#not tagging the navis fucc this
rubia-peregrinart · 8 months
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hee-ho persona au
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owlplumbob · 7 years
get to know me tag!
Rules: Answer the questions and tag some blogs you’d like to know better. i was tagged by @bellaasims, thanks!! :D
Star sign: Libra
Height: 5′10
Time right now: 7:04 pm
Last thing googled: "Adidas Ultra Boost 3.0” 
Favorite music artist: FLUME, M83, ODESZA ARE MY HOLY TRINITY. but i have an everlasting love for ma ghorl lana del rey <3
Last TV show watched: A Series of Unfortunate Events
What I’m wearing right now: a patagonia fleece and sweatpants
When did I create my blog: hMMmmmmm according to my archive, april 2015
Do I have any other blogs: i have a personal blog (which is my main and why it appears that i never like anyones posts lol), this blog, and wes’ rp blog!! (@westleyscott), tho the rp blog is on a hiatus :P
Do I get asks regularly: no lol
Why did I choose my URL: idk i love owls and i needed to incorporate sims and i really liked plumb-barb’s username sooooo i used the word plumbob
Pokemon team: lol sorry i don’t play or like pokemon
Favorite color(s): anything on the greyscale spectrum, burnt orange, dark navy and dark green, and yellow :)
Average hours of sleep: 6 hours during to week (school kills lmao) and idk like 10 hours on the weekends
Favorite character(s): ummm i actually have no idea. i really like Sun Bak from Sense8 and Carrie from The Carrie Diaries.
Dream job: a!!!! creative!!!!! director!!!!!! (clothing or interior design or architecture, sign me the fucc up)
I tag: @blackmojitos @wanderlust-sims @ichosim @femmesim and anyone who feels like doing this :P (sorry if i tagged you and you’ve already been tagged!!!)
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