#no this isn't about ivo and franz
annahamiltonsstuff · 6 months
My fav part in german crime shows is when one cop drives the other home. I don't know there is something intimate about it, like "I'll bring you home" or "Please drive me home" and than when they get out of the car one of them says "sleep well" and then they wait till the other reached the front door.
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eolewyn1010 · 2 months
Hi, I haven't been following you for long so I'm curious :) 3, 4, 8 and 9 for the ask thingie if you want to!
oh my god I cannot for the life of me remember you this is so awkward did you change your url at some point or
On it! ^^
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
Carlo from TO München. Now, to explain: after watching maybe two or three episodes of the München team at random, I pretty soon jumped into watching the full scope of them chronologically. Which means, nearly my first taste of Carlo was his absolute worst: Carlo in the early 90s was more often than not written to be unnecessarily rude, lazy, racist, or downright creepy about women - I think he mostly served the purpose of giving Franz and Ivo the chance to look positive by contrast. So I initially didn't like him all that much. Since then, I've come to appreciate his later developments and the moments when he's the one who shines in comparison. Sorry, Carlo; you're a good guy. You just served as the writers' trashcan early on.
4. say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
I don't quite manage to ship Emilia Alvarez / Nika Banovic because I enjoy Emilia's on-screen presence as the hottest Mrs. Robinson around who leaves a string of heartbroken younger men in her wake, and Nika strikes me as more of a monogamous kind of gal. But I will admit that they have a very nice canon chemistry and are definitely the collective voice of reason in comparison to Mr. I-won't-talk-to-my-coworkers-and-if-it-literally-kills-me and Mr. Impulse-control-whomst.
8. you hope more people will come to appreciate ___ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc)
I wish more people were aware that Charité has three seasons, not one. Granted, season 2 is also my unchallenged favorite because I think it does by far the best character work, but I still like every season on its own merits. No 1 purpose of Charité as a show was telling medicine history, and I think it's better for telling different parts of it.
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
Thorsten Lannert / Victor de Man from Tatort Stuttgart is really steamy, okay? I don't want to see Thorsten with Victor in the present; I want him to get over that smug douchebag and smooch Sebastian silly already, but the fucking sparks the very second Victor shows up on screen for the first time. It's really fun to watch, I'll give them that.
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genderkommissar · 1 year
Post-Außer Gefecht! Tell me about it, very please!
yes, yes! above all, außer gefecht is one of those episodes where you finish it and you're like "okay, they HAD to have talked about this afterwards, right?" i only now realize i actually wrote it close to when i first watched außer gefecht, maybe a month later? so it's a whole year old.
i just think they need to sit down together and (try to) put a band-aid on the boo-boo the case left on their trust! ivo should be able to ask franz WHY he withheld this information from him when they're arguably the most important people in each other's lives! but of course it can't be easy for them because they're BOTH secretive and lying idiots, so it's kind of just a mess! they sure make writing more difficult.
"What, you think only you could have caught the Angel of Death?" "You said it yourself: You told me he was just ending pathetic lives. What would you do if one of those pathetic lives was your father, huh? Your mother? One of your aunts?" Ivo's jaw tightened. "But this isn't about me."
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herzlak · 3 years
Guys, you know how I keep saying "the curious couple and their unruly son" to those three? Yeah and that's actually from Red Dead Redemption 2. The 'curious couple' Dutch and Hosea (who aren't actually a couple either, some people ship them, I don't, anyways) and Arthur, their 'unruly son' (not actually their son).
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And Hosea's been reminding me a little bit of Ivo for a while now... and a characteristic thing about Hosea is that he's always giving his unruly son a shoulder clap. At any given moment. Look:
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And now look at what Ivo is doing in this gif:
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[gif stolen borrowed from xxdreamiiloeyxx]
Yeah. Shoulder clap. See what I mean?! They're literally the German curious couple and their unruly son (but Franz isn't the same bastard Dutch is lol)
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