#never drew sayu but she is cute
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Some NSR doodles. Since I've started ANOTHER playthrough.
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mayoi-draws-stuff · 3 years
Just some older works, Sketches and WIPs.... (Big dump below!!!) ((Click for better quality!))
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First up are Mayday and Sayu's designs from the Christmas update. I just think they're so cute!
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A quick snapshot of a WIP design for @freedom-barricades-bighero16 and my's BH6 NSR! AU. Karmi is in this image, too, but her design isn't complete. But here's Hiro! His genre is Technopunk and his instrument of choice are his gauntlets, which have synthesizers built into them. (I'm probably gonna have to redo this one, lol.)
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Here's a holiday outfit I made for my NSR OC, Kazumi! I think she looks pretty! (Random fact, I headcanon her voice to sound like Momakse (Naoko Mori). I think it fits her well. Even though she's literally the walking definition of "Looks like she can kill you, but is actually a cinnamon roll.")
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Eve sketches! ((C'mon, she'd totally wear the worm on a string jacket. Credit for the jacket design goes to @ink-shaming!)) Then, a style change! The first sketch I drew using my new style, and I wanted to play with pose... ((and Eve is really freaking pretty, okay, fite me. She's also helping me learn to love my freckles. They make her look so pretty, and now I feel pretty with mine on my face, arms and legs.))
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And, last but not least, a WIP of Mrs. Natura! (Yinu's mom) I've never drawn her before, and I wanted to draw something pretty last night, so I went with her! ((My idea here was to capture what her husband felt when he first laid eyes on her!))
Anyway, thanks for dealing with my NSR brainrot, by BH6 fans! This, unfortunately, won't be the last of it, lol.....
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