#not rlly eldest daughter syndrome but more like
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“. . .I still feel like I’ve got a circus tent on my back. . .this is like a ballgown made of kevlar!”
I’ve been thinking way too much about Dick as Batman............ @ronnyraygun
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seoafin · 1 year
im dumb. can you explain your eldest daughter nai post?
nononononoooo you are not dumb!!!! im sorry a lot of my ramblings are like...stream of consciousness posts where nothing makes sense bc im just trying to get thoughts out of my head. jdsfnskjfnjdn idek if i can explain it bc it's just. vibes . but like. it's my way of saying that nai has eldest daughter syndrome. he views himself as vash's protector and wants to replace rem as their motherhood figure, especially as a way to control vash (rem is at the center of vash's pacifism. his love for humanity his hurt his pain). especially if you take into consideration studio orange's extremely genius symbolic stampede original choice to show knives cannibalizing vash's memories of rem. i think making vash's amnesia a conscious choice on knives' part is so horrifyingly unsettling. knives wants to shape vash. mold him like a mother molds her child. make him into the person knives wants him to be (which makes knives' tampering with vash's memories even more terrifying). i think knives and even vash to an extent is guilty of constantly seeking out their idealized versions of the other, which is why they come to head every single time they clash. they constantly fight and hurt each other when all they rlly want to do is go back to when they were children, side by side. back to a time when they actually understood each other. it's vash and knives seeking out this need for understanding in the other, the bond they had as children, which is what is mutually destroying them piece by piece, memory by memory. and knives views rem as the root cause of all of it, corrupting every single memory and moment of her he has. it's rem rejecting him and siding with humanity despite humanity's potential for destruction and cruelty, cruelty they inflicted on tesla. it's rem rejecting his hand as his last memory of her. it's seeing rem in vash and vash's betrayal becoming rem's betrayal over and over again👍
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matchup incoming <3 ->
What song are you fixated on at the moment:
NYE by joseph! second verse in particular ^^
im a 2!!
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
yes!!!! i love deep dive videos on internet culture from early 2000s. i also really like film analysis videos
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
i liked chronicles of narnia a lot when i was little and i definitely played with imaginary aslan and lots of other talking animals
What is your go-to way to fall asleep:
smushed into just so many pillows and blankets that are good for holding with music/podcast/asmr playing and my cat snuggled up with me
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why:
if i were to change my name i’d probably pick a family name since my name now doesn’t have any connections to anyone else. birdie was a family name that i think is rlly cute :3
favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why:
currently i think the david camping audio is my favorite. very soft and quiet and calm.
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why:
probably marcus. while i do think he is an interesting and well written character, i don’t see the appeal the way i do for some of the other more morally grey boys.
that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
peter pan!!!
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to:
asher is so bestie vibes to me i need to carry him around in my pocket at all times. i care him so much <3
go-to thing you ramble about:
i’m kind of a known rambler if given the opportunity so i’ll start going on about anatomy, work gossip, film theories, the games i play, anything really if someone offers to listen ^^
favorite playlist:
my favorite playlist has all my fav 50s and 60s music bc i am a hopeless romantic. big band songs to slow dance in the kitchen to type of theme going on.
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are:
i think im pretty hardworking and i spend a lot of time taking care of other people (probably a good time to mention the extreme eldest daughter syndrome).
in my free time i love baking and cooking. i can play a tiny bit of guitar and piano but most of my musical talent lies in singing.
that’s all i can think of :0
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It’s the little things with this entry. All the little, small, sweet things that make a life together, that you have in common, that make me think you’d be a really lovely fit for Camelopardalis.
Like, I can see Cam being a huge fan of the Chronicles of Narnia? (I think he loves all the classics, like the Lord of the Rings, and Tolkien and Lewis were contemporaries, so that works together.) He’d love smooth, crooning classic 50’s music; Cam plays it in a record player but not in a hipster way, in a “this is technically an antique” way. He’d love the leisurely, methodical routine of cooking.
Most of all, he’d love you. Twos are often categorized by a caring, giving nature and a desire to love and be loved. (Geordi, for example, would be a Two.) I think Cam is a good match for that, as he strikes me as the type of partner who’d be very open, communicative, and giving with his affection and in receiving it.
A heart that's true and longs for you/ Is all I have to give/ All my love belongs to you/ As long as I may live
Camelopardalis seems, to me, as the kind of man-shaped being who doesn’t fall first but falls extremely hard when he finally does. You would be a once in a very long lifetime kind of event for him, and his love would outlast you, the sun, every star in the sky.
I also like Gavin for a Type Two. There’s something about the way he talks about his feelings that’s so effusive and raw that appeals to me for someone with the basic wants and fears of that Enneagram. Ollie, I’d pair with you because of the way his hardworking nature would complement yours. Ollie is dedicated but balanced, and I think he’d make sure you don’t overwork yourself.
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
Note: thank you for your patience! I really appreciate you waiting 💙
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brw · 3 years
Reed and Sue for the character ask please?
Sexuality Headcanon: I definitely see him as asexual!! Despite being almost 50 in canon he’s only ever really been with one person, Sue. He was only shown to have one girlfriend previously and even then their relationship for the most part seemed fairly one-sided so! Also despite being one of marvel’s oldest characters I could probably count all the times he seemed attracted to people on one hand fdcbfvhjvfbhj. he is an ace king <3
Gender Headcanon: A man but only by association <3 jk kinda but um i am fluid abt this! i definitely have written fics about him being trans or nonbinary so! but also it’s not a constant and i have plenty of cis-ish reed stories so yeah cdbdcbhjfcj.
A ship I have with said character: Him and Sue ofc is a big one :> one of the best classic marvel couples, if not the best! but ofc DoomReed is also a banger + him and Ben make a cute best friends to lovers dymanic fjhnfdv
A BROTP I have with said character: Him and Ben 2: the electric boogaloo vfjhfjfvjdv but um yeah! they have a very sweet underrated friendship??? like i’ve said, why don’t they hug more! they’re best friends and more people should remember that abt their dymanic reed is way too polite to ben jfc i’ve called my friends idiots (affectionate) at least 100 times. BUT aside from that he has a very nice dymanic with the other marvel scientists (tm), honestly “Atomic Knights Of The Round Table” how much more nerdy can you get jfc. definitely want to see some flashbacks to them playing DND cdddfhfvhfh. and finally him & jen! i find it very cute and sweet how close Reed is to random people tbh, he’s a human capybara.
A NOTP I have with said character: I dunno if I really have one? I haven’t seen anything that really made me go “ew” with regards to Reed. Most stuff is OK conceptually. I guess at a stretch (lol) that au where Natasha/Black Widow had a crush on him was kinda weird. But that’s about it dcbfdhjdfvdh
A random headcanon: IDK why but I see him as a clothes hoarder. One of those people who’s wardrobe is 80% stuff he borrowed and then never gave back from others bhcfdhbfvdh. When he does buy his own clothes they’re absolutely awful and garish <3 so he just ends up taking others. Perk of stretching; everything fits. I also think he could be good at baking but only when extremely stressed out idk why cfdchfdfdvhj.
General Opinion over said character: Legend <3 get’s a bad rep for sure. Just an autistic stretchy man who loves his family very much and is a good dad. I hope he’s having a good day. One of the Comfort Characters (tm) for me. Do wish his funko pop could like. stand up and not fall down BUT ASIDE FROM THAT. 10/10 a perfect character for my wants and needs. 
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi sapiosexual <3 /hj
Gender Headcanon: Similar to Reed I don’t have anything strong however her and reed have strong t4t vibes and I like the idea a lot tbh. Easily could be marvel’s trans milf representation if they were not cowards! but um yeah fchjfcdhfdhj. nothing strong but a lot of nice concepts <3
A ship I have with said character: Yet again, her n Reed! They’re very sweet and the fact that they’ve been going strong as long as they have is an achievement! BUT ALSO her and alicia have strong Gal Pals (tm) energy so that’s also fun. I also rlly like BenReedSue for her I just think she deserves to have two handsome boys love her a lot.
A BROTP I have with said character: Her and Jan Van Dyne have such a nice cute friendship! I definitely liked when you can see them go out for lunch n stuff and gossip about their pet scientists and kick ass together they should do it more often. They’re good friends! I don’t think it’s been on panel much but I would also like to see her friendship with Wanda! They obviously talked at least once bc Sue copied her opera gloves look for a bit so they obviously are close enough that Sue felt comfortable to do that, so I’d like to see more of them too! I think they’d have more in common than realised. and OFC her and Alicia again. Very sweet and nice. I like how much they care abt each other and look out for one another.
A NOTP I have with said character: Her and Namor <3 get that shit away from me
A random headcanon: NO idea why and I think this may be a latent piece of canon in the back of my mind that I cannot recall but I think she plays guitar, specifically base and is pretty decent at it. I also think that the few movies she starred in in Ye Olde Days have become cult classics now :>
General Opinion over said character: Wife <3 one of the most powerful marvel characters in universe and i’d like everyone to remember it! More than capable of kicking ass. should be allowed to go feral more often. Also deserves to be drawn as the 50 year old she is jfc stop making her look Vaguely 20 she is the same age as Reed and Ben and I will maintain this until the day I die <3 sufferer of Eldest Daughter Syndrome but we can’t all be perfect. Marvel keeps nerfing her by having her be written by D*n Sl*tt and B*rne because if they let her be the 50 something y/o milf capable of taking out the Avengers in 0.5 seconds she’d be too powerful for them to contain.
send a character!
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