#nutstickler78 writing
nutstickler78 · 2 months
The first Zip of Beer!
Sorry chat I kinda forgot to write the ff but I‘m here now 😈
This is basically just drunk Edward and Zip
Disclaimer: There will be no romance nor any reader inserts, this is just a silly little FF.
It might be OOC
Also I have no clue on how to write drunk people
CW: mentions of beer and drunk people
"Zip, what the fuck."
Edward and Oliver stared at Zip in unified bafflement and confusion. They weren’t strangers to beer, but sneaking a huge ass bottle to school? And not even trying to hide it? They had their boundaries themselves! (Claire would disagree.)
"What’s up?"
Zip, seemingly not noticing how it‘s strange she took it with her to school, looked back just as confused.
"Won‘t Miss Circle get angry?"
"Yeah, there‘s NO WAY any of the teachers are gonna let that slide, no matter how much they favor us."
As soon as they said that, Zip understood why they were staring and let out a prolonged 'Oooh'
"Well honestly, that‘s only if you snitch me out, y‘know? But my favorite pookies wouldn’t do that! Riiiiight?"
Zip said, batting her eyelashes.
In response to this, Edward just quietly asked
".. Can I have some?"
To which Zip happily complied and took out a glass from her bag..? How much fits in that bag?! Well, I‘d rather not question it.
Zip then finally started eating her lunch and chugging that Pils down like there was no tomorrow. Didn’t seem to have much of an affect on her. The same couldn’t be said for Edward, though.
"Woooowahhhhhzzz… Zip that’s so funny gimmie more nowww!"
"Yeesh, You’re already drunk? Weak."
"Zip now isn‘t uh.. the time for that. How‘s he supposed to show up to class?"
"Say he got a brain injury."
"He reeks of beer! No way they‘d accept that excuse!"
Zip and Oliver started debating over what to do (Or better said, Oliver trying to come up with an excuse because he felt like having a trouble free day today while Zip didn‘t care too much.), while Edward quietly took Zip‘s bottle to drink more as he took her lack of answer as a yes.
"HEY! That‘s mine! Give it back!"
"Nuh uh!"
Edward held it up as Zip tried to reach it so as to get it back.
"I paid for it with MY money!"
"I gooot to it first!"
"Guys- we‘re at school c‘mon.."
Oliver tried to quietly separate them but failed miserably. He could only watched as they fell off the cafeteria bank and started struggling on the floor, occasionally interrupted by things like 'Gimmie that!', 'That‘s mine!' Or anything of the sort.
At that point, Oliver decided he gave up and got up, wanting to go to his amazing girlfriend, but instead got stopped by a familiar sight.
"M-Miss Circle! What‘s the best math teacher doing here?"
Oliver rather loudly said, trying to get the attention of Zip and Edward, but to no avail as the kept fighting for the beer.
In response to this, Miss Circle walked up and picked the two up.
"I think that Miss Grace would like to see you both."
Both Zip and Edward immediately stopped, staring up at Miss Circle as they were dragged away, leaving the forgotten bottle and Oliver standing there.
".. Losers. Totally forgot about it."
*He picked it up and was gonna drink from it, but only got a hand placed on his shoulder.*
"And I‘ll be confiscating that."
"Awh shucks. :["
This was my first FF and NOT HC! I Hope you guys liked it!
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nutstickler78 · 2 months
Compiling my german Zip headcanons!
Made These during school, so there‘ll probably be some mistakes as I‘m not supposed to even bring my phone 😝 (update: hi yes I ended up continuing and finishing this at home)
one of my moots lowkey motivated me to do this
Hope you enjoy this!
CW: Mentions of alcohol/beer, occasional swearing!
DISCLAIMER: These Are Just normal HCS, no x Reader or x Character.
Do not cry "you‘re racist!" As I was both born and raised in Germany.
Some of these are based off of things I as a german have experienced or heard.
☆ I already mentioned this in another post, but she had her first drink of alcohol free beer at the whopping age of 12.
☆ Curses the ever living shit out people in German whenever she‘s really annoyed.
☆ Sneaks beer into school and only shares it with Oliver, Edward and SOMETIMES Miss Circle (Favorite Student privileges)
☆ I feel like Engel at least speaks German, so when Zip, Oliver and Edward are bullying Claire and Engel (as well, I‘m assuming), she‘d throw in something WILD in German and Engel is kinda like: oh that‘s not.. 😀
☆ LOVES Bernd das Brot
☆ She would totally know "Komm, lass uns tanzen." by HEART (alongside Chip).
☆ Although it‘s rare, she sometimes lets out her German accent. For example, she‘s currently rambling and ends up pronounce the German R
☆ Says digga even if she‘s speaking english. It‘s permanently part of her vocabulary.
☆ Dresses with more drip than your average German classmate 💀💀 and she definitely judges them too
☆ When she was very, very young (like around Chip‘s age which I‘m assuming is like 5), she was a HUGE Bibi Blocksberg and Bibi & Tina fan. Had a lot of merchandise of them that she would NEVER EVER share.
☆ Would purposefully draw the ugliest outfits on the characters from the Top Model Books and put the little sticker clothes that came alongside on to the most brutal and metal characters ever.
☆ Always had Satch pencil cases. Thought they wer boring and drew on them. Free canvas lol.
☆ Loves saying German jokes in English to Edward and/or Oliver bc they make no sense in English.
"Hey, hey, guys. Can I tell you a joke?"
"If it‘s funny, go for it."
Zip, who‘s trying to control her laughing "Okay look, Two Hunters met each other."
"They both died." Zip bursts out laughing.
"That makes no fucking sense."
☆ I feel like she has a little notebook where she writes a bunch of dumb stuff down, including many, MANY German memes only Germans would get. Meine Mama, meine Tante, der kleiner-
☆ Always has that German candy on stock (only for Chip, the coolest little brother!)
☆ Can open a beer bottle with literally ANYTHING you give her (except if it‘s a weak material, then obviously she can’t.)
☆ Praises German lunch knowing damn well it sucks ass. She only likes it because they got a mini burger and chocolate Santa once in kindergarten.
☆ Finds the raw existence of Frankfurt, Berlin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Bayern so hilarious for no reason
☆ Whenever Engel tries to say something positive in German (idk in what scenario he‘d do this, but imagine he would), she‘d counter react by saying something diabolical in Germany (technically you could count this in another hc I wrote down.. oh well <‚3)
☆ Knows a lot of kid shows, German or not, but always prefers (and often times only knows) the German version of them like; Sofia die Erste, Jake und die Nimmerland Piraten, etc.
☆ makes fun of American food (it‘s so processed okay 😭)
"Haha! Seriously? That Fanta is basically just chemicals! Your stomach will LOVE that chemical burn!"
"Please let me drink in fucking peace"
That‘s all for now! Should I write a German Zip FF? It won‘t be romantic and honestly only contain Zip being a menace but in GERMAN
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nutstickler78 · 28 days
☆*: ・゚. Random Zip, Edward and Oliver HCs I thought of
I don‘t really have any disclaimers for this one! just a Short Little thing I made
☆ In sports;
-> Zip is the type of person to get extremely competitive. If you even fail ONE shot she‘s gonna get so angry. At least she‘s surprisingly good at it and can carry the team :]
-> "YOU BROKE OFF MY NAIL!" As Oliver held the finger with the broken off nail, when it was just slightly chipped off at the white part. He‘s too princess for this 💔 He‘s not unfit though.
-> Edward is the least athletic one. Bro does NOT know what is happening most of the time. That and he‘s also built like a scrawny stick evil scientist. He can still carry heavy objects for his little robot projects though!
☆ In the snow;
-> Zip wears summer clothes like she just came back from a trip to Hawaii after drinking from a coconut. Then she complains about still feeling a bit too warm.
-> Oliver is freezing over, practically about to turn into an ice cube. He has to wear multiple layers (4 or 5 usually) just to SLIGHTLY tolerate it.
-> Edward is the only normal one. He wears just enough and still feels the cold but isn’t dying of cold.
-> Edward and Zip usually have snowball fights. Very competitive ones that result with Oliver hiding inside as they hit him in the crossfire multiple time.
-> Even when breaks over, they‘d somehow manage to find a way to end the match inside the building, causing them to be scolded in the process.
-> Zip has to be physically dragged back inside by literally anyone since she refuses to leave the snow. Chip is the same so you can see where they get it from..
-> If you hadn’t noticed, Oliver isn‘t the biggest fan of the cold. He usually stays inside (with Alice ofc, he‘s her bbg.) and watches TV or something. He doesn’t mind it though.
-> Edward doesn‘t care much honestly. Though, he likes to pour yellow soft drinks on to the snow and pretend someone pissed on it so it would make Abbie think it actually was piss.
☆ Video Games;
-> Edward and Oliver play the fashion, cute, girly aesthetic games. Especially the dress up ones. Though, Edward will never admit it and pretends he likes games like Ultrakill or Doom: Eternal. Oliver doesn’t mind it though. He proudly shows off all the badges he got in Hello Kitty: Cafe on roblox.
-> Zip on the other hand is the one that likes the games like Ultrakill and Doom: Eternal. Huge ass sucker for them.
-> Oliver always buys the OST’s to every game he plays. He loves the OST‘s so much. He even bought some extras he thought Alice might enjoy!
-> Oliver plays on his phone, Zip on a normal PC and Edward on his self built PC that he spent hours making that can handle both Sims 4 and Garden of Banban at once.
-> Oliver says would to literally any horror game creature he see‘s
I might make a part 2 if I think of some, idk though lol
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nutstickler78 · 2 months
hai! heard u had comms open. If i got it right,do you have any hcs about anhane?
Anhane ↣ꨄ
MY FIRST REQ!! And yeah, ofc I do :]! Thank you for requesting this, aun-muaq!
This might be a bit OOC cuz I haven’t really read up on the most recent VBS story (on EN), so I‘m truly sorry if something is incorrect! :[
Also I did. this before going to sleep lmao
☆ To start off, let‘s talk about Nicknames! I feel like they‘d either have the cutest or most CORNIEST nicknames for each other, no in between
☆ I‘d like to think Kohane is more normal (but also cornier) about the nicknames she gives An, such as: My Inspiration, My Love, My Darling, My Angel and My Really cool girlfriend who‘s as bright as a star and amazing girlfriend who I really love a lot and hope to marry her someday she‘s so pretty and cool and I love her so much.
☆ I feel like they both are SO whipped over each other, like notice how I gave both of them at the end a little swooning for each other? I feel like that would be them when they‘re not with each other and would unknowingly start talking about each other.
☆ I feel like An is a night owl despite being so energetic during the day, so I believe that in the nights, when they‘re cuddling with each other, Kohane usually dozes off as An rambles to her about who knows what!
☆ if they‘re in each others vicinity, they‘re holding hands, no telling my differently. The only time they aren’t holding hands together is when one or both of them is/are carrying too many things.
☆ Kohane can crochet and with that magical ability, she crochets cute gifts for An, such as plushies, or hand mittens, or a winter hat, or another plushie and the list goes on!
☆ As for An, who‘s on the receiving end, she always proudly displays any work Kohane gifts her. Cold winter day? No worries! This scarf will keep me warm! See a cold little kitty? That‘s her kitty now and she‘s keeping it warm with one of Kohane‘s mini sweaters and with one of Kohane‘s mittens.
☆ Talking about Stray cats, if An and Kohane ever moved in with each other, I feel like they‘d keep bringing home any stray they catch even the slightest glimpse of in the streets!
☆ Lowkey they‘d at least have 3 cats; Princess Pickles, Nuclear Bomb and Tom (yes I‘m serious about these exact names)
☆ Though, despite being so whipped for each other, I definitely do think they‘d want to keep their relationship private from the public and only let their friends know.
☆ They both constantly get/make gifts for each other, they definitely have a whole organized pile from gifts of each other.
That should be it! I Hope you enjoyed it :] it was actually my first time writing headcanons, so I‘m still new to this whole thing.
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nutstickler78 · 2 months
hey mootie ur hcs about anhane were FIRE⁉️❗do u mind me requesting shizumafu?? they're cuties and i want to hear what do u think abt them!
Thank you so much! I‘m glad you enjoyed the Anhane hcs :]
Again, this is done at like 22 at night so something might seem off LMAO
Hope you enjoy this!
☆ Mafuyu definitely has cold hands, like extremely cold while Shizuku is the complete opposite. This would come in handy during the seasons because I feel like they‘d warm each other up a bit by holding their hands or cheeks (and sneaking a little kiss in because who doesn’t love kissing in a genuine and loving relationship :]?)
☆ Shizuku loves a lot of PDA but I feel like Mafuyu prefers to keep such activities to only hand holding or a quick kiss on the cheek in public, so in turn Mafuyu let‘s Shizuku get all of her pent up affection out (did that sentence make sense?)
☆ "That looks just like Mafuyu!" and it‘s a little stickman with a heart to the side. "It‘s Mafuyu!" And it‘s a cloud. Basically anything is Mafuyu. What a mafuworld we live in..
☆ I feel like Mafuyu knows a lot about flowers, so she likes associating them with Shizuku!
☆ Early Bird (Shizuku) x Night Owl (Mafuyu).
☆ Though, I feel like sometimes Shizuku manages to persuade Mafuyu enough to get her to sleep with her in bed (IN THE NORMAL WAY 🤬🤬🤬)
☆ Shizuku ALWAYS sends Mafuyu good night and good morning messages accompanied with pictures. Mafuyu always know something is up whenever she doesn’t get a message.
☆ Mafuyu unconsciously made her little aquarium Shizuku themed (how? Don‘t ask me) and it unconsciously brings her so much more comfort.
☆ Shizuku ALWAYS sends a wink or kiss to Mafuyu whenever she watches one of her concerts live. All the delusional fans can say what they want, but we know it was meant for Mafuyu <3
☆ Shizuku is the type to constantly be sending tik toks, reels, whatever you wanna imagine and Mafuyu ALWAYS replies to all of them, making sure to leave none out.
☆ They always share their lunch with each other, Shizuku even sometimes brings special little lunches specifically for Mafuyu!
☆ The most calm they‘ll ever be is during their archer club time (however you say it idk rn…). It‘s in those moments that, despite sharing no words, their bond is strengthened even more than it is and they silently rejoice in each others presence, not bothering to take notice of the time.
This might be a little shorter than the Anhane, I‘m sorry :[! I Hope you enjoyed it either way :]
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nutstickler78 · 1 month
My love for you.
Oliver x Alice
This is just a short FF I thought of while listening to Day 1 by Red Velvet!
Ngl, was originally gonna be more gorey but I wanted to try something fluffy~
Also, English isn‘t my first language 🙁.
"Alice..? No way, she’s horrifying!"
"You mean Alice..? I‘m not risking my life! She‘s not even human!"
"What do you mean? She‘s a demon!"
That‘s all he‘d ever hear.
Alice is dangerous, Alice is a monster, Alice is a demon, Alice has no mercy for anyone.
Never ever would anyone dare to utter a nice word about Alice.
For him, it was quite the contrary.
"Oliver? I suppose he can be a troublemaker at times, but he‘s funny otherwise."
"Oliver‘s smart! He never fails school!"
Of course, there were the few that would call him a mean bully, but never more than that, since in their eyes, he was nothing more than just a bully. But that‘s not as extreme as being called a demon.
Even though it all had its reasons.. he wasn’t gonna deny it, Alice was a murderer. Messed up. I mean, she literally kills students to eat them! What‘s not crazy about that?!
But.. he didn’t care about that. He saw her as his love, his girlfriend. He saw a kind princess underneath all that ice cold exterior. So what if she‘s a cannibal murderer? He doesn’t care about small details like that!
He loved seeing her everyday, he loved seeing her face light up as he approached, with it with no gift. He loved waking up and knowing he was gonna see her that day. He loved hearing her melodious voice talk about the little fly she saw today. He loved her.
His voice rang out, the name 'Alice' rolling off his tongue smoother than butter on pancakes.
From the shadows, two bright red eyes shone. Ones that are like bright rubies shining in a cave.
"Guess whooo?~"
"Oh, dear. You talk like those princes you told me about."
Alice calmed down as soon as she noticed it was Oliver who called out to her.
She got up from her place, walking over.
"What brings you here this time?“
"Awh, shucks! You already know why!"
Alice cracked a slight smile, her mood brightening up more as she heard Oliver talk.
"To; See your one and only dearie?"
She repeated the words he usually tells her, replacing the 'my' with 'your' so it‘d make a bit more sense to her when she said it.
This made Oliver happy, feeling quite honored that she‘d remember his words.
He always felt happy around her. Don‘t get him wrong, his friends made him happy too, as well as his family! But Alice was a different kind of happiness, in a good way.
"Guess what I brought you?~"
"A leg?"
"Wrong! Even better!"
".. Dearie, I don’t like guessing."
This earned a chuckle from Oliver, who just handed her the box. It smelled rancid, rancid like blood rancid. But Alice didn‘t care about such details.
"Open it!"
Alice opened the box, finding two layers in it. A note, a separator and underneath a pigs heart. How romantic~
Alice was obviously overjoyed by this, she always was when it was Oliver. She happily ate the heart as Oliver invited himself inside and closed the door behind him. He sat down at the usual spot he sat at, with Alice joining him.
He leaned himself against Alice and started talking. About what? Just about anything. Anything his brain could come up with at the moment.
Alice in turn, listened to every word he told her. She loved the way his eyes would light up whenever he talked.
This time, he was talking about some spider movie. Apparently, it’s part of a bigger 'web' of movies he really likes as well. She‘d love to go on a cinema date with him someday..
Just like any other evening, they spent the time together. Talking, laughing, sharing those quiet moments, she loved it. She’d never trade these moments for anything.
She would never admit this, but..
Oliver was the melody missing from her lyrics.
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nutstickler78 · 2 months
idk if u do platonic requests but i would like to see shinonome siblings hcs?? they're funny and i love em.
☆*: ・゚. The Shinonomes!
GOD I LOVE PLATONIC ASKS) Certainly! I‘ll do them!
DISCLAIMERS: This is strictly platonic. I do NOT want this tied with romance as I am writing about 2 SIBLINGS.
CW: none :3!
☆ They will always fight about the last piece, no matter if it‘s something they actually like or something they actually hate. They just wanna get that last piece and rub it in the other Shinonome‘s face.
☆ Akito used to be really active on game like Adopt Me, Royale High, etc., but that all stopped as soon as Ena scammed him in all of those games when they were younger.
☆ Constantly fight over who‘s stronger physically. Doesn‘t matter when or where, if the topic is brought up, they will fight.
☆ Ena personally goes and fist fights all of Akito’s haters. She does NOT care about age (unless they’re younger than her or elderly, then she‘ll just use her voice!)
☆ Same goes for Akito, personally handles all of Ena‘s haters.
☆ Ena has a bunch of audios of Akito in the shower, singing MoreMoreJump songs. (Not Video, Audio.)
☆ Akito would do those Tik Tok Livestreams where he shows his rapping skills and Ena would always go on there to troll him (accompanied by a mysterious Purple/Cyan haired individual.. who could that possibly be?)
☆ Despite all the trolling, they‘re each others #1 supporters. They won‘t ever directly express it though.
☆ They sometimes get drunk together. They have to use a fake ID though since in Japan you can‘t legally drink under 20 ‼️
☆ They set each other up for the most unconventional scenarios ever. Nothing bad- but those slight moments that just make you question ".. Why?"
☆ You know those people who never replace the toothpaste and literally squeeze every single part of it out, going as far as to cut it open? That’s them alright!
☆ Ayesha Erotica and Asteria fans for sure, you cannot convince me otherwise.
☆ Think they‘re better than the other in video games, but both suck ass.
☆ Akito makes fun of Ena for playing Dating Simulators, but he religiously plays Otome Games (maxed out, 100% story, all cards/characters unlocked, EVERYTHING.)
☆ Ena thinks she‘s sooo sly when getting Akito a gift, but she is NOT. My guy can immediately figure out if it‘s an Ena gift or someone else’s, but never comments on it (secretly, he appreciates it very much!)
☆ Ena sometimes leaves her lunchbox back at home (either on purpose or accidental, but that’s a story for another day) and Akito is having NONE of it. If he noticed before her lunch break, he runs over and gives her it. If he noticed too late, he "accidentally ordered too much food and can‘t finish it", so Ena has to eat it. Whichever the case is, Ena WILL be getting her fill of food.
☆ Ena has so many embarrassing childhood fotos of Akito, but Akito has none from Ena. It‘s not like she was never photographed as a kid- but she looked so adorable and pretty in every picture! Unlike Akito, where in one he‘s literally in the middle of tripping and falling into dog poop, while in the other he‘s eating his own boogers.
I LOVED writing for them! Platonic asks are always welcomed~
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nutstickler78 · 1 month
might open req to other fandoms.. but idk which one :[!!! Pretty please leave request which media I should write for!
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nutstickler78 · 2 months
ꨄ*: ・゚. Rules for requesting Project Sekai!
☆ I will write for; Ichika Hoshino, Saki Tenma, Honami Mochizuki, Shiho Hinomori, Minori Hanasato, Haruka Kiritani, Airi Momoi, Shizuku Hinomori, Kohane Azusawa, An Shiraishi, Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Tsukasa Tenma, Emu Otori, Nene Kusanagi, Rui Kamishiro, Kanade Yoisaki, Mafuyu Asahina, Ena Shinonome, Mizuki Akiyama. -> Anyone NOT mentioned will not be written.
☆ I will NOT write smut for any of the aforementioned characters, even the ones that're 18 (Shizuku Hinomori, Tsukasa Tenma, Rui Kamishiro and Ena Shinonome if I recall correctly.) -> I also will NOT write Yandere, I really hate that genre so this pretty much goes for any fandom lolz. I still wanted to mention it though. -> I will NOT write p*dophillia. ☆ I WILL write; Fluff, Angst with comfort, Angst with no comfort and anything that's not on the "Not writing" list! ☆ I write Character x Character and Character x Reader. Inbox: 0/10
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nutstickler78 · 2 months
Tumblr media
ꨄ*: ・゚. Introduction !!
I don‘t really use any name lolz so call me anything, preferably Nutstickler78 though 💞 The art used in my account all belongs to the official account of Needy Streamer Overload on X/Twitter!
I‘m a cisgirl and use she/her!
I‘m Mexican 🇲🇽 and German 🇩🇪!
I‘m 14 years old :]
Oh I really like; Needy Streamer Overload, Project Sekai, Honkai Impact 3rd, Genshin Impact 🤯, Honkai Star Rail, Obey Me, OMORI, Fundamental Paper Education, Ultrakill, Mad Father, Witches House, IB, Purgatory, Twisted Wonderland and many more I‘m not gonna list cuz it’d be too long then 💔 if you wanna know any other fandoms I may like feel free to ask in my in box :)
DNI: honestly the basic DNI (Pro/Com-shippers, peedoughphiles/l0l1 or sh0t4 cons) (censoring cuz I really don‘t know if those words are allowed here !)
I only write for PJSK rn. Might open to NSO or Omori some time.
I Write Character x Character, OC x Character and Character x Reader.
I can also write gore, AU, fluff and angst.
Each fandom I write for will most likely have slight variations in its rules for what I write, which is why I'll most likely give them all their own rules page. This is just a general thingie!
Inbox: 0/10
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nutstickler78 · 2 months
I honestly still can‘t comprehend that ships like Target, Walmart and such are actually a thing.. like erm..?? Fym Walmart is an actual place??
Also, I‘m gonna start tagging my normal, just ramble posts 'Nutstickler78 Rambling' and my writing as 'Nutstickler78 Writing' ! ✎
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