#no harm will befall this child so long as im alive
numbaoneflaya · 3 years
8, 21, 22, 26 for Caz , 25, 27, 29, 39 for Felria, 23, 30, 40, 43 for Suds, and 21, 25, 26, 35 for Nirn? 👀👀
8. How does your character feel about religion?
Not a big fan! Hates the chantry and Andraste and the Maker and the Qun. Being raised in the circle run by templars and nuns and seeing the corruption of the church firsthand from the inside really left a bad taste in her mouth for organized religion.
21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
She has the ability to flip her manners on or off depending on who shes with. If shes comfortable then shes going to be more crass and impolite, but shes capable of really cleaning up her act and pretending to be professional if she needs to be. Her type of hero is anyone who goes against the status quo and disrupts systems of oppression- She considers Thurwen/the HOF and Hawke personal heroes (if Hawke sides with the mages) as well as Anders. Has read all of Anders manifestos and reports on Thurwen and Hawke and would geek tf out meeting them.
22. Who are their friends? Lovers? ‘Type’ or ‘ideal’ partner?
Friends are anyone who accepts her for who she is and doesnt snitch on her, people she can trust to do the right thing or atleast try to, and people she can have a good laugh with. Lovers are only a couple in the past as she needs to get to know someone well/find them interesting to want to sleep with them. Her type is large, charismatic and rugged. Anyone who looks like a good brat tamer but is also intelligent and keen. Iron Bull.
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
Everything is covered in tomes and journals but theres a method to the madness. She likes to keep her things organized, surprisingly. She likes cool colors like greens and blues, likes dressing comfortably. Oversized shawls that second as blankets and loose pants. Her hair she likes to keep down with the sides pulled into little braids in front of her ears.
25. What are their hobbies and interests?
People watching and painting! She knows how to blend into a crowd pretty well or how to find a hidden vantage point where she can just sit and watch people… for hours. She finds peoples behaviors/reactions fascinating and makes little journals of interesting things she sees. Finding how other people work differently than her is vital to figuring out how best to manipulate and control them and she loves learning new ways! And painting because she has an artist's eye and enjoys beautiful things. A few bottles of blood and a quiet evening in front of an easel is a great way for her to unwind.
27. How do they relate to their appearance? How do they wear their clothing? Style? Quality?
She relates her appearance with how easily she will be able to blend in or stand out of her surroundings, and how to dress in order to play the role she wants to play. Because of her line or work (professional assassin and information gatherer) she has to have a lot of costumes available to fit the personalities she plays. Shes a performer at heart but only for herself and the joy she gets in deception. Her own style, if shes not performing, is simple reds and blacks and silvers. She keeps her hair long so shes able to do more with it.
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
Her pride could definitely be her downfall as well as her curiosity. She believes shes just better and different than everybody else and that its her right to play with people as much as she wants, I can see her eventually trying to play with the wrong person. She believes she can get out of any situation by herself without help and that she deserves the finer things in life, and if someone gets in her way, they deserve whatever harm befalls them.
39. What do they like to ridicule? What do they find stupid?
She will really ridicule anything and anyone because she finds most things stupid or benign. She likes to ridicule any of the gods and aedra, and anyone who worships them. She ridicules mortals and werewolves and any other creature that's not a vampire.
23. What do they want from a partner? What do they think and feel of sex?
Back in his youth he wanted spontaneous fun, a charming and outspoken person to sweep him off his feet. He always wanted someone to take him on adventures and be dangerous and in the moment. Now? Poor guy just wants commitment and someone genuine. Hes tired of charismatic liars who he always seems to fall for. He wants someone to help tend his garden and bond with the bees. He feels that sex is a sacred thing to be shared with people you trust, not something thrown around haphazardly. Relationship and trust come first with him, and he casually waves any flirtation most of the time as if he hadn't noticed it. He's been hurt too many times to trust easily like that.
30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive?
Yeah hes holding onto a long ass past full of betrayal from the people hes held dearest to him :/ He by nature is a very forgiving person and believes one must be generous in forgiveness. Hes holding onto his past hurt from Felix and cant seem to get away from it- hes forgiven him many times and each time Felix just does the same things as before.
40. How is their sense of humor? Do they have one?
A little dual natured in this aspect. Generally pretty reserved and soft with other people and can seem serious to those who dont know him. Underneath that is his reputation as a trickster- fond of pranks and revelry. The little twinkle in his eye is the only thing that would give him away as the culprit when everyone is looking for who filled a bucket of mud over Nirns chamber door. His favorite kind of jokes are the really long ones, the ones that have a seemingly normal storyline and go on forever and then end in a way where the joke is really on the person listening. And everyone around goes “AAAUUGHH!”
43. Does your character have any secrets? If so, are they holding them back?
A lot of them! Hes a very good secret keeper as hes who many people go to with their problems. After being alive so long and being somewhat involved with politics he probably knows more than a few that could take down nations, and always seems to know whats going on wherever in the world. He has his connections, his mushrooms and his bees and such have eyes everywhere. And don't tell anyone but he is an ardent fan of juicy gossip.
21. What are your character’s manners like? What is their type of hero? Whom do they hate?
Impeccable manners. The posture of a God, obviously. Always eloquent and polite, knows which spoons to use for certain dishes and common diplomacy practice from all over the world. Nirn has no heroes, hes never held anyone to a pedestal or been one for hero worship. If he had to choose hed say his mother, for how graceful yet ruthless she was in politics and trade. He also does not hate anybody, he considers strong feelings a weakness and to harbor such resentment would only make him act rashly. He dislikes the slovenly, though. Not the common man but the drunken aristocrat with wine breath who gambles his savings and acts impolitely.
25. What are their hobbies and interests?
Chess and games of strategy are some of his favorites in the odd chance he has any free time. He also plays the violin and the harp and the lute, instruments he's known since he was taught them as a child. Wine tasting as well! Hes one of those mfs who can just sniff a certain drink and say with precision the date time and location it was made.
26. What does your character’s home look like? Personal taste? Clothing? Hair? Appearance?
Everything is refined and elegant with a certain air of someone who enjoys the arts. Many expensive paintings and sculptures on display. He prefers the colors red and gold and white, sometimes a darkish blue or purple. He is always dressed to impress, satin and velvet and exotic leathers. He keeps his hair long to the small of his back, or tied up in a bun. In appearance hes intimidatingly tall and knows how to stand to look even taller, does not tilt his head down to you but moreso stares down his nose.
35. Do they always rationalize errors? How do they accept disasters and failures?
Failure is only a means to greater success to him. To win a game sometimes you need to sacrifice a few pawns, etc. Takes them calmly and with little indication that hes upset at all. He usually has four or five backup plans for any endeavor, so hes able to quickly jump tactics if something isn't working. In game or battle hes typically a good sport at losing, though he very seldom does. Hed be more impressed that someone managed to make him fail, and get to thinking on how to get them in his employ.
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This is an INDEPENDENT MULTI MUSE RP blog for the characters of shows such as Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Supergirl and the Disney Move Descendants, the characters of this blog include; A human/AI personification of Gideon, Leonard and Lisa Snart, Mick Rory, Axel Walker, Hartley Rathaway, Kara Danvers,Winn Schott Jr, Harry Hook and Isabelle (Tinkerbells daughter)
      Both mun and my muses are of legal age (mun is 24+, while muses are canon age ), however in a few verses my muses are underage so there will be no NSFW whatsoever. I find it very difficult to interact with child characters so will rarely ever accept a thread if the muse is under sixteen unless it is due to a meme. 
      Penname is Amy, I use she/her pronouns. I live in Britain so am on the GMT timezone (I think it’s GMT +1 but I’m useless with this stuff so I’m sorry if I’m wrong)
        My blog usually states that I am Semi-Hiatus, this is because I am usually either in work, babysitting my sister or just don’t have the energy to write. When I do have the chance to write then usually I will write everything and then post them slowly or queue them all depending on how I feel about a thread at that time.
         A lot of my icons are made by myself, I am currently redoing a number of them for some characters but have some 100x100px ones under icon edits that I made available to people to edit themselves if they so wish. The icons that weren’t made by myself are my Kara icons (unfortunately I can’t find who to credit for them)
          I’ll be the first to admit that I post A LOT of ooc stuff (I usually delete it because it’s just to clear my mind), if you don’t want to see it then ((out of snark: ooc)) is my tag so blacklist it.
         I was a media student for four years and in those four years I studied about five creative writing courses that drilled into me the need for character building so OC’s are difficult for me to get my head around.
       After deliberation I have decided to make the blog a mutuals only blog.
       I am OC friendly, but my muses need to ‘click’ with the characters because otherwise it would be forced and it will be bad for both of us, I WILL NOT interact with characters that are product of incest, and I will not interact with characters that are all powerful with very little thought put into them to balance it out. 
       I don’t follow personal blogs and if someone follows me, I sometimes block them if there is no indication that they are an rp blog or have a sideblog so please be careful with following me; at least let me know via IM if you have a side blog.
        Cutting posts is difficult for me when I am on mobile so I apologise in advance. If I am on mobile then I will either tag it, or I will warn you in advance.
         I will very rarely do about the mun posts, if they interest me then I’ll do them but sometimes I just haven’t got the time to do them.
          This blog is canon divergent the majority of the time, I will do threads that follow series two of Legends if it’s requested but otherwise it my threads will remain canon divergent, the main differences are:
           Leonard is alive, he did die to begin with but he was just sent through time and awoke in Central City not long after the invasion.
           Kendra and Carter did leave and the crew were scattered but for how long is unclear so Nate was required to join and Amaya joined because of Thawne
            To Gideon, Sara was NEVER Captain, she may have been co-captain but Rip is always her Captain, she will never go against him, and she would never hide anything from him if it meant that harm would befall someone on the crew, or something could cause the mission to go wrong.
Flash differences:
           Axel only stayed in jail for a small amount of time due to ‘good behaviour’ but he is also weary about Jesse’s claims to him being the Tricksters heir
           Hartley isn’t a good guy although he’s not a bad guy either, he’s a Rogue for hire
Supergirl differences:
           Kara isn’t in a relationship with Mon-El UNLESS STATED!! same with Winn and Lya.
MY VERSES ARE OPEN, I usually end up creating a new one every week so feel free to give me a reason to keep them
         So as I’ve said, I’m a multi-muse blog, a lot of people are put off by this I know, but it’s easier for me if I have one blog rather than a number of sideblogs because I have tried that once before and it didn’t work.
         If you want to send a meme then please, please, PLEASE, state the character you want, I have TEN muses so it becomes extremely difficult to choose who to answer with and not everyone is happy with my choice.
          I will try and add a character when I send a meme but in all honesty, I do forget from time to time.
          Each of my muses are different, and I play them differently; however their backgrounds remain the same, if you aren’t happy with how I play my characters then you can leave my blog, simple as that.
           Please tag your stuff, it’s not triggering to me, however I know a number of things can be triggering to my own followers and it will be easier for me as I am never completely sure about what to tag and what not to tag.             Never EVER godmod unless you have my permission, I dislike it greatly when someone decides my character is going to do something in their reply and actually writes them doing it. My characters are my own and even if you portray them somewhere else, we have separate minds. I will ALWAYS ask before directing your muse somewhere if out PLOT called for it.
              Due to being on mobile a lot, I am unable to reblog asks as threads without difficulty, so please make a new thread for it. You don’t have to link it to the ask, a title works perfectly. THREAD RULES
          I’m comfortable doing one liners, but they will sooner or later be turned into paragraphs and maybe even multiparagraphs (I’ve gone from one to six in two replies before now).
            I will use icons from time to time, I usually prefer beginning a new thread (particularly with someone new) with an icon but after a few replies they tend to be lost. Sometimes I’ll use gifs too but not always and don’t worry about using them yourself.
           I will happily add characters to our threads if needed, I don’t mind playing other CW or Disney characters, plus it gives me more inspiration and may result in more characters on my crew. HOWEVER, please, if you want to add characters, write them as well, don’t leave it all to me. NSFW AND SEXUALITY
           I’m a bit grey when it comes to the area of smut, I won’t write sex……..but describing situations for my characters I can do if it means teasing my RP partners muse. So NSFW will happen but open smut won’t……if that makes sense.
          ALL of my characters are within the LGBTQ+ community, I don’t even know why, they just come to me like that: The Snarts and Axel are Pan, Mick, Kara, Winn, Harry and Isabelle are Bi, while Hartley is gay and Gideon is Asexual
           Please tag your NSFW stuff, if you don’t then I will unfollow you. I have a nine year old sister who walks into my room without knocking so for NSFW stuff to appear on my dash……that would end bad.
         I am a multiship blog.
          I LOVE both platonic, familial and romantic ships.
          I’m open to new ships and will try anything as long as there is chemistry there and as long as it’s not incestuous.
          HOWEVER, I will NOT ship anyone other than Rip Hunter with Gideon, and that’s because of the chemistry they have on screen, not only that but the only Rip that I would romantically ship Gideon with is my main Rip as long as they are open to it. I will not ship her sexually with anyone because she is an AI, she is not human, no matter how human she acts. Whatever ship Gideon will have will be either platonic or familial
           I will be creating tags for my ships so that I have subverses for my main verses just to make things easier (even though it’s more complicated to do)
          I AM crossover friendly, however, there are only a few that I feel comfortable enough to do with my muses due to their medium and their backgrounds.
         Crossovers I am willing to do include (this list may be added too in time):
                 Prison Break
                 Doctor Who
                 Marvel (in moderation)
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