mangoschub · 7 months
What’s your coming out story?
I am like the most obvious queer person ever basically 😭 my sister used to dress me up in like her cinderella dresses, and my parents basically knew before I did. Even my sister when she learned what the word meant immediately was like "Oh like my brother!".
See this is ironic because I myself did not have any idea what gay was until like... grade 6 and I thought I was straight. It's even more funny when you consider the fact that I was like already aware of the gainer community of that time so I was literally watching obese men play with thier bellies on YouTube but did not put together I was into that like at all 💀 in my mind I remember thinking I don't like them but I wanna be like them.
I also remember literally looking at guys kissing and being like being gay seems fun too bad I'm not. I fully had like multiple crushes on girls as a child and even wanted to kiss them and stuff, like it was legit i was not aware at all. It's not like it was ever hid to me or anything I just fully did not put anything together.
It finally all hit me at once one day in grade 6 (yes same grade i learned what it was) when I had a dream about one of my guy classmates where I kissed them and it was like a DRAMATIC 48 hours of me suddenly coming to grips with it. When I tell you I had NO IDEA like absolutely 0% idea I was gay until that moment it was a lot for me to process at once. For a time I identified as bisexual, it was for a good while like 2 years ish? This was because I had crushes on girls, but as time went on I realized it was more surface level crushes and I had no sexual attraction to them, hell even my old tumblr from grade 7 or so is out there I have the @ and it will never see the light of day again lmao.
Anyways, now we get to the actual coming out part, so obviously everyone knew and I was the last one to know, but I got the tried and true "you can tell us anything you want to!!" Speech so many times, i knew they'd accept me it just felt like a lot of work to actually tell them and I was lazy. I put it off for a good year, then, like any important decision I make, decided to do it at 1 am while on call with a friend because I thought it'd be funny lol. I did just that I snapped people it for funny reactions, and I even had a code word for me liking men😭. Then I was like, wanna know what would be FUNNIER, and promptly told my parents over whatsapp while they were in the next room over it was kinda iconic of me, ngl.
Anyways, this was a lot longer winded than I anticipated, idk how usual this was? cause usually people know they're different but I had no clue until one day puberty hit and decided to fuck with me in my dreams 😭
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