#not wearing a mask is eugenics
liminalweirdo · 11 months
The problem with "you can choose to wear a mask or not," is that masks mostly protect other people. So if you choose not to mask, you're actually removing someone's ability to try to protect themselves.
We know that if you wear a mask it does protect you, but only marginally. In the end, it's everyone wearing masks that prevents the spread of covid from one person to another. This is because if you have covid the mask catches the viral particles you are exhaling before they can get into the air, where covid is airborne and hangs in the air like smoke for several hours.
People who are masking are mostly protecting you. If you're in the presence of someone wearing a mask, it's literally common courteousy to do the same.
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dots3a · 28 days
My ex got married this weekend and since he is upper middle class and so is his new wife, they don't believe covid is real or dangerous and they take no precautions in spite of my ex being high risk because of asthma and chronic bronchitis.
The kids are all sick.
Hoping they get through this quickly. Hoping it's not covid. Hoping this doesn't kill me.
Being chronically ill and not being able to protect myself and also have my children in my life is.. scary and bad, actually.
They both admitted to neglecting the kids and exposing them to homemade pornography in court. We really shouldn't be in this situation.
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phoenixonwheels · 6 months
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[ID: Tweet by @JamesSowka 12/2/23 “having none of my progressive friends care about Covid is the same as waking up and all of a sudden none of them care about climate change, or none of them care about abortion rights. It is such a profound level of emotional whiplash that I will never recover from.”]
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anarchotahdigism · 4 months
funny to see the yt queer girlies talkin bout how staff nuked a yt trans woman's blog from orbit but they stay absolutely dead silent on how many of us queer BIPOC have gotten nuked for talkin about Palestine and indigenous liberation they're even more silent when it comes to the pandemic killing us too but then they were the loudest about the "need" for returning to in person, unmasked life "for mental health" reasons and how it's bad and wrong to require masks and center the most vulnerable cause then the vibes are whack and that's the biggest sin for the yts yt queers are yt first and last and they'll care about other issues so long as it doesn't get in the way of being yt I see y'all's racist, eugenicist, fascist asses. your ableism and fairweather "allyship" always shows y'all's true colors. y'all truly only care about yourselves. ytness and yt communities are death cults.
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otherbombdotcom · 9 months
From the lack of care for community health, to the constant thread of eugenics, and disproportionate effect on people of color and queer people the similarities between the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the ongoing covid pandemic are eerie.
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bees-in-my-brain-hive · 11 months
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spooniestrong · 4 months
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toddfrom · 1 month
Last night in a sleepy daze i decided im gonna cosplay eugene. Not sure where, not sure when, but i think i have a chance of pulling it off and it would probably be the most fun experience ever
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covidsafehotties · 3 months
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Resist covid eugenics
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liminalweirdo · 14 days
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“I am at high-risk of severe acute illness from a COVlD infection, as well as my MIL who lives with me, my husband, and our two children.  Since the pandemic began, we have had to move to homeschooling them to protect our family. We have been largely ostracized by our community, and now we will be criminalized for wearing masks in public and hope that local law enforcement refrains from engaging with us over masking. It is unfathomable to me that we are told that we must live with COVlD since the will to mitigate his virus has completely crumbled from our government at all levels, and now the most important tool we have to prevent infection is being criminalized.”
- source
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dots3a · 3 months
Four years ago, my primary special interest and mode of self-care was running. My favorite distance was the half marathon, although I have completed one full and was planning on starting training for another.
Then I got covid, in March 2020. Now I use a cane to get around most days, some days, I have to use a wheelchair. I am housebound. If I go out I have to rely on a rollator. My husband has had to deadlift me from the ground more times than I can count. I crawl up the stairs to where my children's rooms are when I need to go to them.
I cannot lift weights. If I do yoga, which I had done daily since I was a small child, it takes me an entire week to recover, i can usually only do about five minutes before I have to stop.
Every time I go to the store, I am the only person wearing a mask. It is not all that thrilling to be living in a society that is actively carrying out eugenics, eliminating people like me from their daily lives. Killing millions. Living lifestyles that require multiple ongoing genocides to maintain.
Wear a mask. Or don't I guess, since our society is irredeemable. Just know that if you're out here rawdogging the air without a mask out, you're a murderer. You're a piece of shit who is trapping disabled people inside their homes and you are killing us. You want to know why suicide rates are skyrocketing? It is your fault. Because you're too selfish to wear a piece of cloth over your face.
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phoenixonwheels · 7 months
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[ID: Tweet by FrameWeaver @frameweaver 11/21/23 “It's hypocrisy to claim leftist goals, to claim to be on the side of the oppressed, but not mask during an ongoing pandemic. What's still not clicking together for you in the fourth year of the pandemic? Why are you not willing to put the threads together when you can do it with other topics? How come everything is interconnected, BUT does not include viral spread and viral eugenics?”]
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anarchotahdigism · 30 days
So wild so few of y'all have noted that the more determined protests and direct actions have had significantly more people masking and in quality respirators because they actually have some real solidarity and real commitment to resisting genocide. It's not just about fooling facial recognition like some of y'all seem to think.
Biden has killed over a million people with COVID but y'all still think you can participate in one genocide to end another
if you claim to care about any genocide, you should be masking the entire time you are in public.
Refusing to mask when able is eugenics and you're actively participating in the genocide and oppression of disabled people and people of color and poor people.
I see just how silent y'all are about the literal millions dead of COVID while assuring yourselves you are good people doing your best.
The IOF banned all COVID mitigation efforts for occupied Palestinians including PPE, antivirals, vaccines
it destroyed the only Gazan COVID testing facility and the only treatment facility
You can't genuinely claim to care about the plight of Palestinians and be complicit in the genocide of others with covid, emulating the occupation you claim to despise.
It's been years of an unmitigated nightmare for everyone disabled. Stop fueling our deaths just so you can feel better about yourself in the moment. Stop being the danger that keeps us away from radical and queer and public spaces.
COVID will disable and kill you too. You're not better than us.
Show some fuckin solidarity and commit to masking. It's still a deadly pandemic. Act like it.
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otherbombdotcom · 2 months
Accepting that we are all going to repeatedly contract a virus that causes cumulative vascular damage, is accepting that the most vulnerable among us will die. Layered covid mitigations, starting with wearing a high quality respirator, says no to preventable infections and "acceptable" death.
Image Description: Dark grey and red text over a grey scale background. The background is an image of an N95 respirator. The dark grey text reads, "Say NO to preventable infections". Red text offset behind the grey text reads, "Acceptable death".
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oliveasaltylife · 9 months
So funny* to me when very loud disability “activist” type folx will angrily post about needing necessary accessibility accommodations and then turn around posting maskless selfies in public. Your lateral ableism is showing and it’s louder than you intended it to be.
*By funny I mean completely infuriating, but laughing helps me cope
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fishelfe · 1 month
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