your soaked panties- a pair of green lacy ones. ‘Fitting’ He thought. 
He was drowning in the scent of your arousal, being this close was like a slap in the face. He could taste it before he even got his mouth on you. Hyunjin looked up at your red, panting face one last time before closing his eyes and licking up the wet patch on your underwear. He let out the filthiest moan he had ever made when he made contact. In turn making you moan too. 
At the sound of his name he reached up and pulled your panties down your hips just enough to lick you with no barrier, then he dove in with his tongue. He swiped it up and down your folds, over the slit, collecting the liquid that leaked from you, drinking it like he was parched. Like he was dying of thirst. 
Your hands found his hair and you yanked in pleasure, your back arching. He took that as his invitation to go further, slithering his tongue to circle your clit where he wrapped his lips around it and suckled. 
A whine tore through you, so good but wanting more. 
“Jinnnnie please” 
He hummed in response, the vibrations flowing straight through to your core. 
“Nnnnnggghh” you groaned. 
He humored you and brought two fingers up to your opening, coating himself in the slick, before pushing in slowly up to the last knuckle. 
Your panting got louder at the intrusion. You were finding it difficult to keep quiet with how good it felt, the whole pack probably knows by now anyway. Not that you cared right now, but later you would be mortified. Oh well that was a problem for later. 
He gave you a second to adjust, feeling you clench on his fingers every time he licked your bundle, before easing the digits out slowly then back, a steady motion that gradually got quicker as he went. Soon enough he found the perfect rhythm where your moans got the loudest. He paid attention to things like that. 
Your thighs were beginning to shake from the pleasure, you knew if he kept it up you would tip into oblivion. 
“Jinnie ‘m gonna cum.” You pulled his hair in warning. He stayed steadfast, if anything he licked harder trying to get you there. After only a few more thrusts of his fingers you came with a cry, hips bucking against his face and hands knotted in his blond locks.
‘Damn she sounds divine when she comes’ He mused in his head, instead letting a moan of his own escape him at the taste of your cum and the sweet sounds you made for him. 
He pulled his fingers out of you and lifted his face to show you the wetness that covered the bottom half of his face. Then he made a show of sucking those same fingers into his mouth, eyes rolling when they hit his tongue. 
“Hyunjin!” You squealed and hid your face, “That's so dirty!” 
“Only for you, baby.” It hurt how sincere he was. “Do you wanna continue, or was that enough? I don’t wanna push you too far.”
Even though you were a little sensitive from the last few days you still wanted him. “ Wan’ you Jinnie. Need you.” 
He stood quickly to pull down his pants and underwear, revealing his length to you. It was so pretty. Long but on the slimmer side. Drool worthy. 
He removed his bottoms from himself completely, and pulled his shirt up over his head letting you get a good look at his slim but fit figure. He was tan like he had been in the sun recently. He reached into his bedside table for a condom, remembering what his alpha had said about not cumming in you. Yet. He quickly rolled it on. 
He got back on the bed and crawled up your body to hover over you, where he then gave you a peck on the mouth. “Are you sure, baby?” 
“Yes. Please Hyunjin.” you purred. 
He groaned “You’re gonna kill me one day.” 
The beta took himself in his hand and lined himself up, sweeping through the liquid to coat him, then slid inside inch by inch, giving you time to adjust to him. 
Your arms came to wrap around his bare shoulders, a long drawn out moan in his ears like the most beautiful melodies. 
You were so warm inside, and you gripped him like a vice so tightly he almost stopped breathing. After a beat he gave you a gentle thrust, then another and another, going deeper with each one. He took one of your thighs and wrapped it around his waist to press himself further into you, letting you feel his weight. If he died now he would die a happy man, having gotten a taste of what it’s like to be with you.
With each thrust you let out small high pitched noises, unable to contain them. Not that Hyunjin wanted you too. It wasn’t long before you were close to the edge once again. You were still worked up from the last one. 
Hyunjin could feel his impending orgasm but he needed you to come first. He brought two fingers up to your mouth and ran them along your lips gathering the drool that was accumulating there. Then he took those same digits and lowered them between your bodies to your clit, where he rubbed hard figure 8s. 
That seemed to be all you needed, your arms tightening around him as you came hard on his cock. Your eyes screwed shut as you moaned.
When you came you clenched hard. Hard enough to push Hyunjin to orgasm, he crashed his lips into yours and he shook against you as he filled the condom. 
For a few minutes he just held you there against him, both of you breathing hard. He wasn’t an alpha so he didn’t have to worry about a knot and was able to slip out if you easily. He held the condom secure as he did so, then stood up and quickly took it off and disposed of it in the trash can in the corner. 
You were still panting but coming too as he stood up. Can’t believe that just happened. There was a twinge of guilt for it, but that was quickly replaced with peace when Hyunjin gave you that signature grin with his pouty lips. 
He came back to his bed where you were still laying and plopped down next to you, giving you a kiss. “How was that, baby? Are you feeling ok?” 
“Mmhmm” You answered, snuggling up to the beta, needing the after sex comfort. 
“I hope you don't regret it.” His voice was timid now, as he put his face in your hair. "Don't regret me."
“No Hyunjin, of course not. I could never regret you.” There was zero hesitancy in your voice so he knew you were telling the truth. Chan had given you explicit permission, encouraged it, so there was nothing to regret. It felt good to be loved and wanted by these boys. Hyunjin definitely made you feel that way. 
He showed it by taking care of you now, getting up to grab you some water and a fresh pair of underwear from your room. Then he plopped down next to you once again and engaged in some cuddles. You could get used to this. 
A/N: Finnnnaallllyyyyyy getting some action from the other boys >:) I am so damn proud of this one yall idekkkk. These chapters are quickly becoming more and more self indulgent lol sorry
Beta read by the lovely @ayejaii thank you bumble <3
Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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andmaybegayer · 6 months
I was looking into how SteamOS goes together especially with regards to display technologies and one cute thing is gamescope. The base SteamOS image Desktop is X11, which is what you get if you use "desktop mode" (although KDE is changing that soon so we'll see) but games are played on a completely separate Wayland based microcompositor, gamescope.
This allows them to isolate the game graphics from the system, and is also how they manage to do some of the clever game modifications: the microcompositor can lie to the game about its resolution and refresh rate, and it has built in support for AMD's upscaler and limited ReShade support.
This is also how they manage to merge the interface of the deck and the desktop mode, which is that they don't. In Game Mode they just run gamescope directly as the only compositor, and it can do whatever it wants to the game's interface with the system. If you want some of these features on desktop, you can also use Desktop Nestability to run whatever else you want in there.
It's also how they've managed to get HDR up and running well ahead of e.g. RedHat's ongoing efforts to get HDR to the desktop. Gamescope implements a simpler implementation of HDR through DXVK that is absolutely not suitable for a desktop but works mostly fine for video games.
You could use this to run HDR on your PC, although HDR requires some third party kernel patches. You can patch those in if you want, and then you could run your own gamescope compositor on a separate session and bam! HDR games on Linux.
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perseusannabeth · 1 year
Hi guys, long time no see! I've no been very active bc of some real life stuff, but I'm here with a snippet of smut from a fic I'm writing for elucien. It was inspired by @krem-does-stuff's wonderful art of a glorious, naked Lucien. Please go to her page to see it, because it was truly a blessing.
As you can imagine, the snippet of writing I have is nsfw so read at your own risk!
“Well Elain, I’m not sure the dreams you’re having about me are so lady-like. Why don’t you tell me what you dream of so I can assess it for myself?” She shook her head at that, so he took another step towards her. “You won’t tell me, but I think I can guess something. The material your dreams are based on might be scandalous for your human standards, but I bet they’re nothing compared to what I’d actually do to you.”
“What would you do?”
Lucien smirked. “That question is enough for me to know you’re not a good girl Elain.” He took another step towards her, caging her in against the work surface in the kitchen as he leaned in to whisper in her ear. “I would first spend time getting to know your body. I want to know which parts of your body make you gasp when I touch them, which parts make you shudder in pleasure and which parts make you cry out. It would be easy to touch your pussy during my explorations, and you’d be begging me to touch you properly, but I know that I have to pay your body enough proper attention. Once I get to your pussy, I know I won’t be able to come up for air.”
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@sannelovesreading​ @bookstantrash​ @superspiritfestival @courtofjurdan​​ @thewayshedreamed​ @sayosdreams @letstakethedawn​​ @and-she-burns-with-it​ @nahthanks​ @arinbelle​​ @gracie-rosee​ @julemmaes @claralady​ @rowaelinismyotp​ @swankii-art-teacher​ @tswaney17​ @duskandstarlight​​ @the-regal-warrior​ @live-the-fangirl-life​ @oversizedbats​ @nestaisgod @vidalinav @gwynberdara @moodymelanist @emily-gsh @lady-winter-sunrise @dread3r @starryblueskies7 @simpingfornestaarcheron @mis-lil-red @catplayinvioline @vinylcryes @starksravings @vasudharaghavan @a-court-of-valkyries @nestaspegasus @sv0430 @champanheandluxxury @nesquick-arccheron @a-little-disguised @nestable @illyrianshadowhunter @readiajin @lordof-bloodshed @deedz-thrillerkilller16 @rachmkerch123456
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duskandstarlight · 1 year
The Girl (Nessian fanfic)
Notes: I needed angst and raw Nessian so... here we are. I have no idea if this is a prologue or a one-shot at this moment in time ( I think it's a prologue...) But here you are, a gift to you all because I am so shit at posting / writing these days...
And because it's not my jam writing-wise, now is the time to highlight that this will not be a pregnancy fic.
Prologue Cassian
It’s winter when he meets The Girl. Solstice lights are strung around the city and the music playing in the cramped bar is essentially a questionable mix of eighties, garage music and festive bangers that people scream along to until they’re hoarse.
Amongst the writhing bodies, Cassian spots her. Scarlet cami, hair like honey. He watches her for too long, the way her hips move to a rhythm nobody else quite seems to get like she does, the length of her ponytail as it swings to and fro. 
When she turns and meets his eyes, he’s a goner. And at the end of night, when he backs her into his apartment, he realises quickly that whoever this girl is, she takes what she wants and he’ll take what he can get.  
None of it takes long. 
It’s electric. It’s fire. It’s as if alone, they are both embers - but together they are the wind that ignites the spark, burning up a frenzy. His mouth on hers, the length of her hair wrapped around his palm whilst her fingers bite at his scalp. Her legs clamped around his hips as she unzips him and sinks down. 
It’s obscene that Cassian doesn’t think about protection. It’s there in the back of his mind, this small niggle. But he bats it away, marvelling instead at the pull and push of this primal attraction he’s never had before, relentless as the tide as it rushes back only to curl over inside of him again and hook him right back in.
When it’s over, Cassian has the distinct impression that he’s lost something, so he keeps his head buried in the crook of her neck a little too long. She smells like jasmine and vanilla and salt. Cassian feels as if he’s been shattered from some great height.
And then she’s untangling herself from him and tugging up her leather-look leggings over her hips, tucking her breasts back into her bra and pulling the scarlet satin cami back over her head. 
Cassian is still not quite back in the room when she grabs for her bag. Her voice is scratchy and thick with what they’ve just done. “It’s been fun.” 
The words have him scrambling up from the couch but his jeans are caught around his ankles.
“Hey,” he says as he manages to stand. The zipper jams in his shirt and he mutters a series of curses under his breath.
By the time he’s turned, the front door is shutting. 
She’s let herself out.
In all Cassian’s time sleeping around, he’s never seen such a quick exit. 
Tags (let me know if you want to be added/removed): @arinbelle @superspiritfestival @sayosdreams @perseusannabeth @mylittlebigplanet @biggestwingspan-az @bellsqueen @ekaterinakostrova @bookstantrash @prophecyerised @rainbowcheetah512 @awesomelena555 @wannawriteyouabook @lovelynesta @melphss @laylaameer01 @a-trifling-matter @fanboy7794 @thalia-2-rose @champanheandluxxury @swankii-art-teacher @lavendergoomsltd @princessofmerchants-reads @jeakat @imwritingthesewords @nestable @inejbrekkxr @silvernesta @amelie775 @helen-the-weirdo @pizzaneverdisappoints @wishfulimaginings @trash-for-nessian @my-fan-side @sophilightwood @valkyriesupremacy @vidalinav @onceupona-chaos @inardour @thesunremembersyourface @teagoddess99 @misswonderflower @miamorganvel18 @kawaiteacup @nestaa-stan @castielspelvis @haigrr @dont-take-life-to-seriously @dontgetsalmonella
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brixindustries-blog · 11 days
Brix Industries: Leading Milk Crates Manufacturers
Brix Industries has established itself as a premier player in the realm of milk crates manufacturers, combining innovation, quality, and sustainability to meet the diverse needs of its clientele. With a focus on delivering top-notch products that adhere to stringent industry standards, Brix Industries has garnered a reputation for excellence and reliability.
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why choose Brix Industries?
Unmatched Quality and Durability
At Brix Industries, the cornerstone of our success lies in the unmatched quality and durability of our milk crates. We understand that in the dairy industry, the ability to transport and store milk safely is paramount. Our milk crates are engineered to withstand the rigors of daily use, ensuring that they can handle heavy loads without compromising on structural integrity. The high-grade plastic materials used in manufacturing our crates provide resistance against impacts, weather conditions, and chemical exposures, thereby prolonging the lifespan of the crates and ensuring consistent performance.
Innovative Design and Customization
Innovation is at the heart of Brix Industries. Our team of skilled engineers and designers continually strives to enhance the functionality and efficiency of our milk crates. We offer a variety of designs that cater to different storage and transportation needs, including stackable and nestable options. These designs optimize space usage in storage facilities and during transport, contributing to cost savings and logistical efficiency.
Additionally, Brix Industries recognizes the importance of brand identity. To this end, we provide customization services that allow clients to incorporate their logos, colors, and other branding elements onto the milk crates. This not only helps in brand recognition but also in tracking and inventory management.
Commitment to Sustainability
As a responsible manufacturer, Brix Industries is deeply committed to sustainability. We recognize the environmental impact of plastic products and have implemented measures to mitigate this. Our manufacturing processes prioritize the use of recycled and recyclable materials, reducing the overall carbon footprint. Moreover, we have adopted energy-efficient production techniques and waste reduction strategies to ensure that our operations are as eco-friendly as possible.
Brix Industries also offers recycling programs for old and damaged milk crates, encouraging clients to participate in our efforts to promote a circular economy. By returning used crates, customers can ensure that these products are recycled responsibly, further reducing environmental impact.
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Benefits of choosing brix industries
Comprehensive Customer Support
Customer satisfaction is a priority at Brix Industries. We provide comprehensive support services to assist clients at every stage of their interaction with us, from product selection to after-sales service. Our knowledgeable sales team is always ready to offer expert advice and solutions tailored to specific needs. In addition, our robust logistics network ensures timely delivery of orders, no matter the size or destination.
Technological Advancements
Brix Industries stays at the forefront of technological advancements to continually improve our manufacturing processes and product offerings. We invest in the latest machinery and employ advanced manufacturing techniques to enhance production efficiency and product quality. Our research and development team is dedicated to exploring new materials and technologies that can further elevate our milk crates manufacturer performance and sustainability.
Brix Industries
Brix Industries
REGD.OFF: 214, Plot No. 13, Vardhman Times Plaza Near M2K Rani Bagh, Pitampura, New Delhi- 110034
SALES.OFFICE: K-95- SEC-2, Bawana Industrial Area, Delhi
G-75, Aggarwal City Mall, Pitampura, Near Chunmun Mall, Rani Bagh, New Delhi-110034
 Phone: +91-9811049668
Website: www.brixindustries.in
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marketpattern · 1 month
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thefrugalcouponlady · 1 month
Set of 5 Leak-Proof Nestable Square Food Storage Containers at Wayfair
Was $60.00 Now $21.03
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Affiliate Link:
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sinoracking · 2 months
Find Out Why Roll Trolleys Are Essential For Your Business
Efficiency and safety are the most crucial factors to look out for when operating a business or warehouse. One of the most essential and appropriate tool for achieving both of these factors is a good roll trolley, with which you can transport or move goods seamlessly and efficiently. It can also increase productivity by reducing the risk of workplace injuries. If you are searching for knowledge about the Roll trolleys and their types, we can help you out here. This blog explores the complete coverage of Roll Trolleys, their types, and some of their advantages in warehouses or any type of industrial setting.
What is a Roll trolley?
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A Roll Trolley, also called as a utility trolley or service cart, is a wheeled vehicle used to transport heavy items in a store room, warehouse setting, or shop floor. It is designed to move easily on the ground, having several tiers of shelves for easy organization and storage, made with sturdy materials such as steel to support the weight of heavy items. It helps to reduce the need for unloading and manual lifting and carrying. If you want to improve productivity and reduce the risk of workplace injury in your business, then get yourself roll trolleys to get rid of such inconveniencies.
Types of Roll Trolleys:
Here are some of the major types of roll trolleys that can help you organize your warehouse efficiently:
Large Foldable Steel Roll Container Trolley
The Large Foldable Steel Roll Container Trolley is a versatile and robust solution designed to streamline material handling and transportation in various industrial and commercial settings. Crafted from high-quality steel, this trolley offers durability and reliability, making it ideal for demanding environments such as warehouses, distribution centers, retail stores, and manufacturing facilities.
Loading 500KG Logistics Rolling Container Trolley
The loading of a 500KG logistics rolling container trolley is a crucial aspect of warehouse and logistics operations. These trolleys, designed to transport heavy loads efficiently, play an essential role in streamlining material organizing processes in various industries.
Wire Storage Rolling Cage Cart
A Wire Storage Rolling Cage Cart is a versatile and practical solution for transporting various items in a wide range of settings, from warehouses and factories to retail stores and even residential spaces. This type of cart typically consists of a sturdy steel frame with wire mesh panels, mounted on four wheels for easy mobility.
Advantages of Roll Trolleys:
Roll Trolleys serve a plethora of advantages for businesses and organizations. It helps to reduce the risk of many workplace injuries. Here are some of the common advantages of Roll Trolleys:
Foldable and nestable to storage which helps to save space
Saves time and manpower, which reduces the risk of workplace injury
Made with smooth and stunning materials to ensure free and hassle-free movement
Strong and attractive design
Available with optimal shelves
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Exploring the Functions and Designs of Plastic Pallets
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Plastic Pallets are an important equipment for the smooth movement and storage of goods in the fields of transportation and material handling. There are some other options of pallets but plastic pallets are becoming popular due to its robust design and versatility. In this blog post, we will explore the functions of plastic pallets, as well as their applications across a range of industries.
Functions of Plastic Pallets:
1. Material Handling Efficiency: Plastic pallets are designed to improve the efficiency of material handling tasks in warehouse operations, manufacturing industries.Their robust designe allow them to move goods with speed and ease, making them compatible with all kind of material handling equipment, including hydraulic stackers, Hydraulic pallet trucks, and forklifts.
2. Compliance with Industry Standards: Plastic pallets are available in multiple sizes and designs to comply with industry standards and regulations. Whether it's (GMA) the Grocery Manufacturers Association Standard pallet size or custom dimensions tailored to specific applications, plastic pallets offer strength to meet diverse requirements.
3. Weight Capacity: Plastic pallets are surprisingly robust and they can easily carry heavy loads while being lightweight. They can store and move a variety of goods, from little packages to large machines, because they are designed to endure high static and dynamic loads.
Designs of Plastic Pallets:
1. Export Pallets: Export One Way plastic pallets are made specially for international transportation. Export pallets also called as Shipping Pallets of One Way cargo Export pallets. These robust and lightweight designs of plastic pallets are made from recycled plastic or HDPE material. They provide environmentally friendly and cost-effective solutions for exporting goods globally.
2. Rackable Pallets: Rackable plastic pallets are made to withstand the demands of storage in pallet racking systems. These Pallets are specifically designed for pallet racking systems. Their strength and robust bottoms allow them to carry huge weights without buckling or breaking down. These pallets increase vertical storage capacity by ensuring secure and stable storage in warehouse racks.
3. Nestable Pallets: Due to their special construction, nestable plastic pallets can save up important storage space by nesting inside one another while not in use. They are perfect for companies with limited warehouse space or those trying to maximize storage efficiency because of this space-saving feature.
4. Hygienic Pallets: Hygienic Plastic pallets also called as roto molded plastic pallets are made for sectors like the pharmaceutical and food processing industries, where hygienic conditions are required.. These pallets feature anti-skied, smooth surfaces, rounded corners, and robust construction to prevent the accumulation of dirt. They are easy to sanitize and clean ensuring compliance with strict hygiene standards.
Conclusion: Plastic Pallets play a vital role in enhancing material handling efficiency and ensuring compliance with industry standards across various sectors. At Swift, We provide Plastic pallets with a countless number of designs and functions tailored to meet the various needs of Recent businesses. Plastic pallets have proven important in many sectors globally, from ensuring hygienic storage and compliance with industry requirements to improving material handling efficiency. With their robust design and versatility, Plastic Pallets Play a important role in transportation sectors.
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vipnoviny · 2 months
Cena zlata láme rekordy: Rychlý nárůst přináší investorům výnosy
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Zlato, historicky považované za symbol bohatství a stability, se v posledních týdnech stalo předmětem intenzivního zájmu investorů po celém světě. Cena zlata dosáhla rekordních hodnot 2371,80 USD za unci a neustále stoupá, což přináší majitelům zlatých investic významné zisky. Tento neočekávaný růst vzbuzuje pozornost analytiků, kteří očekávají, že tento trend může pokračovat i v nadcházejících obdobích.
Důvody růstu
Existuje několik faktorů, které se podílejí na současném růstu ceny zlata. Jedním z hlavních faktorů je obava investorů z možného inflačního tlaku v důsledku rozsáhlých fiskálních stimulů a monetární politiky vlád po celém světě, které byly nasazeny v reakci na ekonomické dopady pandemie Covid-19. Zlato je totiž tradičně vnímáno jako útočiště proti inflaci, což zvyšuje jeho atraktivitu pro investory v obdobích ekonomické nestability. Potom nedávné geopolitické konflikty (jako válka na Ukrajině a v Palestině) a politická napětí (nedávné vylodění amerických zelených baretů na Thajvanském ostrově Kinmen s cílem zajistit vojenskou ochranu Thajvanu před Čínou, nebo také hrozba terorismu Islamského státu) mohou hrát roli v rozhodnutí investorů diverzifikovat své portfolio směrem k zlatu, protože zlato je považováno za bezpečnou investici v dobách geopolitických napětí a nejistoty. Dalším faktorom je činnost centrálních bank Ruska a Číny, které ve velkém nakupují zlato. Centrální banka Číny nakupuje zlato  již sedmnáct měsíců v kuse a ruská centrální banka plánuje své nákupy počátkem dubna urychlit. Existují spekulace, že tyto země  budou chtít své měny podložit zlatem, případně se v rámci zemí BRICS vytvoří jednotná měna podložená zlatem, což ekonomicky potopí americký dolar, který se v rámci světa nejvíce používá pro nákup zlata. Jak z historie víme, tak ekonomické války byly častokrát příčinou růstu zlata. V případě že se naplní očkávaní a velcí investoři na Západě se také zapojí do nákupů zlata, může se exponenciální růst ceny zlata ještě více urychlit.
Očekávání dalšího růstu
Analytici a odborníci z oboru finančních trhů se shodují v názoru, že cena zlata by mohla i nadále růst. Přestože se mohou vyskytnout krátkodobé fluktuace, v dlouhodobém horizontu se zlato jeví jako atraktivní investice. Očekávání nadcházející inflace, geopolitické nejistoty a další plánované nákupy zlata posilují důvody, proč by investoři mohli pokračovat v hromadění tohoto kovu.
Nejlevnějšího prodejce zlata v ČR najdete na adrese zlatemince.cz
Prodejnu má v Praze v budově Obecního domu. Ale pozor, prodejna je ve druhém patře! Nikoliv v přízemí. Abyste nezabloudili, použijte služební vchod (z ulice u Obecního domu) hned vedle výlohy Blanky Matragi a nechejte se vyvést výtahem do druhého patra. Za nízké ceny získáte zlato i v Brně, v ikonické cihlové budově Dornych, vedle Vaňkovky. Právě nízká cena a vysoké skladové zásoby přivádí k tomuto tradičnímu prodejci investičního zlata a stříbra nové zájemce o bezpečné uložení finančních prostředků do drahých kovů. Že jsou ceny zlatých cihel a zlatých mincí u tohoto prodejce skutečně nejnižší, se můžete přesvědčit na stránce investiční zlato. Ceník v euro je na stránce investičné zlato. Přízemní cenou zlata se tento prodejce výrazně odlišuje od ostatních nabídek na trhu. Potvrzuje to i jeho umístění na prvním místě loňského srovnání finančních produktů v kategorii prodejců drahých kovů (soutěž pořádá server Finparáda společnosti Scott & Rose). Nákup fyzického zlata je z hlediska investice nejjistější, protože zlato máte fyzicky v rukách a můžete jej kdykoliv prodat na rozdíl od digitálního zlata, kde ani nemáte jistotu, zda skutečně máte zlato někde u zprostředkovatele uloženo, nebo nákupu akcií zlatých dolů, kde často bývá zlato vytěženo a vaše investice přijde vniveč.
Cena zlata dosahuje nových vrcholů a přináší investorům nečekaně rychlé výnosy. Tento trend je poháněn obavami z inflace, geopolitickými napětími a nákupy centrálních bank, které stimulují poptávku po tomto drahocenném kovu. Analytici předpovídají, že tento růst by mohl pokračovat i v nadcházejících obdobích, což zdůrazňuje důležitost zlata jako stabilního a bezpečného aktiva v investičních portfoliích. Read the full article
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swamyworld · 2 months
IRIS USA 12 Quart Stackable Plastic Storage Bins with Lids and Latching Buckles, 6 Pack - Clear, Containers with Lids and Latches, Durable Nestable Closet, Garage, Totes, Tubs Boxes Organizing
Price: (as of – Details) https://amzn.to/3vGC6Ta Life can get messy, but with IRIS USA’s plastic storage bins, you’re in control. The secure lids and buckles keep things neat and tidy. Plus, grooves on the bins make stacking a breeze, and they nest snugly to save space when not in use. Convenient pull handles making it easy to pull out even from high shelves. With multiple sizes available,…
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urbanwoodsgoods · 2 months
Redefining Workspace Collaboration: Urban Wood Goods Latest Conference Table Trends
In the fast-paced world of contemporary office design, conference tables serve as more than just meeting spaces—they are hubs of collaboration, innovation, and productivity. As we stride into 2024, Urban Wood Goods emerges as a trailblazer, redefining the landscape of conference table trends with its innovative designs that seamlessly blend functionality, sustainability, and aesthetics. Let's delve into the latest trends shaping conference tables and how Urban Wood Goods is leading the charge:
Sustainable Chic: Urban Wood Goods epitomizes the ethos of sustainability by crafting conference tables from reclaimed wood sourced from urban forests, old buildings, and salvaged materials. In an era where environmental consciousness reigns supreme, these eco-friendly tables resonate with businesses committed to reducing their carbon footprint and making a positive impact on the planet.
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Tech-Infused Elegance: Integrating cutting-edge technology seamlessly into its designs, Urban Wood Goods Conference Tables boast built-in power outlets, USB ports, wireless charging pads, and cable management solutions. By harmonizing tech features with timeless craftsmanship, these tables cater to the needs of modern workplaces where connectivity and collaboration are paramount.
Customization Mastery: Recognizing that one size does not fit all, Urban Wood Goods offers bespoke conference table solutions tailored to the unique preferences and branding of each client. From selecting wood finishes and leg styles to incorporating company logos and branding elements, customization options abound, allowing businesses to create conference tables that reflect their identity and ethos.
Adaptable Configurations: Embracing the fluidity of modern work dynamics, Urban Wood Goods conference tables are designed for versatility. Modular configurations, expandable surfaces, and height-adjustable options empower organizations to optimize their meeting spaces for various group sizes, meeting formats, and collaboration styles.
Biophilic Beauty: Infusing elements of biophilic design into its creations, Urban Wood Goods celebrates the inherent beauty of natural wood textures, live edge detailing, and organic forms. These conference tables evoke a sense of tranquility and connection with nature, fostering creativity, productivity, and well-being in the workplace.
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Ergonomic Excellence: Prioritizing user comfort and health, Urban Wood Goods incorporates ergonomic design principles into its Conference Tables. Whether it's providing adjustable heights for standing meetings or ergonomic seating options, these tables promote proper posture and support during extended work sessions, enhancing employee well-being and productivity.
Community-Centric Craftsmanship: Urban Wood Goods commitment to community extends beyond its sustainable sourcing practices. By partnering with local artisans and craftsmen, the company ensures that each conference table is imbued with the spirit of craftsmanship and authenticity, supporting local economies and fostering a sense of community stewardship.
Smart Space Solutions: With the rise of remote work and hybrid collaboration models, Urban Wood Goods' conference tables are designed to optimize space utilization and adapt to evolving work dynamics. Foldable, stackable, and nestable designs enable businesses to maximize the efficiency of their meeting areas while accommodating diverse work scenarios.
In conclusion, Urban Wood Goods stands at the forefront of conference table innovation, seamlessly blending sustainability, technology, customization, and ergonomic design to create timeless yet functional pieces that elevate workspace collaboration. By embracing these latest trends, businesses can not only enhance the functionality of their meeting spaces but also embody their commitment to sustainability, innovation, and employee well-being. With Urban Wood Goods, the conference table transcends its traditional role to become a symbol of creativity, connectivity, and community in the modern workplace.
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duskandstarlight · 1 year
Embers and Light: Chapter 54 (teaser)
Notes: The longest delay in getting you this chapter but I’m so nearly there! Here’s a snippet to keep you guys warm until I post… 12k. 12! I promised myself I’d never go there again but here we are 🤷🏻‍♀️
“You forget I have seen battle fatigue, sinta,” Mas told Cassian. “I have seen battlegrounds—I’ve been a part of them.”
The skin around Cassian’s mouth tightened, bracketing his mouth like a grim smile. Because Mas was wrong on that count. He would never forget the day of the kerit attacks. He would never forget Mas’s body on the ground, her blood. He would never forget Nesta kneeling beside her, wreathed in the purest of light as she knitted the torn flesh back together. As she healed long brutalised wings.
“Nesta saved me,” Mas continued, her voice resolutely soft in its purpose but determined all the same. “She brought me back for another life and I intend to fight for that life. For you. For Nesta. For everyone who has ever suffered under our own people. For a better life.”
Her words fell away and into more silence. Mas retracted her hands and reached back into the suds, her fingers slipping against cutlery which clattered against the sink. Eventually, she drew out a teaspoon and began to methodically clean it before she extended it out to him without glancing away from her task.
Cassian found that he was relieved. To look at Mas now would mean to memorise every inch of her face, terrified that he’d not have the chance to study it again. He’d already begun to do it with Nesta without meaning to, his mind whispering its own cruel prophecy.
“You saved me, too,” Mas continued into the grim yet resigned silence Cassian had woven himself into. “When we met, I was beaten down. I was so small and insubstantial, the wind could have just tossed me away. Do you remember?”
Now, Cassian forced himself to look at her. He felt his brow collapse in on itself, his eyes felt as if they might melt with the emotion—with the memory. “Of course I do,” he rasped through the chokehold in his throat.
Because of course he did.
Tags (let me know if you want to be added/removed): @arinbelle @superspiritfestival @sayosdreams @perseusannabeth @mylittlebigplanet @biggestwingspan-az @bellsqueen @ekaterinakostrova @bookstantrash @prophecyerised @rainbowcheetah512 @awesomelena555 @wannawriteyouabook @lovelynesta @melphss @laylaameer01 @a-trifling-matter @fanboy7794 @thalia-2-rose @champanheandluxxury @swankii-art-teacher @lavendergoomsltd @princessofmerchants-reads @jeakat @imwritingthesewords @nestable @inejbrekkxr @silvernesta @amelie775 @helen-the-weirdo @pizzaneverdisappoints @wishfulimaginings @trash-for-nessian @my-fan-side @sophilightwood @valkyriesupremacy @vidalinav @onceupona-chaos @inardour @thesunremembersyourface @teagoddess99 @misswonderflower @nessiantrashh @miamorganvel18
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breastsurgeon159 · 2 months
Jak Získat Sponzory Pro Neziskové Organizace
Pro neziskové organizace může být hledání sponzorů a rozhodování o modelu financování jejich organizace jedním z nejnáročnějších úkolů. Každá organizace potřebuje peníze, aby se udržela nad vodou, a neziskové organizace samozřejmě nejsou výjimkou. Peníze jsou častým tématem rozhovorů mezi profesionály z neziskových organizací a diskuse o hledání sponzorů jsou v době ekonomické nestability ještě vášnivější.
Začněte svou cestu Začněte svou ještě dnes a sledujte, jak vaše kampaň vzkvétá díky podpoře, kterou si zaslouží!
Jak Získat Dárce A Sponzory?
Na jedné straně je na výběr z více modelů financování, což může způsobit zmatek. Na druhou stranu se některé neziskové organizace mohou cítit méně „flexibilní“ a omezené ve svých možnostech. Aby to bylo ještě náročnější, mnoho profesionálních neziskových organizací se zdráhá zaměřit své úsilí na získávání finančních prostředků a hledání sponzorů, což posiluje mylnou představu, že hledání peněz je nějakým způsobem „špatné“.
Protože se jedná o složité téma, připravili jsme pro vás seznam šesti hlavních zdrojů financování neziskových organizací, které byste mohli zvážit.
Jak Získat Sponzory Pro Neziskové Organizace
Nejlepší Nápady Na Sponzoring Charitativních Akcí Pro Neziskové Organizace
1. Individuální Dary
71 % všech darů neziskovým organizacím pochází od jednotlivců.
Individuální dárci jsou skvělou možností, jak získat sponzorské dary pro neziskové organizace, protože mohou přispívat jednorázově nebo opakovaně. Přispívají také různými způsoby: online i offline, prostřednictvím akcí, aukcí, plánovaných darů a dalších.
Pokud jde o individuální dary, je nutné zvážit všechny možnosti, protože tvoří obrovskou část financování neziskových organizací. Většinou se jedná o velmi efektivní zdroj financování, zejména pro organizace s velkými marketingovými rozpočty, které mají vysoce atraktivní cíl (např. rakovina).
Hlavní dárci
Velcí dárci dávají často méně, ale jejich dary jsou podstatně vyšší. Ujistěte se, že váš model fundraisingu podporuje klíčové dárce. Co se považuje za „velký dar“, závisí na organizaci. Podívejte se na svůj přehled darů a vyberte největší dar (dary), které jste v minulosti obdrželi. Pro velké a zavedené organizace to může být šestimístná částka, zatímco pro menší neziskové organizace to může být několik tisíc dolarů. Získávání a udržování velkých dárců je trochu jiné než získávání pravidelných dárců.
Chcete-li přilákat velké dárce, zvažte investici do softwaru pro screening filantropie. Pokud je to možné, zvažte jmenování člena týmu, který bude spolupracovat s klíčovými dárci. Abyste získali velký dar, musíte se obvykle zúčastnit mnoha schůzek, pozvat potenciálního dárce do své kanceláře, domluvit schůzku s představenstvem a často posílat příslušné aktuální informace.
Pravidelní dárci
Pravidelní dárci přispívají častěji, ale jejich dary jsou menší. Chcete-li si udržet pravidelné dárce, můžete použít různé techniky získávání a udržení dárců. Mnozí odborníci z neziskových organizací doporučují, abyste pravidelné dárce přeměnili na opakované dárce. To vaší neziskové organizaci zajistí udržitelný příjem a umožní vám plánovat své aktivity.
2. Crowdfunding
Crowdfunding nejlépe funguje u konkrétních kampaní a při vyprávění konkrétních příběhů. Je důležité investovat čas a úsilí do toho, aby vaše online dárcovská stránka zazářila. Ujistěte se, že potenciální dárci se setkají s uživatelsky přívětivými webovými stránkami a že mají s crowdfundingem bezproblémové zkušenosti. Vaše darovací tlačítko by mělo být snadno k nalezení a odkaz na něj by měl být dostupný během několika sekund po načtení darovací stránky. Navrhněte stránku pro dárce tak, aby ladila se zbytkem webu.
Zásadní je také navrhnout darovací stránku, která je přizpůsobená mobilním zařízením a reaguje na ně. Darovací stránku ponechte na jedné stránce. Udržujte je jednoduché a přímočaré, s výzvou k akci v popředí. Používejte výrazné obrázky a nabízejte více možností platby. Crowdfunding se stal populárním díky rozšíření různých online platforem, jako je Whydonate, a využívají ho jak podniky, tak neziskové organizace.
Existuje mnoho různých typů crowdfundingu (crowdfunding založený na odměnách, crowdfunding lidského kapitálu, equity crowdfunding atd.), ale neziskové organizace nejčastěji využívají crowdfunding založený na darech. Chcete-li z crowdfundingu založeného na darech vytěžit co nejvíce, musíte pravidelně zveřejňovat aktualizace, používat přesvědčivé obrázky a videa, nabízet pobídky a sdílet je prostřednictvím e-mailu a sociálních médií. Ujistěte se, že vyprávíte příběh – příběh je to, co pohání crowdfundingovou kampaň.
Peer-to-peer fundraising
Peer-to-peer fundraising a získávání sponzorských příspěvků pro neziskové organizace je podkategorií crowdfundingu. Namísto jedné crowdfundingové stránky, na kterou přispívají všichni, si jednotliví fundraiseři v rámci peer-to-peer fundraisingu obvykle zřizují osobní fundraisingovou stránku, na které přijímají dary, které pak přijímá vaše nezisková organizace.
Tato strategie využívá stávající sítě dárců. Vyzývá podporovatele, aby oslovili své vrstevníky, přátele, kolegy a rodinné příslušníky s žádostí o příspěvek a našli sponzory.
Peer-to-peer fundraising je účinný, protože staví na vztazích, využívá již existující dárcovskou základnu a přispívá k sociálnímu důkazu. Publikaci spíše důvěřujeme, pokud ji vytvořil přítel nebo člen rodiny. Dobře funguje také vzájemné získávání finančních prostředků a získávání charitativních sponzorů pro neziskové organizace, protože je exponenciální. Jednotlivé kampaně všech vašich příznivců se rozbíhají a přinášejí vám další dárce.
3. Offline Fundraising
Dopisy / přímá pošta
Tento offline způsob fundraisingu je stále hojně využíván neziskovými organizacemi, protože je obecně levný, účinný a snadno se při něm hledají sponzoři. Je to výhodné pro menší neziskové organizace nebo neziskové organizace, které působí na místní úrovni. Starší dárci navíc dávají přednost přímé poště (dopisům). Pokud má vaše nezisková organizace starší dárce, je direct mail velmi účinný.
Akce jsou již mnoho let účinným nástrojem pro získávání finančních prostředků a sponzorů pro neziskové organizace, protože poskytují prostor pro interakci mezi neziskovou organizací a potenciálními dárci. Události mohou také podpořit vaši online fundraising. Dárci přispívají častěji, pokud mohou uvést své tváře.
Přestože se v průběhu let podomní fundraising kvůli své náročnosti na pracovní sílu snížil, mnoho organizací jej stále využívá při získávání sponzorů pro neziskové organizace.
Telefonické žádosti
Telefonické žádosti jsou žádosti o dary podané po telefonu a mohou se pohybovat od několika děkovných telefonátů zaměstnance až po rozsáhlé telemarketingové kampaně. Stejně jako v případě podomního sběru se i tato technika v průběhu let stala nepoužitelnou. online fundraising roste, ale pro některé neziskové organizace může být stále efektivní při hledání sponzorů.
4. Vládní / Soukromé Dotace
Neziskové organizace mohou žádat o granty od vlády a soukromých a veřejných nadací na úrovni obcí a států. Obecně platí, že peníze, které vám byly poskytnuty v rámci grantu, nemusíte vracet. V celosvětovém měřítku musí mít vaše organizace téměř ve všech zemích status charitativní/neziskové organizace, aby mohla získat grant.
Každá grantová organizace má jiné požadavky a mohou záviset také na zemi, ve které je vaše nezisková organizace registrována. Jednou z výhod grantu je, že může podpořit významné projekty a umožnit jim tak rozsáhlý sociální dopad, který by jinak nebyl možný. Nevýhodou je, že to může trvat dlouho. Za prvé, trvá nějakou dobu, než si osvojíte dovednosti pro psaní žádosti o grant, což skutečně vede k vyplacení grantu, a pak může chvíli trvat, než se finanční prostředky objeví.
Kromě toho jsou dotace často vázány na konkrétní podmínky. Tyto podmínky se týkají například toho, jak přesně můžete peníze použít. Mají také specifické požadavky na podávání zpráv, které byste měli před podáním žádosti zvážit. Podmínky se mohou vztahovat také k určitým výstupům nebo výsledkům nebo k dosažení dohodnutých milníků. Granty mohou být pro neziskové organizace velmi atraktivní, ale než o ně požádáte, měli byste si to dobře rozmyslet. Zde je několik věcí, které je třeba zvážit, než se rozhodnete použít granty jako součást modelu získávání finančních prostředků.
Můžeme investovat prostředky do psaní přínosných žádostí o granty?
Můžeme splnit podmínky dotace?
Jsou činnosti, které bychom prováděli, v souladu s naším posláním, cíli a strategií?
Lze v činnosti pokračovat i po skončení dotace?
Pro některé organizace jsou granty ideálním zdrojem financování, zatímco pro jiné jsou příliš těžkopádné a omezující. Proto je důležité si nejprve odpovědět na výše uvedené otázky, abyste se ujistili, že grant je pro vaši neziskovou organizaci právě teď nejvhodnější.
Pokud žijete v Nizozemsku, je zde k dispozici vyhledávací online databáze fondů, která vám pomůže najít to, co hledáte.
5. Jak Získat Firemní Sponzorství Pro Neziskové Organizace
Hledání sponzorů a firemních sponzorů může být pro neziskové organizace vynikajícím zdrojem financování. Společnosti jsou obvykle ochotny spolupracovat na projektech, které mají zlepšit jejich filantropickou image nebo pracovat na tom, aby se staly společensky odpovědnějšími organizacemi. Různé společnosti mají různé dárcovské programy, z nichž některé mohou být vhodné i pro vaši organizaci. Pokud vaše společnost plánuje pořádat akce v rámci stávajících kampaní, můžete také začít hledat sponzory pro charitativní akce.
Může existovat určitá neochota spolupracovat se společnostmi a sponzorovat je. Existuje však mnoho sociálně odpovědných společností. Pokud přijímáte dary od těch, kteří jsou v souladu s posláním a hodnotami vaší neziskové organizace, může se jednat o cenný zdroj financování, který lze najít u sponzorů. Sladění hodnot je obzvláště důležité, protože dnešní dárci vyžadují transparentnost a velmi opatrný přístup k tomu, s kým spolupracujete, může pomoci ochránit vaši pověst. Firemní sponzoring obvykle zahrnuje tři hlavní formy:
Filantropické – dary bez závazků, podobně jako individuální dary
Událost sponzoring – epizodická nebo krátkodobá podpora, hledání sponzorů na základě události.
Marketing založený na příčinách – Dlouhodobější tematické zapojení a vyhledávání sponzorů podle zapojení
Existují také programy vyrovnávání příspěvků, v jejichž rámci společnosti vyrovnávají příspěvky svých zaměstnanců. Pokud uvažujete o firemním sponzoringu jako o jednom ze zdrojů financování vaší neziskové organizace, nezapomeňte zohlednit režijní náklady. Někdo musí partnerství řídit, zejména pokud plánujete navázat obchodní partnerství a hledání sponzorů je jedním z vašich hlavních zdrojů příjmů.
6. Členský Poplatek
Tento zdroj financování neziskových organizací nemusí být vždy vhodný pro každou neziskovou organizaci, ale stojí za to se jím zabývat. Zvažte poslání své neziskové organizace a poté se rozhodněte, zda chcete tento zdroj příjmů využít na členské příspěvky. Tento zdroj financování je obzvláště efektivní, pokud vaše nezisková organizace může svým členům nabídnout exkluzivní programy a/nebo výhody a benefity.
Podkategorií modelu členství je financování prostřednictvím bývalých příjemců nebo absolventů.. Tento model funguje výjimečně dobře pro nemocnice a univerzity, které u svých bývalých příjemců vytvářejí pocit „návratnosti“, a tak nacházejí sponzory. Tento konkrétní zdroj financování od minulých „příjemců“ funguje, pokud vaše organizace slouží velké komunitě s vysokým obratem. V tomto ohledu je Princetonská univerzita vynikajícím příkladem způsobu, jakým nachází sponzory.
Univerzita je velmi zdatná v oslovování absolventů s žádostí o dary a má nejvyšší počet absolventů ze všech národních univerzit, kteří darují 59,2 %. v 2008, více než 33,000 vysokoškolák absolventi darovali $43.6 milionů na jejich alma mater. V důsledku úsilí univerzity o získávání finančních prostředků je více než 50 % provozního rozpočtu Princetonu hrazeno z darů a nadačních příjmů.
Funguje to proto, že dřívější příjemci mají pocit, že od instituce v minulosti získali mnoho výhod, a jsou ochotni poskytnout stejné výhody i ostatním. Dřívější příjemci považují individuální dávky, které obdrželi v minulosti, za vyšší společenské dobro. Než začnete hledat sponzory a rozhodnete se využít členské příspěvky v té či oné formě jako zdroj financování, položte si následující otázky.
Máme programy, které mají věrné příznivce a lidi, kteří chtějí šířit informace?
Můžeme investovat do dlouhodobých vztahů s našimi příjemci?
Máme kapacitu oslovit příjemce poté, co využijí naše služby?
Nabízíme exkluzivní výhody a benefity, které ospravedlňují členský poplatek?
7. Prodej Výrobků A Služeb
Dalším zdrojem financování vaší neziskové organizace může být prodej výrobků a/nebo služeb. Můžete například prodávat předměty se svou značkou/logem a generovat tak příjem pro svou organizaci. Obvykle se jedná o trička, tašky, hrnky, sušenky a další výrobky. Například Goodwill Industries je pravděpodobně největší neziskový maloobchodní prodejce. Mnohé neziskové organizace také některé své služby zpoplatňují.
Například nemocnice vystavují pacientům účty, muzea vybírají vstupné, divadla prodávají vstupenky, společenské organizace vybírají poplatky, vysoké školy požadují školné atd. To může být pro vaši neziskovou organizaci skvělým zdrojem příjmů, ale jako vždy platí, že tento zdroj financování se nemusí vždy týkat každé neziskové organizace. Podle Národní centrum pro charitativní statistiku, v roce 2013 tvořily tyto zdroje příjmů téměř polovinu (47,5 %) celkových příjmů veřejně prospěšných organizací. Čtvrtina příjmů pochází ze státních zakázek na služby.
Prodej výrobků a služeb se někdy označuje jako „obchod“ nebo „příjem z výdělečné činnosti“. Zde jsou další příklady prodeje produktů a služeb:
Prodej vstupenek na akce.
Vytváření a prodej publikací.
Prodej interních odborných znalostí, např. psaní, školení a konzultace.
Neziskové organizace mohou prodávat ve většině zemí. Pokud prodej výrobků a služeb tvoří významnou část vašeho rozpočtu, měli byste požádat o odbornou radu. Pokud tyto činnosti nesouvisejí s vaším hlavním účelem, budou mít charitativní organizace daňové a odvodové dopady. Dávejte si pozor na své příjmy a sledujte procento příjmů, které tvoří produkty a služby pro vaši organizaci.
8. In-Kind Dary
Sponzoring pro neziskové organizace je velmi důležité téma. Neziskové organizace by tedy měly být vždy otevřené věcným darům. Věcné dary nejsou užitečné pro každou neziskovou organizaci, ale mohou být neocenitelným zdrojem podpory pro neziskové organizace, jako jsou útulky pro zvířata, útulky pro bezdomovce, anonymní útulky nebo organizace humanitární pomoci. Příkladem věcných darů jsou potraviny, oblečení a léky. Pokud je pro váš organizační model vhodné najít sponzory pro věcné příspěvky, mohou vám ušetřit spoustu peněz. Pokud chce například vaše organizace dodávat potraviny a vodu do oblastí postižených přírodními katastrofami, je velmi užitečné, abyste byli zásobováni v naturáliích.
Je možné, že věcné dary nebudete moci použít přímo pro své programy. V takovém případě je můžete vždy použít pro aukce (v závislosti na typu produktů). Pokud se pro tento způsob rozhodnete, měli byste jasně sdělit (nejlépe na svých webových stránkách), které předměty můžete přijímat a kde se nacházejí vaše sběrná místa – pokud nejsou v kanceláři. Je důležité si uvědomit, že věcné dary nezahrnují pouze potraviny, oblečení a léky. Věcným darem může být také někdo, kdo například zdarma přednese projev nebo uspořádá workshop, nebo někdo, kdo zdarma vytvoří vaše webové stránky.
Začněte Hledat Sponzory
Ačkoli se názory na to, co představuje „ideální“ model financování neziskové organizace na cestě za získáním sponzorů pro fundraising, různí, využívání různých zdrojů k dosažení udržitelnosti je obecně dobrým postupem. Obecně se doporučuje, aby neziskové organizace nikdy nedostávaly více než 30 % finančních prostředků z jednoho zdroje. Pokud organizace ztratí 30 % svých příjmů, pravděpodobně ji lze restrukturalizovat, aby přežila.
Je důležité mít na paměti, že jsme zde uvedli možné zdroje financování, ale rozhodně ne všechny finanční modely nezbytné pro provoz neziskové organizace. Pokud jde o zajištění finančních prostředků pro vaši organizaci, ujistěte se, že máte plán. Ať už se jedná o jednotlivce, nadace, korporace nebo státní financování, investujte do vztahů s dárci a hledejte sponzory. Všechny tyto vztahy vyžadují čas a je třeba je udržovat. Musíte respektovat jakýkoli druh podpory.
Řešení problémů s příjmy vyžaduje kreativitu, odhodlání a tvrdou práci. Každý zdroj financování má své příležitosti a problémy a každý má samozřejmě své výhody a nevýhody. Ať už si vyberete kteroukoli z nich, všechny vyžadují úsilí, soustředění a investice do hledání sponzorů.
Další tipy pro neziskové organizace a návod, jak získat sponzory pro sbírku, najdete na našem webu pro neziskové organizace. blog ..
Pro informaci: https://whydonate.com/cs/blog/hledani-sponzoru/
Keywords; charitativní organizace, fundraising cz,české neziskové organizace,získávání finančních prostředků,Crowdfunding,crowdfundingovou kampaň,crowdfundingové platformy,fundraising pro neziskové organizace,finanční prostředky
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