#nightshift keef
thenightshiftcomic · 14 days
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So...the impulse control escaped.
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doumekiss · 2 years
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Books Read in August 2022
- ★★★★★
This is Going to Hurt (Adam Kay, 2017, England)
Empire of Pain : The Secret History of The Sackler Dinasty (Patrick Radden Keefe, 2021, USA)
Lords and Ladies (Terry Pratchett, 1992, England)
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint : Volume 4 (Singshong, 2021, South Korea)
Rogues: True Stories of Grifters, Killers, Rebels and Crooks (Patrick Radden Keefe, 2022, USA)
Maskerade (Terry Pratchett, 1995, England)
- ★★★★
Witches Abroad (Terry Pratchett, 1991, England)
The Summer Book (Tove Jansson, 1972, Finland)
The Anthropocene Reviewed (John Green, 2021, USA)
The Last Continent (Terry Pratchett, 1998, England)
Twas The Nightshift Before Christmas (Adam Kay, 2019, England)
I’m Glad My Mom Died (Jenette McCurdy, 2022, USA)
Sign (Ker, 2017-2020, South Korea)
The Odyssey (Homer, IX B.C, Greece)
Live From New York : The Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live (Tom Shales and James Andre Miller, 2014, USA)
10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World (Elif Shafak, Turkey, 2019)
Semantic Error 01- 58 (Jeosuri and Angy, 2021-2022, South Korea)
- ★★★
Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte, 1847, England)
And Playing The Role of Herself (K. E. Lane, 2007, USA)
The Sundial (Shirley Jackson, 1958, USA)
The Girl On The Velvet Swing : Sex, Murder and Madness at The Dawn of The Twentieth Century (Simon Baatz, 2018, USA)
Poema Sujo (Ferreira Gullar, 1976, Brazil)
Getting to Know Grace (Hilde and Mokma, 2018, South Korea)
- ★★
The Boy Who Followed Ripley (Patricia Highsmith, 1980, USA)
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thenightshiftcomic · 1 month
What type of music would each of Nightshift members like most ????
Alright this is my preface that I know nothing about genres so we're mostly going off vibes here:
Ash: Ohhh, this is a hard one and I can't for the life of me figure out why. I think Ash would like more lyricless songs, just pure vibes and what he can make in his head from that. He'll listen to anything as long as it doesn't have lyrics and he can make stuff up with it.
Talia: I don't remember if I'm mentioned it on the blog but Talia totally listens to villain songs. One is even on her playlist lol - she's a bad guy and she embraces it through and through. I think she also listens to stuff with like, Wish You the Worst, Blood // Water and Nothing Ever Changes vibes.
Keef: I don't really know how to describe the song type I'm thinking of for her, but it's a lot of what's on her playlist. I'll Be Good, I'm Good (Blue), Phoenix, blindfolded, those kinda vibes if that makes sense. She likes songs she can relate to.
Ink: I mentioned here how Ink passes out to stuff like NVM, and I think that's its general music taste, too. Probably slower and quieter songs with a more melancholy vibe to it, maybe occasionally something more uplifting on good days. Tell Your Story, Little Girl, NVM, those types of vibes.
Leo: I think Leo has a balance of more quick-paced songs and slow and sad, kind of a mix of Ink and Keef. Hurts Like Hell and I Don't Quite Remember, but also Not OK and HOLOGRAM. I think it depends more on the lyrics for him but he still doesn't stray from that taste too much.
Kody: I think Kody also leans more into the lyrics with songs, and doesn't keep a very consistent taste. If he relates, it's on the playlist, y'know? I could see him with a relatively chill playlist that's not as dark as most of his music probably is to have for while he's trying to do something, or is trying to relax or whatever. Depends on his mood.
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thenightshiftcomic · 4 months
The Nightshift Reacts to Canon ROTTMNT Lines:
"This is why you never go to New Jersey!"
Keef, nodding: Can confirm, my life is infinitely better when it takes place outside of New Jersey.
"You threw me off a roof!"
Ash: When someone's pettier than Talia.
Talia: Elbows
Ash: Chuckles :)
Ink: Donnie screwed with their brains again didn't he?
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thenightshiftcomic · 3 months
what is the Nightshift's go-to after mission meal(s)?
Probably ramen. Pretty easy and light (because sometimes they get nauseous), plain for the ones who like plain food, stuff can be added for the others, and Ink will still eat it so long as it's shrimp flavored (which is the general default anyway because nobody else has much of a ramen preference besides like, chicken, which is also Ink-tolerable).
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thenightshiftcomic · 3 months
What Nightshift member(s) do you think would game?
Honestly, they all would if they had access to it. Talia would love racing games, and I think Ash would like story games or building games. Kody would like building/gardening or indie games like Spiritfarer, and I think Keef would enjoy just a random collection of games that should not go together lol. Ink would like puzzle games and Leo would like things like Cat-tasrophoe or whatever that game was called, or like organizing games. I could also see Leo & Ink enjoying the Stanley Parable (probably dragged into it by Ash).
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thenightshiftcomic · 3 months
Any of the Nightshade like shrimp?
Ink. Keef likes it, too, and Kody tried it once and didn't like it.
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thenightshiftcomic · 3 months
if you were to pair up lmk characters and the Nightshift who would you pair with who?
Disclaimer that these are character perceptions and not like, the reality of their situations. Also I need to re-watch LMK because my memory is a little rusty lol.
Ash & MK, two guys that are supposed to protect their families and keep making shit worse <3
Talia & Red Son, they have the same chaos vibes to me. Plus I think Red Son would love to help Talia screw around with making knives for some reason. Just, vibes?? Either way, they're gonna go burn down a village <3 /hj
Leo & Sandy, tanks with a heart of gold. Come on, you had to see that coming. But, I think it'd be good because I think Sandy would help try to walk Leo through his guilt a bit
Keef & Wukong. You know how much guilt these two have over little mistakes? Avoiding mentioning things until the last second because how do they mention it?? It's just going to be so many negative emotions and then by the time they're forced to confront it, it's too late. Delicious.
Ink & Mei, just because chaos gremlins that adopt their enemies. They will prank everyone. Talia & Red Son specifically.
Kody & Wukong, but for different reasons. Whenever someone gets close they both run like hell and distance themselves again (even if it's too late, and people have gotten attached/they've gotten attached to people already).
On some less "similarity" notes and things I think would just be interesting:
Ash & Pigsy: The adopters. Ash takes the full responsibility for everything his group does and for protecting them in any way possible, Pigsy protects his kids but I could also see him recognizing that he can't protect them from everything. A nice cooking session with a talk over the differences in how they approach their teams running into danger would be interesting, I think.
Talia & Red Son: Okay okay okay, it's the same duo but for less gremlin-y reasons this time. They both had shitty parents, and I see Talia simply not understanding how Red Son is still willing to connect with them. I think she'd be incredibly confused and it could be an interesting discussion in Red Son's approach with his parents vs hers. (That is to say, Red Son's parents making a genuine effort to get better and growing a bond, where Talia's were only interested in getting worse and forced Talia away in such a way they can never recover from.)
Keef & Lady Bone Demon: I'm not sure if you'd count villains under this ask, but okay. So, Keef grew up in an environment where perfection was expected, and she always fell just short. She prefers the chaos of the world and the freedom of creativity, but also understands the appeal of constantly looking put-together and perfect, especially to other people. She still puts pressure on herself to do that, after all, even if she won't admit it. Furthering that, she's one of the few in the Nightshift who doesn't see her life as better after the inciting incident that led to her eventually joining. Maybe the same, but not better. She fully understands the appeal of a perfect world where she wouldn't have had the opportunity to make such a mistake that led her down this road, and feels the pressure to conform to something closer to LBD's version of the world, and I think that would make for a very interesting conversation.
Leo & Wukong: Two very different approaches to the same issue. Leo is worried he can't protect the people he loves, and believes (if unconsciously, to some degree) that he's at fault for his siblings' deaths. He's determined to not let the same fate befall his new family, and so becomes incredibly protective and even overbearing. On the flip side of this, Wukong took to distancing himself so he wouldn't hurt people any more than he has (and before they can leave him first). I think the drastic differences in approaches would be really interesting to pick out, especially since I think Wukong would see a degree of himself in Leo - the determination to protect the people he loves no matter what, but before Wukong lost vision of his previous goal for more power. Maybe he'd try to serve as a kind of warning tale to Leo, before Leo has the chance to make the same mistakes.
Ink & MK: Ink and MK would be really interesting to me to flip sides of a kinda screwed up coin. Someone who trusts and connects with everyone blindly (MK) and someone who picks and chooses who to trust carefully, because everyone's out to get you if push comes to shove hard to enough (Ink). They both love their family deeply, but Ink is more subtle about it so it won't be used/taken advantage of while MK is proudly loving of everyone he cares about. MK is crushed with guilt in how he thinks he hurts the people around him and, to some degree, fails to help people, while Ink genuinely has done irreparable damage to others and failed to save lives it was put in charge of, and learned to live with that reality. I think it'd be interesting because I think Ink would see MK, how MK keeps getting tricked and taken advantage of, how MK thinks he hurts the people he loves and fails to save those he tries to help, and the only way Ink would know how to help is through its own worldview: trust nobody, make connections but stay on your toes, yes you've hurt people and yes you've failed but the reality of life is you can't avoid that to some degree and here's some ways I learned to live with myself. Maybe they'll help you too. I think it would be interesting because Ink also doesn't see another side to this: that MK has never tried to actively hurt someone, that everything he blames himself for isn't necessarily his fault, and that MK's ability to see the good in people has genuinely helped them - not just in the sense of having connections, but believing in others (Macaque) in a way that Ink's more pessimistic worldview does not allow.
Kody & Macaque: I think this would be fun for their similarities leading to severe whiplash between them. Kody's been betrayed, used, tricked and manipulated more times than he can count, and they both follow a very similar "Look out for number one. Because if you don't, no one will." mentality, and while Macaque's "Wukong only values people by how useful they are to him" mentality might be more individual-specific, it's still something Kody can easily apply to everyone that's taken him in then discarded him once his use was up. They handle their respective betrayals extremely differently, with Kody content to just avoid the hell out of anyone that hurt them and Macaque hunting down Wukong and even using his student for revenge (which, would definitely piss Kody off, by the way), but at their roots they can see a lot of themselves in each other, down to Kody's more tricky nature even if he doesn't see it. I definitely don't think a conversation with them would go well, per say, because Kody would not hesitate to question why the hell Macaque went back to fighting for/with Wukong when he could easily be using him again (Kody pushes the world away so they don't get hurt again, and Macaque is willing to run right back to Wukong's side when he's called?), and would get extremely pissed off that Macaque took advantage of MK that way (in a very similar way they were in the past), but I think the similarities in root that bleed out into extremely different responses would be kind of interesting. I rewrote this last one like three times though, I'm not sure, it's harder to draw a connection with Kody than it is the others.
Honorable mention goes to:
Keef & Mei - Pressure to conform to what they should be while ignoring who they are.
Sorry for the ramble, I wasn't intending it to get this long lol! Anyway, there's your gremlin stuff and then you're deep-rooted trauma angsty stuff XD
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thenightshiftcomic · 3 months
Does Keef have any talents? 
A lot! Calligraphy, violin, macramé, poetry, flower arranging, and writing are some things she's pretty good at. Do note not all of these are things she's actually interested in/enjoys doing though lol
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thenightshiftcomic · 4 months
All Nightshift members: What’s their favorite weather?
Ash - Rainy, cloudy weather. He likes the scent of rain on the wind and everything after it comes down.
Talia - Sunny days that make the shade feel just right. She likes running around and working herself up and then relaxing in the shade.
Keef - She likes it when it's sprinkling, or that weird in-between where the clouds are there and it's still kind of raining but you can also see the sun. She thinks it's neat and pretty.
Leo - Colder days, because he's generally pretty warm and he likes to curl up under blankets and stuff. Plus, he's pretty physically affectionate and it means he can cuddle to help keep his friends warm.
Ink - Ink likes the warm days with just a bit of a breeze. It makes the shade too cold, but it likes how the warmth feels and the perfect temperature when the breeze rolls through.
Kody - Kody prefers it when it's warmer and more humid. He likes the smell of everything and just how the air feels. (The rest of the Nightshift do not understand the affinity for humidity one bit).
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thenightshiftcomic · 4 months
What is a childhood meal Keef cherishes? if any ?
Keef's house had an indoor pool, and at one point when she was like eight it was drained for a deep-clean. She went down and seared a little cat head drawing on the side with a fire rune because nobody was paying attention.
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thenightshiftcomic · 1 month
Characters Ink & Keef were inspired by :> ?
Yeah should've seen these two coming lol
Keef (specifically her fascination with magic) was originally Luz inspired, and from there was a combination of Wylan and Nina inspiration (mostly in her backstory before I moved her to the Rise setting). Before I moved her to the Rise setting she was also kind of Leo inspired, but I don't remember much of what characters inspired her personality. Probably more a combination of some of my favorite elements of characters than the characters themselves.
Ink didn't really have an inspiration at first? Just kinda was there to fill the character count before I got around to actually developing it, and then I cannot for the life of me remember who it was inspired by after that. It got Mikey inspiration somewhere along the way but there's a gap of time between conceptualization and finishing the (pre-Rise setting) backstory that I was super inspired by something but don't remember what it was. I think it got Dragon Prince inspiration somewhere in there lol
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thenightshiftcomic · 3 months
Keef's wrist disability? 👀
Ahem So, on a mission very very very early on Keef's wrist got very badly injured, and they didn't have access to an ER or anything so it never really properly healed. Via Ink's spells and what information they could gather they got it back to functional, but she still has enough trouble with it she wears a wrist brace a lot of the time to help stabilize it and tends to favor the other hand when it comes to spells.
Effects and accommodations are going to be shown but she gets chronic pain, some shakiness/numbness, and even more sucky temperature control that come up sometimes. When it's not being super shaky she can still use that hand for stuff but she ends up using grip pencils if she's writing and her runes on that side tend to be a bit shakier.
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thenightshiftcomic · 3 months
Keef Asks
Worn Colors
Personifying Objects
Gifts: Bought or Made?
Personality Flavour
Childhood Memory
Childhood Meal*
Favorite Weather
Comfort Food
Fuzzy Socks or Comfy Slippers?
Cuddles or Hand-Holding?
Songs She's Singing
Small Detail
Keef's Wrist
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thenightshiftcomic · 3 months
(current) Nightshift genders and sexualities?
Ash - Aro-spec, asexual
Talia - Lesbian
Keef - Bisexual
Leo - Gay
Ink - Agender, demiromantic/questioning
Kody - Demiboy, demiromantic, gay, asexual
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thenightshiftcomic · 4 months
What’s a small detail about Keef that if someone remembers will make her extremely happy?
She loves bird watching. If someone remembers and offers to go bird watching with her she will light up.
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