#nima sully
jakexneytiri · 10 months
I need more reader and txonuk bonding 😭
you got it 🫡
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“mama?” se’ayl yells from across your marui. “will you braid my hair again before bedtime?”
“of course, little love. i just have to get nima tucked in first, and help tsantu finish weaving his armband. then, i will have some time to braid your hair before bed, okay?” you say gently, placing a kiss to your eldest daughters’ head.
“mama! mama, look!” txonuk exclaims, waving his toruk toy around in the air. when he sees you’re occupied with se’ayl, he decides to make his way over to nima. “he’s gonna get you, nima!”
nima squeals, running straight to neteyam. “daddy! daddyyy! ‘nuk teasin’ me!”
neteyam scoops nima up in one swift movement, glancing down at txonuk unamused.
“txonuk. what have i told you? no riling your sister up before bed.”
txonuk gives a small pout, sighing before running over to tsantu, in hopes that he’ll play along.
“tsantu, toruk is coming for you!” he begins to fly the toy over tsantu’s head, who’s too busy learning how to finish the weave of his armband.
“txonuk, no he’s not. toruk is gone, grandpa said so himself. don’t be silly.” tsantu sighs, continuing to work on his weaving.
txonuk’s lower lip trembles, as he runs the few feet to his sleeping mat, curling up on it. he raises the toruk toy above his head, sniffling as he attempts to entertain himself.
after tucking nima in with your mate, you glance over at txonuk’s sleeping mat. noticing the shift in your son’s behavior, you standing up, making your way over. slowly and gently, you approach him, kneeling beside his mat.
“txonuk? what is it?” you say quietly, very gently as you reach a hand out to rest it on his small shoulder.
txonuk turns to face you, his eyes wet and his lower lip quivering.
“no one will play with me, mama.” he sniffles, rubbing his tiny fists over his eyes.
your lips turn to a slight frown, as you rest a hand over your son’s curls.
“well, it is bedtime, little love. your siblings are very tired, that’s why we go to sleep now, so we can wake up in a better mood tomorrow!” you glance over at neteyam, who’s helping tsantu finish his armband. sighing, you smile at the sight, as you scoop your youngest son up in your arms.
“i know what will cheer you up. how about we take a little walk to the pond? it looks very beautiful this time of night, i think you’ll love it.” you smile down at your son, tucking a curl behind his ear.
txonuk raises a fist to his eye, rubbing it gently as he rests his cheek against your shoulder. “okay, momma.”
you carry your youngest son over to your mate, leaning in to whisper “i’m just taking him to the pond. i won’t be too long.” you place a quick kiss to neteyam’s cheek, tousling your eldest son’s hair. “that looks wonderful, tsantu.”
“mmm..have fun.” neteyam whispers back, gently placing a kiss to your forehead. “maybe you and i can go back after they’re all asleep?”
“we’ll see.” you give neteyam a wink before carrying txonuk out of your marui.
“momma, wanna get down, please.” txonuk says, squirming out of your arms. as you gently place him on the forest floor, the bioluminescence begins to glow around his feet. each step illuminates your path to the small pond your family goes to swim in.
“momma! momma!” txonuk begins to tug on your loincloth as you approach the now colorfully lit up pond.
“it’s beautiful, isn’t it?” you smile at your son, taking his hand in yours as you walk closer to the edge of the pond. txonuk holds onto your leg as you wade in the water.
“momma, look! fishies! they’re glowing, too!” txonuk exclaims, clinging tightly to your leg. he glances over, noticing something shift out of the corner of his eye. “kenten!” txonuk whispers loudly, his face lighting up as he walks the few feet to get closer to the creature. as he reaches a finger out to touch it, the lizard’s wings fan open, beginning to spin and glow. txonuk sighs, watching the lizard fly off. “awww, he went away.”
“it’s all right, there has to be a few more around here, txonuk. oh, look! there’s another one!” you point out. a few feet away, another lizard is crawling on the branch it’s perched on. txonuk hurriedly walks the few feet to meet it, fascinated with the creature.
“can i touch him?” txonuk asks, already lifting his finger towards the creature.
“well, you can try, little love, but he might just-” you begin to say, as the lizard spreads its wings and flies off just as txonuk is about to touch it. “-fly away. i don’t think they like being touched. it’s best we just leave them be, okay?” you brush one of the curls from your sons face, smiling at him.
txonuk nods in agreement, as he yawns, stretching his arms up. “momma, i’m getting sleepy.”
“do you want to head back home? do you want me to carry you, or would you like to walk?” you ask gently.
txonuk silently answers by stretching his arms up towards you. in one quick movement, you scoop him up, cradling him close as you begin to walk home.
“can we come back tomorrow at night too, momma?” txonuk asks, his eyelids growing heavy as they struggle to stay open.
“of course we can. but we have to get a good nights sleep first.” you say, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of his head.
as you approach your home, you carefully brush past the opening flap of your marui. slipping inside, you walk txonuk over to his mat, laying him down carefully.
“how was it? how is he feeling now?” neteyam whispers, approaching you from the other side of your marui, where he was working on stringing se’ayl’s bow while waiting for you to return home.
you tuck one of txonuk’s curls behind his ear, leaning in to kiss his forehead gently before standing. “it was nice. he wanted to touch all of the kenten.” you say, a small giggle escaping your lips at the memory from only moments ago.
neteyam chuckles at this, wrapping his arms around you from behind as he rests his chin on your shoulder. “mmm. i’m glad you were able to spend some time with him alone.”
“me too. he loves it, he wants to go back tomorrow, as a family.” you turn around to face your mate, who swiftly picks you up, carrying you to your shared sleeping mat.
“we can arrange that.” he grins, setting you down gently before settling in beside you. “you’re sure you don’t want to head back now?”
“hmm…i don’t know if i’d make it there awake. i’m exhausted. but we always can tomorrow..” you whisper, nuzzling into your mate’s chest.
“tomorrow it is.” neteyam places a kiss to your forehead, wrapping his arms around you as you drift off to sleep.
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avatarsslut · 1 year
Things about my oc
Her name is Ellisia it means blissful, blessed, blessing and to help
She is 18 years old
She is the firstborn daughter of Jake sully and neytiri
She has five finishes on her hands
She is very shy(due to people bullying her about her five fingers and light skin)
She had long curly hair and has light skin complexion (moat thinks she is Na’vi version of eywa herself)
She knows how to fight and defend herself (obviously cause Jake taught her)
She has only one friend her name is Nima(daughter of ninat)
Her uncle is tsu’tey (he ain’t dead in my story)
She is known as the best healer singer and dancer(take that ninat)
She is the next tsaksarem
She loves animals and plants
She is hesitant about learning about the sky people
She is wary of spider (cause he’s human NOT HATING ON SPIDER)
she is always found singing or weaving something
She sings with her mother every night before going to sleep
She loves playing with tuk (she was the one who actually started calling her tuk-tuk)
She is there for her brother loak comforting him when he gets scolded by Jake
She helps kiri and her grandmother with the herbs and helping the wounded
She always tries to stick up for neteyam and loak when Jake scolds them
She was born premature
She is smaller than the average Na’vi but that don’t stop her from trying to help out
She also has a scar from her midsection of her stomach to her upper thigh she got it from getting attacked by a palulukan
@tiredmamaissy @zestys-stuff
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ejcummings · 2 years
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“Okay, don’t trip,” he called out as soon as he heard Nima hit the door. They hadn’t been room mates all that long and he hadn’t quite figured out her temper, because thankfully, until now, he hadn’t done anything to trigger it. “I um...I know it looks like a tsunami hit in here but I got this, alright? I promise the kitchen will be back to normal in no time Don’t even worry about it,” he said as a small grimace overtook his features, realizing the disaster before him really was as bad as it seemed. As he moved a couple steps closer he swiped a few sullied dishes off the counter and into the dishwasher.  He tossed a few empty containers into the garbage and wiped down the counter a bit before he turned toward her and offered a lopsided smile. It was just a freaking salmon and rice deal, but he’d gone through a few before deciding on something final. Hence, The Mess. “The good news is the recipe I snagged off TikTok is bomb as fuck despite how it looks in here. I hope you’re hungry, roomie...” @nimaabbasi​
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
I want to know more about Neteyam x readers kids !
you do??! 😭😭 this just made my day omg 🥹 welllllll let’s see here. there’s:
tsantu. (his name in na’vi means: good person, good guy) which is v fitting for him. the oldest of the bunch, a literal mini neteyam. both neteyam and reader adore him. like adore. he was the first to make them parents, bringing an indescribable joy to their family. he cherishes every second spent with his parents. he loves when neteyam takes him for rides on his ikran, and he can’t wait until he can choose his very own. he also loves helping reader prepare meals, and listening to her sing. he asks reader to sing to him every night before bed. (ninat what’s good?) he’s very brave, and only fears one thing: losing his family to the “sky people” that grandpa always talks about.
se’ayl. (her name in na’vi means: a tall, thin waterfall) the second oldest, neteyam & reader’s first daughter. ever since she was little, she’s loved the water. (maybe due to the fact that reader would often visit the creek & go for a dip when pregnant?) any chance she can get, she’s swimming in the small creek near neteyam & reader’s marui. every day she asks them if they can go swimming as a family, and most days they do. she is extremely creative, you’ll often find her crafting a new armband or bracelet, she’s made multiple for reader, neteyam, and her siblings. she has a soft spot for neteyam, and hates when he has to go train for the day. but he typically makes it up to her with some pillow kisses, which are her favorite.
txonuk. (his name in na’vi means: night shadow) third oldest, second son. kept reader and neteyam up at night many times when he was younger. (neteyam swears he has some grey hairs in his one braid now.) a very hands on child, touching anything and everything he could reach, often getting himself into trouble. not on purpose of course, just a curious kid! always testing the waters and pushing the limit when it comes to reader and neteyam. tsantu always looks out for him, as his protective older brother. always the last to fall asleep, and even when reader & neteyam think all the kids are asleep, chances are txonuk’s still awake. he throughly enjoys any time after eclipse, loving the night time & bioluminescence just like his mama. (even surprised reader with some bioluminescent leaves for her top) sneaking out to go for a night swim with se’ayl, he gets a harsh scolding from neteyam and from then on has put up a wall between him and his father for a bit, but gets over it eventually, as neteyam later explains he was worried for their safety. (boys are so dramatic sometimes😭)
nima. (her name in na’vi means: shy) the youngest daughter of reader & neteyam. fairly new to the world, but loves every bit of it. shy. so very shy, except around her family. she loves exploring, always picking something up on the ground to tuck away in the pouch around her hip. like se’ayl, nima also enjoys swimming (a little too much, she never wants to get out when it’s time to go.) very clumsy, always tripping and falling over things. LOVES her grandfather, says he gives the best hugs. (grandpa hugs are the best<3) always asking if they can visit/stay with jake & neytiri. has neteyam wrapped around her little finger. already convinced him to craft her a bow (has no idea how to use it, and no real intent to learn just yet. she just wants to be more like her daddy.)
i hope that answers your question, anon!<3
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jakexneytiri · 5 months
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it’s my snippet and i’ll make it as cute as i wanna 😾
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jakexneytiri · 5 months
i am WRITING FOLKS!!! currently writing dad! teyam and i’m trying to incorporate all of the kids talking but damn conversations between nima and jake just flow 😭😭 rip to the other kids, neytiri will give you the attention you deserve 🙏🏼
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jakexneytiri · 10 months
Hi!!! I’m a silent follower. I love reading your fanfics about daddy neteyam x reader and the four (incoming five) 2nd generation baby sullys 😭💙. Do you have any fan art or pics of the sully girls? I only saw Tsantu and Txonuk’s. I wish I could also see all of them in one frame. I hope you won’t stop making these pleaseeee 🥺.
hii lovely! thank you so, so much for all your love and support :’) it means the world to me! 💞💘💕
AGH i need to get all of them commissioned in one frame :’) yes yes!! no plans on stopping anytime soon :D
i created a post a while back explaining what i imagine se’ayl and nima to look like!
@zestys-stuff created the lovely art of tsantu & txonuk. be sure to check her page out!! <3
@sullyfortress created two lovely commissions of nima and grandpa jake :’) be sure to check out her page as well!! <3
@rodeosayu created an adorable se’ayl portrait :’)
@marushhhhh created another portrait of se’ayl as well!
i should work on getting a commission of them all together :D
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
hi love, may i ask how you visualize se'ayl and nima? we've seen how tsantu and txonuk look like n im curious how the daughters look like according to your imagination 👀
- 🦊
hii love!
so @rodeosayu actually created art of se’ayl, which is super cute!! se’ayl is fascinated with aunt kiri, so i imagine she begged txonuk to help give herself bangs to be more like her. of course they came out jagged and uneven, bc that’s what happens when kids get another kid to assist them with a haircut!
eventually, they grow out and i picture her hair worn mainly braided over her queue, and just the little bits of bangs still out, like this!
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nima, being the youngest, doesn’t really have much hair right now lol but she very much looks up to her parents! so i imagine further down the line, her hair will be just like readers. she would have something from both of them, perhaps similar beads to neteyams, and a tiny feather like her mama. but when she’s younger, i picture her hair like this! two tiny braids framing her face and the rest pulled back braided into her queue.
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I hope this somewhat helped w their visualization 😭 if i could draw, you bet your bottom dollar this is the first thing i would attempt!
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jakexneytiri · 11 months
Idk if anyone has asked this but how old are neteyam and readers kids? are they like the sully kids (who are literally a few months apart 💀), unless I missed it while reading
this is a great q! i’m just shit at math so i like to avoid it when i can <3 let’s see here tho:
tsantu is 9
se’ayl is 7
txonuk is 6
nima is 2
hopefully those ages make sense for what i’ve written for them so far 😀
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jakexneytiri · 6 months
when are you planning on releasing the baby sully no.5 fic? I can imagine Neteyam panicking right now seeing his mate about to give birth 😭 Also, eeeee Nima is gonna be a big sister now too!!! omg
👁️👁️ this is a fantastic question, anon LOL 😭 i’ve put it off so much and i’m SORRYYYYY i’m currently being sabotaged by my uterus so hopefully when i’m on the mend!!
and YES nima’s so excited (and slightly miffed) she’s not going to be the youngest anymore!
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