#nonex updates
chan-gbinsimp · 1 year
Howdy :), I was hoping to make a request: How do you think Julian would react to an MC who expresses their love for him in "odd" ways, one of those ways being just stopping and staring at him [not always head on by just stopping and looking in his general direction], heck sometimes they just bite him [lightly-ish]. I hope I worded this correctly. Regardless if you choose to do this request or not [ i understand and am fine either way] I hope you have a good day/night.
hey non:)
really sorry to let you down, but i don't think i could do this request...
since you sent this in, ive drifted away from the arcana just enough for me to not feel as connected to the fandom as before, and im really struggling with figuring out how to write Julian in a way that puts him to justice.
i hope you can find someone else who can do the request, as im just no the one.
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