#not the 'im so quirky' post im sorry guys. to be fair i am pretty quirky. im just glad to be at home and drinking mulled cider and listening
alexanderpearce · 4 months
hottest 100 thoughts kind of a miserable experience for me more than it is for my friends bc every year not only are the songs shitty (as we all agree) but i dont even know any of them or as many artists as my friends. got told i "live under a rock" i KNOW but if whats outside of my rockhole is this bad i am fairly happy under there.. and also i cant even get drunk bc i have to drive everywhere bc theres no damn buses where i live
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prompt-master · 6 years
That Is SO Not Normal
@discorded-noodle-popcorn asked: okay it might be because its midnight and im like…dead…but i would kill for a fic where max gets the stomach flu but throws up magical items and Neil is SCREECHING AT HARRISON TO MAKE IT STOP BEFORE MAX DIES. Harrison doesnt know and Max is like…wanting to die. Mind freakers freaked my mind.
I wrote this in exchange for some REALLY cool art of my OCS and I love it so much
“Are you sure he isn’t just being dramatic?” Nikki tilted her head towards the tent were Max lay, currently digging for worms while Neil stood cross armed in front of her.
“Surprisingly he isn’t just being a pussy this time…he looked really bad last I saw him.”
Nikki paused, pulling a worm right out of the ground and dangling it in front of her face. She gave Neil a confused glance, “so you just left him there?”
Neil crossed his arms tighter around his chest, instsntly getting defensive, “I’ll have you know that that tent is a close confined death trap made to keep all those disgusting germs inside. No offense to Max but I don’t feel like joining him.”
Nikki shrugged, the worm now in her mouth, “That’s fair. I think? Or maybe you’re just stupid.”
“Excuse me I am not-”
Neil was cut off by David coming out of the tent, the tense smile he gave was all Neil needed to see.
David clasped his hands together and stood up tall, “Not to worry kids! Max doesn’t exactly look good but I’ll whip up some of my mom’s famous recipe for soup! And by my mom I mean that nice lady on the cooking channel”
Nikki shrugged, “I’m not worried. Max is just sick because nature is picking off the weak ones.”
David gave a small tsk at that comment and inhaled through his nose, opting for ignoring that comment, “but! Max looks pretty bad right now. Can I trust one of you two to watch after him while I’m making it?”
Neil leaned against a flag post, “last time I checked there were two counselors here.”
“Ah. Yes. Gwen. She’s uh…busy helping Dolph with his art. I say we let her encourage creativity while you guys practice independence!”
Neil sighed, “I guess I can watch him. So if he starts dying do I just scream or something?”
David laughed, walking away, “Or something!”
“That was a shitty answer…” Neil rubbed his forehead, really wishing he’d taken a better look at the brochure for this dump. He grabbed the opening of the tent and turned to Nikki, “You coming or what?”
“Me? No I’m not really in the mood for an insane out of the norm quirky adventure today, I’ll stick with my worms”
“Whatever you say…” he mumbled under his breath, walking into the tent.
He sighed, “Max? You in here-? Good god.”
Max looked awful. He was curled up in his blanket, hoodie off. His shaking fingers were tightly gripping the blanket for dear life. Little groans came from his restless state every now and then, eyelids so tightly clenched there was no way he was asleep. He was sweating, he was pale, shaking, and flushed, he was clearly miserable.
Neil came over to his bed, looking almost distressed, “What the hell am I supposed to do..”
Max barely opened his eyes at the sound of Neil’s voice, after a while of sluglishly slow scanning he locked onto him.
“Oh..hey Max..are you oka-”
Max groaned and lifted his hands up from under his blanket to dig palms into his eyes, “Good Hell you guys are so annoying.”
Neil crossed his arms, all feelings of worry instantly dripping away, “Excuse me?”
“You and Nikki right outside my fucking tent like a couple of annoying ass kindergartners who can’t sleep on Christmas. Then you let David walk right into my tent with his annoying voice-”
Neil rolled his eyes “Maybe you aren’t so sick after all. You sound like you can take care of yourself”
Max shrugged, rolling back into his blanket so that his back was facing Neil, “Whatever. Go then.”
Neil sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He just didn’t do well with sick people. He didn’t wanna get sick himself, fuck that. Besides Max is pretty bitchy and the last thing he wants is to deal with that some more.
He stood up, “Suit yourself. But since your sick I’ll let you have some of my coffee for just today.”
Max groaned, his body curling up even more. Worryingly enough he didn’t even respond, just shook his head miserably.
Neil frowned, “Yeah just…scream if you need something I guess.”
He turned to leave the tent, wanting to kill time with Nikki or Space Kid when he heard a nauseating gag. He looked back at Max to find him leaning over the edge of his bed and heaving. Neil froze up, eyes taking every detail in the few seconds before Max actually threw anything up. The way Max shook, the way his skin was an unhealthy color, his hair was flat and knotted, sweat ran from his forehead to his chin. Max let out another heave with the whole of his stomach, it sounded painful, almost stuck. And then he paused to catch his breath.
Neil ran over to him, his mind finally catching up to the situation, “Damn Max you don’t look so good.” Well that was a stupid thing to say.
Max groaned miserably, “some..somethings wrong get…hng….get David.”
Neil’s eyes widened at that. If MAX wanted him to get David then damn he must he dying or about to start dying. Neil put a hand on Max’s back and cringed at the intense heat pooling through the cloth.
“That is not healthy.”
Max glared at him but it didn’t have the usual strength to it, in fact it barely held any malice. He opened his mouth to speak and then heaved again, Neil latted his back at the wet sound from his throat, looking away since he knew what was about to happen.
Neil didn’t see, but he still hated the nose of it falling to the floor, of the choked noises made around the sickness. He didn’t look again until Max gasped for breath, his shoulders trembling, “Fuck man…i-im gonna die.”
“What?” When Neil turned he saw a familiar sight he did not want to ever see again. Ever.
At the foot of Max’s bed was a pile of handkerchiefs, cards, and even a rabbit.
“Aw shit.”
Max swayed from where he sat, climbing back into his bed and leaning against the bed rest. He looked pained and miserable. The back of his hand wiped sweat from the side of his face, still letting out pants for air.
“I don’t think David can help this one” Neil cringed, watching the rabbit hop away. The way Max looked dizzier at the sight. When Neil grew closer to him Max grabbed his shirt and pulled him close with as much strength as he could manage.
“Listen…listen here Neil. I don’t care how much this magic shit bothers you. You get your flat ass out there and make Harrison stop this.” He groaned, arms letting go die to being too weak to hold on.
“Flat?” Neil frowned, trying to see his backside.
Max closed his eyes, “Come on man. Don’t leave me hanging again please.”
Neil frowned, “…I…I guess I could but-”
Max gagged, choking up another handkerchief, “oh god…”
“Ok ok!” Neil held up his hand in mild panic, “I’ll go just…stay here!” He stepped foot outside the tent, about to run off when Max spoke up again.
“Wait can you uh…can you still get David?”
Neil turned, about to point out how weird that was when he saw his fucking miserable the poor kid looked. Holding his stomach in pain, eyes clenched shut and a whimpering frown. Neil couldn’t say no to Max right now, not when his tone was practically begging for help.
“Yeah Max I’ll get him.”
He closed the tent, watching Max melt in relief.
He won’t make fun of Max for this. Not this time.
After getting David, Neil burst into magic camp where Harrison was trying to master creating water. He angrily stared down at the empty glass he had, shaking it slightly. He nearly dropped the glass when Neil screamed his name.
He turned to him, surprise on his face, “Ah Neil….why are you here…?”
Neil lifted an accusing finger, “You know exactly what the fuck I’m here for you peice of shit eating cunt!”
“No…no I don’t..”
Neil stomped across the crappily made stage and got in Harrison’s face, “You better fix whatever the fuck you did to Max!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about..” Harrison looked genuinely confused, still holding onto his glass.
“You and your stupid ‘magic’-”
“I told you Neil it is real-”
“Is going to get Max killed!”
Neil backed Harrison up against the back of his stage. Harrison, in his panic, created fire that swarmed out of the cup. Neil dropped down to the floor to avoid the flames while Harrison played hot potato with the now burning glass.
“Harrison what the fuck!”
“I’m sorry I’m sorry!” He yelled, trying to get the fire to relax, setting pretty much everything around then on fire, “You scared me!”
“Well make it stop!”
“I’m trying…! Just…! There!” He chucked the glass as far as he could, into the woods. They stared for a moment until large flames erupted from the horizon. Neil stood up, dusting himself off.
“…that looks like a Gwen problem to me.”
“Uh..agreed. now Neil can we please talk like civilized people?”
“Listen up Harrison. Max is doing that creepy fucking bullshit again and you better make it stop!
Harrison raised an eyebrow, "I still don’t know what you mean”
“He’s coughing up rabbits for Christ sake!”
“Oh…the Mind Freak…! But I did not do anything…”
“Well” Neil crossed his arms, glaring, “He’s sick and you’re making it worse”
Harrison actually looked genuinely guilty, he frowned and sunk in on himself, “I would like to help but…I do not know how fix it. That’s…why I’m here” he glanced towards the raging wild fire in the background, ignoring the sounds of screaming.
“Well Harrison. Figure it out. Because I’m pretty sure at the end of the next string of handkerchiefs we’re gonna find Max’s fucking actual real stomach!”
Harrison cringed, “please don’t put images in my head”
“Then get it work before I kick your fake ass Harrison!!”
Harrison scrambled for his wand, where he started reciting different magic words with a nervous smile. Neil backed away, but kept his eyes on Harrison creepily the entire time.
Since when did Neil get so protective?
When Neil came back to Max’s tent, he saw the shadow of David leaning over his bed. He was about to kick him out, but froze to listen in.
“You sure you’re gonna be ok Max?”
Max grumbled, but spoke with a soft broken voice, “whatever”
“I don’t mind bringing you to the doctor. Honest”
“Shut up David”
“I mean it. And if you’re really that home sick I’ll do whatever I can do-”
Max groaned, the sound making Neil cringe.
It apparently worried David too, his tone grew softer but more concerned, “Aw jeez bud you’re burning up. You got sick so fast too…”
Max sniffled, “I crave death”
“You’re gonna be ok Max, I promise. I’ll even let you drink soda when you’re better. Ah here, look at this cute little guy” through the shadows Neil saw David hand Max something, but he couldn’t see what it was “maybe he’ll help you feel better!”
There was a pause, Max silent. Who knew what he was thinking. What did David hand him?
Whatever it was, it was the right thing to do, because Max then said, “thanks David…”
Neil sighed, he couldn’t interrupt this. Besides…looking back at Harrison trying to fix the problem and David comforting Max, he thinks he’s done all he could.
Now he just had to wait for Max to get better.
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zagenta · 7 years
I don't mean to be annoying, but what's wrong with liking Hamilton? you don't have to answer btw I understand if you don't want to I just want to know why
It’s… complicated… I don’t even know if I should be the one to explain it. Keep in mind that at any explanation I personally give on the situation is essentially going to be far too forgiving and apologist bc I rly like the musical. Just.. Yeah anyone reading this just keep in mind that I’m inevitably going to fall in favor w the show despite its flaws bc I suck
Anyways for anyone that doesn’t just take the show as a popular thing at face value & therefore popular = good, It’s somewhat controversial bc ppl laud it as this super diverse show full of Pee Oh Cees & but there’s also been some fair critique of the show’s possibly anti-black elements b/c it treats white racist slaveowners as cool hip guys you’d wanna spit bars with.
To be fair, the show is critical of the characters/historical figures but I can understand this criticism bc it only seems to be critical up to a point? Like. Sure Hamilton is a dick for cheating on his wife and TJ is called out for being a demon but it still glosses over some of the more unpleasant & ngl sometimes downright despicable elements of the characters/historical figures, PARTICULARLY the ones we’re supposed to root for such as Hamilton, Eliza, Mulligan, Laurens, Washington, etc.
And perhaps more worryingly although Lin claims the intent is to “put PoC back into American history” (im paraphrasing), the show erases instances we actually do appear in history, such as Mulligan’s slave Cato. Or making a kind of tacky jab at Jefferson abt Sally Hemings—which to be fair that entire song is supposed to have this dissonance between the cheery tune and how messed up TJ actually was, but it’s still… weird.
Tbh I think this was inevitably going to happen bc musicals abt revolution are rly popular but always end up being reproductions of the status quo bc the majority of ppl who support & can afford to see shows on Broadway are rich & white, they don’t want anything too challenging to their worldview.
Also Lin’s not black, he’s Puerto Rican so he has a somewhat tenuous claim to the history he’s trying to reclaim in the first place, other minorities are definitely affected by America’s racism & history but this specific part of history addresses white owners of black slaves.
And he’s using rap a historically & largely black genre to tell the story, too. I mean, there’s overlap between the experiences of the Latinx/Chicanx community and the black community, but they’re not the same. & it doesn’t really have to do with “ownership” of a genre either, but the reception to Hamilton is super off-putting bc a Latinx guy is getting all this praise from rich white ppl while they don’t give a crap abt the rest of the genre. They don’t even get all the homages in Lin’s music. (If you need proof, literally any post by a basic white person talking abt how the rap they like is abt cabinet battles unlike that “other rap” about bitches and money).
(Sidenote: I know a lot of ppl have developed negative feelings towards the musical & while that’s fair I literally give 0 fucks abt white ppl’s opinions on the show. It’s important to listen to criticism from black people definitely but they fail to treat it like the complex phenomenon it is. Too often they have annoying self-righteous superiority complexes bc they think they’re better than the nasty Pee Oh Cees who just don’t get it man.)
Tbh I’m personally unsurprised that the first real hip hop musical to be a big hit is about the whitest thing ever (remember, musicals have to hit that perfect balance of revolutionary and complacent).
Also there’s the problem with fandom too… Like… People have rightly gone “what the everloving fuck” at the realization that there’s a Hamilton fandom at all & I mean that’s completely fair. I personally don’t see a problem with like… Drawing a pretty fanart of scene you like or of Daveed in his Rad Velvet Maroon Suit, but ham fandom is just descending into this huge pile of wtf bc people ship and fangirl and look up weird minutiae abt American history to justify their headcanons and it’s just bizzaro. Also thank god it’s relatively died down bc early on it was just the biggest cesspool of disgusting racism and fetishization & apologism in the world.
“Why do you still like it, Janelle?” Because I love suffering
Now some people just like the musical for its catchiness and artistry and are rightly weirded out by the hardcore fan community, and honestly I’d recommend that approach bc ngl I’m never ever going to forgive myself for being convinced that TJ & JMads were totally a Thing™
But I like both. Honestly I like them for almost entirely different reasons. Honestly at this point if I didn’t think Hamilton was literally a Masterpiece™ I would probably end up hating it just bc there was so much discourse surrounding its hype, but I think it’s just a tribute to how catchy the songs are and how talented the cast is and just the combination of everything that I still love the show despite its problems. I know it’s not great of me but I know pretty much everyone is an apologist of something they like despite its Problems.
& the fandom in my experience is a fascinating phenomenon to me personally bc in my headspace it’s practically this entirely different entity to the musical itself? Like a lot of people think it’s cringey & it definitely is but the entire reason I still am engaged is bc I found my niche of practically a handful of close knit mutuals and Only care about Their Content, except for like… The occasional drawing. Bc our personal niche is so detached from the reality of the show or the history that it’s practically original content & has lead to some rly creative works that are much less Problematic Musical abt Demon Men but with Catchy Songs and much more along the lines of Intriguing Character Studies on the Themes of Parenting, LGBT+ Experiences & Relationships, PoC’s experiences,( and also lots and lots of self-destructive behavior)
I think Hamilton is a very interesting phenomenon. In my personal opinion even in this somewhat glorification, I’m glad Hamilton is getting people interested in history, even if people are way too excited abt it and tread the demon father’s like they were Fun Quirky Guys. I understand the horrifying response to everyones giddiness, but I don’t think it’s wrong to be excited abt history/interested in history even if it verges into dark territory, heck, learning abt history in its entirety important so we don’t glamorize the terribleness that is the past. That’s why posts abt Hamilton’s bisexuality doesn’t matter bc he was a slave owner rub me the wrong way—I mean he definitely isn’t someone we should treat as the pinnacle of ideal representation, but we should also acknowledge the totality of him as a person.
Also the show a good stepping stone that will hopefully lead to more hip hop musicals in the future. I know it being a “baby step” is a rly lame-ass excuse for why the show is good but it’s making me hopeful for the future.
Sorry abt how long this was.
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