#obviously I'm not the authority on this lmao these r just my thoughts but I would love to hear ur thoughts as well!!!
kazbiter · 1 year
very interested in how the storyline of ronan's sexuality is developed in the dream thieves as a battle between kavinsky and gansey while adam is almost never present in these scenes, which makes it even more interesting that we found out in CDTH that ronan was set on adam the moment he saw him. i think that ronan is attracted on some level to both gansey and kavinsky (you can draw the lines of how much romantic intention you think he hold towards either of the yourself, that's a rabbit hole I would need a whole other post to go down) but more so I think he was attracted to the IDEA of both of them and certain qualities that each possessed, and that the real question wasn't does ronan want gansey or kavinsky because we know he wants adam but rather who's qualities resonate more with who ronan is, or who he is choosing to be at this critical moment in his character development. kavinsky is a dangerous thrill and often comes wrapped in ronan's other favorite self destructive attempts to outrun himself, while gansey is ronan's history and proof of his deep capacities for loyalty and love. he tells kavinsky it was never going to be me and you and that it's not going to be ronan and gansey because that was never the question- maggie was obviously always planning on bluesy and pynch. the answer to who ronan WANTS in adam. the question of who ronan IS- that's what he's trying to decide here. his self hatred is such a heavy weight on him and theme in tdt, and the kavinsky/gansey dichotomy represents the the path he will choose to take to deal with it- keep try to drive faster than his demons or accept that he can still be loved even if he isn't the person he once was. the dream thieves my beloved ronan lynch my beloved
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miyukihoshizora · 9 months
So! FFVIII! Finished it yesterday, loved most of the last stretch! And it totally comes appart the second you think about it too hard!
First what I liked:
Squall and Rinoa, obviously. Their dynamic and respective growths mirroring each other. One who shuts off the world and one who forces herself to seem like this dizzy social butterfly, both because they are terrified of being hated. Their friendship very organically evolve into a romance and the best scenes in the game like the space rescue are always between these two.
Quistis was also the teammate I felt got to do the most. Started off as a mentor, before realizing the mantle of leader was not for her and learning to put her full trust into something other than her instincts. She also had the emotional intelligence to dodge a love triangle when she felt that shit arrive lmao.
The game is also full of really cool setpieces in general. The space rescue, the Gardens themselves, the Lunatic Pandora... And of course, Ultimecia's castle! I absolutely loved the whole dream sequence at the end, how it communicated without words on all of Squall's fears and how Rinoa became the reason he learned to enjoy his life. How he clung to her image like a lifeline even if the time distortion + GF poisoning tried to take it away from him (as it did with Ultimecia if you subscribe to the U=R theory). Like god damn, this was strong stuff.
Speaking of! I'm actually shocked Ultimecia being Rinoa is just a fan theory Square went out of their way to debunk because it seemed so obvious to me from the get go and I wasn't even aware of the theory until I looked into it. I find it weird they decided to just say no to the whole thing instead of keeping it ambiguous, as the game does, because thematically, this makes it a really powerful story, and Ultimecia a much more sympathetic baddie. Like damn, you can do so much with Griever being all she has left of her knight, while her refusal to let go of it twisting her memories to the point she can no longer recognize him when he comes to her from the past, as she wanted. Respectfully gonna kill the author on this one.
Now for the less good stuff... The orphanage plot twist, obviously. Doctor Odine's whole deal. The Norg stuff. I imagine the fact this plot is held together by duct tape is like, the popular opinion at this point. The best parts of this game kind of mostly work in a vacuum.
Also, well... Zell, Irvine and Selphie don't really have any arc to speak of as far as I can tell. Which is a bit disappointing, compared to VII, I wish they all got to do a lot more. They are still my babies but I really didn't care for them as much as I did the other three, and that Is a problem in a seried that lives or die by how much you engage with its characters.
Oh and bro, Seifer. I jokingly compared him to Draco Malfoy and just like Draco they totally half assed his part in the plot. He had strong momentum as a rival character in Disc 1, but the fact Rinoa stops having feeling for him the second he does his heel turn, and that he just wanted to be Ultimecia's knight, regardless of whether it was Edea or Rinoa, TWO WOMEN HE LOVED, is completely ridiculous. He also got a total anticlimax with the most heavy-handed Gilgamesh cameo, and then Fujin and Raijin (the best part of this stupid plot thread) just redeem him off screen where he goes back to Balamb and never gets any comeuppance for actively trying to destroy the world, like, what the hell even was that.
Oh yeah also the gameplay system is jank and I only started having fun with it when I broke it.
That about sums up my thoughts. I'm really happy of my experience with this game, and to finally be done with the Playstation era!~
My X replay is next, and then I'll probably hop straight onto XV.
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amrv-5 · 5 months
T R H for ask prompt :))) happy holiday <3
HELLO LIVV and HAPPY HOLIDAY!! wishing you continuing safe travels...!!!! Also this is so fucking long I'm so sorry. It was the writers question. It got me................
T: Any fandom tropes you can't stand?
Heh. I have a distaste for anything that -- this isn't a wildly common trope, notably, just one I see on occasion -- anything that portrays Hawk as helpless / passive. I think he gets fandom-ified sometimes into somebody who Needs Saving (and given some canon events, like, I Get It), but part of why I love him as a character so terribly much is his ridiculous scrappiness. He really doesn't take mistreatment / his situation / even his own negative emotions lying down. Guy's a fighter, even when he wishes he wasn't, and I don't really gel with fanon takes that leave him without some degree of agency in action (with the notable exception of him being literally drafted).
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
[sickos voice] YES!!!! HAHAHA!!! YES!!!! I'm sure I've said some of these before, so sorry for repeats, but addition of fanwriters makes this particularly exciting yaaaay okay.
Non-fanfic: Well. God. Sorry for the particularly cancellable white-male-loquaciousness double-whammy of Thomas Wolfe and David Foster Wallace. Always chasing Wolfe's sort of deeply poetic, emotional, very sensitive way of writing--how reflective he is, his insane force / presence on the page, and some other intangible quality that just makes me go "jesus fucking christ I have felt exactly this, how did he put it into words" every other page. Makes me insane. As for DFW, well, sorry again -- get a lot out of that sort of grounded intellectualism-feel in his writing (we can argue about its value / veracity forever, but push to shove it really works for me as a reader).
Uhhh Vonnegut obviously, so much so that I almost feel like I don't need to say it 'cause I'm always transparently in writing trying to be even 1/100 as funny, sensitive, and useful in my cynicism as him.
Virginia Woolf!!! Man to render somebody's internal state of being so so vividly. I think I clearly ripped her off in S2G2 ch4, but my god how can you Not she's brilliant. Following from that Alison Bechdel because, talk about your intellectual prose. Man. Can I say fucking Voltaire without anybody getting mad at me. Sorry. Candide novella ever and probably the only thing that will get me through learning French.
Now. Fanfic authors --
First and foremost, cleanwhiteroom, wherever they are. I got into Pacific Rim late, but Designations Congruent with Things is genuinely one of the most meaningful texts I have in my life, fanfic or no. Insane. Brilliant, intellectual, warm, approachable, funny, wildly original. Also, Parker lore, 80% of the reason I was a physicist until I wasn't.
Uhh I can't possibly list everyone in MASH right now, but a quick skim -- Granspn (brilliantly written and beautifully imagined), yukiawison for skillful inventiveness and tackling exactly the themes I always want to see, yaroantheo for the just. MAN!!! the so-well-rendered warmth and depth of feeling and kindness in Homecoming, Remyfire's grasp of physicality and vivid tangibility, gayfranzkafka for really effective formatting play, raven/singlecrow for a Hawk I'll never forget. I am CERTAIN there are others, these are just top of the head.
And, maybe a surprise contender given that I don't talk a ton about BCS -- jimmymcgools does things with landscape and light that make me fucking nuts. I've gone back and just stared at their descriptions of place, light shape and quality, land, etc. -- master at work fr.
H: How would you describe your style?
I do not think there is a single question I could possibly be less objective or accurate on LMAO. My first thoughts in order were: Bad (nonspecific and too mean to Parkers Past), Sprawling (this seems accurate), Concerned With Realism (not actively ATTEMPTING it, notably, but -- concerned. I am Concerned with Realism. Feels true). Melodramatic but maybe not with as much pejorative sentiment as the word usually carries. Verbose. I try to gesture in the direction of comedy? In general summary: Freakin' weird, dude.
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spook-e-snail · 7 months
hey so I've been going through your self ship tag and I'm genuinely curious, what's your dynamic like with Cassandra? Like is there a backstory between you two or is it like an unspecified thing?
I've actually never thought about how to describe the dynamic with words weirdly enough? Like I'm not sure if cringe fail husband and equally cringe fail girl boss wife is the best way to explain it. Like they kinda feel like they're the only ones who get each other in a way? Its hard to describe but just trust me bro 👍
Putting this all under a read-more because its long as fuck lmao. But yes! I do have a backstory :))
So! I actually have a few different concepts for my backstories! The main plot I actually have a(n unfinished) fic for!
The basic idea is my insert (Kurt) moves to a new town a few years after the events of PS. The plot roughly follows the love conquers all route. Like Pico was able to talk Cassandra and her gang out of their initial plan but you can tell she's like one mild inconvenience away from doing it all again. Everyone is alive albeit mildly unhinged.
Back when I was first introduced to PS I actually had a dream Cassandra hit me with a car so I kinda wrote that into the self ship lore. Sounds weird but trust me I make it work
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She hits him with a car (that isn't hers). She learns they have a lot im common, they become friends, she realizes she likes the little emo bastard, she lets him know she's an alien and he's chill about it, they kiss, pretty typical stuff tbh.
Now while my insert's plot doesn't follow the main ps timeline I fucking love the angst some of these ideas have. I also wanted to make a chart to make it somewhat more easy to follow.
(ignore the first part of the chart I fucked up the bubbles are supposed to say before/after not yes/no)
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The plot where they don't meet is obviously kinda boring so I'll talk about it first to get it out of the way. She's dead. He doesn't meet the iconic goth alien. They don't smooch. The end. (Tbh if I ever start self shipping with any other PS/PS adjacent characters I feel like this would be where my insert goes off and smooches some other characters)
I feel like the "fine red mist" ending would be closest to the game? Like the death part anyways.
In both of the non boring original timeline endings Cassandra is very dishonest about what it is she's doing. She realizes Kurt fucking despises how flawed the American education system is and has a general hatred for authority figures and makes her plan seem less like a massacre and more like a really big protest. He isn't given a gun or anything but he is the one who was told to chain the doors shut
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As the name implies, Kurt in fact does get blown up in this ending. Again this ending plays out the most like the games. She doesn't shoot Kurt like she does Spike and Pierre but he does still end up dying whenever the back wall collapses in a very bloody cartoonish fashion. Pico ends up killing Cassandra and saves the day. The end :))
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Anyways the partners in crime ending is a bit less developed you could say? Like Cassandra does still flat out lie about her intentions with the school and acts very recklessly with the lives of the rest of the goths, but instead twords the end she's like "Erm actually fuck this I'm getting out of here," and basically takes Kurt and goes into hiding right before they are killed in the final boss fight. But weirdly enough Kurt is fine with all of this and just kinda goes along with it. They run from the law and r fucked up evil cycle paths together 💔💔💔. The end.
There's definitely some holes but that's the basic idea plus some extra plot stuff!!
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athyathye · 2 years
HIII! since ur requests r open can i pls request having a s/o that likes to curse in another language but the boys don't know and they think what s/o's saying is a compliment for example : "HAHAHAHAH tangina ang bobo nating dalwa ngayon" [ translation: HAHAHAHAHA fuck we're both so dumb right now ] and they're like "was that a compliment if it is hehe i know i'm perfect" can the characters be ran, baji, andd mikey i'm sorry if this seems to detailed 😭😭 ty for ur hard workkk <33 pls take breaks and rests
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Tokyo revengers! Characters reacting to you cursing in another language!
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Author’s note 📝: I really hope Google and Reddit was a good choice of translation and stuff lmao
Warnings ⚠️: Cursing! ✨ in a different language ✨ I think that's it, but look out for more!
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Ran :
“Ah, tatanga tanga naman kasi ‘tong bobo na ‘toh” You glanced disapprovingly at Ran who had an award winning smile on his calm, callous face. You turned to Rindou who looked at you curiously. His eyebrow twitched along the pained groan of a person on the ground.
(Translation : Ah, this stupid imbecile only does stupid things)
“What does that mean? Are you cursing at me or my brother?” He asked, his hand coming to scratch at his neck, fighting off the urge to fight alongside his greedy older brother, having been tasked to look after you so desperate gang members wouldn’t get funny ideas.
“It probably means ‘Ran’s so handsome even with blood on his face!” Or somethin’ ” Your boyfriend smiled, mischievously sneaking a hand on your shoulder as he tilted your face to meet his.
“You got it, babe~ Aren’t you lucky you bagged this hunk of a man?”
‘Hunk? You mean troublemaker’ You rolled your eyes, deeming it too early for Ran’s over-confident statements. You ignored the look of disgust on Rindou’s face. Opting to stay quiet even when a fist flew towards the back of his head.
You turned to the person beside you, a fellow who knew exactly what you had said.
“Should I tell them-” “Tell them and I’ll kick you out myself.”
Ah what a fun day being Ran’s significant other-
“Oh you- ‘Toh dahilan kung bakit di ka mahal ng nanay mo!!!”
( Translation : Oh you- This is why your mom doesn’t love you!!! )
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Baji :
“Y/n! Describe Baji in 3 words! Go!” Chifuyu suddenly shouted from behind you. Taking your gaze away from the snack you were eating, you turned around. Meeting the group of men who surrounded your significant other.
He had a scowl on his face, acting like he didn’t want to know what you were going to say, but the way he looked back and forth to you and to the side told you he was just as curious as the men who looked like dogs waiting for a bone to chew.
“Hmm…” You looked down at your pajamas. Having been dragged out of the comfort of your bed for some stupid meeting that Baji wanted you to attend. Even if you weren’t a member.
“Culero… Pendejo….Cabrón.” you listed as you turned back to gossipping and the snack you were eating. Meanwhile, back at Baji’s side, the boys all wore faces of disappointment or sweatdrops.
( Translation : *sshole… Idiot/*sshole...B*stard/D*mbass )
“....That wasn’t helpful at all…” Chifuyu murmured, turning to look back at his group, only to see the shining eyes of Baji.
‘What the-’ He thought as he smacked Takemichi’s arm, urging him to look at the older boy.
“Damn, I knew you thought I was good-looking but not to that extent.” Baji looked so smug as he spoke loudly, causing you to turn around with a frown on your face, you sighed before shaking your head.
“You know what that means?”
“Do I look like I can speak y/n?”
“I don’t even know what language that was-”
“Doesn’t one of those words mean ‘Dumb*ss?’ ” One of them spoke up, they all glanced at the person before turning to look at Baji. Who furiously tried to deny it.
“Hell nah! My girl speaks like that to me everyday! Of course I’d know what it means! It’s obviously handsome or some other attractive pet name!” He persisted, grabbing the guy’s collar.
“Don’t be putting dirty words in my girlfriend’s mouth, b*stard.”
...Yikes who’s gonna tell him-
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Mikey :
It was surely a heated argument. One that would make everybody in the room feel awkward and uncomfortable. Everybody glanced at each other then to their leader and his girlfriend sitting on a couch far away from each other.
It seems as though there was a huge rain cloud on top of you both, continuously raining and thundering that the rest were afraid to even breathe near you guys.
“...Stop being such a b*tch already...I said I was sorry.” He finally turned to you after 5 minutes of silence. Everybody held their breaths, feeling their own heart rate fasten by Mikey’s choice of words.
"Vaffanculo, Stronzo” You replied, not bothering to give him a look, you hid your lips and turned your face farther away from where he was sitting. You felt the area beside you dip, assuming it’s Mikey you tried to stand, only to have a hand grasp your wrist.
(Translation : F*ck you, Assh*le)
“You know, you taught me those words a while ago...I remember you saying those meant good things.” He smiled, as brightly as the sun. Brightly as if you both didn’t have a huge argument. Meanwhile, you froze. A realization hitting you as your face flushed, trying not to laugh.
You felt Mikey bury his head on your back. “How can I stay mad at you when you’re cute like this? Acting like I wouldn’t understand you in a different language.” He felt your body vibrate, and took at a sign that you were embarrassed which made him all the more joyous.
But boy oh boy were you actually struggling not to laugh out loud.
“Don’t talk to me. I’m still mad at you” You broke free from his grip, turning to leave before he could hold you back once again. Though, best believe he chased after you. The rest breathed a sigh of relief after witnessing the main couple make up...that was until Emma spoke up.
“Who’s going to tell Mikey the meaning…?”
“Not it!” “Not it!”
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lowkeyorloki · 2 years
hi it's once again the author-name-ask anon, and you can call me cass if you'd like cuz judging by the shit that's gonna go down in the last act of asis... i will probably come crying and/or screaming in your inbox multiple times :)
speaking of the third act of asis, uhm excuse me ma'am I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS MUCH PAIN RIGHT OFF THE BAT? like that first bit about being a college freshman hit so so so close to home and then the part where loki knocks on y/n's door...my heart literally clenched at that. i was sitting in my math class reading the chapter and i knew it was gonna be angsty but omg i was not prepared for it to be THAT sad.
also me being both a dumbass and an ace thought 'skipping your period twice' at the end meant like a period in school but goddamn when it clicked in my brain i SCREECHED. it came as such a surprise but you also put enough clues pointing towards it that i had a mental-keyboard-smash moment
i originally was so sure the twist was gonna be about narvi telling people that y/n and loki are together (also pls tell me narvi's gonna be ok despite y/n and loki's situation, that kid deserves every good thing in the world) and now i really feel like that 'i connected the dots' 'you didn't connect shit' meme because i really didn't connect shit lol
wow do i have so many emotions about this chapter and i will never look towards anything as much as i look towards the next asis update. sorry for this long-ass ask lmao i'm just dshkushkshkhjkahahoeiui, you know?
omg hi cass it's so nice to meet you/put a name to the author-name-ask-anon :P i am SO excited for you to continue to scream in my inbox. never apologize for long asks because they literally make my day and that high keeps me going for WEEKS. i thrive off this type of thing so thank youuuuuuuu
okay, first: I AM KIND OF V E R Y nervous for y'all because everyone's reactions to the ~emotionalness~ of this chapter was much more intense than i thought. i figured everyone would focus on the cliffhanger, which did happen (like i wanted hehe) but i didn't think everyone would focus so much on the intensity and feelings. i am so glad those aspects are resonating with everyone though, because i did work hard on honing in on specific details and making it clear how messed up y/n is right now. that being said, with all ya'll's feelings about how painful/angsty this chapter was, i am very worried about the february 3rd update. even more so about the one after that. i wrote it (the update after the 3rd) a week or two ago, and just proofread it this afternoon and it's... wow. it is a lot even for me, and i 1) wrote it and 2) know how everything ends. it still knocked me off my feet for a couple minutes.
i'm also glad you liked that first scene. i think i said it in an ask earlier, but i actually changed it right before posting this morning. originally that scene was the reader reflecting on how much she hated getting laughing gas at the dentist, even though all her friends loved it. she didn't like it because it made her so foggy and able to comprehend the world around her, but not take any action. obviously i connected that to her feelings of apathy. i scrapped it because i felt like it was too niche or specific, and would be unrelatable (or worse, weird in a not fun or quirky way). glad my very last second decision paid off!!
i LOVE that you thought she missed her classes omg 😂that's so funny. but yes i have certainly written some sex scenes to be very obviously unprotected. i was surprised at how soon people forget the first time they didn't use a condom (right before the reader met narvi), but at the same time... i very intentionally followed that up with the introduction. it makes sense bc i moved on from that real quick so y'all could look back on it and the other FIVE OR SIX TIMES dramatically. take a shot everytime loki doesn't wrap it up you'll be drunk before you know it.
it's totally fair for you to have thought narvi would tell someone about them! loki + y/n are lucky, so far only the people they're closest to know. being found out is certainly the main conflict of most professor AUs, so i think that's a totally reasonable guess. and oh my gosh, i love how invested everyone is in narvi. we, the asis fandom, will do anything to make sure that kid comes out unscathed and i think that's awesome. also omg the "you didn't connect shit" meme is one of my all time favs cass you are so funny i hope you know that.
gahhhh i am just so excited for y'all to read the next update and also! to have a new friend!!
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smoochkooks · 2 years
i bingeread all of an ode to a broken heart, and its so beautiful. i cried a lot obviously. you are so talented, i think YOU shd be writing a book. like the reader. also for a second i thought when yoongi said a sequel, is there a sequel?! maybe !!! no pressures though:) i enjoyed reading it so much, more than published books and its so poetic n beautiful, it just hits u in all the ways n makes u cry(a good thing) but tbh i wudnt hv read it if i knew the ending is sad. i m bit sensitive hehe :")
and the cover you made is so beautiful :""(((( fweb gbuhgoihdfnkdjfggkjgn    sorry i m jst overwhelmed. u r amazing. sending lots of love to you. if u ever became a published writer(are u aready? u r so good!!!) it would be a blessing to everyone :") <3 --also how to access your other stories :( i am bad at using tumblr sorry :(
and also i wanted to say sorry, when i asked will u finish aotabh it might have sounded pressurizing? but actually i m jst bad at tech :( somehow i thought that you had not posted for months, maybe i saw ur masterlist post and saw the date n got confused? so i asked bcz of tht, if i wudve seen ur archive beforehand(which i have now) and seen u have an active acc i wouldnt have! sorry if it sounded otherwise :( you shd only work when u feel good :)) <3 lots of love :) also do u have a bts-bias :)
hi!! First of all, thank you so much for your kind words. honestly, I wish I was an actual book author but unfortunately I'm far away from that :) but not gonna lie, publishing my own book is one of my biggest dreams and maybe one day I'll be able to do so. who knows, I might even turn one of my stories here into it lmao
I have my masterlist linked in my bio, you just have to click on 'poetry' :) and I didn't feel pressured at all when you asked me this question, it's okay not to know things, you weren't rude or anything so I'm totally fine with it😊 and my bts bias is jungkook!
I'm also sending you lots of love! 💜
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timeisacephalopod · 6 years
Okay I'm gonna be bad and ask for multiple things😬😬. So your top 5 ice cream flavors Top 5 books you love Top 5 fanfics you love Top 5 OTPs(OT3,OTn) & top 5 songs....😊😍😘
Lol a list of lists. Alright here goes an entirely way too long answer lmao (why must I word so much).
Ice Cream Flavors:
1- Cotton candy (yes, I am an actual child)
2- Butterscotch
3- Mint chip
4- Neapolitan (I know technically its 3 flavors in a bowl but still it counts)
5- Vanilla
Top Five Books:
This one is a bit difficult because I don’t read as much as I used to but I’m going to try and avoid things I haven’t read recently because if I include stuff from my teens I KNOW there’s a good chance I’ll hate it now (hello, House of Night series).
1- The Captive Prince series. Its 3 books but I felt it easier to just lump it in as one. Anyone who looks this up- I warn you that the premise sounds absolutely horrible (to give you a warning it includes slavery). But I got the series recommended by someone I can only describe as someone who looks like she teaches Sunday school and is quite liberal so I thought ok, maybe the premise sounds bad but she said it was a political thriller, I’ll give it a shot. So I did and this series is amazing. Prince’s Gambit is such a great book (the second in the series).
2- Anything by Ellen Hopkins. I know I’m cheating here but I love every single book she’s written. My favs of hers include Burned (the sequel is good but the first is better), Identical (holy fuck that book T H R E W me), and Crank, Glass, and there’s a third in that series I can’t remember but they are all SO good. I lived my rebellious teenage phase through Ellen Hopkin’s characters tbh. She is amazing, please look her up.
3- The Harry Potter series (cheating again, I know). I got to the series later than all my peers (I read it at 18) but I am particularly fond of the 6th book.
4- The Hunger Games series. I absolutely love the world, the premise, and the followthrough. Its been forever since I’ve read them, but I know they’d hold up well to memory.
5- Most anything by Laurie Halse Anderson. Twisted is the one I remember the most and I’ll warn that I haven’t read it since I was 15, which probably means its not as good as I remember or much better than I had been able to perceive at that point in life (this is how I feel about Ellen Hopkins- I noticed more when I was older). Wintergirls is also very good and fucking heartbreaking. 
Honorable Mentions: The Vampire Academy series. I dislike Rose/ Dimitri because I never could believe their relationship, but the worldbuilding, characters, and character arcs are fucking amazing. The sequel series has 2 good books but when I read the third I had to roll my eyes and throw the whole thing out. While Mead is amazing at workdbuilding and plot she should probably never be allowed to write romance. Her attempts are clumsy, sad, and strangely sex obsessed to the point where all characterization is lost even when I actually found the couple to be interesting and dynamic before they got together. But the first series has only background romance so its still fantastic. Someone get Mead a romance lesson, if she gets good at it then her books will be so much better.
Top Five Fanfics:
(Another hard one because I spend more time reading than writing oh no!)
1- From You I Cannot Hide by SailorChibi. Its Steve/ Tony and I cannot recommend it enough. The BDSM, the relationship, the writing itself. SC is one of my fav fanfic authors- very talented and this story in particular is one of my absolute favs (though I don’t read any of the age play stuff, not my thing. Still a v talented author though).
2- Merchant King of War and Woe by blakefancier. Its Steve/ Howard, a guilt pleasure of mine that really does not have enough content. Seriously, why do more people not ship this pairing??
3- Don’t Say It by bibliomaniac. Its Steve/ Tony/ Bucky and features autistic non verbal Tony. Hold f u c k this story was amazing. I read the premise and wasn’t sure about it, but at the time I had much love for Tony/Bucky/Steve so gave it a shot. I am very happy I did because its fucking amazing. Please read it.
4- Bell Tolls by esama. I read this a few days ago but holy Christ what a take on soul mate tropes. I love soul mates, but they do hold a great potential for dystopia that’s not capitalized on much and this story really goes above and beyond there. Its not too long but holy damn is it good.
5- Most anything by blue_jack that I’ve read. Usually I’m not overly fond of sex scenes- they often feel needless and overdone. But there’s an expectation in fanfic to write it and for the life of me my asexual ass cannot figure out how to do it. I’m not squeamish about sex or sex related things so I don’t understand my aversion to writing it. Anyways when I looked up advice on how to write sex one of the things I read was to find an author who writes sex well and note what you like about their writing. blue_jack was the author that I found that writes the most interesting, dynamic, and in character sex scenes I’ve read (with a lot of Steve/ Tony). Seriously- its not all ‘insert A tab in B slot’, its focused a lot on character thought as well. This is the kind of sex scene I aspire to write because A- it feels more natural and B- blue_jack is just really good. Like r e a l l y good. Read their things! 
Top Five OTPs:
1- IronPanther who is surprised lmao, no one given the sheer amount of content I write for them.
2- WinterIron. Again I’m sure no one is surprised.
3- IronStrange/ IronQuill pretty much equally
4- Tony/ Rhodey though I should write more of it
5- and, because I feel compelled to write one pairing that’s not an MCU pairing Damen/ Laurent from the Captive Prince series. Their relationship is a fucking RIDE.
Honorable mentions: Tony and literally every marvel character I haven’t mentioned minus like… Thanos and Pepper (no hate to Pep- I just don’t see the romance at all, and it was so hamfisted into the MCU basically only for the purposes of heterosexuality. Pepper deserves better, preferably Natasha tbh, and Tony obviously belongs with like Rhodey or something). Tony/Bucky/ T’Challa is an interesting pairing I want to explore more as well. Tony/Bucky/ Steve is another long standing pairing I like. Sam/ Bucky or Sam/Steve too- I love Sam with either character, but not both at the same time. Sam/ Rhodey is also very cute, as well as Sam/ T’Challa. Hope/ Rhodey is another unexpected preference of mine that I’ve included in a few things. I ship like 95% of the MCU with itself minus pretty much any canon pairing (as IF Hope would ever date Scott- she’s way too competent for him. She should be with Pepper or something, or literally anyone but Scott or Tony tbh).
Extra Bonus Points to all my BroTPs that are too long to list, but also basically consists of the MCU with itself tbh. 
Top Five Songs:
1- Gamekeeper by Jessie Reyez. Its fucking amazing.
2- Colors by Halsey. (Also Gasoline)
3- Mz Hyde by Halestorm
4- Hit and Run by LoLo
5- The World is Ugly by My Chemical Romance (among a lot of others).
Honorable mentions: Fall Out Boy’s last 3 albums. They got some bangers ok.
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