#ngl even when gil was a bitch to her in ccc I wanted to kill him
We all agree that Jinako is universally beloved right? I mean look at her, even Goetia would reconsider burning humanity if he saw Jinako being a good
unfortunately jinako haters are real and out there
They seem to hate her primarily because she’s an incredibly significant person in karna’s life as a servant who has the audacity to be ‘conventionally unattractive’ (a bit fat) and kind of annoying- at least a few of these people are quite fixated on karna and consider her a sort of ‘dead weight’ that hinders either him personally or their enjoyment of his character
Which is incredibly ironic because jinako is specifically and explicitly the master who’s had the greatest positive impact on karna as a servant in part because of her own ‘flaws.’ The fact that she was a poor suit for him in terms of will to fight and magical output meant that he was forced to, for once, cool his heels and actually reflect on the events and people around him instead of focusing solely on fighting like in apocrypha or even fgo to some extent. He was forced to also reflect on his own tendencies by sitting and waiting and gained a level of peace with himself he was able to carry into later installments. It was a period of time he clearly felt fondly about with all the times he’s referenced it and to act like she did him a disservice by not let him explosionize things is just wrong- while that may be what he likes to do, he was able to recognize that it isn’t always what he needs and while it was unintentional on her part he deeply appreciates how she helped him realize it.
The simple fact is that their story arc in ccc culminated in him telling her that even if she never changed from the ‘cowardly nobody’ she felt she was, he was sure someone would still be out there waiting to meet her- a message he delivered with as much clarity and compassion as he could muster. It’s the exact antithesis of the people who resent her for those traits lmao. To ignore all that and treat her as a metaphorical shackle around his neck rather than someone who was actively responsible for making him able to relax more as a servant and enjoy himself is actively incorrect even if you resent the fact she’s a woman with an important relationship (whether romantic or platonic is irrelevant tbh) to your favorite anime boy
As for the people who primarily hate her bc she’s fat….uh…get better taste? 🤷
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