#now i just want to write an entire outline of how id rewrite s4 and Vecna
SOMEONE ELSE FINALLY SAID IT! Plus Vecna doesn’t make sense because Lloth would have been a better villain with a better connection to the spiders but the writers already had a spider looking ‘villain’ and called it the Mind Flayer. Sorry for the rant, none of my friends are into DnD and/or think Stranger Things S4 was good, I’m very alone in my bubble 🥲
But the writing for ST has imo gone downhill since S2. They bring in more and more characters with half related connections and either do fuck all with them or kill them off and the thing that gets me is that the drama with each character is always thrown to the side and ignored as soon as they realize something’s going on again and it’s like there wasn’t any drama (Every scene with Nancy and Jonathan)
Plus the Duffers are supposedly making another Netflix adaption of Death Note so I really don’t like them now lol
Ugh don't even remind me of that Death Note adaptation lol
S3 and S4 suffer from the Walking Dead problem where there are so many characters that the story has to be put on hold for each storyline and then get paused to go to the next one for a bit, and the payoff where they converge just doesn't work. Also I could not give less of a fuck about Nancy and Jonathan's storyline and their relationship shit got way too much play. Mike and El's relationship drama was hamfisted as fuck and I'm really hoping Will gets to have a character arc besides being very obviously gay and have more aspects to his character again in S5. You have this character whose trauma is so glossed over and never really addressed because we have a dozen new characters and storylines to deal with. Will was a victim of circumstance that nearly died after isolation in another world of horrors, was possessed by one of those horrors (and apparently still is to an extent given how he can sense Vecna AND the Mind Flayer), and might be struggling with the fact that everyone around him is moving on from what happened. I want him to be frustrated and scared of losing his friends and family, being separated from everyone and NEVER feeling a sense of closure to what happened to him. You can have Will be gay and ALSO have him be interesting/multifaceted too, you know, but this is the Duffer Brothers and Netflix we're talking about. It's the same issue I had with Robin where she's totally flanderized and has two main roles in the plot: be gay, and be awkward. I'm sorry but in this age of representation, having a character be gay does not equal them being well-written.
Hopper's monologue about his life story is easily the most egregious case of "Tell don't show" in a season FILLED with fucking "Tell don't show" and is also David Harbour's worst acting moment. That was wooden as fuck and the worst way to do that kind of scene. Tbh the entire Russia side plot was shit and could've been cut out nearly 100%.
Also: why give Hopper this big escape when he just gets caught anyway? Why have him break his foot (with unconvincing acting to show he's in the pain he should be in) if it doesn't lead to anything? Why have Joyce and Murray survive a FUCKING PLANE CRASH without a scratch? If you need to have Hopper learn there are Demogorgons, you could have done it a million better ways than an escape cocktease that fails in the end.
Why did Vecna only start killing now? He had decades to open the portals using this method, so why send the Mind Flayer out, have it fuck up, and go "no this time I'll totally kill everyone guys?" Why go after Max months after Billy's death at an arbitrary time after killing two random characters? Is it because he needs to use the school counselor patient list as a list of targets? If so, why? He has his tentacle Cerebro thing, after all. And again, why wait until right now to do this plan?
Also I don't get everyone shilling for that hokey-as-fuck scene of Max running with Kate Bush playing, it's easily one of the dumbest shot/edited moments that I couldn't take seriously at all. I also hate the red flashes and CG look of that part of the Upside Down, it reminds me of any given superhero movie with the CGI bloat and generic scawy vibe it has.
Vecna is easily the worst aspect of the entire series but it's not like Season 4 was that good to begin with. Once the initial hype and emotional high wears off, I think more fans will notice how stupid it is the same way they did for S3 and its cartoony fanfic vibe it had. That said...just because it isn't good, doesn't mean I don't like it. I like Season 4 but it's still easily the worst season on a show that's been sliding down in quality since S2.
My tier is: 1 is a 10/10, 2 is a 9/10, 3 is a 7.5 or 8/10, and 4 is a 4.4 to 5/10. Now I'm waiting for S5 to just go all out and pull a Game of Thrones style ending that completely shits the bed lol
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