#o ya i dont proofread so idk wha t this says
heloisem · 4 years
date: may 15th, 2019 time: 9:10 pm location: phoenix and the turtle café status: closed to @tomassabello
She unravels the cloth napkin and flattens it against her lap with the utmost precision, hands woven together and placed delicately on top, posture pristine. Heloise looks to her right and adjusts the spoon so it’s no longer at an angle. She looks to her left and rotates the fork on its back. She gazes out the window and spots a feathered warbler, bright yellow with a black cap, pecking at an assortment of seeds as it hops from branch to branch. So deeply was she absorbed by the bird perched upon the oak tree, Heloise hardly notices when an incessant amount of chatter erupts inside the café. Not until a resounding boom echoes off of the walls.
She takes note of the revolting scent before it swallows her whole.
With one swift inhale, the peppery odor tickles at her throat, pungent and acidic. Heloise’s chest seizes as white-hot flames burn at her ribs and crawl up her throat while her tongue sits heavy in her mouth, and it feels as though it's been reduced to ashes. Fathomless, grey smoke swims around her and her vision blurs, and Heloise doesn’t register that she abandoned her chair until she begins to stumble With every inhale, the flames increase tenfold, and she’s suddenly producing an extensive amount of tears, even for her, the delicate doll who weeps on the hour.
She tries to yelp, to wail, to plead for someone to rescue her from this nightmare, but the weight of her own body nearly sends her to the floor and her heart beats with an erratic stutter. It pulses a vicious beat, thumping against her ribs uncomfortably, and Heloise wishes to seize it from her own chest and toss it to the floor. There’s a thunderous ringing in her ears, one she hadn’t noticed before, which, Heloise thinks, explains the absence of sound, but does little to explain why everyone around her appears to be moving at the pace of a tortoise.
In her peripheral, she catches sight of familiar blonde curls as the hazy smoke begins to ebb and fade. She rubs her eyes eagerly, uncertain if she’s truly able to trust her own judgement right now, but the woman in front of her certainly looks the part. She lives amongst the clouds and delves into blissful reveries, it’s true, but she’s sure this time, and the self-doubt that crept along the curve of her spine vanishes at once. Katyusha. It is her. Foolishly, she wishes to reach out and encompass her into a hug, but that’s how dreams always start, isn’t it?
If this is a dream, Heloise thinks, she desperately wants to wake up.
She can no longer discern left from right or up from down. The war drum in her ears only heightens, and she’s sure someone’s shoved a fire iron through her chest. She looks around at the café, and observes in disbelief as those around her feast on each other like wolves, their maws salivating as they growl at one another, ripe with brutality, teeth gnashing viciously, and Heloise stands before them, a gentle lamb held captive in the wake of a slaughterhouse.
And then—
Gunfire erupts, ear-splitting and razor-sharp, and the bullet rips through Heloise’s shoulder with astounding force as a mangled cry pierces the air, and sheer agony devours her senses. It’s red hot, scorching, enough to consume her shoulder with a continuous fire, and the world washes over her in rapid waves as shock begins to settle in. Her body goes limp and sweat begins to bead at the nape of her neck. Her hands begin to tremble. A flurry of tears stain her cheeks as a guttural sob, shrill and unnerving, bleeds from her lungs, and Heloise begins to convulse, each muscle violently jerking in every direction as she strives to cease the bleeding fruitlessly.
She doesn’t know which is worse. The blood or the pain.
The café begins to swelter, and bile rises in her throat as she begins to sway. It’s dizzying, and the blood continues to flow despite the pressure she applies, so she surrenders and falls to her knees, tear-stricken and afraid. Heloise jerks her head in a swift motion as cotton fills her mouth, desperate for a lighthouse to call her home, desperate for someone to wrap their arms around her and pull her close, but she’s entirely alone.
Just Heloise, and the turbulent beating of her own heart.
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