#obviously there’s a difference between inadvertently writing these situations (bad. reevaluate your relationships and idea of romance)
chryzure-archive · 1 year
actually, i’m still thinking abt a) that one post that mentioned that op dislikes the trope of “s/o out of control via a curse or other magic trickery and they are scary and want to hurt you, but you love them enough that you break them out of it” and b) the convo juno and i had about fantasy using abusive / assault-esque situations in an attempt to come off as romantic or dedicated or whatever, and i’m thinking about how……. it’s more effective when a curse like that immediately breaks the moment the person they love is in danger. because they love you—why would the person you love ever, ever make you scared of them? why would they ever hurt you? even with magic involved, you matter more to them than anything….. they would never, ever cause you harm or make you uncomfortable or anything.
idk, jst bugs me that novels (ya, especially) have a very casual approach towards consent—that they wave away bc of magic and fantastical elements—when really… you can have all of those and have it still be a healthy and consensual relationship. they act like the s/o hurting someone bc they’re under a curse is alright, bc that was just the curse! it wasn’t them! yeah, and if they beat their lover bc they’re intoxicated, that’s fine too, right?
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